From a Turkish news site:
Translated into English:
While previous studies suggested that the virus was passed on to humans by pangolins, the results of the research conducted by a Canadian team were announced at the breaking news and shook the world.
• 15 April 2020 - 10:31 • Last update: 15 April 2020 - 10:46
"Our observations led to a new hypothesis for initiation and transference," said Professor Xia, a biologist at the University of Ottawa. used the expressions.
"A bat corona virus, the ancestor and closest relative of Covid-19, infected the intestines of dogs, likely causing a rapid evolution of the virus and spread to humans.
"This demonstrates the importance of monitoring SARS-like corona viruses in wild dogs in the fight against Covid-19."
Pangolins were previously believed to play a key role in the epidemic and to be intermediate animals that caused the virus to pass to humans after bats.
But a sophisticated analysis of Covid-19 mutations distracted them from being viewed as 'human reservoirs'.
Professor Xuhua Xia's research suggested that the ancestors of Covid-19 should have been dated around 1882 or 1966.
Scientists are almost certain that Covid-19 originated from bats.
These mammals have been around for millions of years and are considered the source of many viruses that kill humans, including Ebola, rabies, and Sars.
However, since humans and bats do not interact, viruses pass from bat to another animal. Finding out what this animal is is crucial to eradicating Covid-19.
In the study, the researchers examined an important antiviral protein called ZAP, which breaks down the virus's genome and prevents it from multiplying.
It was stated that the viral target was a "double chemical letter" called CpG dinucleotides within DBNA bits called RNA.
These act as a guide that a person's immune system uses to find and destroy a virus.
ZAP travels through the human lungs and occurs in large amounts in the bone marrow and lymph nodes where the immune system first initiates its attack.
"It is possible to think of a reduced amount of CpG in a viral pathogen as an increasing threat to public health. Likewise, an increasing amount of CpG reduces the threat of such viral pathogens," said Professor Xia. used the expressions.
The research results showed that only genomes in canine corona viruses had CpG values similar to those observed in Covid-19.
It also affects the digestive systems, entering through a protein called ACE2, which is also found in people's intestines.
A study involving the first 12 coronavirus patients in the USA showed diarrhea as the first symptom before fever and cough, considered the main symptoms of the disease, began.
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