The I HATE DOGS YouTube Series
Dog Worship Cult
Jul 27, 2018
This is a back up for the YouTuber "I Hate Dogs" who for some reason is unfortunately not updating his great channel anymore. Videos that always contained truthful, enlightening and thought-provoking info and data on the current insanity about dog worshipping.
His YouTube channel - I HATE DOGS - came to have 104 videos but dog worshippers can not tolerate reality and are demanding YouTube to delete his videos. As of now, at least 4 videos were deleted from YT.
To avoid that and try to perpetuate his message and great work - actually, a Crusade - this series was created. This video is being transcripted together with the comments so that they also could be registered perhaps for life. Another benefit is that other people who do not like dogs could find this information more easily on the Internet since Google do Not index (make available for searching) all that information, both the written content of the video and the comments.
We, people who do not want to be tortured by dogs and dog worshippers, hope I Hate Dogs could come back soon and create more videos with so much needed information.
He is Not alone. There are many people out there who think like him, perhaps most part of the population, but are afraid to express their opinion. Dog lovers are dangerous. They are sick, mentally sick.
The CRUSADE is still going on. And stronger by the day.
Dog Worship Cult
Transcript of "Dog Worship Cult"
Now, let's continue with this crusadeagainst these worthless dogs and theirderanged owners.
One of the most weird,bizarre behaviors and signs of
mental illness among these mutt lovers is howdogs are more important to them than ourhumans this is seen most clearly ondating websites where I've seencountless women who refuse to dateanybody who isn't willing to let theirdog lick on them to rub their dog andallow their dog to have its way withthem just as it does with her and I'mquite sure there are men out here whosay the same thingyou must also love my stinking worthlessmuttthe most recent comment I read was awoman who said that she loves her dogher dog is family and if you're going tobe in a relationship with her restassure you will be loving her dog aswell if you're not into that level ofintimacy with dogs they want nothing todo with you right again ask yourselfwhat other animal on earth will rejecttheir own kind in favor for some othertype of animal they do not even havesocial relationships with other animalslike that at all it doesn't happenbecause these mutt lovers are subprimitive they're on a lower level ofintelligence in evolution than are wildanimalsaccording to Child Health org every yearmore than 3.6 million referrals are madeto child protection agencies involvingmore than 6 point 6 million childrenright a referral can include multiplechildren the United States has one ofthe worst records among industrializednations losing on average between fourandin children everyday to child abuse andneglectjust as I talked about before a reportof child abuse is made every 10 secondsit's difficult for me not to wonder thatthis would be different if people wereas crazy about their own children asthey are about months according toanimals sake calm in 2007 there wereabout 1200 cases of dog abuse accordingto the Humane Society there were about athousand cases of dog abuse in 2011that's between a thousand and twelvehundred cases of dog abuse each yearcompared to 3.6 million referrals tochild protection agencies which involvemore than six point six million childrenwithout question these sick mentallydisturbed dog worshipping fanaticsvalue dogs more than they value theirown children they were they are far morelikely to abuse their children than theyare to abuse a worthless mutt this isexactly why you always see them walkingthrough the communities with theseworthless ugly animals rather than theirown kids whenever you see their kidsoutside their kids are by themselvesbeing neglected the parents are notoutside spending time with them they'renot bonding with them they only spendquality time and they only seek to bondwith their stinking ass ugly worthlessmutt this is the level of mental illnessthey're on so the statistics and thevisual evidence you see every day provesthat dogs are more valuable to doglovers than our humans as well as theirown chilland their own spouse this is literallydog worship look at the word worshipadoration for deity to show reverenceand adoration for to honor right a fewsynonyms are reverence venerationadoration glorification exaltationpraise without doubt all of thesesynonyms as well as the definition ofworship itself applies to these doglovers in relation to dogs right theremight be fewer cases of child abuse ifthese people held their own children insuch high regard these social media doggroups are nothing but ongoing dogceremonies of worship where they allparticipate in praising dogs postingimage after image of dogs and in eachpost there are hundreds of people whosimply praise the dog's appearance rightusually calling a dog cute gorgeousbeautiful they're brainwashingthemselves if they were doing this totheir own children there will be fewercases of child abuse or making some kindof compliment for these ugly droolingdisgusting worthless mutts they are notengaged in its type of activity on adaily basis 24/7 for the figurehead oftheir religion or their children theygather together and praise dogs and dogsonly all day every day when you view thephoto galleries of many of these peopleon their social media websites they havemore photos of their dog anything elsemore photos of their mutt then ofthemselves and of their familythe obsession these people have withdogs is at a breathtaking level do youreally believe these people enjoyreligious services as much as they enjoyspending time with their worthless muttsnot on your life they even go as far asto claim that all dogs go to heaven lookhow much time they devote to creatingthese outrageousass means these people are possessed bythe very existence of dogs Gilbert KeithChesterton an American writerphilosopher among other things famouslysaid quote wherever there is animalworship there is human sacrifice and allof these victims all of these childrenall of these infants have beensacrificed to maintain the presence ofdogs in our society sacrifice so thatthese people can continue to worshipdogs hundreds of thousands of attackseach year understand it is irrelevant topoint out that there are only 20 to 50people actually killed by dogs each yearbecause when a person is being attackedyou do not know if they will be one ofthose people to die you don't know ifthey're going to survive that attack ornot the attack itself is a sacrificebecause the life is being put on theline at that time the threat of fatalityis imminent and despite the hundreds ofthousands of serious injuries each yearthese people are still willing to putlives on the line right of adultschildren babies on the line to maintainthe presence of dogs they don't evenentertain the idea of getting rid ofdogs or never owning a dog again theywill even find pleasure in increasingthe likelihood of bloodshed to their ownchildren by placing their children andbabies near or actually on top of theseworthless dangerous unpredictablebrainless months and they respond toincreasing the level of childendangerment with joy white what do theydo they smile and say oh how cute theywant to grab the camera and take a photorecord a video all in response to havingsignificantlyincrease the chances of severe injuryand death to their own childrenthey literally sacrifice their ownchildren they are willing to put theirchildren in that type of danger just soit could be close to or on top of theirGod their symbol of worship dog loversare the longest reigning cult of animalworshippers that has been tolerated bysociety in recorded history the factthat this government in this mediasupports and promotes dog worship formost the idea of dogs being a part ofthe family is an outright crime againsthumanity conditioning people againsttheir own health safety and overallinterest all for money the act ofcalling yourself a dog mom or dog dadand raising children in a home where adog is placed on the same level as theyare your own flesh and blood childrenwhich implies to that child that theyare no more important to that parentthan that worthless mutt is that isoutright sick satanic demonic behavior Idare one of you mutt lovers to arguethat with just sick asses yourflesh-and-blood child will not getmauled and disfigured by its humanbrother or sister that mutt does notprocess the world or the information inthat world with the level ofintelligence that that child does thatdog is not on the level of a human beingyour child that dog does not feelemotions like that child does it is notan extension of your DNA like your childis again doesn't this sound like metrying to civilize cave people who don'teven understand what it is to be a realhumanwho are not evolved told you thesepeople are modern cave people disgustingbrainless people who are dumber thaneven animals as I've proven that muttdid not live in your body for ninemonths like your child did the audacitythese people to place a filthy worthlessmutt on the same level as your child inany way at alldegrades the very existence of thatchild how can you sit there with astraight face and say that you are amother or father of a worthless mutt youpeople are an embarrassment to humanityand something seriously needs to be donebecause your mental issues affect theentire societ!
capo leader
capo leader
1 year ago
Go on POF and every other profile is prefaced by Must love dogs! Never date anyone who cohabitates with one of these disgusting filthy animals. Listen to this guy he is nailing it in every video. Love it!
8 months ago
Noticed the same thing. It's seen as some kind of gold standard of personal quality to love dogs. Complete hogwash.
2 months ago
If I ever go on such a site I will have to say: "Must Hate Dogs"
mac 187
mac 187
1 month ago
mister charlie
mister charlie
1 year ago
i never understood the need for this "unconditional love" these dog benefactors constantly shriek about. that slavish, sycophantic behavior, displayed by dogs, is incredibly pitiful.
Dana Campbell
Dana Campbell
10 months ago
Good god, yes! I can't even stand people with dog-like personalities!
Batfleck Forever
Batfleck Forever
6 months ago
I can't imagine someone being so pathetically socially retarded that they have to settle for a dumb, goofy, stinky, worthless mongrel as a "best friend."
Smith A
Smith A
1 year ago
Why would you want to date someone who has a dog anyway? There house stinks!
2 months ago
They have already made their choice of partner.
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla
1 year ago (edited)
Another thing these brain-damaged dog owners love to say is how "animals/dogs are better than people, because humans are the only species that have utterly ruined this planet."
That is such a dog lover cliche right there, I'm sure you have all heard that gem a thousand times.
Now imagine this - you got these dog loving freaks sitting inside their climate controlled homes (built and invented by humans) sipping a drink (made and bottled by humans) as they prepare to get into their car (built and invented by humans) and drive on roads (designed and paved by humans) to buy dog food (made and packaged by humans) then get back home to shower (built and designed by humans) with soap (made and processed by humans) and dry off with a towel (made by humans) then eat some dinner (made, grown, harvested, and packaged by humans) then hop onto the computer (built and invented by humans) to log on to the internet (invented and maintained by humans).. only for them to talk about how BAD humans suck.
The level of derangement is immeasurable. Do these damn fools think their foul stenching dogs invented the medicine they take when they get sick, or the painkillers they take when they are suffering, or the hospitals they go to when they are ill?? Do they think that it was their brain dead goofy stinking dogs that built our infrastructure that we all use every single day to supply us with with all our electricity, running water, and plumbing??
No, all these doggie ass-sniffers can think of is that .001% of the population that built nukes, spilled toxic waste in the ocean, or something like that.
If these mental institution escapees really hate humanity so much, then they should just go live off the grid somewhere without all the provisions that mankind has made for them, this way they can live in peace with as many ugly brainless good-for-nothing baby-killing mutts as their heart's desire without all us bad humans around.
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla
1 year ago (edited)
marsel egan I know I know, there's no such thing as a bad dog, only a bad owner.
But what about all the countless strays that attack children in the streets of 3rd world countries? They have no owners.
I know I know, the stray dog MUST have had an abusive owner previously that got rid of him.
But what about all the ones that didn't, that were born on the street?
I know I know, the people on the street must have abused the dog somehow.
Even though dogs are carnivorous creatures that are genetically predisposed to attack it's prey, there's ALWAYS a reason why it's NOT the fault of the violent dog, and the fault of a human somehow. And then every time a dog mauls someone, it's always the same thing, they always say, "He was such a good dog that never hurt anyone, I don't know how this happened."
Maybe not all dogs are good.
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla
1 year ago (edited)
"Why do you have to be angry about it?"
Angry? You got all these anti-human animal lovers that wish death and agony on humans for eating meat, or death and agony on Asians for eating dog, or death and agony for absolutely anyone who treats any animal with what they consider to be abuse (even though just about everything is "abuse" to some of these nutcases), yet somehow I'm the one who's "angry" for thinking these people are insane for utterly hating mankind so much while pedestalizing the all-mighty dog?
Sorry, but not everyone likes these disgusting foul-stenching loud annoying goofy clumsy needy dogs that are getting constantly pushed into our faces and into our community.
Ingram Alastrine
Ingram Alastrine
1 year ago (edited)
@Nikola Tesla I fully agree with what You said. For me, no kind should be above any other, but this is true, that most of what we have now today and live with (and on!) was and still is being created by Your kind... For hating one kind and gloryfying another "just because so" is just not right to me. Thank You, man!
H Far
H Far
6 months ago
@Ingram Alastrine you type a comment that shows you're human
H Far
H Far
6 months ago
Totally agreed, they teach you on their medias if you care more about animals than humans, you are a good person and you are accepted by society this is ths most stupid thing in human history
H Far
H Far
6 months ago
@Ingram Alastrine Ok I leave you alone with your toys honey, just don't break anything.
Kimberley Edwards
Kimberley Edwards
1 year ago
Pepole need to spin time with their kids because they have one chance to live on this world
10 months ago
I feed my dog only only babies that I have birthed! join my dog worshipping cult and discover your worth as a human being in service to our betters! website coming soon!
3 weeks ago
mirzamay your messed up
Autumn Oceans
Autumn Oceans
1 year ago
Angus MacSkye
Angus MacSkye
1 year ago
They drive down property values.
Ka D
Ka D
1 year ago
I think many of these dog people are addicted to dogs the way drug addicts are addicted to drugs. As soon as one croaks they run out and get another fix asap.
10 months ago
oh shush... true dog worshippers are only as good as their dogs last...a true dog worshipper, one worthy of being called truly human, would sacrifice themselves as soon as they failed their better half. join my dog cult and discover your true worth as a human!
bayou raptor
bayou raptor
9 months ago
2 months ago
@bayou raptor Before the mutt snuffs it, they spend an awful lot of money to extend their life as if they do not know that the life of a mutt is rather short. Thousands and thousands in the vet's pocket...for a few extra weeks.
capo leader
capo leader
1 year ago
This guy puts it down so perfectly! Excellent channel
capo leader
capo leader
1 year ago
I have to watch this at least twice a day!
Running's rage
Running's rage
9 months ago
capo leader same!
bob torn
bob torn
1 year ago
I can get enough of your rants truth hurts dog lovers
akira asylan
akira asylan
1 year ago
Luckily in malaysia, dog culture is not common in here. So far, i have never seen people walk their dogs in big city like kuala lumpur or other places like in coffee shop, grocery stores. Even if there's no sign of 'pets not allowed', people still won't bring their dogs in bcos they will only receive weird stares
Abrar Mahmud
Abrar Mahmud
4 months ago
Only if America was like that. 😣
2 months ago
I would love to life there...
Marisa Faith
Marisa Faith
1 week ago
I'm happy cause I'm going to study there 😊😊😊
1 year ago
You said it best. The key word is intimacy. These sick dog lovers are getting some kind of sick thrill out of the intimacy with a filthy dog. Words can't describe my discust
10 months ago
priests in my dog worshipping cult don't have to have sex with their dog idol, but they can, would you like to experience this joy? I think you'd be a good candidate.
1 year ago
1 year ago
Is where you came from 😡
Charizard S
Charizard S
1 year ago
What are you gonna do for your 1k subscriber special
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla
1 year ago (edited)
Austin Ayers took the words right out of my mouth.
Flcoasterfan- Arcade and Coasters -
Flcoasterfan- Arcade and Coasters -
1 year ago
Austin Ayers not a good idea
10 months ago
I'll give the 1000th person recruited to my dog worshipping cult they very own idol... usually the dog must choose it's own priest but this once I'll choose one for you!
Running's rage
Running's rage
1 year ago (edited)
I can't believe kids get abused more than dogs! Disgusting how people like dogs more!
1 year ago
Definitely your best yet.
Dank Dank
Dank Dank
6 months ago
I see so many women now walking dogs everywhere, Its a form of Idolatry, Me and my dad go for walks everyday and I pointed it out to him and he agreed with me we both think it's a sickness, Back in the day people had a family dog golden retriever and it sat out back all day and wasn't worshipped. It was just there outside all day wich is fine, But man I see it all the time it makes me pretty sick 🤢
Angus MacSkye
Angus MacSkye
9 months ago (edited)
Those women/men have sexual relationships with their dogs. They want you to be part of a ménage a trois with their dog.
Jeremy Cornwell
Jeremy Cornwell
1 year ago
Dog's carry disease/virus, that destroys the brain. Like a lobotomy.And cause hair to fall out.
10 months ago
Good thing they can't spread aids or Ebola... would be a shame to see our superiors suffering like we do... all human culture was taught by dogs... well the ancestors of the dogs from a far away star system... hail their return!
2 hours ago
If this is not a joke, please point us the links. That will great to know if true.
1 year ago
I don't hate dogs or wild animals, but I agree that people often engage in grotesque sentimentality over animals both wild and domestic. They put animals over children and yet try to equate them to children. They act like children are "companion" people and not people in their own right, and say things like, "I would rather sit next to a 80lb pit bull on an airplane than sit next to your nasty human baby." They will even say that the death of a pet is as difficult as the death of a child. It is the sentimentality over animals (not just pets) that is what is sick in our society. Look at any video where one wild animal "rescues" another and over and over people will say, " Why can't humans be like that?" when they are ironically anthropomorphizing the behavior. One video where a mother animal risks her life to save her young, one commenter insisted human's don't exhibit that behavior, and that a human mother wouldn't die for her offspring which is absurd. Watch the Anaheim mother who shield's her toddler from 2 attacking pit bulls and tell me that human mothers won't sacrifice themselves for her young. Sentimentality covers brutality. Whenever you see sentimentality, look for the brutality behind it. Usually it isn't difficult to find.
Running's rage
Running's rage
9 months ago
Kaththee I agree with your comment!
3 weeks ago (edited)
People who say cats aint loyal my cat protects me he
Is very smart if im feeling scared or sad he also comes to confort me
bayou raptor
bayou raptor
1 year ago
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla
1 year ago
mr. threehorn indeed they are, my friend.
bayou raptor
bayou raptor
1 year ago
Nikola Tesla thanks for your time and consideration.
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla
1 year ago
But of course
bayou raptor
bayou raptor
1 year ago
Dragongirl 126 fuck off.
Buttcheeks Mcgee
Buttcheeks Mcgee
6 months ago
Oh man! Thank you for making this video!
People are nuts! Dogs are animals! So many people treat their pets better than their children and spouses.
Stay away from these people. There is something wrong with people who prefer animals to humans
7 months ago
And I'd add, stuff anyone who says must live dogs on a profile. It would be over before it began with someone soon as I knew they had a dog. Cat owner, different story, a refined person.
Danusia S
Danusia S
2 months ago
Thank you for caring more about people than canines!
Afficially kawaii
Afficially kawaii
6 months ago
Omg there's a CULT
1 month ago (edited)
we are the only species dumb enough to praise an even dumber species whilst being the smartest species on the planet... umm.
Ka D
Ka D
1 year ago
You know where the phrase 'pet parent' came from? The pet products advertising agency. They figured if they could get pet owners to feel 'parental guilt' they would buy more useless shite for their pets. And it worked better than they ever thought possible. Over 60 billion dollars a year wasted on pets.
Dana Campbell
Dana Campbell
10 months ago
Unbelievable! My friend took her dog to a special dog treat bakery over the weekend.
Batfleck Forever
Batfleck Forever
6 months ago
Meanwhile the streets are filled with hungry homeless people.
2 months ago
@Dana Campbell I would only take a dog to the bakery if they promised to bake the dog.
Jean Keats
Jean Keats
1 year ago
Every single, solitary commercial on TV has a mutt in it. It matters not what they're selling, a mutt is in it. I have never seen such ridiculous dog worship in my whole life. It IS SICKO! My child, if I had one, would be the most important thing to me, not some needy, greedy mutt. I love your channel. It's refreshing to at least hear someone with smarts!
10 months ago
people were created to serve dogs... our dogs will be fed only human babies their whole lives until they are made an idol... join my dog worshipping cult and discover your worth as a human being, in service to our betters!
Jean Keats
Jean Keats
9 months ago
@mirzamay Go clean up all the dog shit you mutt lovers leave all over the streets and parks, if you love them so much. I would not join your mutt worshipping cult if I had the pick six numbers.
Running's rage
Running's rage
9 months ago
@mirzamay Dogs aren't spoken of lightly in the bible. Dogs are the lowest of the low.
2 months ago
...good for you, you do not have children but you do not think it's ok to have a dog as child replacement.
Tim Hamburgler
Tim Hamburgler
1 year ago
This is so true
Pink World
Pink World
8 months ago
Well done 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Jean Keats
Jean Keats
1 year ago
Child abuse is rampant but they put mutts on pedestals. Even when the mutt mauls their kids, it's okay, the mutt still is better in their minds. SICK! What needs to happen is they need to stop churning out these mutts. STOP making them.
1 year ago
best channel on youtube
X 2Z
X 2Z
1 year ago
Thank you for this rant. I am not a dog lover nor do I hate them, I just live in a rural area out in the country and I do own three farm dogs. I first realized the growing obsession years ago when I was scolded by someone who found out that my dogs lived outdoors. That is just how I grew up: dogs eat, sleep, live and die outside. Remember the days where if a dog bit someone it would be taken behind the barn and ate lead? Clearly those days are over as I am aware that there are massive lobbying groups to prevent dangerous dogs from being euthanized. WTF.
Now seeing people bringing their dogs with them everywhere in the grocery stores, restaurants and department stores, it's just plain gross. Their beds are always pictured with dogs in them but where are the children? In cribs in another room most likely. So they would rather sleep with dogs than sleep with their babies. Of course that's to be expected because I can't remember how many times I've seen women state they would choose their dogs over their own children.
It's not stopping with just dogs, either. A few months ago a man transporting livestock was in a fatal crash and what were 99% of the comments on FB? They were more worried about the cows.
Running's rage
Running's rage
9 months ago
X 2Z yes some people are so sick to care about dogs and other animals more than their own human people!
truth seeker
truth seeker
1 year ago
So true..great video..
Marcus P.
Marcus P.
6 months ago
Let me tell you. I'm single and looking for a GF and on the app I use the majority of the ads start with "must love dogs" and contain pictures of the woman posing with her dog. The app has filters and one of them lets you exclude women with dogs....let's say I don't get any matches. Oh well #SingleLife.
Dank Dank
Dank Dank
6 months ago
Yeah women having a dog is a big Nope for me too, They will always put their Dirty disgusting dog before you, The women nowadays are getting sicker and sicker, They are too easily Influenced by their peers and by the social media.
bayou raptor
bayou raptor
5 months ago
2 months ago
...where I live, there are a lot of single men with dogs, even young ones.
Mark Glaser
Mark Glaser
2 weeks ago
Dank Dank
Dank Dank
6 months ago
I thought I was the only one who noticed this sick behaviour, You are spot on man, I knew a woman who had two giant Shitbulls but her kids had no food in the fridge and were couch surfing around town, And this woman's whole Twitter account is posts about rescue dogs and she posts like 20 times a day about saving Shitbulls wich are terrible dogs to begin with.
Tim Hamburgler
Tim Hamburgler
1 year ago (edited)
My girlfriend has a picture of her dog on table in house
8 months ago
So she can look at her dog while she looks at her dog...
Buttcheeks Mcgee
Buttcheeks Mcgee
6 months ago
That's creepy...
Dank Dank
Dank Dank
6 months ago
bayou raptor
bayou raptor
5 months ago
Throw it out.
Flowr Powr
Flowr Powr
4 months ago
There are some of these people who prefer to want a dog more than a child. It's like, "Do you know that dogs will never be able to ride a bike, go fishing, play video games, or get a job? What makes you think that they are better than a child, who can learn to do the things you do, and even speak your own language?" Dog lovers are ridiculous.
Aeris_the_pet_cat :3
Aeris_the_pet_cat :3
11 months ago
If i had a partner and they hurt my pet cat, I would break up with them not because they don’t like my cat but because they are doing harm to my pet that can lead them to jail
But... for dog ppl they be like: OMG U DONT LIKE MY DOG DOG ABUSER OMG ABUSE AHHHH
mike boultinghouse
mike boultinghouse
1 year ago
if you have stray dogs in your neighborhood? please grind up rat poison and mix with canned dog food. why? because rats love dog food. Of course rat poison is only made for RATS. You cannot get in trouble for trying to rid your yard of these RATS
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla
1 year ago
katy pryde
katy pryde
1 year ago
Fucked up story my aunt and I were in the emergency room a long time ago and a woman busted in win the paramedics she was having sex with the dog and the dog got stuck in her and she was all scratched form the dog trying to get lose. It was the biggest shock of my life
Desert Moon
Desert Moon
8 months ago
Dank Dank
Dank Dank
6 months ago
karen choi
karen choi
1 month ago
how disgusting
FielR #
FielR #
1 year ago
This is my favorite channel on Youtube
Li Mu Emu
Li Mu Emu
3 months ago
I glad I’m not the only one that see this. Dog are just pets and that’s where I stop.
Green Eyed Kitty
Green Eyed Kitty
1 year ago
We live in a society where people get angry about dogs being euthanized daily in shelters, but they dont care about the 3500 preborn children legally murdered daily.
neoconservative forever
neoconservative forever
2 weeks ago
Dog abuse isn’t real anyways.
FielR #
FielR #
1 year ago (edited)
I think it is evidence of cultural and civilizational decline in the Western World that Dog Derangement Syndrome is now the norm. Human beings have lost normal, healthy attitudes toward animals and other humans and have began, more and more, to show reverence for inferior creatures. Whether one is religious or a Darwinist, animals are still ranked beneath humans. They are inferior. Viewing animals as inferior is not the same as hating them. I do not hate any animal, but I favor my own species. Modern society, which suffers from Dog Derangement Syndrome, favors animals above humans.
1 year ago (edited)
Is it ironic you remind me of "Three Dog" from fallout 3 the radio host of GNR? His catchline is "Bringing you the truth, no matter how bad it hurts" Lol love your channel I'm vegan love animals but hate pets they're not worth the disease and money. Keep spreading the truth!
Here's a link to game audio if you're interested
Mike Bowen
Mike Bowen
1 year ago
Oh, but don't you know, people's dogs ARE their children. So they're giving them the exact treatment that they would give their children.
Leeanna Lynx
Leeanna Lynx
11 months ago
"Wherever there is animal worship there is hanging sacrifice." Truer words were never spoken! Best Friends Animal Society formerly called The Foundation Faith and known as The Process Church of the Final Judgement, a satanic church, has spent millions to market pit bulls, especially since 2009 when they ramped it up. They have been accused of human sacrifice but it's not been proven. They've been accused of animal sacrifice but it's not been proven. Marketing pit bull dogs that end up being used for fighting is proof that they knowingly sacrifice animals. Hundreds of people have been killed since BFAS has created their "pit bull initiatives" program. That year they gave their lobbyist, Ledy Van Kavage, 250,000.00 to kick it off. She is still on their payroll and she is not their only lobbyist. Followthemoney dot org can show some of the more obvious marketing, but not all of it.
Mira 01
Mira 01
1 year ago (edited)
Amazing channel! 😉 #dogsSuck
Freeman Rolle
Freeman Rolle
1 year ago
You know why most animal lovers grow their baby a wrong animals thus to brainwash there baby so when they grow big they will think it is normal to worship animals and to treat it like a person animal lovers is the result of their parents brainwashing them and this is the result of it this brainwashing did not just start that start from they was babies. they need help 😎
Matt Fitzpatrick
Matt Fitzpatrick
8 months ago
The way you're presenting this shows you're making a big assumption that all dog lovers with kids neglect and abuse their kids. Correlation does not equal causation, as the scientists say. It's true there is a lot of child abuse and animal abuse in this world and it's terribly tragic. And I get that there are some dog lovers who have little respect for people. But to make a broad generalization about all dog lovers does not paint an accurate picture. To call all dogs mutts out of hate and disgust shows me you may have had some bad experiences with dogs. I am sorry if this has happened. I hope you find healing. It's also true a lot of dogs hurt humans. Is it possible at least some if not many of these instances are due to dogs being mistreated by humans? If you are abused repeatedly by someone, wouldn't you want to strike out at them?
Dank Dank
Dank Dank
6 months ago
Look at you with a picture of your stupid dog in the photo, LMFAO!!!!
Samit Gandhi
Samit Gandhi
5 months ago
Why do dogs have to be hated because there is child abuse?
1 year ago
Buddy. Friend. Pal. Why are you doing this exactly?
1 year ago
Mehak Bharti Good god. Hopefully he does, dog ownership needs to be banned or heavily regulated.
10 months ago
he feels that he is about to make a breakthrough and can't believe what he is feeling... that dogs are our superiors and soon we will all be in their service as we should be! he'll come out of the closet soon enough and join my dog cult... I'll make him a top priest... the dog force is strong in this one.
Patry Atry
Patry Atry
10 months ago
Triggered bro
10 months ago
I'm recruiting for my dog worshipping cult... dogs are a superior race as I'm sure you can all tell...and their ancestors come from the Alpha Zeta Floyd star system and will soon return to better humanity, help me get the earth ready for their return!
2 hours ago
I'm recruiting too!!! >>> Church of Anti-Muttology at and
You are welcome!
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