Thursday, February 28, 2019

Dog Memes - The Most Beautiful Pictures on Dog Culture - Part 1

The Wisest Words in Pictures on Dog Culture - Part 1

This is a loooooong page. Please be patient and you'll be rewarded with enlightening knowledge.

Memes are pictures with interesting texts. Well, on dog culture those memes do not even need any texts. The pictures say it all.


Check all "The Wisest Words in Pictures on Dog Culture Series 1 - 16" to be stunned!

Dog Memes - The Most Beautiful Pictures on Dog Culture - Part 1
Dog Memes - The Most Beautiful Pictures on Dog Culture - Part 2
Dog Memes - The Most Beautiful Pictures on Dog Culture - Part 3
Dog Memes - The Most Beautiful Pictures on Dog Culture - Part 4
Dog Memes - The Most Beautiful Pictures on Dog Culture - Part 5
Dog Memes - The Most Beautiful Pictures on Dog Culture - Part 6
Dog Memes - The Most Beautiful Pictures on Dog Culture - Part 7
Dog Memes - The Most Beautiful Pictures on Dog Culture - Part 8
Dog Memes - The Most Beautiful Pictures on Dog Culture - Part 9
Dog Memes - The Most Beautiful Pictures on Dog Culture - Part 10
Dog Memes - The Most Beautiful Pictures on Dog Culture - Part 11
Dog Memes - The Most Beautiful Pictures on Dog Culture - Part 12
Dog Memes - The Most Beautiful Pictures on Dog Culture - Part 13
Dog Memes - The Most Beautiful Pictures on Dog Culture - Part 14
Dog Memes - The Most Beautiful Pictures on Dog Culture - Part 15 - Hitler Loved Dogs!
Dog Memes - The Most Beautiful Pictures on Dog Culture - Part 16 -
Cigarettes and Dogs are SAFE for your HEALTH! 

No Dogs, Please!

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Dog Lovers - Dangerous Criminals

List of Crimes Committed By Dog Owners With a Mental Dysfunction

Strong, repeated, and varied criminal behaviors are the hallmarks of irresponsible dog lovers. One single dog lover can provide at least two of the following misdemeanors and/or felonies alike (in no specific order):
  • Endangering people to the risk of contamination (in hospitals. restaurants...)
  • Endangering the public safety by letting dogs roam freely
  • Endangering the public health by promoting dog barking noise pollution
  • Libel, slander and defamation against non-dog people
  • Disturbing the peace
  • Incitement to violence
  • Criminal conduct
  • Criminal association
  • Criminal trespass
  • Trespassing
  • Bestiality 
  • Fraud (Fake service dog)
  • Disorderly conduct
  • Noise assault
  • Psychological Torture using dog barking as a means
  • Dereliction of duty (by council, politicians, police, and judges who are dog lovers themselves)
  • Destruction of private property
  • Destruction of public property
  • Nuisance / Private Nuisance
  • Public Nuisance
  • Continuing Nuisance (when the forcefully inflicted barking noise is frequent, repetitive)
  • Vandalism (by leaving dog feces in public or private properties not owned by the sufferer)
  • Littering (by dog urine)
  • Obstructing the police (hiding a dog when the police come for a violation)
  • Destruction of Evidence (silencing a barking dog when the police come)
  • Bite upon human being by using a dog
  • Mischief/Menacing/Stalking
  • Promoting harmful or lethal aggression against non-dog owners
  • Inflicting grievous bodily harm by using a dog
  • Battery (by a dog jumping on or licking a person)
  • Assault (the crime of trying or threatening to hurt someone physically)
  • Negligence/Distress through negligence/Harassment/health ramifications
  • False reporting of a crime
  • Endangering a flight safety by letting a dog run loose inside a plane cabin
  • Cyber bullying
  • Contempt of court
  • Animal abandonment
  • Animal mistreatment
  • Animal torture
  • Animal cruelty
  • Intimidation
  • Attempt of murder
  • Murder committed by oneself
  • Murder using a dog as a weapon (when the dog kills someone even without the presence of the owner) 

Yes, Dog Owners Are Criminals! 

All the cases above are real, already happened, but somehow many or even most were not treated as such. Subject for a new study.

Certainly, responsible dog owners - meaning truly Responsible dog owners - do not commit any of the crimes above. However, quite unfortunately, a very high percentage of dog owners of today are not responsible, at all. Some of those other Irresponsible dog owners are the ones who commit one or more of the crimes above, some times even repeatedly.

Those overly irresponsible dog owners who commit those crimes just because of their dogs are persons who undoubted;y carry a serious mental dysfunction, like Psychopathy, Narcissism or Anthropomorphism among many others. Another subject for a new study.

Note for Responsible Dog Owners

This article does NOT state that ALL dog owners are criminals. However, most are indeed, and by far. If you are a truly Responsible dog owner - a rarity these days - and do not want want to be misconstrued as those criminals, please help us constructing a better world for us all.

How? Do not accept their behaviours, report them to authorities, and demand these same authorities do their full job in total accordance to the law.

Otherwise you will be seen just as another lunatic, harmful dog lover.

Note: This is Not a legal paper. This article is not intended for law purposes. This is posted here only for education on the many possible criminal acts and/or at least anti-social behaviour that irresponsible dog lovers commit.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Cynolatry - The Insane Worship of dogs

Moloch - Deity that required sacrifices of children

Cynolatry - The Most Insane, Demented, Maniacal Adoration of dogs

Cynolatry is a maniacal worship of dogs, observed on affected people with the most severe degree of the disease - The Mutt Syndrome - as they tend to think or even do think that dogs are an almighty creature capable of doing no wrong. Sufferers devote most or a significant part of their daily lives to tender for dogs, possibly alienating their family, friends, work/classmates, and other members of society. In the most severe gradation of the disease, it is the worshipping of dogs in the form of even offering their baby for letting the dog to decide on the infant's fate.


1 - The worship of dogs
2 - A mental disorder associated with the insane adoration of dogs
3 - A cult-like group or informal organization of like-minded (thus sickened) individuals that share the same insane beliefs

A Place for Cynolatry in History and Mythology

It is said that the original inhabitants of the Canary Islands (to the west of northern Africa), Guanches, used to worship dogs, mummified them, and treated dogs generally as holy animals.

The ancient Greeks also knew about a people, living far to the west, who are the "dog-headed ones", who worshipped dogs on an island.

Some hypothesize that the Canary Islands dog-worship and the ancient Egyptian cult of the dog-headed god, Anubis are closely connected but there is no explanation given as to which one was first.

The Canary Islands were Not named after the canary bird but actually to the name of Canidae, meaning dogs in Latin.

Cynolatry as a Cult

Cult - Dictionary definition for cult
A system of religious (fervorous) veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.
  • a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practises regarded by others as strange or sinister.
    synonyms: sect, denomination, faith, faith community, belief, persuasion, affiliation, movement;
  • a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.
    synonyms:  obsession with, fixation on, mania for, passion for.

A way of worshipping dogs as if those animals could cause no harm

An indirect way of offering a baby to an almighty dog
And more insanity:

(I still have to confirm this fatal attack, but anyway)

Isn't it about time dog-people stop sacrificing babies, toddlers and kids to their
imaginary almighty god dog?


Origin of Cynolatry
Unknown at the moment but has grown significantly in popularity during the two or three last decades due to the strong publicizing of dogs in contemporary society.

cyno- +‎ -latry
    Used to form names for taxa whose members resemble dogs in some way
    worship of

Mentions of Cynolatry in History
  • 1876, Appletons' journal
    Such instances of insane cynolatry are not very common, fortunately, in this country; but on the Continent and in Great Britain they may be frequently seen...
  • 1909, Ambrose Bierce, “The Dog in Ganegwag”, in The Land beyond the Blow:
    Cynolatry is tolerant so long as the dog is not denied an equal divinity with the deities of other faiths.


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

How Many dog Bites a Year in the USA 2018/2019?

How Many People Were Bitten by dogs in the USA 2018/2019?

Let's check the number of dog bites from 2000 to 2018, assessed by

68 million dogs in the USA 2000 <-> no info on bites
78 million dogs in the USA 2009 <-> 4.5 million bites
90 million dogs in the USA 2018 <-> 5.2 million bites

      Yes, 5.2 MILLION dog bites in 2018, USA alone!


       5.2 MILLION PEOPLE were bitten by dogs in 2018, USA alone!


       One out of 18 dogs have bitten someone in the US in 2018!

Note that this number of over 5 million dog bites in the US in 2018 alone is a LOWER estimate since most dog bites are simply not reported and the victims are not taken to the hospital, specially when those victims are directly related to the attacking dog owner since they do not want to run the risk to have their dog confiscated or euthanized or to avoid charges like child endangerment or to pay any fines.

The U.S. population is approximately 325.7 million people as of 2017. That means that

      Each dog has a chance of bitting 1 out of every 69 people.

A better estimate, made by reputable sources, would be three 3 times higher; around 15 million dog bites in the US in 2018 alone!

      Better estimate: Fifteen million dog bites in 2018 in the US alone!

 Anyway, I'm going to keep that lower number so that no one can accuse us, the "insane dog haters"of inflating those already gigantic numbers.

Also, 5,2 million dog bites a year mean that over 14 thousand people are bitten everyday!

      Over 14.000 people were bitten EVERYDAY in 2018 in the US!

There also the number of people who need to go to a hospital, many times requiring governmental resources like Police and Ambulance:

- 4.5 million dog bites USA 2009 <-> 800,000 of those bites resulted in medical care
- 5.2 million dog bites USA 2018 <-> 920,000 of those bites resulted in medical care in the US in 2018


      Over 900,000 - 9 hundred thousand - people required medical care in the US in 2018

Isn't it insane? Absolutely!  (But some people are profiting from it so that is why they keep going on and growing steadily).

But wait, there is more:

That statistic about 1 person in 69 being bitten is just for a single year. If you do the math based on those numbers that’s what you get; 5.2 million divide 330 million equals 0.015, or 1 in 69. So, what are the chances of being bitten after a decade? Or in your lifetime? Some people have been bit several times in their  lives, most of them probably not so serious, and most of them probably when a kid. 

So, 1 person in 69 being bitten is just for a single year. Over a lifetime it's way more than that. Let's see.

​Actually, if you are to live let's say for 80 years and every year you have a 1 in 69 chance of being bitten, well, as a plain simple guesstimate, when you get to the age of 69 (from 1 in 69) you statistically will have already be bitten once!

But as some other people may be bitten twice or more while others none, than when you get to your final year of 80 years old, 11 years later from 69yo, you will be very possibly having being bitten at least once! Almost a certainty! So,

YOU, and I, and EVERYBODY ELSE in the WORLD*
will be almost certain be BITTEN by a dog
in OUR LIFETIME at least ONCE!
(Your kids, too!)

And let's not forget all the innumerable diseases too, mentioned ahead. Simply sickening.

* Still statistically speaking, there is one single country in the world, a civilized one where there are ALMOTS NO DOGS! But I'm not going to say which paradise it is otherwise dog lovers would ruin that place in a moments notice. They aretrying though. Detail, that is not a Muslin country like UAE United Arab Emirates where they ALSO do not tolerate dogs, simply because those animals are considered too filthy for them.

There is ONE single COUNTRY that do NOT HAVE almost any dogs AT ALL!

In others words

You have an almost ZERO chance of being BITTEN by dogs in that country.
Or either getting DISEASED, MAIMED, MAULED or even KILLED by dogs!

A safer place with almost NO dogs!

Isn't it nice?

How Many dog Bites a Year in the World 2018/2019?

For the world number of dog bites in the World:
90 million dogs 2018, USA <-> 5.19 million bites
900 million dogs 2018, World <-> 51.9 million bites

So, 52 million dog bites a year in the WORLD 2018/2019.
In other words, 52 MILLION people are bitten by dogs every year in the world.

As one in five dog bites tends to require medical attention in a hospital ER:
52 million dog bites in the World <->10.4 million need medical attention in a hospital ER

So, an staggering 

OVER TEN MILLION - 10.4 million - people had to go to the hospital to be treated due to a
dog bite injury in the World 2018!

 Lots of money for doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, politicians, lawyers... right?

Than, if in 2016 more than 31.000 people underwent reconstructive surgery (in the US only) as a result of being bitten by dogs:
2016 - dog pop US 75 million - rec surg 31,000
2018 - dog pop World 900 mil - rec surg 372,000!!!!!

Again, the absurd number of  

372,000 people underwent reconstructive surgery in the World as a result of being bitten by dogs!

Certainly, many of those victims living in third world countries or in very poor conditions anywhere could NOT GET ANY reconstructive surgery and so became disfigured FOR LIFE or simply DIED for lack of adequate treatment. We can not know for sure how many because these numbers do not exist but the attacks, bites, injuries and victims are a TRUE calamity!

Going on:

in the USA/ World in 2018/2019

Comparing those numbers from the US to the World, we have:

- 90 million dogs (USA 2018) <-> ~50 deaths of people killed by dogs (USA 2018)
- 900 million dogs (World 2018) <-> ~500 deaths of people killed by dogs (World 2018)

by dogs in the World 2018/2019

Another problem is: those were the DIRECT deaths of humans by dogs, they do Not include the INdirect deaths of humans caused the enormous, countless (?) and growing (!) number of diseases caused by dogs and/or transmitted by dogs.
  • Rabies
  • Leishmaniosis
  • Leptospirosis
  • Psittacosis
  • Campylobacteriosis
  • Salmonellosis
  • E. coli
  • Water contamination
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Lack of sleep
  • Heart diseases
  • Mental illnesses (plural) of dog lovers themselves
And many more but I'm gonna stop here. There is coming an specific article on the many diseases caused by dogs. This article here is just about numbers, gigantic and horrible numbers as we can see. 

So, how many people are KILLED by dogs Directly and INdirectly every year in the World 2018/2019? We simply do not know. Thousands? Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands? A couple million people killed by dogs and its diseases??? We don't know.

Maybe it's even MORE than a couple million. But we just do not know. So,

Too many, maybe MILLIONS of HUMANS were KILLED  by DOGS
AND their DISEASES in the WORLD 2018/2019

This insanity has to end. Enough!

Please also visit:
- How Many Dogs Are There In The World and USA - 2018/2019?
- How Many dogs Die Daily?
- How Many dogs Are Too Many?


Several other pages from that do no exist online anymore but are saved in pdf format stored together my files. If you want a copy for a truly useful reason, and are a person truly immersed in this quest against dangerous dogs, I'll kindly provide it to you.

The “dog” Word in Different Languages – Dog God Not!

Dogs, Worldwide Known as The Diabolical Beasts The “dog” word obviously has different meanings in different languages. Sure, the d...

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