Friday, February 22, 2019

Cynolatry - The Insane Worship of dogs

Moloch - Deity that required sacrifices of children

Cynolatry - The Most Insane, Demented, Maniacal Adoration of dogs

Cynolatry is a maniacal worship of dogs, observed on affected people with the most severe degree of the disease - The Mutt Syndrome - as they tend to think or even do think that dogs are an almighty creature capable of doing no wrong. Sufferers devote most or a significant part of their daily lives to tender for dogs, possibly alienating their family, friends, work/classmates, and other members of society. In the most severe gradation of the disease, it is the worshipping of dogs in the form of even offering their baby for letting the dog to decide on the infant's fate.


1 - The worship of dogs
2 - A mental disorder associated with the insane adoration of dogs
3 - A cult-like group or informal organization of like-minded (thus sickened) individuals that share the same insane beliefs

A Place for Cynolatry in History and Mythology

It is said that the original inhabitants of the Canary Islands (to the west of northern Africa), Guanches, used to worship dogs, mummified them, and treated dogs generally as holy animals.

The ancient Greeks also knew about a people, living far to the west, who are the "dog-headed ones", who worshipped dogs on an island.

Some hypothesize that the Canary Islands dog-worship and the ancient Egyptian cult of the dog-headed god, Anubis are closely connected but there is no explanation given as to which one was first.

The Canary Islands were Not named after the canary bird but actually to the name of Canidae, meaning dogs in Latin.

Cynolatry as a Cult

Cult - Dictionary definition for cult
A system of religious (fervorous) veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.
  • a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practises regarded by others as strange or sinister.
    synonyms: sect, denomination, faith, faith community, belief, persuasion, affiliation, movement;
  • a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.
    synonyms:  obsession with, fixation on, mania for, passion for.

A way of worshipping dogs as if those animals could cause no harm

An indirect way of offering a baby to an almighty dog
And more insanity:

(I still have to confirm this fatal attack, but anyway)

Isn't it about time dog-people stop sacrificing babies, toddlers and kids to their
imaginary almighty god dog?


Origin of Cynolatry
Unknown at the moment but has grown significantly in popularity during the two or three last decades due to the strong publicizing of dogs in contemporary society.

cyno- +‎ -latry
    Used to form names for taxa whose members resemble dogs in some way
    worship of

Mentions of Cynolatry in History
  • 1876, Appletons' journal
    Such instances of insane cynolatry are not very common, fortunately, in this country; but on the Continent and in Great Britain they may be frequently seen...
  • 1909, Ambrose Bierce, “The Dog in Ganegwag”, in The Land beyond the Blow:
    Cynolatry is tolerant so long as the dog is not denied an equal divinity with the deities of other faiths.


1 comment:

  1. Putting something as violent, dirty and unpredictable as a dog near a defenceless child is unethical, unhealthy and irresponsible. The childs parents/guardians are committing child neglect - even child abuse by allowing dogs around children. innocent children forced to live in homes where a dog is kept are being denied the time, money and resources they need to maximise their prospects of a successful, healthy life. Tragic and disgusting.


All messages go through Moderation.
Dog lovers are NOT welcome. Thanks.

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