Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Why I Hate dogs - REASONS Why

I hate dogs, too.  Normal people love nature, people.

Hate: I - A very strong dislike.
           II - Absolutely *no* relation to abusing, torturing or killing anything.
Dog:  I - a domestic mammal, animal, that is related to the wolves and foxes.
           II - a person whose behavior is offensive to others.

I hate dogs simply because dogs destroy our quality of life.
As simple as that.

I cannot enjoy the silence in my own home due to the torturing, ominous, non-stop barking.

I cannot enjoy my own backyard due to dogs barking furiously 

I cannot go get my mail without being barked on.

I cannot cross the street to admire the view. Stray dogs charging.

I cannot walk one single block without facing dog shit piles on the sidewalk

I cannot walk to the bakery anymore, I have to take a car. Stray dogs

I cannot enjoy a walk in the park anymore. Unleashed, menacing dogs.

I cannot ride my bike anymore. Dogs charging and trying to bite

I cannot go outside with kids anymore. Dogs can and do pop up from everywhere 

I cannot go to a clean beach anymore. dog shit everywhere. And dogs.

I cannot go to a sanitary restaurant anymore, full of unsanitary dogs.

I cannot travel by plane or my dog allergies will make me seriously sick. Peanuts not, dogs "OK".

I cannot live my life in a state of tranquility, but have to stay alert on the hazard of attacking dogs.

I cannot appreciate the smell of nature, it is only dog shit and urine stench.

I cannot watch TV anymore since dogs are everywhere, all the time

I cannot sleep without being wakened many times, several times.

I cannot work so productively anymore due to my lack of adequate sleep, because of dogs.

I cannot go shopping without being inconvenienced by the fake Emotional Support Dogs.

I cannot find a single public place where there are no more dogs.
I cannot have a normal life anymore!

That is why I hate dogs.

I don't hate everything

I don't hate broccoli.
I don't hate pink color.
I don't hate the stars.
I don't hate sharks.
I don't hate snakes
I don't hate spiders

None of them made or continue to make my life miserable. None of them invaded my personal space. None of them forced their natural characteristics on me.

There are not too many things I hate, but dogs I definitely do. With a myriad of strong, documented, educated, factual reasons. Not simple opinions or preferences, but irrefutable substantiated judgment.

I enjoy animals, natural animals

I enjoy birds.
I enjoy fish.
I enjoy spiders.
I enjoy snakes.
I enjoy monkeys.
I enjoy lions.
I enjoy horses.
I enjoy elephants.

I enjoy all natural animals just because they were created naturally by nature during millions of years. Those animals live in their natural habitat and thus help maintain a balanced environment. Good for humans, good for animals.

And when I say "natural animals", it is that dogs are Not natural, they are a mutated creature that were inbred and crossbred for around 15,000 years, creating the most unnatural biological creature there is today.

Top 10+ Reasons Why I Hate Dogs:

So, these are my factual, educated reasons why I Hate Dogs

- Dogs bark!
      Dog barking is an extremely loud, torturous, unbearable noise
- Dogs are loud!
      Dogs bark, howl, yap, growl and whimper. And cause their owners start yelling back. Sometimes.
- Dogs are dirty
      Dogs roll in shit, tear trash bags, eat dead carcasses... always full of germs, virus and parasites
- Dogs defecate
      Dogs leave their shitty excrement everywhere, specially on clean, neat places
- Dogs piss
      Dogs urinate everywhere, specially on where people walk.
- Dogs stink
      Dogs smell bad, really bad, even after a bath at the pet shop.
- Dogs are angry
      Dogs are neurotic and get angry for no reason
- Dogs jump on us
      Dogs jump uninvitedly, get our clothes dirty and fetid, if we don't pay attention.
- Dogs lick on us
      Dogs lick our legs and leave all that disgusting muck, if we don't pay attention.
- Dogs dribble
      Dogs saliva, full of hazardous germs, is then deposited on places humans frequent
- Dogs are deceptive
      Dogs cheat babies and kids by making them think dogs are a harmless toy
- Dogs are dumb
      Dogs are stupid if they need to be trained even for not to bark at the birds
- Dogs are ugly
      Dogs are inherently revolting, specially with that tongue hanging out of mouth
- Dogs cause anxiety
      Dogs make people to turn into a state of even higher vigilance and alertness when they see or hear a dog
- Dogs cause despair
      Dogs cause affliction by not letting normal people able to escape that situation.
- Dogs cause conflicts
      Dogs with their unruly behavior discord among normal people and dog lovers.
- Dogs destroy things
      Dogs are magnificent ruiners of peoples' gardens and manicured lawns
- Dogs depreciate people's properties
      Dogs with their stench, noise, annoyance, harassment, turns people's properties unusable, unattractive.
- Dogs are diseased
      Dogs are hosts of a huge number of serious diseases, including lethal ones.
- Dogs are unpredictable
      Dogs can charge, attack, bite, maim, maul and even KILL without notice.
- Dogs are DANGEROUS!
      ALL dogs are DANGEROUS, be it by a physical attack, a sonorous attack, a diseased attack, or a psychological distress attack.

--- Did I say dogs are LLLOOOUUUDDD!!!!!!!!?

In one phrase: dogs cause dirt, disease, dread, discord, despair, destruction, disability and death. Please pay attention on all the "Ds" of dogs.

What made me Not hate dogs

My hate for dogs is Not due to:
- A phobia for dogs. No, I'm not afraid of dogs, much less without reason (what characterizes a phobia).
- A trauma in my yesteryears. No, I've never been bitten, mauled or maimed by a dog, event though I had several close encounters.
- An animal hating family. No, my parents and extended family all appreciate animals, clean ones, and always outside the house.

Certainly there are more, several more reasons why I hate dogs. These are just the most important that that come to my mind now.

And did I say...

I Hate Dogs! 


And when I say "I", I also include a countless number of other sane, decent, and respectful people who also had their lives significantly changed, for the worst, all due to dogs, the animal and the human.




  1. I couldn't agree with you more.
    I adore this channel by a Canadian vegan woman who talks a lot about this subject. Her channel was initially named 'K9 Aversion', but she changed it later on into the lengthy 'Defenders Of Humans And The Natural World', for good reason. Her channel is about more then just pointing out the nastiness dogs bring into society.

    https://youtu.be/RVQxiJ0YByo (You Don't Need A Dog, Your Kids Don't Need A Dog & The Advantages Of Being Dog Free)

    1. And cats! Look up reasons why you cat urinates on your bed. It will blow your mind. The cat doesn’t like the type of litter, or where the litter box is located, or there has been a change in the house that makes the cat anxious! It’s ridiculous! Not only that, the feline sleep all day and are nocturnal animals so they are like 4 legged vampires!
      The things that gets me the most is the sheer amount of diseases cats (and dogs) can carry and pass on to humans by simply licking us. Yet there are people out here posting videos of dogs and cats sharing their beds with children and allowing these animals to lick the faces of children (whose immune system is much more vulnerable than an adult). If you think about it, posting a video of a dog licking the face of a new born child should be considered “ child endangerment”.

      🐈: toxoplasmosis, cat roundworm and cat scratch disease. The first one can be ingested after the little cunts defecate and where do most humans allow their cats to do their business? Inside the damn house. We also have the cat owners that allow their cats back in the house after the cat was out and about 🤢🤮. Pregnant women can miss carry and others have died after contracting this. The other two can be contacted if the cat scratches or bites you which is hilarious bc it can lead to vision loss and heart inflammation.

      It is mind blowing but we have gone from a time when humans slept under the same room with farm animals to stay warm in the winter to finally living apart from them; only to return to having animals living inside homes yet again. Some even sleep with their pets on their beds 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤢🤮. Cats and dogs are pest! They don’t belong inside the house! They are working animals! Cats were never fed in the past! They hunted snakes and rodents but were never welcome inside the homes. Dogs are working animals specifically bred for certain tasks but also not allowed inside homes let alone lick the face of a new born baby. It is just mind blowing! These people that defend owning animals as pets are the same people that defend sexually mutilating pets out of convenience! Yep, these Neanderthals believe in denying a living creature parenthood in exchange for convenience! These same people who allow these things to sleep in the beds are the same people who later tell others that they should t eat animals flesh. The same people that will lecture you on treating animals humanely! The same people that will attempt to will protest to stop the hunt of whales and dolphins, to release killer whales from captivity and the same people that will shame you for not jumping onto the idea of sharing your home with a disease carrying pest.

    2. Nope, cats are nothing like dogs. They use their litterboxes. A cat urinating on a bed or outside of it's box is sick, probably with a UTI. Cats are elegant and quiet unless they want to communicate to humans. Cats are clean, smell nice and have personal pride. Cats have been revered as gods. Never dogs.

      I recognize the butthurt of a dog owner who does not like this page and wants to throw cats into the pit with them, but they just don't belong there. Cats are natural animals. Dogs are not.

    3. Um…you don’t know what you are talking about. Cats piss to mark territory, when they are pissed off, and because they are neurotic, nutty as hell as much as nasty dogs. Both creatures don’t belong in your home stinking it up and carrying their parasites. All insane let pet owners ask yourselves this…would you walk a human being and pick up its poop? Would you have a litter box in your house for a full grown adult? Exactly who owns who?

  2. I also wholeheartedly agree partly because I have lately been reading more and more reports of people across the nation being mauled and bitten by out of control dogs. The "worship dogs or else" patrol are trying to browbeat China into outlawing killing dogs for human consumption--if they want to eat dogs it's their business, not the business of a bunch of bleeding heart, priggish, white American busybodies. Personally I wouldn't touch them with a twenty foot pole maybe not even if I were starving but I wholeheartedly agree with anyone who says that a good dog is a dead one. I understand Muslims believe that dogs are of the devil--maybe they're onto something. They stink and have bad breath, they slobber, pant disgustingly, shit and piss anywhere and everywhere, they have to be constantly trained, they can't be left alone as a cat can be, and are potentially dangerous. I rest my case.

    1. ^^^We found the vegan in the room. I think you took a wrong turn to get here. Vegans are as unnatural as dogs in this world.

  3. PS I think the pet food and supplies industry has many Americans brainwashed to think they're somehow incomplete if they don't "adopt" a dog. They are NOT children or "fur babies" and the owners are not "parents".

    1. Plus now it is “cool” to “rescue” as opposed to getting a pet from birth. American r getting dogs based on looks instead of functionality. Siberian huskies (bred for pulling sledges in Alaska and other winter environments which comes with 3 hair coats) are being seen as far south as Florida. Then, we see pictures of these animals inside refrigerators and owners defending what appears to be the animals cry for help as “cute overload” which earns even more likes and cult followers. (Even though it is just absolutely unsanitary to have an animal which might have earlier being rolling on contaminated soil defecated by other rodents and dogs) anywhere near the interior of a refrigerator. Off course, if you even dare to question this then you are ostracized from the online community or even receive warning bc somehow you have offended an entire cult of “cute overload” followers.

  4. I hate dogs as well. I often feel like an outsider. I wonder why the world is brainwashed into having these disgusting animals. Corporate America has led a massive Marketing Campaign to convince many people they have to get these animals. Then they must spend many dollars to keep them up. It puts money in the corporations pockets. I am very happy to have found your post.

  5. oh my! I thought I was the only one who hated dogs! Im so glad to know there are others out there! Thank you for your honesty :)

  6. Is this website a joke ? Dogs are the best, sorry you are all so pathetic

    1. Why r guns in most countries illegal but not dogs?
      A gun is a weapon but not a dog? Furthermore dogs and cats have a greenhouse gas paw print and it’s owners should be taxed accordingly. Yes, dogs carry diseases that can be lethal to humans, from parasitic worms to other pathogens. Dogs are carriers for viruses like Covid-19; so if you take your pet to a dog park, then it is conceivable that it could become a vector source. There was a time when songbird and pigeons were popular pets, that is until it was widely recognized that pigeons are carriers of up to seven lethal pathogens. Today pigeons are considered nothing more than pest in many places are there are signs across many cities prohibiting the public feeding them. Canines, felines, rodents, lizards and reptiles are not pets. Leave animals wild. If you want codependency in your life then get married; if you want to experienced the wild, then have some children.

    2. My neighbors from New York have returned to my neighborhood for the summer. Every summer they return with this man sized horse dog of theirs, and every summer our quiet neighborhood has the distinct pleasure of having to put up with the noise pollution of their pet’s constant barking. (Have you ever heard a Great Dane bark? Let me tell you it carries!!!). Neighbors have called the police on them many times and sure enough, the police have arrived at their home many times and yet this inconsiderate Yankee from the north continues to terrorize a quiet suburbia Florida neighborhood with this pest. Ever my morning, late at night durning the weekdays the damn dog is barking; it barks at everything, kids, squirrels, birds, cars, other dogs, just absolute turmoil for everyone but off course if anyone complains then they use the excuse of race against the neighborhood. The owners of the homes next to this property have leased out their homes out on both sides of the street, including the adjacent street running parallel behind the house! That is a total of nearly six homes owners that have had to root out their lives for the sake of one animal and it’s inconsiderate entitled owner. To top it all off, new lease owners are not staying and the homes are receiving bad reviews as summer homes bc of this animal excessive barking; yet you continue to defend dogs? You sir, are delusional.

  7. People are cunts! How often do we witness drivers not making use of the turn signals when changing lanes; even thought the switch is one inch from the steering signal? People are cunts! Instead of getting frustrated about it, I just carry a concealed gun with me at all times. It has saved my life twice now. Once when I was out jogging! (An unleashed dog launched at me while the owner was to busy looking at their mobile device; it never occurred to them that the trail in which they were walking their dog; which was part of a public park often habituated by children and other folks should be an issue for their animal). There was yet another time, right outside my house when I was getting ready to do an early morning jog when a neighbors dog running loose in the street decided to attack me. Later, the neighbor had the audacity to defend their pets attack by claiming that I should had not being participating in an early morning neighborhood jog bc it confused their pet.) Frankly, I have come to the realization that the vast majority of the human race are all inconsiderate entitled cunts! Better just to be armed and up to date with its functionality.

  8. My all time favorite are the environmentally friendly dog owners who walk their dogs early in the morning and pick up their animals remains in recyclable paper bags but then deposit them in unsuspecting neighbors trash containers specially durning recycling trash pickup days. They don’t realize that owning an animal that consumes animal protein matter is in fact leaving a green house paw print on the environment. In Australia, they are proposing taxing a green house gas tax on pet owners but what they should also be doing is taxing them with a standard water tax for forcing non owning pet owners and the rest of the community to waste extra water power washing trash containers and entire neighborhoods off their pets leaky bowel movement contents.

  9. 👍 I hate dogs and their owners! I will literally purposefully not date a person who owns a dog! It is on my top five list of 🚩 along with smoking 🚬 and drugs. I don’t care, I will not relent. That includes cats too! 🤢 🤮. You want companionship? Get married; you want wildlife? Have some children. I can’t wait till The day when droids replace organic pets. I think I have been born in the wrong century.

    1. I don't date. However, if I did, that would be my number one deal breaker, a dog. No way......

  10. It is 9:30 PM on Saturday night n the neighbor’s Great Dane has been left out on the front yard barking at all the folks walking at night bc who gives a shit for noise pollution. It’s ridiculous really! I’m not surprised the dog hasn’t been poisoned yet. N now we have not one but three pit bulls bc apparently our other neighbor has gotten a second Pitt and some new neighbors just gotten one too. Where is an alligator when one needs one! Actually I’m in need of a few; maybe we get lucky and they get eaten this summer.

  11. You know what time the neighbor’s dog stopped barking last night at? 2:40 am in the morning! We know this bc that is the time he arrived home in his Lamborghini SUV (it is loud, the 🚗). So just so you know from 9:00 PM to 2:40 am our neighbors dog (Great Dane) was left in the front yard barking away on a Friday night Saturday morning. Wait there is more, today the barking began at 7 am! At some point the dog was allowed out and the barking began again. Dogs SUCKS! Dog owners SUCK!

  12. I have a neighbor a few houses down that has a little pig; let me tell you this pig is the quietest little pig I have ever seen in my life Every morning this neighbor takes out the pig on a walk around the neighborhood and it eats all the acorns and other fruit that have fallen from the trees. I have actually pet this little guy at it doesn’t stink! Such an amazing creature! I don’t condone having one in the city or in the suburbs but who am I to argue. One thing is for sure! Of all the critters in the neighborhood, the pig is the quietest one. The neighbor has it potty trained and it dint require any need to sexually mutilate it to accomplish this. Sadly all the dogs in the neighborhood get triggered by the animal and then entire neighborhood turns into a circus. What bothers me the most of all this is that neighbors simply defend their pets behavior claiming this woman has no right to be owning a pig pet not bc it is illegal which is not but because it makes their dogs uncontrollable. It is shocking how self righteous you dog owners are in general. To blame someone else for you incapability to properly train an animal.

  13. I was jogging today at Buffalo Bayou bike trail in Houston TX bc It was a rainy day and I’d figured there would be no 🐕 at that park. WRONG! I came across a a couple walking along the bike trail with their UNLEASHED mastiff! I immediately stopped and reach for my Glock 43 under my shirt then asked the owners to leash the animal. They actually refused to follow on my request and responded with the usual pet defense “she is a sweetheart”, “don’t worry, she is a big baby”, “here come and pet her”. That is when I pull out my gun from my shirt and they responded by not leashing the animal but by wiping out their cellphones n recorded me. The hubby began screaming at me and telling me it would agitate their animal which could lead to an attack. I couldn’t believe it! They actually wanted me to shoot this 🤬🤬 dog; just bc they refuse to put a leash on a public park which clearly states all pets must be on a leash. At this point, I began walking backwards slowly as the couple followed me with their dog slightly ahead of them. They have literally began to bully me first with the dog and now with the cameras bc how dare I burnish my concealed weapon in Texas of all states. “Guns are illegal in a park he screamed! “Concealed weapons are not!” I responded. “It is not concealed” she replies. “You have force me to pull it out by walking with an unleashed pet in a public park through a trail used by joggers”. “We have you in camera and you are going to jail trumper” they both replied as they continue to approach me with their unleashed dog. “No need to deflect from your crime by bringing politics into this pointless confrontation” I responded as I stopped an lifted my gun to aim. “Put your weapon down” he responded as “he has a gun pointed at us” she was calling the police. “I will shoot your dog if it comes any closer” screaming so the police operator could hear me. “That tiny gun won’t stop my dog” he responded as she continued to talk to the police. “This is your last warning, do not approach me” screaming it out loud. Park security arrives behind me and demands the animal be put on a leash. Guess who got fined and arrested when the police finally arrived! Not I say the so called “trumper”.

  14. i agree, if only i could have a single, good morning without hearing the barking, i mean it happens all day everyday. the only time i dont hear it is when it rains.

  15. those assholes right next to our neighborhood have at least a total of 20+ dogs, i dont know how many people live in the neighborhood mainly because anyone and or anything that passes around the fence leading to the neighborhood will be barked at. good thing we will be moving soon, im hoping to god that we dont move near someone or some people that own outside dogs. it drives me insane.

  16. All Saturday and Sunday morning listening to the dog bark! I had enough! I walk over to their property line today and started screaming at the dog to be quiet! Guess what happened? The neighbor sent their kid out to get the dog inside the house; din’t has the decency to come out themselves and apologize for ruining our Saturday and most of our Sunday morning but at least we finally had a QUIET Sunday afternoon.

    I don’t hate dogs just privileged dog owners and their pet’s deplorable behavior.

    1. In other words, you DO Hate Dogs since there would be no dog owners if dogs didn´t exist. Dogs specifically are the problem, everything else are their consequence.

    2. I know I hate them. Filfthy and loud and too often deadly. I would like a world without dogs. No dogs at all.....

  17. Ahh hell! What was I thinking! It is 10:40 PM N the Great Dane is barking again in the front yard. Frankly I’m tired of calling the police n filing complains. Now we have the owner with the Pit Bill who is most likely taking out their dogs out for one last walk also joining the fun. Let’s all bark at 11:40 PM at night bc who cares that others have to be up early tomorrow! Cunts! All of them!

    1. Yep, dog owners. Aren't they swell. Can't say a thing to them about their precious dogs. It doesn't matter what the dog does, bark incessantly, poop everywhere, attack someone. Doesn't matter, they will make an excuse for their dog. I'm sick of dogs and dog owners.

  18. Could not agree with you more!! Dogs are the number 1 disturber of the peace! Dogs are for the dull witted proletariat. Cats are for the refined upper class.

  19. It's disgusting how many fathers, as well as mother, put their disgusting dogs before their kids and each other. I grew up in a home where my siblings and I were always second to my dad's various dogs.

    1. Yes, me too! I grew up with dogs everywhere. My mother worshipped her dogs while we went hungry. I don't understand the obsession with dogs. They are literally everywhere and God forbid, you say something negative about any dog to any dog owner not matter what it is. I absolutely HATE all dogs.

  20. Lately most like to get a 'rescue dog' as if it's something highly virtuous to do. Now we are seeing more and more therapy dogs in Hospitals, cannot think of anything less welcome in a Hospital than a dirty drooling dog. Where I live there are about 5 million strays all over the place, people feed them thinking they are doing a good deed!

  21. i totaly agree, i love cats but dogs are just annoying and suck!

    1. Sooooo nice to find this forum. I am so tired of being judged and ridiculed for not liking dogs. Dog owners are worse than their dogs. You cannot reason with them. I absolutely hate dogs more and more every day.

  22. Don´t forget dogs are since the dawn of mankind related to the Underworld, including mytical beasts like Anubis Cerberus, Moloch... always praising evil. Certainly there are reasons for that.

  23. @unknown why the fuck did you Google "I hate dogs" and comment on here then? Lol deep down you know dogs are worthless. And to the dog worshipping, cat hating people- why bring up cats? Admit, deep down you have to talk shit about cats to make yourself feel better about owning a stupid animal like a dog.

  24. There is a song that goes like "shut up cunt, I'll cut your tongue back down bitch you're fucking done" lol that song plays in my head when these dog worshipping losers get butthurt at my hatred for dogs lol.


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The “dog” Word in Different Languages – Dog God Not!

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