Thursday, December 19, 2019

Top 10 Reasons Why I Hate Dogs

Top 10 Reasons Why I Hate Dogs

The "Why I Hate Dogs" Series

Dogs are hated for a reason. Actually, a few many of them:

Why I Hate Dogs

  1. They are loud. BARK!! BARK!! BARK!! Even reading those three words is annoying!
  2. They are dirty. They lay down their dog shit wherever they are – On your lawn, on my lawn, in their own beds, on your bed. And on the odd occasion I end up with dog shit on my shoes and don’t find out until I’ve walked through my house… by GOLLY THAT MAKES ME FURIOUS!!
  3. They smell. They need to be washed like a car otherwise they infect uphostry (couches, carpets, curtains) with their stench.
  4. They get angry. And frankly I’m scared of most of them.
  5. They dribble. And their slime gets onto your clothes. eeeuch!
  6. They are ugly. Ok, ok, I’ll make a few exceptions for some puppies, but in general I don’t think they are an attractive animal.
  7. They need so much attention. They go mental if they are left alone for long periods of time (much to the annoyance of the neighbours i.e. me!)
  8. They wreck stuff. Chewing, knawing, eating, scratching
  9. They render owners backyards unusable. Don’t you dare walk back there with bare feet!
  10. One killed my cat! (June 08) The cutest fricken cat in the world too 🙁

Sheldon Nesdale December 12, 2015 at 4:11 pm
Hi team! I just reset the comments on this page to zero to fix a paging problem. I have to do this everytime I get close to 10,000 comments on a single page. This is the 4th time I’ve done it!
dogsfromhell December 12, 2015 at 4:45 pm
Thanks Sheldon. I hope we are making an impact!
Joseph December 13, 2015 at 6:08 am
Its interesting to note that In Islam dogs are treated as Haram. Spiritually and physically unclean and forbidden. They are only tolerated when they are used vocationally to perform some function, like herding sheep or in warfare.
From a Hindu or Buddhist perspective, theirs is a life of unmitigated and insatiable desires, the result of which is a justified condition of suffering. In this understanding of Kharma, in their past lives they behaved contemptibly and deserve to suffer in this life. Humans who coddle them are thus interferring in the moral order and are basically allowing immoral criminal behavior to go unpunished.
Acting in compassion, the only thing we can really do to help dogs is to remove their reproductive organs, their voice box and their teeth. After that, just ignore them the best you can and let them suffer for their past sins without hurting innocents.
Joseph December 13, 2015 at 6:28 am
Btw, thank you so much for creating this page. I’ve looked it over a bit now and the content is superb.
I truly believe that the prevalence and acceptance of dog ownership in America has reached epidemic proportions and is a sign of a decadent, brutish culture where irresponsible individuals lower themselves to the level of dogs in a constant search for self-affirmation and ecstatic consumption. It correlates perfectly with the obnoxious, irresponsible and destructive foreign policy and mass media prevailing in America.
Keep up the good work!!!
Victor Munster January 18, 2016 at 3:06 pm
Hi Joseph,
I agree. While I’m not in favor of harming or putting any animal through any suffering, I’ve grown disgusted at the American fascination with dogs. You know society is going downhill when people start carrying these animals around in their purse! Other than that, I see people treating these useless animals with more kindness than children in need.

Read More Comments and Write Yours Below December 13, 2015 at 10:25 am
Dog owners are a blight on society. Even if they keep the MUTANT at home it is a constant source of noise pollution bordering on torture for everyone around them. We never have peace and quiet out here. There is always a craphound barking somewhere. There was one in the car next to me snarling and barking while it’s owner smiled like an idiot that didn’t have two brain cells to bang together.
There are endless commercials this year showing dogs doing just wonderful things. One even goes shopping at a well know drug store. The funniest thing I ever seen a dog gift it’s owner was a huge dead red chicken followed by the chickens owner screaming at the dogs pet parent. Actually the dog didn’t bring it to it’s owner. It was happily shaking the dead chicken in the yard where it eventually lost interest and walked off.
lily December 13, 2015 at 1:04 pm
Eh,travel a bit Joseph and you’ll see its not just America. I’ve been all through Europe and South America and in some ways they are worse than us. Places like Argentina think we are inhumane for having laws against roaming dogs. They also lack laws regarding barking and dog shit. Europe on the other hand allows dogs to freely go into eating establishments with no worry of health inspectors. They complain about how ridiculous it is that you can sue people over their barking mutts and actually win over here.
You’re right about Islam but since they also see a menstruating woman as being lower than a dog I could care less about what they find harem. Its one thing to inflict a dog on me but another to compare me to one because of something I cant control.
This is a problem in the US but the grass isnt greener anywhere else. Im just thankful that my state allows me to shoot a dog for simply trespassing. Ever since the cops informed my neighbors of this law they have kept their mutt in the house.
BK December 13, 2015 at 1:16 pm
The worship of dogs, and that’s exactly what it is, only serves to dumb the society down even more. December 13, 2015 at 7:21 pm
I believe she took the bark collars off for spite. We have now called AC, dispatch for a squad car and I sent an email to the my County Commissioner. If any of them come over to harass us over this we will call 911.
You see this is about her having control over someone who has the nerve to not like her or her dogs. I swear there is a third dog over there barking.
If you leave your dogs run loose and take the bark collars off and go away it is intentional.
BigDogHater December 14, 2015 at 3:25 pm
I was looking for a channel to watch from my TV’s guide when I stumbled upon a channel that is either coming soon or must be purchased, I can’t remember. It’s called “DogTV” and has it’s own little slogan, “The first TV channel for dogs”. I almost wanted to throw my remote at the TV.
Because dogs really need their own TV channel to watch, right? Dogs can’t even comprehend the concept of TV. Why the hell are people wasting money to fund this waste of space? Most mutts just ignore TVs anyway since, again, they can’t understand what the heck they’re looking at. And who the hell is actually going to change their TV to this channel to let their dog watch it? Maybe an intense dog fanatic with nothing better to do who actually believes their dog enjoys watching television. But I bet the few normal dog owners out there won’t even bother with it; again showing that it’s a waste of money. December 14, 2015 at 7:10 pm
They’ve had free previews on my cable channel for that crap. Most of it is above the IQ of the dog owners themselves.
Dog People Are Nuts December 14, 2015 at 8:51 pm
Mfp, did AC or police come and sort them out?
Ugh, Dog TV. I’ve heard of that, from the goddamn Mickey case (it what he supposedly watches from his iPad). People are so freaking stupid. December 15, 2015 at 3:11 pm
I ended up calling AC and texting the husband again this morning. Stupid dogs out in the road barking their heads off. Of course AC here is a voice mailbox I left a pretty nasty diatribe about my views on this situation. Honestly I’m beginning to think they are drinking buddies or sit next to each other in church. Because something is really off kilter here. Now read my lips. I don’t care the reason the job isn’t getting done just that it’s not getting done. HIs status is Animal Control not Animal Welfare. If he wants to operate solely on the premise of AW he needs to quit his job, get out of the taxpayers pockets and join some whacko AR group and donate all his time.
Those dogs barked for almost a solid hour in front of our house before we called. They barked for a couple of hours Sunday night and we texted the owners to no response. So we called AC and dispatch. Contrary to what the whacko owner thinks we don’t sit here with a glass on the outside wall listening for their dogs to breath so we can make a stink. Neither of us want to be bothered with her craphounds. We don’t want to have constant confrontation over this idiocy. I knew the bark collars would be a joke. It was like trying to put corks in a volcano. With no behavior modification training as soon as they’re off the hounds commence with more noise pollution. I will not be marginalized. We have as much right to peace and quiet as they do to own their dogs. Although in their case that is up for debate. Some nice evening I’m going to drag out some old speakers and give them a concert. Dollars to donuts they’ll call the cops for having THEIR peace and quiet disturbed. Oh heck why don’t I just go stand in front of their house and bark for an hour. I am so tempted.
Stu December 15, 2015 at 6:26 pm
There’s an interesting video of a tiger killing a pit bull on you tube. If it’s okay to own a dangerous animal that might get loose, then maybe I could get a pet tiger. I’m sure with the proper training it would be a friendly tiger. If it killed a dog then it’s not the tiger’s fault. Tigers don’t bark either. Maybe I could settle for a mountain lion or a bobcat. December 15, 2015 at 7:28 pm
Stu. I was watching Fatal Attraction with a friend and we sort of had a discussion of what we would do if someone had a big cat, bear type of animal in a cage on their property. Quite honestly I’d probably go to jail for just putting the damn things down one night. I wouldn’t want to live near the wolf sanctuary in our state either. Not that they are wolves. Just hybrids that the owners discovered were not one bit like doggies. Pits aren’t any different. If my clueless neighbor got one of those things and let it run I wouldn’t waste a second in dropping it.
Any of you seen the South Park where the boys discover the magic note to make everyone poop their pants ? Wouldn’t it be funny to discover the sound that would make all the pits in the world go game on their owners at the same time. Not that they need much provocation. They do it all the time anyway.
Dog People Are Nuts December 15, 2015 at 8:45 pm
Mfp, maybe blast a recording of their own dogs barking from the speakers.
Who is the boss above AC? That AC officer needs to be fired if he refuses to uphold the law and his own agreement with your neighbors. Is suing AC an option?
Dog People Are Nuts December 15, 2015 at 8:49 pm
Stu, I love the stories of pit bulls getting their just desserts, especially from their intended prey. Interesting how no one questions laws against having animals such as big cats as pets because it’s too dangerous, yet pits can kill with impunity. December 15, 2015 at 9:51 pm
His boss is within the sheriffs dept. Most likely the people he has coffee with every morning. The dogs are quiet tonight. So far. And yes I have seriously considered blasting their dogs. Or a recording of dogs in their direction at random times so that they never know when it’s going to rattle their windows next.
I am apparently not the only person in this county that is totally dissatisfied with this persons attitude about enforcement.
Stu December 16, 2015 at 9:57 am
If a person wants to have a dangerous animal, they have to get permits from their state Fish & Game Department. There are special requirements and state inspections of the pen to make sure it is “escape proof”. A man had a pet cobra that escaped over on the east coast of Florida. The snake was re-captured after a couple of weeks. Luckily, it didn’t bite anyone. That just goes to show that dangerous animals can and do escape even when carefully regulated, but such regulation reduces the escape of animals dangerous to the public. The man was charged in that incident. Maybe one day pits and rotts will be subject to the same regulations and oversight. Here in Florida, there is a state website that shows the locations of all regulated animals. Some of it is unnecessary such as who has a pet raccoon, but it is an eye-opener to see how close some of these creatures are to where you live. If laws were passed regulating dangerous dogs, some would comply, but a number of pit nutters would break the law since they don’t give a damn about society’s rights to walk safely in our public areas or even in our own yards. I don’t know how viable regulation would be in resolving the dangerous dog problem, but at least some pit nutters could be arrested and their animals impounded. December 16, 2015 at 3:03 pm
Stu one of the most appalling issues on that AP show Fatal Attractions was the type and condition of some of the enclosures. I believe the one man was keeping his two lions in a horse trailer. You would think that would be enough to confiscate the animals but that wasn’t the case.
And I’m not sure I consider chain link as a viable container for a Tiger. And that’s thinking that all of these exotics are registered an permitted and that there is the manpower to make even a yearly inspection. The majority of zoos have some type of fail safe between the caretakers and the animals. and at least once a year you hear of a mauling or death usually because someone has gotten complacent. Nothing seemed more complacent and living in denial that the owner of private dangerous exotic wildlife.
Again there is an absolute parallel between the owners of dangerous dogs and exotic pets.
My laugh of the day heard on the radio in a store. Men who take great care of their dogs make the best fathers. So I guess that means the man next door must be a deplorable daddy. I know for sure he’s a coward with a missing ball sack.
dogsfromhell December 16, 2015 at 6:01 pm
Anna December 17, 2015 at 12:38 pm
My dog is finally gone!
Let me think of all the things I no longer have to do, now that the dog is gone:
-Clean up fur every other day.
-Leave early from whatever I’m doing because the dog needs to be taken out and/or taken out.
-Wake up early in the morning and go to bed late at night because I have to take the dog out to do its business.
-Wake up in the morning and be greeted by vomit.
-Clean up poop. Outside and inside.
-Smell poop. Outside and inside.
-Brush, bathe, groom, or give the dog medicine
-Clean slime off dog toys and bowls
-Buy dog food, treats, toys
-Visit the vet
-Go to doggy play dates
-Deal with bizarre, overly energetic, destructive behavior if I miss aforementioned play dates
-Deal with dog people shaming and blaming
-Hopelessly attempt to keep my clothing fur-free
-Deal with dog afflictions and diseases
-Deal with a dog staring and/or following my every movement
-Avoid eating downstairs so I won’t have to deal with the dog staring at me and salivating
-Worry about leaving anything on the ground, for fear it will be chewed to pieces
-Be woken up by the sound of the dog moving around
-Deal with wet dog smell when it rains
-Go out in the rain (or extreme cold or heat)
-Buy tons of disinfectants to rid my home of any germs
-Endlessly give commands if I ever have visitors or go somewhere with my dogs
-Be STRESSED all of the time
I’m sure there is more, but those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. December 17, 2015 at 5:53 pm
Stu I just wanted to share a quick story about raccoons. Years ago here when there you still got the newspaper in paper form there was a classified advertising baby raccoons for sale. Something that was illegal then but classified for pets were not highly regulated. A few weeks later there was another add for anyone who had purchased the baby raccoons. The dead mother came back as positive for rabies.
Dog People Are Nuts December 18, 2015 at 12:54 am
dfh, More proof that dogs go OUTSIDE. The stupid idea that dogs are “part of the family” and thus can only live inside the house is why “crating” (caging) the dog while the owner is out is common practice today. Doggie mental problems from being caged are also common.
mfp, I’m starting to think suing AC is the best option (though I realize it’s not always possible)… and LOL at the raccoons *facepalm*
Had Enough w/Canines December 18, 2015 at 5:11 am
Congratulations, Anna! Happy dancing commences. I found the best point you mentioned was not having to eat while being watched. I absolutely hate that when I visit someone who is dog burdened. December 18, 2015 at 7:04 am
DPAN. I have something else on the table right now that has to get taken care of. I’m sure my neighbors and their free range barking craphounds and the ineffective dog catcher will be available when I have the time to pursue this. Mean while I will continue to call and fill up his little voicemail box when the dogs are loose and or barking. Just consider it letting them continue to dig their own graves so to speak while I am otherwise occupied. December 18, 2015 at 9:50 pm
dogsfromhell December 19, 2015 at 8:57 am
This is one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen.
Here’s a dog doing what dogs do: humping something it shouldn’t. That’s not too out of the ordinary
Nope…… and why dogs should not be in our residential communities. It also confirms why you should never eat at the home of a dog owner. I’d bet money that floor rat licks the family plates “clean” as well.
And the mom’s solution is not what most sane people would consider a good idea.

Disclaimer: Most dog owners are not sane
sugary spice December 20, 2015 at 12:04 pm
Why was the turkey in a position where the nasty mutt could get to it? I bet that person barely even washes their hands, lol. I’ve noticed that dog owners with misbehaved mutts tend to be pretty lax when it comes to their dogs annoying/disgusting behavior. They always excuse and tolerate the behavior saying that it is “cute” or “just what dogs do”. I’m starting to think that these people like to live in filth or are indifferent to it.
I will never eat at a place where dogs are in close proximity to the food. Dogs DO NOT belong in grocery stores, kitchens, restaurants, or farmer’s markets. Dog owners should just keep their mutts away from these places.
dogsfromhell December 20, 2015 at 9:41 pm
Dog Nutter Alert commenting in The Cult of Dog Worship and Human Sacrifice
BigDogHater December 19, 2015 at 9:43 am
Omg, DFH, that just made me even more paranoid about eating at dog owner’s houses because it’s true. They let their mutts lick their plates, bowls, spoons, forks, everything. It’s so gross. How can these people even consider this slightly sanitary? (Oh yeah, most dog owners don’t have common sense or even a basic concept of GERMS) I wouldn’t be surprised if dog owners have gotten sick from eating with utensils they’ve shared with their mutts.
I’ve no problems with people keeping their dogs in their house if they so please (unless it’s an un-dog bully breed), but the kitchen and bathroom everything that comes in and out of it should be 100% completely off limits for the dogs.
I added the bathroom since so many dog owners like to bathe their mutts in their own bathtubs. (Gag) Which is another thing; NEVER bathe in the home of a pet owner! December 19, 2015 at 11:13 am
Thought you’d enjoy that little gem.
Stu December 19, 2015 at 8:29 pm
Good story about the raccoon’s MFP. Several years ago, I was a security guard patrolling a building exterior walkway about 3 AM and a raccoon started towards me, I pepper sprayed it and it ran off in the bushes. Like any dog, it could have had rabies. I wonder how many dog owners have un-vaccinated dogs running around. December 19, 2015 at 10:51 pm
Stu even with veterinarians volunteering and near free clinics ( how dare dog owners have to at least cover the cost of the vaccine ) it’s a major problem where I live. Dogs and cats are left to roam and wildlife is common here. Rabies isn’t the only issue. Lyme disease , Plague make it a toxic mix.
It makes me shudder to think that my ignorant neighbors dogs are out on the paved road eating roadkill and then going home to play with her children. Not much different from a dog humping your dinner and then serving it to the family I suppose. While I take exception to anyone who lets their pet roam free dog owners by far make the most trouble. Cats usually inhabit a territory. Dogs on the other hand not only form their own boundaries of left free seem to be taken everywhere to spread their filth. Right down to that shopping cart you put YOUR food in.
Considering parasites alone a dog that is consuming dead wildlife is at risk of taking on a continuous parasite load. And I doubt most dog owners are on a constant worming program.
So that filthy mutt of the neighbors that was chewing on some animal yesterday out to the side of the main road which I guess from the looks of them is because they are not being fed at home is now likely busy being an incubator for who knows what.
I wish we had a few raccoons out here. The first time that nasty little white rat went after one they’d find the shredded and likely partially eaten remains. Oh and let us not forget that those free range mutts everywhere leave their disease encrusted crap wherever they go and the common dogs proclivity to eat crap.
After seeing that dog humping a turkey and the idea that you just rinse it off I will never eat in a home where a dog resides ever again. It is not that incident is so shocking it just confirms what I have always suspected. Dog owners are pigs. Contrary to the dogs are superior agenda I have never been in a house where dogs lived that did not STINK. We aren’t talking about litter boxes for cats or even the feces and piss that dogs seem to leave on every surface. Dogs themselves stink. How anyone can worship this disease spreading man made mutant that pollutes our water ways and is known to attack and kill along with the endless noise pollution is beyond my comprehension.
Macossay December 21, 2015 at 8:35 am
That pretty much sums it up. Filthy, disgusting animals owned by losers who can’t make real friends. December 22, 2015 at 4:56 pm
Same factors:
1. Both boys injured were 4 years old.
2. Both boys were injured above the shoulders.
3. Both dogs were provoked scared and reacted naturally.
4. The law was not allowing “Provocation” as defense.
5. Both dogs would be killed if nothing was done.
6. Both dogs are loved by many.
7. Both dogs deserve to live.
Scared dogs are now allowed to attack at will. Who cares if the dogs are loved. And no the dog does NOT deserve to live.
I found this link on the Mauler page. It’s a hilarious good read since they seem to feel that Padi the ear eater got some form or preferential treatment since he wasn’t a bully. I’m not sure that has ever been established. And contrary to the owners belief his SD is not exempt from the law when it attacks.
As to his crying over this ACs declaring dogs dangerous and having them destroyed I would like to say please apply in my county so that there is someone doing their job. It’s not an accident when children are attacked. It’s an attack.
Next time choose a breed that doesn’t like to snack on humans and other pets.
I don’t personally care what provoked the SD. SDs are trained to be non aggressive. Something totally impossible with a breed bred to kill.
dogsfromhell December 22, 2015 at 9:18 pm
Both boys deserve not to be attacked by a dog. December 22, 2015 at 9:58 pm
I take real offense in the idea that a dog attacking someone is seen as natural behavior in a domestic pet. It is a natural behavior for a wild animal to attack when cornered. Not a pet. Certainly not a SD.
phillip December 22, 2015 at 10:27 pm
You are all idiots it’s not a dogs fault that the owners are pricks and they don’t pick up after their dog if you think for a second a dog is born that way you really are fucking stupid oh and I hope my dog crap on your lawn
dogsfromhell December 22, 2015 at 10:41 pm
Dog Nutter Logic 101:
You are saying is the fault of the dog owners who are “pricks” because they don’t pickup after their dogs ??
“I hope my dog crap on your lawn”
Thanks for confirming you are a prick! LMAO
Tony January 12, 2016 at 8:40 pm
Idiots? Gee you’re full of goodwill and fellowship. Of course its the fault of owners how a dog behaves, but the dogs are also inherently filthy stupid animals that at best belong outside and in a safe enclosure. Dogs are born stupid, stay stupid and die stupidly. It just happen to be the case that some owners (but by no means most owners) adequately control their little blights on everyone else.
E.F January 19, 2016 at 10:05 am
It’s people like Phillip who don’t quite understand that we hate dog owners for that very reason. Or that unlike dog owners, we all care about the well being of mankind if only they help themselves, as in not getting a dangerous or filthy dog. I can’t blame him for being dumb though, I mean having a dog is stressful, we all know, but keeping one after knowing this fact can dumb someone down pretty quickly.
phillip December 22, 2015 at 10:30 pm
As for us not making real friends you can kiss my ass I have friends I’m not on the computer complaining about things I have no clue about
dogsfromhell December 22, 2015 at 10:43 pm
“I’m not on the computer complaining about things I have no clue about”
hmmmmmm…. I think you are.
dogsfromhell December 22, 2015 at 10:46 pm
1.the marks, such as period, comma, and parentheses, used in writing to separate sentences and their elements and to clarify meaning.
Dog People Are Nuts December 22, 2015 at 11:38 pm
A dog that attacks a person, especially a child, should be dirtnapped. Period. Being a service dawg just makes the dog even more worthless, since it sure as hell cannot be a service dog now. A service dog that attacks should be automatically deregistered.
dogsfromhell December 22, 2015 at 11:57 pm
As mfp said, wild animals attack, not pets.
NO EXCUSES December 23, 2015 at 7:38 am
phillip, Indeed the dog owners I deal with next door are pricks. And their dogs are untrained worthless wanna be biters, traffic blockers and a major source of noise pollution. On the other had dogs are not blank slates at birth. They are man made mutants with inbred traits that at one time were useful. Breeds instead of going extinct as their purpose for existing vanished were taken into homes along with their many hereditary traits that make them unsuitable to be household pets.
I would also assume you are prick as you have insinuated you would let your dog crap on someone else’s property and not pick it up.
miau December 23, 2015 at 10:14 pm
I like the comment below the article.
The culture of the civilization is manipulated by pet industry and people are happy.
dogsfromhell December 24, 2015 at 6:40 am
We all know that the pet product industry drives the current dog fetish in our culture but dog nutters have even published this fact with supporting research.
Pet Industry Statistics Show the Power of Pet Humanization
Posted by Cindy Frei Mar 4, 2013 9:18:00 PM

Pet industry statistics show pet humanization trend
Pet industry statistics show that the more affection pet owners feel for a pet, the higher their levels of spending.

Adder December 24, 2015 at 12:02 pm
@mfp And by the look of the pic in the gofundme, it appears the dog is not neutered. I skimmed the post and it also said the dog was not up to date on its vaccines either, as the dog was being held for rabies quarantine. The owner felt this was unjustified. What a wonderful service dog this person has -_-. Because everyone knows that an unvaccinated in tact male bully breed dog makes the best service animal. These people never cease to dumbfound me. December 24, 2015 at 1:06 pm
Dog lovers are so deluded they think Lady and the Tramp was a reality show.
dogsfromhell December 24, 2015 at 2:23 pm
haha! Pony you’re too fuuny…:) December 24, 2015 at 4:15 pm
Adder this type of fundraiser only attracts two types. People like us that get a real laugh at the insanity and the miscreants who find this kind of animal behavior acceptable. Unless you’re aware of this crap most of it will remain unknown the average sane person. Until of course they have a dog encounter from hell. Or get some neighbors like mine. I was watching AP show, Preposterous pets. One thing the owners of these dangerous wild animals keep repeating. They could kill me at any time but don’t because they love me and I’ve raised them like family. One guy hauled his year and a half old grizzly into a public bar. I thought these animals had to have permits to take them anywhere. But no there is this idiot walking down the street with his bear on a chain. Who do you think is going to win that tug of war someday ? Even better , he was keeping a pet polar bear at home. Flopping around in a swimming pool. Hope he doesn’t look like a fat juicy seal someday.
Miss Anthropy December 25, 2015 at 5:57 pm
I don’t know why some people are so obsessed with d0gs?!
A dog’s mouth carries germs and disease. They crap outside and then it places its filthy bare ass all over your carpets rugs bedding and furniture. They lick their assholes then dog owners practically make out with them- ugh. Dogs are the so disgusting – They’re constantly licking their genitals Then they touch humans and everything in your living space.
Yes dogs humans are the most despicable disgusting creatures ever to have lived on this planet. I can only hope that dog cultists see the error of their ways before dogs destroy everything they have contact with. December 25, 2015 at 10:00 pm
Pretty much dog free day. The neighbors degenerate looking white rat wandered through the yard. It had it’s bark collar attached. Have I mentioned the dogs name is Ca Ca. LMAO. I guess even they know it’s a POS.
dogsfromhell December 26, 2015 at 7:46 pm
The neighbors where I was living recently, had two dogs names LuLu and CoCo. I used to called them Cookoo and Loco and the crazy owners used to get pissed. Ha!
Adder December 27, 2015 at 5:58 pm
Truly heartbreaking. I do a lot of Internet browsing and I come across multiple pit bull posts promoting this God awful myth. All of the stories just go to prove how dangerous this mentality can be. My heart goes out to the parents that have lost a child to these monsters.
dogsfromhell December 28, 2015 at 10:59 am
This sociopathic pit nutter is delighted that his three demons are killing a small dog that ventured into his yard. More concerning is that a toddler bike in the back yard can be seen in the video, indicating that small children live or visit there as well. January 16, 2016 at 4:22 pm
As much as I hate and loath dogs I could not finish watching that. I got a question . How did that dog get inside his fence if he has a secure fence to keep his in.
Might as well ( not sure think he said finish it ) it’s already damaged.
Dogs die in my yard.
I hope someone called AC on this pos. What a sick twisted human being.
Adder December 27, 2015 at 6:20 pm
Well, I really should have said that my heart goes out to everyone who has lost someone to those dogs, since they definitely don’t just kill children.
zoop December 28, 2015 at 3:00 pm
Looking at dogs near the fence line now is considered “aggravating” them and means its okay for the dogs to jump and grip someone by the throat and attempt to pull them over the fence to kill them.
I cannot believe anyone, whether they like dogs or not, would be okay with dogs so vicious that they go for the kill simply for being looked at. Look at that fence lean forward each time a dog jumps on it. How scary for the neighbors. I hope no little kid goes over to look at the dogs.
At least in the past, people would have the decency to put such dogs to sleep.
So sad how a little child was recently brutally killed by vicious dogs who escaped, and it appears most dog owners don’t think its important to even attempt to prevent such tragedies from happening. It should be criminal to keep vicious dogs in such a manner. And they’re right next to the public sidewalk.
dogsfromhell December 28, 2015 at 7:25 pm
Reporter is a real jerk….the man was looking not teasing. Did you see that fence sway?? No person would be safe if they went psycho again.
dogsfromhell December 30, 2015 at 10:42 am
Dog Nutter alert: Commenting in the Iams commercial section. LMAO
E.F December 30, 2015 at 6:18 pm
@Sheldon Nesdale
Hopefully you get this, may I suggest adding a reply-to user feature, where a user will get a direct notification or email once someone has replied to their specific comment, this would make it easier to bag on shits who come on to the page bein’ all like “dog is love dog is life”. As well as directly stick to a conversation with someone without having to come back searching through for your comment.
Also why not letting them ‘not’ be banned that way if they ever come back we can show them why they’re idiots and they’re barking up the wrong tree again.
I hate dogs, but venting is usually the reason I come here, I love joining in on convo’s about why dogs suck, as well as seeing some dog cultist come in here and get shown a thing or two by us few intelligent beings.
dogsfromhell December 30, 2015 at 7:55 pm
Dog Nutters are banned only after they become obsessive, obnoxious, trolls. In the interim we often enjoy letting them show themselves for the buffoons that they are and it’s pretty hilarious.
Adder December 31, 2015 at 10:35 am
Just saw a commercial attempting to get people to feel sorry for fighting dogs. My favorite line was “These dogs are tied up and forced to spend time away from each other” or something similar. Like no duh! It’s because they’ll rip each other apart if they’re not isolated from one another. It was then followed up by “These dogs only want to feel love”. No doubt they want all of us to run out and adopt these cute widdle misunderstood pitties.
dogsfromhell December 31, 2015 at 11:19 am
I vote to let them spend time together. That should resolve some of the pit remediation issue.
dogsfromhell December 31, 2015 at 11:27 am
My favorite line was “These dogs are tied up and forced to spend time away from each other”

Dog nuts are responsible for dog abuse. …….if spending time away from other pits qualifies. LMAO
BSL by way of neuter/spay could help solve pit abuse. It’s astounding that nutters allege pits are so abused and victimized yet they breed them like rabbits. But, if BSL helped reduce the pit population. nutters could not live vicariously as martyrs thorough them.
They’re just so damn stupid!
sugary spice January 3, 2016 at 6:21 am
Why would that commercial attempt to persuade people/families to adopt a former fighting dog? That is just an accident waiting to happen. Those pit bulls were bred and trained to fight, you just can’t take that drive out of them. The kids and other pets would be the most in danger of getting attacked. That is very irresponsible on their part. They should ashamed of themselves.
A side note: I always cringe and shake my head whenever I see people on social media post a picture with their kids and a pit bull. No, just no. It isn’t cute nor is it safe. And I cant help but feel sorry for the child and angry at the people responsible for risking a child’s health/life all so they can show how “nice” their pit bull is. It is not a matter of if your pit bull will bite, only a matter of when the stupid thing will bite.
Melody January 2, 2016 at 9:15 pm
While I truly appreciate my mother in law hosting a baby shower for my husband and me, I feel like it was partially ruined because of her dumb dog. The dog is a lab pit mix about 2-3 years old. This dog is loud and obnoxious. I hate going over to my in laws because of him.
They had him in a room most of the shower but he whined and barked in there THE WHOLE TIME. My brother in law tried taking him outside to run around a couple times but that didn’t help. And then of course their house always has the stench of dog pee which I could smell strongly most of the shower. It was so nasty and distracting.
My mother in law bought a pack n play to keep at their house. But I don’t trust my son to be kept over there. That dog has bitten people and other dogs. I know my husband will be upset with me when I don’t want to leave my baby over there. I can never get away from dogs! :(
dogsfromhell January 3, 2016 at 6:42 am
Congratulations. Don’t give in to pressure from your husband and in laws. Stand your ground and protect your child. The dog has already proven it is unsafe. Tell you mother in law she may babysit at your house. Best Wishes to you!
John January 5, 2016 at 9:48 pm
The hair. You cannot sit in a dog owners home without being COVERED with dog hair. It’s on your socks if you’re expected to take off your shoes. And the allergens! My eyes start to itch within 15 minutes unless I am FRIED on antihistamines. I have to was whatever I was wearing or the next time I wear it, I’ll get sick all over again. And my crotch. Yup, they ALWAYS go for my crotch. Or my face. Sharp paws on my nice clothes, jump upon desks where a computer keyboard is waiting to get effed up. Pee to walk in on your way to the fridge. And the barking. I HATE the SOUND, especially when trying to concentrate. Most of the people who have them seem to just not CARE about or FOR the dog, and often, I find them to be the same kind of slobs that their dogs are. And the ball licking & smacking sounds. Gtf OUT with that. I am not even started , but that’s enough. I don’t ever plan to own one. With the time I have left to live, what, maybe another 20 years, 10 of which will be primo, do I really want to spend ANY of it cleaning up dog shit & piss, and planting new grass? He’ll no. January 6, 2016 at 1:00 pm
dogsfromhell January 6, 2016 at 6:17 pm
That’s just so sad. When are pit nutters and most importantly, the general public, going to wake up and stop drinking the Kool aide?! January 11, 2016 at 8:20 am
Obviously you can’t leave children alone with those misunderstood dogs bred to be nanny dogs.
lily January 11, 2016 at 2:07 am
I hate these people. “I wanted to give him an amazing life…so I choose the number one breed known to kill children and got three of them.” Wut?
You just know she was a good little cultist to…made sure to take pictures of the dogs with the kid, engaged in in pro pit bull circle jerks online, flew into self righteous anger whenever someone criticized her choice of shit eaters.
Poor kid already had to deal with hardship and never got a chance to know any better thanks to the breed of peace.
Chad Bryant January 8, 2016 at 10:11 am
F- dogs. I hate them. I wish they were extinct. Human race has killed off so many other species. Why not dogs? Dammit!
gary January 8, 2016 at 11:54 am
Here’s something I just sent to American Airlines customer support. Though some might find it interesting.
This “Emotional Support Animal” thing is getting more out of control every year. The flight I was just on had THREE LARGE DOGS. One pitbull was growling and barking at another dog pre boarding. After the pitbull and owner were boarded and seated the other dog owner was directed to a seat right across from the pitbull. The owner refused to sit there. Both seats were in economy class. After some back the forth, the pitbull and owner where moved up to business/first class in the TWO seats next to my REVENUE (FULL PRICE) isle seat. This Comfort Animal made me decidedly UNCOMFORTABLE the entire flight. Yes. Yes. I’m sure the flight attendant would have happily moved me back to a coach seat if I would have ask. THANK YOU! (holding back from using another word than thank)
Bottom line. Someday some airline is going to wise up to this Comfort Animal SCAM. I hope it’s AA. Because if it’s not I’m permanently switching carriers. My 1M goal be damned.
Dog People Are Nuts January 11, 2016 at 5:16 am
That’s so awful! Paying more to sit next to a pitbull!
This cartoon has been making the rounds; I thought you might appreciate it:
Had Enough w/Canines January 9, 2016 at 5:25 am
Are you freakin’ kidding me?
That is ridiculous. I can’t believe you held it together for that. I would have lost it in the terminal when I saw and heard the growling.
This has got to stop. NOW. January 10, 2016 at 11:50 pm
How nice to buy a first class ticket and end up next to pit nutter trash. They should have put the pit and the owner in the cargo hold.
Fatima Alzaabi January 11, 2016 at 11:09 am
I really like this website :3
Stu January 11, 2016 at 5:19 pm
A blind man was walking next to an elementary school in Bradenton, Florida with his guide dog when 3 (you guessed it) Pit Bulls attacked both him and his guide dog. He wasn’t seriously hurt, but his expensively trained guide dog was.The guide dog may recover, but can’t be used to guide the blind man at present. It’s a good thing school wasn’t in session or there could have been some children maimed or killed. When the hell are we finally going to have laws against owning such dangerous animals? January 11, 2016 at 5:40 pm
And were the three pit bulls returned to their owner because they had never shown signs of aggression before ? That happens at an alarming rate.
Had Enough w/Canines January 12, 2016 at 5:22 am
Who said they were owned? My take is that they’re strays, dumped on the street because the owner can’t or refuses to take responsibility for them like nearly all stray PB’s around here, which BTW are not many anymore due to police intervention. They see them as a loaded weapon. They respond quickly when there is a stray vicious type breed call.
I don’t believe laws are going to stop it. It’s going to have to be a social adjustment. That’s why you are getting so much defensiveness from pit nutters. They’re up against a wall and they’re barking like crazy to defend themselves.
It’s possible they are losing this battle. We all can hope.
stu January 12, 2016 at 9:46 am
The pit bulls came out of a man’s garage to attack the blind man so he was identified as the owner and given a citation. You can bet that if he could have ducked responsibility, he probably would have, but there were witnesses. The story doesn’t say anything about the dogs being confiscated. It’s scary that these dogs are kept by an irresponsible owner next to an elementary school. Mandatory micro-chipping of dangerous dogs to identify the owner would be a good law. Hold them accountable for the public menace they present. As the number of pit bull attacks on people and other dogs increases with time, expect to see the general public demand action.
Had Enough w/Canines January 13, 2016 at 3:55 am
Stu said: “Mandatory micro-chipping of dangerous dogs to identify the owner would be a good law.”
A citation does not stop a deadly attack. And in this case, what good is a citation? The victim can’t read it, the dogs can’t read it and apparently, the dogs’ owner can’t read or comprehend it or the law.
Trying to put logic or reasoning into owners of these dogs is about as sensible as blaming the victim.
When does the moratorium lift on his dogs running free again? I ask that, since that’s probably when the dolt is thinking, like the neighbor next to MFatPony, thinking tomorrow she’ll forget the dogs are there. January 13, 2016 at 8:44 am
There are dogs besides my idiot neighbors running loose all over this county. A visit to the County Shelter website shows maybe one or two dogs being up for adoption. I believe they ignore public safety to make themselves look good. So damn proud of their high adoption rate.
If our worthless AC officer was doing his job he’d need a commercial cattle haul truck to clean up the problem. Also consider that the whole FB site is littered with my poor lost dog who wandered off. It wandered off because you don’t’ have a fence you fool.
I heard them out there last night blapping away at nothing. Lucky with the furnace running and all the doors and windows closed and the fact it’s too cold for them to wander far I was able to tune it out. When I open a window as it warms up I’m not calling AC. I’m going to call the police each and every time I have to go out and stumble over her mutts. Honk my horn for 5 minutes to get the brain dead things off the road or listen to them bark day or night.
I have over 40 calls logged onto my phone records about her barking craphounds. And reading the ordinance despite what the lying dispatch says any sheriff in my county can act as AC when the current slacker is not available and take the dogs. This guy obviously contacts the dog owners but refuses to call the people making the complaint. I’m not the only one. Found an out of county site where people were complaining about our county and the lack of service by AC over roaming/ barking mutts.
Dog owners who let their craphounds run loose aren’t going to change. If my stupid neighbors had to prove they had a way to keep their mutts contained they wouldn’t be able to. I hate my neighbors dogs and quite frankly I hate my neighbors. January 14, 2016 at 10:39 am
BTW Had Enough. Citations would work if they were significant and kicked the wallet around. If they had to be administered despite judges that let owners off the hook for financial hardship. And if every loose/barking/dangerous dog call in generated a report that was publically accessible within 30 days. A call coming in should automatically generate a numbered report even it it’s on the slackers voicemail. It should then be the duty of the dog catcher to resolve those complaints. Loose animals are supposed to be picked up in our county. If the AC officer was doing something besides slacking the shelter would be full and probably rich from all the fines via the negligent owners. And it is negligent to let your dogs run loose n the roads. What kind of moron thinks that they have the right to subject every driver to dodging their mutts. Oh that would be my neighbor for sure.
dogsfromhell January 14, 2016 at 4:40 pm
I used to know a building/code inspector who would write enough tickets to at least pay for his overpaid borough salary. If Animal Control Officials AT LEAST did that we’d be ahead of the game. As we all know, AC officers are basically dog social workers aka dog nutters so the expectation of rational/reasonable behavior is not part of the equation.
Had Enough w/Canines January 16, 2016 at 1:55 am
There was no “Reply” link to DFH, but they said, “I used to know a building/code inspector who would write enough tickets to at least pay for his overpaid borough salary.”
I live with someone who was a code enforcement officer for the city of Glendale. They said that there are many service entities for a city, but not all, and many don’t have the right to do anything about MFP’s problem enforcing the code. AC is traditionally one of those entities.
One has to find an enforcer branch of your area to stop the problem. Their branch was called Neighborhood Services and they wrote citations all the time for everything from leaving holiday displays and lights up past a reasonable time to building without permits.
Because AC doesn’t support complaints, they are not the place to go. Find your local code enforcement branches because police will see you as the problem after a while.
At least call and find what branch has code enforcement capabilities and ask them. January 15, 2016 at 6:11 am
I had a pet turkey. They are dangerous and capable of doing bodily harm. Oh well at least it wasn’t a pit bull. Things are out of control. January 15, 2016 at 1:28 pm
DFH our AC laws specifically state that human/public safety is the first duty of the AC and animal welfare second. When you have two feet of snow, One ice packed lane on the road out and add two stupid dogs who just stand in the road and the idiot owner who thinks she has the right to let that happen. Let’s just say I suspect someone called besides me to lodge a complaint. I was hearing horns honking every few minutes. Nearly 40 calls to the AC officer who I know is now ignoring me altogether because for some reason my neighbors dogs have a right to free range despite a very well worded AC code. Selective enforcement.
If he was doing his job those dogs would be penned up or gone. And the dumb owners several hundred dollars poorer for their negligence.
It appears the only way to actually make them cease and desist legally is to make a civil pleading which means hiring a lawyer. If we have to go that route I’m taking the county and the AC officer we currently have along for the ride.
I know my neighbor pretty well. If she went outside and some strange dog charged her or her kids she would be on the phone making twice as much guff about it than I ever have. If we decided to go stand in the road at 2 AM and start yelling she would call the cops. And they wouldn’t tell her that the police can drive by but can’t do anything about it.
I Detest Dogs January 15, 2016 at 7:17 pm
Mfatpony, I know you or others might hate me for saying this, but, why don’t you just run the dog/s over? If it’s snowy and or icy out no one is going to blame you, for ‘accidently’ running the little bugger over, because it’s standing in the middle of the road and you can’t stop in time. It’s the owner’s fault for being negligent, and isn’t there leash laws there too, that person is breaking as well?
There are a lot of laws, I would love to see the police or AC inforce. Like here, we have two schools the elementary on one side of the road and the high school on the other. Now like any normal elementary school there’s a playground and it’s not just used for the schoolkids, it’s a park too. There are signs clearly up on the fence, banning dogs from being in there, (for obvious reasons) which makes me wonder if the same law that bans dogs from being in the school park also bans them from the main central park. (I live in a small town.) Yet I see them letting them little bastards in the main park to do their dirty business, where little kids can step in it or God knows what and get sick from it. Yes, both the park and the elementary school I’ve seen it. (And the high school field, there’s soccer matches, and such, there, and on the elementary school field too, you get the idea, dog crap on a soccer field!) The same law should apply to the regular park as much as it should for the elementary school. The pooches should be pounded and the owners, oh sorry ‘parents’ should be penalized. Heavily.
The cops could easily make some cold hard cash if they stood around the telemetry school during the morning afternoon/recess and afterschool times, giving out fines for every violation. Don’t forget the mornings at central park, for the morning walkies, they could make quite a bit of cash in just an hour’s time.
Had Enough w/Canines January 16, 2016 at 2:07 am
I would not risk the well being of my car to run over a dog.
It could be costly.
My goal is not to injure any living thing unless it’s threatening me or my loved ones directly.
If MFP did that, it would certainly be questioned because it’s a known fact about their feelings.
No, I’m afraid that’s not the answer. January 16, 2016 at 6:30 am
Actually thought I was going to run the rat over. Trying to back into my driveway the stupid thing was under a different wheel every time the car moved.
As to doing it on purpose. I doubt they have any homeowners insurance which will leave me at the very least to pick up the deductible.
Now to be honest I haven’t seen them out on the main road for about 5 days which means someone else must have called. I think the dimwits record for obeying the law is about two weeks.
It’s so cold , windy and wet you would think she’d get in trouble for them being outside wandering around. I should sic the Mickstateers on her.
dogsfromhell January 16, 2016 at 6:34 am
mfp…You made a reference to the dog catcher a while ago which made me chuckle. When I was a kid if there was a stray or “off leash” dog you called the dog catcher. It went to the dog pound not the freaking dog rescue and was put down if not claimed in 7 days. The dog catcher did in fact serve to protect the public. How that entity evolved into the train wreck it is today is a result of dog nutter marketing enabled by greedy lawyers and six figure salaried CEOs of “non profit” dog slaver organizations.
Dog People Are Nuts January 17, 2016 at 11:20 am
Yes, sic the Mickey fans on them!!!
lily January 16, 2016 at 12:33 pm
I don’t hate you for saying it. I had a chance to run my neighbors dog over and didn’t which I now totally regret. I’ll never get that chance again because the asshole dog owners here know that there is at least four different people on this street willing to kill their mutt know.
lily January 16, 2016 at 1:13 pm
POS across the road is still barking its worthless ass off. We have a new neighbor that made the mistake of moving next door to the idiots. They told me they called AC everyday (screw their 5 day waiting policy lol)for about 20 days straight until something was done to shut the dog up for a bit. The dog owners excuse? “He’s not neutered and simply barking and the female dogs across the road”….I really, REALLY hate these people. I hate all dogs but the female dogs they are talking about never roam loose and almost never bark. January 16, 2016 at 2:43 pm
let me put it this way . If I was still driving a big truck I can’t say I would have been so quick to slam on the brakes a number of times. There in no chance that they have homeowners so my insurance company would have to collect the deductible. yes they do that for you. All it would do is escalate an already unstable situation. My neighbor likes to make it look like my husband and I are just nitpickers about her dogs. A common tactic applied by doggers and acceptable to our current slacker AC officer.
Stu January 16, 2016 at 3:56 pm
MFP, back when I was managing a mobile home park, We would trap strays and Animal Control would pick them up for a trip to the pound. Their trap wasn’t always available so maintenance built our own full size trap. It worked well except that a trapped dog would bark incessantly until they picked it up. Sometimes someone would let a trapped dog loose, so we padlocked it once a dog was caught. If you capture a dog in a trap, it is prima facie evidence that it was unleashed and trespassing. The owner could pay a fine and get their dog back, but they would be out $ 50. You could always call it a coyote trap if there were any questions. Animal Control always explained that they couldn’t run around all day trying to catch a dog, and that they didn’t work at night, but they would always be glad to pick up a trapped dog. Hope this helps.
Dog People Are Nuts January 17, 2016 at 11:29 am
Your AC sounds very helpful! All AC centers should have a dog trap to lend to people.
Dog People Are Nuts January 17, 2016 at 8:45 am
Running them down has the same problems as the 2am meatball. Obviously neither should be done because it’s cruel, but when the dogs are ruining someone’s life (not being dramatic, either; sleep deprivation is a torture tactic for a reason) and “animal control” refuses to do their jobs, I can truly understand why some people would be driven to those measures, especially considering how sleep deprivation and stress affects cognition. However, by the time they’ve reached this point they’ll have tried multiple times to resolve the issue by the book by contacting the owners and animal control, which means they wil now be the first target for suspicion if anything did happen to the dogs, even an accident. January 17, 2016 at 5:55 pm
As I said in an earlier report. All calls should generate a report that is accessible to the person calling it in within 30 days. Lack of any accountability is a huge issue. AC does not get to use it’s discretion when performing their job. I’m pretty sure our slacker hits delete on calls he doesn’t want to deal with. Of course I have my cell phone records and duration of calls.
Growing up people were aware of the dog catcher and what happed if fido was running loose. You had about 7 days to pay the fine, board before it got the needle. honest I don’t think most people were getting dogs from the pound then unless they were puppies , maybe.
I haven’t seen the crapsacks for a while. I hear them on occasion. Although experience has taught us it’s just a matter of time with them.
Edward McCaslin January 17, 2016 at 6:59 pm
Sooo happy I found your site. Now I don’t feel like some weirdo just because I don’t like dogs. Society, Americans in particular, have lost their minds over dogs, and God forbid you express your dislike for them, you’re treated as a pariah. My work has me spend time in many people’s backyards and 90% of dog owner’s backyards are filthy, disgusting open sewers. You can’t have a conversation because the damn dog won’t stop barking and there’s always the concern of being attacked. Who wants to be in that environment? CRAZY %#$@&*! dogowners.
StopTheDogMania January 18, 2016 at 5:48 am
I saw a Facebook post today of one of my ex bf’s. We used to date for 1 year and he always believed that his dog is his ”son” . Anyway, the post said :
“Wanna know who loves you more… Your wife or the dog? Lock them both in your trunk and see who’s happy to see you when you let them out” There was a picture of a woman in a trunk of a car that came with the post.
I am happy we are no longer together. The dogger mentality is disturbing on so many levels and that post on Facebook says it all.
Had Enough w/Canines January 18, 2016 at 9:06 am
A whole new level of stupid! Oh, those wacky doggers.
Better yet, lock the owner and dog in the trunk and see how long it will be until the dog chews the owner to death. January 18, 2016 at 12:29 pm
It could easily be determined that the nut that came up with this or repeated it doesn’t love his wife or his dog or locking them in a trunk would never occur to him.
Keep in mind this was brought to you by the dogger crowd that thinks a toddler deserves what they get if they happen to make a dog feel insecure and have to defend their very lives by ripping a baby apart.
BTW at 10:30 last night the crapsack dogs next door started barking in our yard. Or out on the road. We waited until the F’ing things were right by our cars and then set the alarms off. LMFAO. Let them go a few cycles just for fun.
dogsfromhell January 18, 2016 at 5:22 pm
Nutters like them should be prohibited from posting sociopathic behavior for other sociopaths to model.
BigDogHater January 18, 2016 at 6:54 pm
Pretty minor thing, but I was watching some special Masterchef episode for celebrities where all of the contestants are playing for a charity. The first segment had 2 women from the show Empire; one woman who was playing for a charity to stop gun violence and the other for Best Friends animal rescue. I was thoroughly disgusted when the audience applauded more for the Best Friends woman and her talk of rescuing animals, than the anti gun violence one, but also extremely worried because Best Friends is a huge pit pushing organization.
I was just sitting there hoping the Best Friends woman didn’t win simply so those pit pushers wouldn’t get all that money. Thankfully, she didn’t win. January 18, 2016 at 7:30 pm
I seen that on the listing and didn’t hit the record. A pack of slobbering agenda pushing know nothings is extremely annoying. I enjoy the Masterchef , Hells Kitchen quite a bit.
this is supposed to be a border collie. if the link doesn’t work it’s Stanley on the BF site.
NW January 18, 2016 at 7:36 pm
We have a german shepherd that we took in from someone who didn’t give us the full truth about what we were getting into. … I now have a hyper, neurotic smelly beast in my house that turns into a total nightmare anytime my doorbell rings. We try to take him to parks to run off some energy, but he is TERRIBLE on a leash and in public. He has to be in front of everyone at all times and if you try to train him or hold him back in any manner, he yelps his crazy head off as if you’re trying to kill him, and doesn’t stop. He is impossible to take into public. He lunges at people, lunges at other dogs…. At home, he just constantly annoys me and I’m ALWAYS stressed out. He can’t hold still, he whines about everything and I’ve lost interest in trying to teach him anything. My husband has a job that makes him travel from home every week and my son works, so who has to care for him? …me. …. I’ve begged to rehome him, but everyone gets angry at me about it …. meanwhile, I hate knowing my backyard is getting covered in poop … the dog constantly smells like nasty nacho cheese, even with frequent baths …. I try to put him outside on nice afternoons and all he does it bark and dig holes. He is aggressive when he sees people, so the barking gets worse if a neighbor so much as steps into their own yard. …. I hate living with this dog. I’m a cat person… always will be … I totally regret deciding to give this dog a home with us. January 18, 2016 at 10:47 pm
I’m not being particularly nasty. But I carry a gel pepper spray because of dogs. If your dog lunges at me and I feel threatened I’m going to hose the beast. And no I won’t wait until it pulls loose and on me to do it.
Taking a human aggressive dog out I strongly suggest you get a muzzle. Or you’re really going to hate that dog when your homeowners denies coverage for a bite on a human or another animal. If someone told me I had to take care of their dog I would crate it and haul it to the nearest shelter with a drop off box. And that would defiantly take care of it.
NW January 18, 2016 at 10:54 pm
Well, that’s the thing…. I feel the same way you do. I’m tired of having a dog that stresses me out because I’m wondering when he’ll bite someone. I feel like he’s just a walking time bomb!! I’m fed up with him. ….The stupid thing is that the few people he has lunged at, including a cable guy, have all made those dumb excuses for him …. “what a good dog he is to protect you.” … “Oh, German shepherds are great because they’ll protect you like that.” …. I’m just looking at these people like…. “You’re an idiot.” If you love him so much, take him, please. …. I’m just done. I think I’ll be listing him for a new home soon.
lily January 19, 2016 at 2:42 am
ugh…that’s a crappy situation and I feel for you. I’d probably remove all ID off it(if possible), lock it in a shed and then call AC to report a vicious dog. Would then lie to the family and tell them it broke loose and ran off while trying to attack a jogger or something. January 19, 2016 at 7:18 am
I’d make sure someone signed something that shows they were informed of it’s aggression issues. I’m so sorry you’re stuck with this beast.
Had Enough w/Canines January 19, 2016 at 5:26 am
I’m sorry to say, your family’s abusive.
Here’s the thing: It’s YOUR responsibility to care for the dog? Then it’s your responsibility if something happens, like it bites someone.
I once had an animal I did not want to care for because it was all on me to do it. I took it upon myself to prepare it to be adopted by someone else, by taking it and having it groomed professionally and delivering it to the animal shelter. I never would have done this for a dog, by the way. The animal was placed before I left the shelter because I took the extra care. That extra was to show my family I’m not heartless, but also not a whipping post.
What I’m saying is that I took the initiative and just did this without consulting my family. Frankly, it’s none of their business.
Sure, they’ll whine and complain, but you do the right thing for YOU, the caregiver. If they want it so bad, tell ’em to go out to the backyard and clean up the messes that filthy good for nothing “protector” left. Take back your life!
Anonymous January 19, 2016 at 9:33 am
I really hate dogs too… Besides the fact from ur top ten there, dogs are also used by hunters to kill other truly beautiful and endangered species, not only your little cat is killed, they are used by trophy hunters to hunt down foxes and big cats like cougars and leopards, such beautiful endangered animals. Ya I know they are controlled by humans, I hate them too, I somehow believed that many dog breeds evolved themselves to do human’s bidding and don’t care about it being immoral or not. They are biological robots that eats and shits…P.S. Trophy hunters love their dogs.
NW January 19, 2016 at 9:54 am
My husband has agreed that he is also tired of the dog’s behavior and that he is too much for me to handle on my own and agrees to re-home him… Thank goodness!!!!!!!!!! I’ll do what’s right and find him a home where he’ll fit in better and someone who can handle his reactive behavior.
Meanwhile, I’ve realized that this group is way too hateful and spiteful. To call people you don’t even know “abusive” is pretty harsh going by just a couple short paragraphs about a dog… and to tell me to just “oops” the dog got way and LIE to my family with a fake story ….wouldn’t that make me a manipulative abusive person?? …. thanks but no thanks…. sorry I posted here. I’ll go do the right thing for all. This kind of nonsense doesn’t help any cause.
I don’t like dogs…. but I’m not a nasty person. I don’t want to be lumped into this kind of attitude and “problem solving”. Fitting into a world of dog lovers is difficult when you don’t like them and I get having a place where you can vent out such feelings and not feel so alone in a world of dog loving weirdos…. but …. really…. some of the stuff I’ve read here is pretty low and hateful to not just dogs, but to the people as well. Spending an hour or 2 on this group will definitely put a sour note in your day. Maybe you should all go get some sunshine and learn to find something enjoyable in your day. ~ I won’t be back.
Dog People Are Nuts January 19, 2016 at 2:01 pm
I’m glad you’ll finally be able to rehome the dog and live more peacefully now that your husband had grown tired of it. January 19, 2016 at 5:38 pm
By all means. Go pawn your vicious mutt off on an unsuspecting family. I suggest the Mickey mauled a kid page.
What part about hating dogs didn’t you get ?
As to you being shocked. I would think you’d be shocked over what some of us are forced to put up with because we have an idiot next door that compounds their mental deficiencies by getting a dog they don’t train and can’t control. Just like you and your husband did. And since both of my neighbors current dogs are ‘ rescue dogs’ I’m sure I have someone like you to thank for passing the pos dogs on instead of having them put down so they couldn’t terrorize sane people with their non stop barking and aggressive behavior.
Edward McCasli January 21, 2016 at 10:07 pm
MFP, right on.
lily January 19, 2016 at 11:14 pm
hm, lack of reading comprehension much? I claimed that’s what I’D do…if I was stupid enough to get myself into such a situation. Thankfully at age 30 I know exactly what I can and cant handle and make sure my family knows it to.
I could have a perfectly enjoyable time reading if not for the barking animal across the road. It would also be enjoyable to sleep in once in a while but not less than 3 yapping mutts one street over make that impossible. I suspect most of these noise makers were also acquired on a whim just like your dog.
Had Enough w/Canines January 20, 2016 at 3:45 am
Wow, a few short paragraphs? NW, you went on about it like, the dog was a nightmare! In fact, you used that word + neurotic.
I believe the dog is tapping into your behavior. You said everyone in your household refused to care for it. Now, you switch tracks because you finally told your husband of your misery AFTER you told complete strangers?
Like MFP said, go and re home it to your worst enemy, like the way you received it, completely without taking it for a test drive or bothering to talk to your family about who is responsible for what.
We all thought you were not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but were being tactful about your situation, but your ungrateful response shows how you only seem to think when someone is holding your hand – and even then…….
You need to grow up if you want to run a household and quit blaming everyone else for your poor decision making.
Dog People Are Nuts January 20, 2016 at 6:18 am
It is ungrateful for sure. She said she’d already complained about the dog and her family just whined that they wanted to keep it, totally ignoring the stress she was under. Now that her husband has agreed to get rid of the dog—because HE’S sick of it—she feels safe and with her newfound feeling of security has turned on the people who gave her the confidence to stand up for herself by being the only ones to listen to her. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: The problem in these situations is NOT the dog. Getting rid of the dog, while obviously very helpful, doesn’t resolve the real problem, which is a relationship where one person’s happiness is considered unimportant. Clearly, having this brought to her attention touched a nerve. January 20, 2016 at 8:06 am
Sort of like going into a stripper bar and then being offended by nudity.
I can see the Craigslist ad now. Sweet loving GSD too much energy for us. To a loving home.
Dog People Are Nuts January 20, 2016 at 1:53 pm
I noticed your muzzle suggestion was completely ignored.
Stu January 19, 2016 at 4:50 pm
In Pinellas County, Florida, a man stole a Yorkshire Terrier from a pet store and traded it for crack ! The dog was valued at $ 1600. Gotta wonder who would waste that much money on a dog. The man was arrested, but wouldn’t give the name of the person he traded it to. The dog was micro-chipped so the crack dealer will probably get arrested the first time the dog is brought to a vet. Meanwhile, the thief is charged with grand theft. We can at least be glad that the crack dealer didn’t want a pit bull. January 19, 2016 at 5:39 pm
Yeah Stu. Without a doubt the crack head is going to take his dog to the vet .
Had Enough w/Canines January 20, 2016 at 4:33 am
So I live in the Valley. Yeah, THAT Valley. The news is dominated by the suffering in Porter Ranch, due to methane seeping into the air. I don’t live there, but close by and a family member works over there. We’re not sure if any of the exaggerated sounding claims are true or if it’s as bad as they say.
Every day, nothing but stories about how the dogs are suffering and the dog nuts who are trying to save them, ad nauseam. One guy said his long haired cat was shedding a lot, vomiting every other day, and getting nosebleeds. Don’t all longhaired cats barf every other day due to hair balls?
Then, yesterday, a freeway chase with a woman pit nutter who opened her door to exit onto the freeway and let out five pit bulls with many more dogs in the two seater car with her. I was rooting for them all to run at the Highway Patrol and get shot. But apparently, everyone thought them cute and an unwanted public service announcement was delivered for free for the dogs.
These dog nuts like her are trying to get the city of LA to change the animal shelters way of handling strays, namely pit bulls. We all know about the “technical” breed naming crap to circumvent the handling of viscious dogs, well, I believe that’s what their trying to do. They’re disguising it as a proposition to protect the public from viscious dogs – sort of like voting yes to say no, (which California has done in the recent past).
I now no longer trust anyone who has a dog. Even if they say they hate it, (see above). This last experience has taught me how manipulative people who get sucked into dog ownership, are. Like the MtM site, doggers will do nearly anything underhanded to protect their canine mistake, even to the point of blaming neighbors and children for the terror their craphounds inflict.
I’m convinced more than ever how sane and intelligent those of us are who are part of this group. Thanks for that. January 20, 2016 at 11:01 am
From WM-…. meanwhile, I hate knowing my backyard is getting covered in poop …
One of the most telling things when dealing with a dog owner. If you don’t like you poo covered yard clean it up. That along with admitting to walking a beast in public that wants to attack everything. Goes crazy if it even sees the neighbors. ( boy have I been there ). Bet there’s a lot of barking that goes with that.
So in one post she bawls about it stinking, crapping and trying to maul anything that moves and then flips around and declares a site dedicated to hating dogs as being mean when she is the epitome of the very reason we despise dogs and their ignorant owners.
Best said by Dan Aykroyd on the SNL Weekend Update. Jane you ignorant sl#t.
Had Enough w/Canines January 21, 2016 at 7:03 am
Update about the woman in the freeway chase, you could have guessed:
The driver, identified by officials as 48-year-old Tiffini Tobe of Santa Ana, is facing evading charges of animal abuse, (basically not caring for them properly from before).
Stupid A-hole pit owner. January 20, 2016 at 8:39 am
Here is a fun story about a GSD . Note the pussy judge allows her to keep the beast while on appeal. Lets hope no one else gets mauled.
I Detest Dogs January 20, 2016 at 4:24 pm
If the judge wanted to be a pussy with respect, s/he could have had the dog, killed after maybe testing it for rabies while ordering a new SD to replace the one that will be killed. And or perhaps a nurse or a person to guide the blind person until the replacement can be gotten. Or better yet stick to their guns and find any appeal in contempt of court. This is nuts any dog who bites without good reason say a burglar breaking in or the master is being harmed, or attacked, should not get a second chance. Whatever happened to the one bite law? If she was really serious about killing herself, she should have been sent to the loony bin for no less than a year, to get her head put on straight. January 20, 2016 at 5:16 pm
My understanding was the nut gets to keep her dog while the appeal goes on. Which could take up to a year. Meanwhile the thing has to be muzzled unless it’s confined in a back room. And we all know how dog owners just love to obey the law. BTW keeping it muzzled and confined will only reinforce the dogs issues and make it more likely to do more than bite the next time it gets a chance. And it will.
The threat to commit suicide should have been an automatic haul off for the dog owner
The SD industry is going to implode on it’s own. just wait for that Pit Bull SD on a plane or a schoolroom to go game.
There were a couple of fake SDs in Petdumb . One a pit. It was busy trying to get to the other fake SD who was more than willing to go a few rounds. And I noticed the signs here are getting more explicit as in Service Dogs that are trained to assist are welcome. January 20, 2016 at 6:20 pm
Dog People Are Nuts. no muzzles are evil . Dog owners now get color coded leashes to warn the public they have a menace out and about.
I have a word for these people starts with F ends with tards.
Dog People Are Nuts January 21, 2016 at 9:56 am
Oh, those stupid idiots. Orange = MUZZLE IT. Red = DIRTNAP IT.
There’s a PSA-type graphic going around explaining that a little yellow ribbon on a dog’s leash means the poor dear needs a little space, for reasons that have nothing to do with mauling! I fixed it with translations: January 23, 2016 at 11:11 am
That was just precious. And damn true. If your dog is vicious and you choose to take it out anyway it’s YOUR job to control and keep it away from me. BTW I do not move out of the way for dogs and their owners unless it’s screaming obvious they are on of the 2-3 service dogs that are not only not fake but legitimate. I don’t recognize ES animals especially when their dirty crap backsides are in a grocery cart.
BigDogHater January 21, 2016 at 6:02 pm
So now people are supposed to be required to know a hidden code within a dog’s leash? That’s bullcrap. And I can just hear the dog fanatics now, if their vicious beast bites someone; “Well he had his special red leash, they should have known not to go by him”. Yeah, because it’s not like lots of dog nuts get stupid misleading shirts and accessories for their dogs to wear naturally. Geez
But more importantly, if people need to need to put special color coded leashes on their dogs because the dog is dangerous, then it needs to be euthanized. Who in the hell wants to go around walking a dog with a leash with “CAUTION” plastered on it anyway. January 20, 2016 at 6:22 pm
Stu January 20, 2016 at 7:10 pm
The crack dog story has just gotten weirder, the dog turns out to be sick and the police are questioning the “family” that brought it in to a vet. if some customer had bought the dog before it was stolen, they would have paid $1600 for a sick dog. If anyone is reading this who is considering a dog-please don’t. Do yourself and your neighbors a favor, you won’t want to listen to a barking dog that you paid money for (or even got free), and neither will your neighbors. They will hate you as they have to listen to barking, your family will hate you for inflicting the misery of dog ownership upon them. Having a yard full of feces and a house full of hair and stink won’t be pleasant either. when the animal tears up your house and aggravates you in countless ways, you will regret getting a dog. Think of the vet bills you will have to pay. When you consider the cost VS benefits of dog ownership, it is a poor investment.
BradStinks January 20, 2016 at 8:03 pm
WARNING, new stranger BARGING into the comments like the rudest party crasher ever. Haha.
I’ve been a stalker of this website for a long while, and I can relate with a lot of the stories here very well.
I usually come here to stew and be angry after getting set off by some insane dog in the neighborhood, and feel validated… or rather, justified perhaps? By the other problems and rants that other commenters share.
But I wish I could do more than just be that broody guy listening to other people saying everything exactly what he’s thinking. Nodding along and agreeing and shaking an imaginary stick at The Man.
ANYWAY. The reason why I came here was to ask several questions, and I didn’t know where else to ask.
I was wondering, would donating to the Humane Society help curb the success of Puppy Mills? Or would spreading awareness about how crappy puppy mills are do anything? Would preventing people from buying puppies from crappy sources and to make puppy production less successful in the puppy mill industry be worth the effort?
I would have jumped right in and donated, BUT I first thought of this website. I have no idea of the Humane Society is somehow tangled up in a pet industry scandal, and I knew someone on here would have some insights and advice.
I must personally lament. Some times I just feel so helpless as a person who objects pet ownership. I really wish there was freedom from dogs, but it seems like nothing we can do that will stop dognutters from forcing their dogs upon us, and no one is no where near interested in making changes in law or regulations.
I hate going outside. I hate leaving the house. I can’t enjoy my own backyard. The dogs own it, the fence is an illusion. They bark. They crap. Everywhere. And there’s nothing I can do about it. And moving? Ha, good luck with that. There will be dogs at the destination, at every destination.
Locked up indoors all year. Forced to wear headphones all day until hearing loss sets in. Up all night because someone’s dog is insane. All the windows closed, even in the dead of summer, because there’s no such thing as quiet. The depressing reality just seems futile to fight.
Someone get me a ticket to the moon. I’ll bask in some radiation and enjoy my sixties with suncancer. I gave up the hope of freedom from dog propaganda years ago, but at least now I get a website to bunker in after a long day. January 21, 2016 at 1:04 pm
I consider the ASPCA to be one of the leaders in the dogger obsession. They are also pit bull propagandists. If you want to stop puppy mills write your lawmakers on every level. The cost of a stamp is less than a donation and probably as effective. The last thing the ASPCA wants to do is run out of mutts. Shuttering their likely billion dollar a year beg-a-thon is not in the works. They need a working and steady inventory to keep the insanity up.
The more neighbors you have the harder it is to find peace and quiet. I have one neighbor that makes up for 10 though. Dog owners hate nothing more than to find out you are recording and putting on video their miscreant behavior. Add to that AC officers that refuse to do their job. The idiots next door to us were informed that we are now using video and tape to record their inability to control their dogs. while the things run loose they are mostly quiet at night. Lots of victims living in close proximity to dog owners without morals purchase the sonic machines and use multiple units to shut the neighbors dogs up.
I wish Wilco was still here. I think he built a monster that slaughtered the ears of canines that barked around his home. BTW most are legal and a dog owner can do NOTHING if you set them up. No we should not have to spend money but when dealing with dog owners you learn they are incapable of dealing with the mess they’ve brought upon themselves and feel no shame inflicting it on you. For loose dogs that scrounge I’ve found a bulk size container of black pepper that will send the hound rolling down the road. Cheap entertainment.
And Jump in any time.
BigDogHater January 21, 2016 at 6:19 pm
I’d personally never, ever, ever give money to ANY sort of animal shelter organization. Most of them push pit bulls and other killer dogs on innocent people with nanny dog lies and other propaganda on a daily basis. Not to mention that the ASPCA is well known for desperately taking in aggressive, necrotic “puppy mill rescues” and trying to sell them off to people as “poor abused animals that need a loving home” rather than euthanizing them.
I also personally just do not like or support the animal shelter business; humanizing animals (mainly dogs of course), referring to animal purchases as “adoptions”, berating reputable breeders of any animal, and trying to brainwash people into buying dangerous animals. But that’s just me.
Unfortunately, I don’t know any of us could do to stop puppy mills other than what mfp suggested, but even then, most people don’t care that much to actually do anything. Spreading the word about them is probably the best thing we could do to prevent dog fanatics from buying ill-behaved, poorly bred, mutts.
BradStinks January 21, 2016 at 10:40 pm
Thanks for the reality checks, mtfatpony and BigDogHater. It was wishful thinking, I suppose, to throw money at a problem and hope it will go away on it’s own. It’s just so frustrating when there’s little I can do other than rant.
Hmmm, I wonder if a controversial book disguised as a cool dognutter themed post-apocalyptic story would help spread a little awareness into people? I’m always tempted to write such a book. Something to highlight how out-of-hand the pet industry and pet worship has become. (And the severe segregation of pet-lovers and pet-haters that seems to float in the background.)
In the mean time, discouraging puppy mills to my friends and yelling at lawmakers will be something I’ll look into. January 23, 2016 at 11:17 am
If you know of a puppy mill you can find an animal rights organization and tattle. Eating their own is fun to watch. Just snap a picture of a pit somewhere and use it as your avatar , make a fake FB account and post the information on something like the Mick the Mauler page. They are more rabid than their dogs. Include cute phrases like please help these babies. It’s not really lying. You’re just getting them to expend their resources to maul fellow dog owners. Of course someone will peddle the worthless inbred dogs but that was going to happen anyway.
I Detest Dogs January 21, 2016 at 1:41 am
I just saw a vet show, some dog, with a neurological disorder, yes, where the stupid thing it couldn’t even walk right, and it couldn’t be cured, or the cause couldn’t be found. I didn’t watch all of it, since I was switching to another channel to watch something else. I was getting too pissed off at the dogger logic here. She has a 2 year-old baby give or take, looked about a year old to me. I don’t know if she was married or not. So rather than having this dog put down, which would have been the most humane and sane thing to do, spent more time energy sanity, and who knows how much money on vet bills and costs and to try to find out what’s wrong with it, to fix the dog, so she can keep it around. In the end, it was put in a dog wheelchair type thing so it could walk, and maybe get better. I didn’t catch what it had, though, if they fingered it out or if it was a lost cause. God knows how much perfectly good money, she blew on that demented dog. She rather spend money on that screwed up dog, to keep it alive, than her own child, who needs her! Bitch! Dogger logic at its best right there!
Had Enough w/Canines January 21, 2016 at 6:56 am
Probably what’s known as CH, ( Cats are born with it too.
It has to do with the mother contracting disease while pregnant. Most of the time, the animals are distroyed.
BigDogHater January 21, 2016 at 6:34 pm
Stories like that really irritate me. If the dogger is has no kids and is fine wasting money that would only otherwise be used on themselves, whatever, that’s their problem and loss. But when they have kids and they choose to blow their money on a pet, a sickly pet that can’t even live a normal life no less, that’s when I get mad. Kids need money for food, clothes, school, shelter transportation, etc. The dog does not. The dog, regardless of health, probably won’t live to be 20 years old. The dog doesn’t go to school and will never get a job to become a functional part of society. Most kids will. I can’t believe people actually do this. It’s honestly disturbing. But the sad thing is that a lot of people are so brainwashed into the “pet parent” culture that they’ll shun you if you dare not consider your pet to be your “fur child” (this phrase makes me gag) and do anything for it that you’d for for your actual child. I feel bad for kids with parents like this that they are considered to on equal status, or sometimes even lower status, than their pet. Children’s needs should come first.
If this woman just had to have a dog, she could have at least gotten rid of the first one and bought a new one which isn’t sick and draining money from her children’s college funds.
Stu January 21, 2016 at 6:19 pm
ULTRASONIC BARK CONTROLLERS: I’ve done some research on devices that emit an ultrasonic sound in response to a bark. The results and effectiveness appear to be mixed. Anecdotal evidence points to the larger dogs being more deterred by these devices, while the smaller ones are less affected. The devices work by detecting the sound of a barking dog and then emitting an unpleasant sound that will hopefully cause the damn thing to shut up. Human hearing ranges up to 20 Khz for a few individuals (mostly women). Men tend to have a hearing fall off around 15 to 16 Khz. Some devices have both a human-audible sound and an ultrasonic sound above the range of human hearing. Some high end stereos will emit up to 25 Khz, albeit with little power at hose hig frquencies. A special ultrasonic device is needed. Two problems occur with bark controllers (here I’m referring to units that non-dog owners purchase), the first is bark detection. Detection ranges don’t get much beyond 75 feet, so it won’t trigger for more distant dogs. The second problem is that device’s emitter must be aimed directly at the offending mutt and needs a clear line of sight. Trees, fences and walls reduce the high frequency sounds better than the low frequencies. That is why you hear the bass of a car stereo much more than the high notes. Thus the units are probably most effective for the howling mutt next door than one down the street within the limitations of a clear path. Some bark units claim to have a better detection range and a more powerful emitter, and they cost more. There are a lot of tinkerers, and one will come up with something real powerful that will shred the ears of a noisy mutt.. A great number of people just want peace and quiet, a barking dog can drive people crazy, and the doggers don’t care how much misery their mutts inflict on us. I don’t give a damn if a dog’s hearing is damaged, the damn things have hurt my ears enough January 22, 2016 at 3:30 pm
I’m sure there is a way to amplify the device. While our AC is busy ignoring dogs running loose on busy roads and passing out pit bulls we are mostly left to fend for ourselves.
monica January 22, 2016 at 2:46 pm
They just released the 911 call from that attack in florida . Woman was attacked by 4 or 5 pitbulls and is fighting for her life. I read that the same woman was attacked by 4 pitbulls a month before 3 miles away. But no one knows if its the same pack of dogs. The officer found her in a sitting position when he got there. Kind of makes me think of that man on live leak or even that woman on live leak whos being attacked by their pitbull and the victim is just sitting there and cant do anything. Except this is 4 or 5 pitbulls! Its insane hows shes still alive. January 22, 2016 at 3:03 pm
And yeah, the comments. January 22, 2016 at 3:05 pm
This is a response to an uneducated fool.
You clearly have no idea about the breed. All you know is these stories, but do you think this is the only type of dog that is capable of injuring someone like this? If you do, then you are lacking any intelligence. A Lab can kill someone. A Westie can kill someone. What you don’t get is that you, have never owned a great dog as a APBT. Why are they referred as nanny dogs? Why would Teddy Roosevelt own one? Why would the show the little rascals have a pit bull with a bunch of children? You think you know the breed, but all you want is an agreement. Your an uneducated fool. Bias. Black People kill more than Whites, should we get rid of all Blacks? No. Ignorance Kills. I have had 4 APBTs, and never, ever did I have any issues with one of them. It is how they are trained. As I said, Ignorance Kills.
~ This gem is directly from the comment section. Yes I agree ignorance does kill.
lily January 23, 2016 at 12:04 am
Funny thing about Teddy is he owned a lot of dangerous animals(bears,alligators,badger) but of all those it was the shit bull that bit people in the White House.
Dog People Are Nuts January 23, 2016 at 6:14 am
Teddy Roosevelt’s pit bull/Boston bulldog (exact breed was never clear), “Pete”, was BANNED from the Whitehouse because it attacked so many people; the final straw was when it attacked a goddamn French ambassador and ripped his pants. January 23, 2016 at 11:02 am
Yes indeed it is the old standard I’ve had a pit bull and it’s never killed anyone response.
It’s worth noting that many home kills or mauling around pits involve homes with multiple meat grinders. One goes off and the others join in. Or one goes off on another pibble and the owner ends up being shredded meat trying to break it up. Pit owners also lie. I’ve read their forums . Lots of them. The most common discussion is aggression human and animal and the second is blithering about them being misunderstood. Running up a close third is tying to rehome their vicious beast while someone on the same thread declares it the cutest dog every but their pit won’t tolerate other animals. Oddly I don’t see the nanny dog myth pushed around very much. Although there are lots of parents asking for advice on how to keep the pit and the baby separated, I’d have too much fun reading their garbage. January 22, 2016 at 3:00 pm
This is good for a laugh and again shows the lack of morals most dog owners exhibit. And as always the comments are the icing on the cake.
BradStinks January 22, 2016 at 6:50 pm
Barging in with some questions again! And a bit of an off-topic rant.
What is a polite, friendly way to tell a good internet friend that they have absolutely no business owning a dog?
This person clearly comes off as irresponsible, selfish and lazy, but they’ve claimed that they wanted a dog for the last two years.
Apparently she’s having trouble training her puppy. It’s jumping around and chewing on things. And quite frankly, this person is being uncooperative and stressful. (And complaining 24/7 about everything in general.)
It’s only been a few weeks and I knew it would be a TERRIBLE decision to get a dog. This kid is still in school. This kid wanted a writing and drawing career. This kid honestly comes off as desperate for attention.
BUT I know if I say “You can’t own a dog, you don’t have the time,” they won’t listen. It will go right over their head. Even if it’s true. This kid never listens. (Being a teenager, and all that.)
So what’s a good, surefire way to convince this person that getting a dog was a terrible idea? Because it is! I really want to save this person. I want to rescue this kid from the stress and the hell that a dog puts a person through. This poor kid was bribed by the pet industry lies, and I believe it’s still early enough to change her life around before it get’s bad.
The dog is a mastiff. The dog will get big. I don’t want this person to get hurt in the future.
Honestly, TV and media just seem to glorify owning a dog. It looks so well behaved and nice and easy to take care of, but it couldn’t be more of a venomous lie. Seriously taking care of any animal is real, hard, time-intensive work, and training it properly to a TV-Reminiscent degree takes professionals.
No normal, sane person has that kind of time, (and I know I’ll never have that time,) but I know for sure how hard as hell it is to admit getting a pet was a bad idea. And then come the vet bills. The ludicrous, outrageous vet bills. Why would anyone want an animal that will cost thousands of dollars in the long run?
Anyway, any advice/rants and raves are much appreciated. So far, I’ve suggested clicker training, just in case I fail to dissuade her. Maybe this kid can deal with the dog and make it less of an annoying menace. I know I don’t have the guts to do it, but maybe she does.
dogsfromhell January 23, 2016 at 7:34 am
Check out the serious nut job SquiggyWiggley in I Hate My Dog. Wow January 23, 2016 at 2:49 pm
Suiggly Wiggly is probably sitting in a house full of pit bulls , peed on furniture and walking on dog crap thinking it was an extra special clever kind of troll today.
Although if you feel it’s telling the truth getting the IP addy and alerting the local authorities might find a cop or two with some time on their hands to get the warrant and pay it a visit.

E.F May 16, 2016 at 8:44 pm
It’s rare to find an area on earth where there’s no dogs around, unfortunately. I’m quite selective when it comes to my housing arrangements, I try to meet the neighbours before I decide to buy, and for that very reason. I remember a few years back, my neighbours had yappers as well, it drove me crazy each and every night, I’m a deep sleeper luckily, but the trouble is that I can’t fall asleep if there’s noise, especially ear-piercing dog barks which force involuntary vivid images of a disgusting mutts into my brain whilst trying to get a nights rest. In the last place I lived (just moved about 3 months ago) it was next to the ocean, it was a lovely place, if only they didn’t dedicate ‘an entire’ beach to dogs… I mean, it’s a good idea to have them to one side and not mixed, but the owners take it upon themselves to ignore the signs, use the beach to their whims and then take the dogs wherever they want to go like the humans are the slaves and the dogs the owners, we’ve already mentioned how pathetic and sickening it is to watch a human do whatever the dog wants. The beach was full of dog shit, it smelt like shit, it now looks like shit, and basically it was the part of the beach that was closest to my home which also sucked. I’d prefer to step on a blue bottle jellyfish than to allow those mutts ruin a perfect place like that, alas it had already turned into a horrible place just as I decided to leave and find a new home. May 17, 2016 at 8:48 am
Stu. Just an observation. Dog owner’s hate being confined to dog only areas because when all is said and done they can’t stand each other any more than we can stand the invasion of the dogs into every public place.
Gianna is a dog slave May 18, 2016 at 11:59 pm
I don’t need a stinking ugly mutt to keep me active. You talk as if dog sh*t smells like freshly baked cupcakes. Dog lovers are slaves to their f* beast. I’m glad in my culture, we eat dogs to survive like we do with any other animals rather than worship them. I bet you perform beastiality with fido….
E.F May 19, 2016 at 8:23 pm
Gianna is a dog slave,
Your comment made me laugh my guts out, and the ironic part of it is that it’s so true, whilst dog lovers only come to the reasoning that it’s not true because it hurts their feelings, not that it’s actually false. Another funny thing is how recently they’ve been literally calling their dogs ‘furbabies’… and just after I thought it was impossible for them to get any stupider, furbabies is a word created by dog haters to ‘mock’ dog lovers and how they think and treat their mutts like human babies.
dnance May 20, 2016 at 4:56 pm
Omg thank you!
AnkleBiter May 20, 2016 at 7:08 pm
It finally happened. I saw a fake service dog in my supermarket in the produce aisle. I got sick looking at it. It was a tiny purse dog with a NSAR vest. The woman holding it looked healthy. I can’t imagine how this dog would help a disabled person. I got close enough to snap a picture of it. She turned around and I said “how cute”. She chuckled. All you have to do is like their dogs and these pathetic losers melt. At least it wasn’t riding in a cart.
E.F May 21, 2016 at 6:08 am
As soon as I read that last part, I just couldn’t help but to image this chick being a trigglypuff or something. In any case, Australia hasn’t had many problems with service dogs, I only see one or two a year, and they’re usually always a Labrador and for blind people. However in the past few months I’ve seen many pop up, at the end of their leashes aren’t blind people, in fact they look rather normal, the worst part about this is that they’re ALL brute-breeds, pitbulls and greyhounds. The last 2 years they’ve been going apeshit crazy over greyhounds, people (including my best friend’s family) has set up a ‘support greyhounds’ community where they get together with their mutts at each others places, and literally have them running around the house whilst they eat lunch *they’re all garbage hoarders which can give you a bit of an idea of the houses*. I hear on the radio all the time “Adopt a greyhound” and shit like that. But the thing is, pitbulls are supposed to be banned in Australia, and yet I see them everywhere nowadays, I think the ban has been uplifted and people are taking it upon themselves to name them ‘service dogs’, for which reason I can’t imagine, but all I can hope from this is that one of the mutts lash out and attack their idiot owners so the ban can come back.
Had Enough w/Canines May 21, 2016 at 6:31 am
Should you patronize or even enter a market when a person is standing between you and the entrance with a full sized pit bull on a long leash?
I purposely took a very wide walk around them but I still didn’t feel safe. It was rather threatening the way this guy commandeered the doorway so you had to interact with his dog.
AnkleBiter May 21, 2016 at 7:54 am
I wish there was a way to post pictures here because I captured the little froofroo on my phone.
AnkleBiter May 23, 2016 at 5:58 pm
I had another lovely dog encounter today. I was picking up some clothing from someone via freecycle. She gave me her address via email and I arrived at the house to find her little yappy rat in the driveway, barking at my car. The woman said she wouldn’t be home and would leave the clothes outside for me. I got out of my car and tried to fetch and run, but the rat kept barking and trying to jump me. I kicked it, ran into my car and left. I emailed the woman that I couldn’t pick up the clothing because her dog harassed me. She apologized and said that the rat normally wasn’t outside but her son forgot and left it out there. Further proof that dog owners are nitwits.
BigDogHater May 24, 2016 at 5:58 pm
On my Facebook feed, I saw yet another instance of a person being attacked by their own pit bull. Apparently, the dude told the mutt to attack a police officer and it attacked him instead.
I’d love for nutters to try to tell me how loyal pit bulls are. LOL.
BigDogHater May 24, 2016 at 6:00 pm
Forgot to say in my other comment, I am in no way saying the dog should have obeyed the man and attacked the police. It’s simply the fact that these creatures can brutally attack their masters, yet people will somehow still try to suggest that they are “loyal”. May 24, 2016 at 9:56 pm
I’m not sure a pit bull cares what it’s chomping when it goes game.
dogsfromhell May 25, 2016 at 4:46 pm
Gen May 25, 2016 at 5:10 pm
I’m sorry a dog killed your cat. πŸ™
I like dogs somewhat, I like cats better.
Dogs are just too much work. And I hate that constant affection and neediness. And that smell, good god.
I’m just glad to know that some people hate dogs, because it seems like everyone in this damn country loves them.
And I would totally eat dog if I ever saw it on a menu somewhere. Not cat, though. I like them too much, and they’re too much like people.
E.F May 25, 2016 at 7:50 pm
Completely understandable, and you can find comfort unknowing that dog haters don’t dislike people like yourself for somewhat liking dogs, we just don’t like the people who come on here and insult us for no reason, or of course, prove ignorance and idiocy. πŸ™‚
My favourite animals are reptiles and birds (basically the same thing besides the scales and feathers), but I eat bird all the time, and only eat snake/crocodile etc. when i’m at a cultural event. If eating human was legal and I was presented with the opportunity, I would try it out too. But I can’t stand the idea of eating dogs, I mean by all means, go ahead and do it *asia* but dogs to me, are disgusting looking, ugly, and yes the smell puts me off too, as a dog hater I don’t like to look at them let alone touch them or eat them.
Cats are alright in my book.
Gen May 29, 2016 at 7:02 am
E. F,
And by the way, I like lizards/snakes too. They’re very interesting. But I don’t think I could do the feeding required for snakes (rats). I heard it can be rather ghastly.
I took care of a tarantula once and it was very cool also.
What kind of cultural event do you do that involves snake eating? I wish my family had that kind of culture. I’ve never even tasted snake.
Gen May 29, 2016 at 7:25 am
I’m glad my opinion is welcome here. I can comfortably say that not only am I in favor of people hating dogs, I’m a fan of it!
Part of the problem I have with “dog people” is that they are so typically adamant against people who think differently than they do. Not just about dogs but about anything. It seems to be a type of cognitive bias that signals lowered intelligence.
I mean, I have liked some dogs in my life. I have fond/fun memories of a family pet we had growing up. But we had tried out 3 dogs and only one of them was somewhat suitable (but still, she smelled). She was a Corgi, and they’re said to be one of the most “intelligent” breeds, whatever that means (to your typical dog owner, being trained=smart, and free will=dumb).
Dogs are just horrible in general: reckless, stupid, messy, and loud. People who buy adult dogs at shelters expecting to train them can just forget it. In general only puppies are viable for this. That saying is totally true, “can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”
I wouldn’t mind if they were all gone tomorrow. While occasionally I meet one I like, I don’t get attached to them. If you look into those eyes, there is just nothing there.
I would only eat dog because I read this article saying it tastes very flavorful, like tender mutton mixed with beef. It said that the taste of dog makes beef pale in comparison.
I’m trying to get people in my life on the dog eating bandwagon, but I am sometimes met with severe resistance. I figure if it becomes a trend and people start eating them, then they won’t be kept in homes anymore but raised on farms like other animals we eat. More peaceful neighborhoods would result. And I wouldn’t step in poop anymore.
I once saw a guy drag a huge pit bull out of a high rise apartment downtown. On the way out of the building it took a huge poop while he was dragging it. He didn’t pick it up. I saw this lady walking a yapper head out the same way, directly in the path of the poo-bomb. I didn’t say anything. With her $700 stiletto heel, she steps DIRECTLY in the middle of the poo. She realized it right away and cursed high and low, wiping her heel off on the valet stand (rude!) while her dog peed on the marble floor. It ran down the floor and all over her bare foot when she stepped down. I laughed my butt off, couldn’t help it. I did feel slightly evil afterward.
I’m not sure if the overall issue is that many people are stupid, so, many people worship dogs. Or if dogs are making many people stupider. It’s hard to tell.
E.F May 29, 2016 at 6:34 pm
I have a friend who got a snake recently, the feeding isn’t that gruesome but it all depends on whether the person watching is easily disgusted, or what kind of snake too (rather watch a mouse get crushed, or slowly poisoned). I’ve never even seen a turantula in real life, I’m not scared of spiders but I don’t have an interest in keeping them as pets either; facts about them on the other hand, are interesting.
The events I usually go to are Aborigine ones, they provide kangaroo, crocodile, snake, emu and more to eat. Not a taste I can compare to anything for each of those creatures, they’ve all a distinct and different taste to most meat we eat today.
I usually love ranting, and reading about people rant, which is why I love the whole ‘dog hater’ community myself, although I am also one hundred percent apart of it too.
“Part of the problem i have with dog people is that they are so typucally adamant against people who think differently than they do”, I was going to mention that it’s just the way ‘people like that’ think, perhaps due to low intelligence, but it seems that you already knew that. Yeah that’s a big problem, in fact I don’t know a single person who dislikes dog owners who cannot name more than one moment where they’ve been alienated due to an understanding and often factual opinion given by them, about dogs OR anything else for that matter. Reminds me of all the radical feminism crap we see online nowadays. If you don’t agree with them, they’ll do anything but prove you’re wrong (because they can’t) so they just end up trying to censor you or insult you in hopes that you leave, block them or commit suicide.
“I mean, I have liked some dogs in my life. I have fond/fun memories of a family pet we had growing up.” You and me both, unless you obtain a fear from dogs before you even get one, chances are you’re practically ‘doomed’ or ‘destined’ to have or love dogs, dog propaganda EVERYWHERE! especially for children, I mean if I was a film director, I’d make a childrens show based on dogs too, I know they go apeshit crazy over that stuff. Same with the adults sadly. But yes, I still have pictures of me as a child holding puppies and playing with family pets, my opinion on them changed after I was attacked with no provocation of these ‘beloved’ and ‘spoiled’ family pets.
They were not treated wrong, they were not vicious breeds, in fact those dogs were treated better than everyone else in my family and yet i was still viciously attacked. Also the other day on the news, they had this dog who just kep on jumping off of a cliff into a pool of water, after it was done, it just ran back up the hill and jumped off again, (the dog was literally referred to as a genius…) and it was only doing what everyone else was doing… what the very few intelligent people call ‘of no skill or intelligence required’, dog owners call ‘absolute genius act’, just shows how stupid they are sometimes.
Some of our scientists (not sure which countries) are currently working on a way to ‘create artifical meat’, my guess is they grow it from bacteria, but they’ve managed to grow small bits every now and then, they plan on going full scale when meat becomes scarce, but even though the idea of eating dog disgusts me, I would much prefer chew on them in comparison to this bacteria-grown fake meat. I just don’t see the world stooping to such lengths to get their daily protein, because they’ve convinced themselves that it’s immoral to do to a dog, that of which you’d gladly to to a chicken, or cow etc. Hypocrisy at it’s most pathetic so to say.
I’m at work so I witheld from laughing mine off too, but I would have cracked up with grace if I saw that in real life, unfortunately I’ve only seen owners ‘dun goof’ socially, not so funny in that regards, other than that, i only see things worthy of a head-shake of shame when comes to dogs and their cultist slaves.
“I’m not sure if the overall issue is that many people are stupid, so, many people worship dogs. Or if dogs are making many people stupider. It’s hard to tell”. It’s the people I’m sure of it, dogs have been as stupid as they have always been since before the bible was written (we have literature and frescoes to suggest that), and yet people have gone from hating them, to seeing them as literally demons, to now worshipping them like idiots. I don’t think it will ever get any better, it will get worse over the years.
It’s nice speaking with you Gen, hopefully you don’t consider this long line of text boring, or annoying. ^^
AnkleBiter May 30, 2016 at 6:16 pm
I spoke to someone recently about the testing done by to tell you where your bloodline is from (ie. African, British Isles, Asian etc.). They mentioned they knew someone who did the test on their DOG because it’s a mutt and they wanted to know what it’s genetic makeup was. These tests are about $100 a pop. I can’t think of a bigger waste of money than doing it on a dog.
dogsfromhell May 31, 2016 at 4:07 am
This takes dog cultist to an entirely new level. I wonder which one would be considered the nutter. LMAO May 31, 2016 at 6:15 am
DFH. I suggest neutering/spaying so this breed cannot spread.
dogsfromhell May 31, 2016 at 3:59 pm
HaHa! I agree. June 2, 2016 at 5:36 am
Starshine June 2, 2016 at 9:02 am
(I think I may have done something wrong when posting my comment. It asked me to refresh the page and then everything disappeared so I’m posting again now. Sorry if it ends up as a double post).
It’s been a while since I’ve visited this site. Glad to see it’s still going strong.
It pains me to even think about those kids being mauled by pitbulls and other dogs. Even worse are the sociopaths that defend it.
I read one guys post on another forum where he stated that such attacks shouldn’t be considered so bad. He said that he finds the deaths of animals worse than humans and that many people think like him so they shouldn’t kill those aggressive animals because that would be traumatic to him and others.
He wasn’t even trolling judging by his other posts. Such people leave me flabbergasted. I’m afraid they’ll end up as killers, or at the very least they’ll do society no good.
I just have to try and remind myself that most people aren’t like him.
I’m getting damned annoyed by the neighbour’s dog across the road. It makes me keep onto my assumption that most dog owners don’t give a damn about their dogs. The dog stands out in the garden barking all day long. I’ve never seen them walk the dog. They seem to be as sick of it as the rest of the neighbourhood.
Most dog owners keep their pets in gardens or in small apartments for 22 out of 24 hours a day, dress it up in clothing, take pictures of it and put it on Facebook where they can get comments about how cute their dog is. All the while they claim to care about their dog even though they treat it worse than most farmers treat their cows. It’s tragic.
dogsfromhell June 2, 2016 at 2:46 pm
Below is a recent comment by a nutter that did not go live. I just don’t get how nutters go psycho-ballistic on others who simply assert their boundaries by not wanting contact with dogs…all the while they are spewing hatred, aggression and violence.
“you dog haters probably all love kids – the *racial slur* that fell into the gorilla enclosure should of been shot along with his parents – people are mostly fat ugly and disgusting so you take it out on dogs – you sick bunch ****** don’t come into my part of the country”
E.F June 2, 2016 at 7:16 pm
“you dog haters probably all love kids – the *racial slur* that fell into the gorilla enclosure should of been shot along with his parents – people are mostly fat ugly and disgusting so you take it out on dogs – you sick bunch ****** don’t come into my part of the country”
Actually I was just going on about how the mother was neglecting her kid, how feral the kid was, and how the gorilla didn’t show clear signs of hatred towards the child (it looked like the animal was trying to protect the child from all the people who were yelling and eyeballing the kid/gorilla). Why do they come here and prove us right, that dog lover idiocy written all over their forehead, basically provoking us intelligent folk to make fun of them. Let me spell it out for you Lefty, WE HATE DOGS! WE HATE IDIOTS WHO THINK THAT DOGS ARE GODSPAWN! WE HATE SELFISH HUMANS LIKE YOURSELF WHO DON’T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR OWN KIND BUT WILL GLADLY BOAST ABOUT HOW GREAT THEIR DOGS ARE IN COMPARISON DESPITE THE OBVIOUS PROOF TO THE CONTRARY!
And like DFH has said, idiotic dog lovers go on about how them and their rats are actually moral and right, and fair in comparison to us, yet we seem to be the ONLY group of people in the world who actually care for the well being of humans. Unlike dog nutters, we don’t attack them, we simply stand firm with a fair and understanding opinion, and they not only choose to alienate us, but they literally resort to violence, there’s a reason the word ‘dog’ has been considered an insult for over 3000 years… Lefty, you ARE a dog!
Also hello Starshine πŸ˜› I’m not like that guy persay, but I see all life and death as the same, we all end up being non-existent and seeing darkness, so why not care for the life of all living things instead of just a select few, but that’s just the way we humans are, I certainly care more about humans than other animals, but that’s ‘natural’ to care for an animal MORE than humans as a whole should quite literally be considered a scum-act, but to care for both is absolutely fine! It’s funny how people who claim to care for animal life (most often vegans) could care less about killing insects… yes there is a difference in pain, but we ALL DIE THE SAME! Hypocrites everywhere (even I’m a hypocrite sometimes).
Also, my mother is an absolute dog nutter, but she doesn’t seem to give a shit about the mutt until she feels like some company, that’s basically the most common and true stereotype of the majority of dog lovers, although I see that more present in female dog nutters. June 2, 2016 at 10:32 pm
Dear intolerant dog nutter who didn’t go live with threats and racial slurs. You don’t own anything past your property line. If that. We live in a free country and I’ll go into what ever part of it I please. And if your nasty untrained bark and crap machine is left to carry on mindlessly I’ll call the sheriff on you just like I do my neighbors. and they’re relatives.
In fact we’ve seriously discussed that this year will be the year we don’t just call to have them shut the mutt up. It will be the year we file written complaints so there is a paper trail leading up to municipal court to sue them for their negligence and harassment.
As to the boy that got into the gorilla enclosure. Zoos have rules posted. I’m betting one of them pertains to parents supervising their children. The decision to kill the gorilla was regrettably the correct one. Even in play the child was in mortal danger.
Per the investigation which I am sure is ongoing the zoo should pay half of the boys medical bills and the parents should pay for half the value of the gorilla. Parental supervision will no longer be a issue going forward. No enclosure is foolproof. I read the case where a child was beating on her chest and enraged a zoo gorilla who then charged and cracked the safety glass. A few years ago some fools teased a tiger until it jumped the moat and mauled him.
The child’s behavior and the parents reaction are typical and mirror the parent who looked at me like I had a problem after their screaming nightmare rammed me with a shopping cart. Somehow it was my fault the impact landed the kid on his backside.
Mew June 3, 2016 at 8:36 am
dogsfromhell June 3, 2016 at 2:29 pm
eeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww….Is that dog slipping him the toilet paper tongue!!!????? Besides the bizarre bestiality of it all…its just plain gross. This propels dog nuttery to the next level. LMAO. June 3, 2016 at 4:10 pm
The upside is no matter how hard he works it there aren’t going to be puppies from this union. It should have also effectively removed him from the human gene pool. Although that’s not a given.
Given some of the accounts of female pit owners and the reluctance to neuter their beast I’d say a healthy portion of these owners are involved at some level in some hinky behavior.
shhaha June 4, 2016 at 9:57 pm
have you ever wondered that she could be diabetic? Dogs can detect when your blood sugar levels are dropping. None have you have obviously had a TRUE bond with a dog. And frankly you’re all just pure hating pieces of shit. Humans are seriously the worst creatures out here lets be honest. Killing our planet, killing each other. And youre gonna blame dogs? You all are ridiculously close minded. And I’m not pissed cause y’all are hating on dogs. I understand, wgen they lick themselves itms DISGUSTING. But dude c’mon humans arent any better. Our runny noses, our diarrhea, our body odor. But all you-men- im guessing, think youre so superior or something. I feel bad you for.
dogsfromhell June 5, 2016 at 4:26 am
LMAO. Modern medicine has a simple device and now an implant to read your sugar level of individuals who are diabetic. The reading is numerical so the person can obtain precise information. For those that are low vision or blind the device even speaks. :0 The device is affordable, does not shit, piss, bark, deposit saliva or dander and there is no risk of attack.
Nope. Never “bonded” with a dog. That’s the point of this site. We want no contact.
dogsfromhell June 5, 2016 at 4:35 am
Dogs are canivores yet the cereal, aka dog food sold out on the market is low quality protein and grain based filler. If dog owners invested in food that satisfied the dog’s carnivorous cravings, would they stop eating children?
E.F June 5, 2016 at 6:46 am
Usually I laugh when I find a pathetic dog nutter showing idiocy, but that link just made me vomit in my mouth a lil πŸ™
As for you Shhaha,
I’m diabetic, my best friend is diabetic, and never have we ever seen a dog ‘act differently’ to when our blood sugars run low, unfortunately out of the many who come to this site, I’ve lived my entire life around dogs, once upon a time I used to ‘love’ dogs… I ‘did’ have a bond with my pets so your assumptions are quite literally false. Not to mention the fact that some of the people here might never have had a bond with a dog, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t had similar bondage with different pets, there are clear differences in animal, the way they act, smell and how the owners act as well. This is most often the very thing that makes some dog haters hate dogs, they realise that dogs aren’t as great as a great majority of dog lovers claim. So again, that point you’re trying to make is irrelevant.
“And frankly you’re all just pure hating pieces of shit.” Citation needed* we all can be hating, you’re no different, your mother is no different, religious folk are no different. Since the beginning of human history we started out doing as other predatorial animals would, kill each other out of instinctual needs, as our intelligence grew, so too did we begin to realise that not everyone gets along, and as it has always been, we live in world bound by survival, even in this current civil world we live in, it’s get a job, earn money or die. There are FAR MORE humans in the world than there are dogs, or many other animals for that matter, and so when we see a great many people doing what they must to survive (which in turn may result in the death of others, animals and the ecosystem) it not only comes to our attention first via. the media, but because there’s so many of us we see it as a lot in comparison to the minority creatures. In truth if we don’t take scale into consideration, or whether it affects the world or not, bugs kill more animals and insects than even humans do, it’s because they outnumber humans by a great many more.
Yes, humans do suck and they do kill, but human intelligence allows them the opportunity from birth to have a choice, and as we have the ability to grow up with morals, we don’t kill based on instinct, but yet we are still affected by survival. The few who actually do act upon a crime often see it as they are dealt a shit hand and ‘have no choice’ to commit the crime, for them and/or their families.
Dogs however don’t think like humans, they ‘are’ unpredictable and they don’t act upon choice, they cannot learn the morals that we live up to and more often than naught act upon an attack without real provocation, and not to survive but for petty reasons.
In the sense that humans ‘understand’ the conceptualisation of morals/immorals, life and death, when and why to undertake in an immoral event, this itself puts us atop the list of organic life as the superiors by default, according to nature it does, that we survive. It was humans that created the idea that by destroying one another or the Earth it makes us the lesser being, it’s a good way to think like this, I believe there should be order, and we’re lucky that a great many people are gullible enough to believe it.
Also not to forget the fact that humans feel obligated to like humans more than animals under unconditional pretext, but just like a great many other animals (like lions and chimps AND DOGS) we tend to only trust and care for those we are born around, and those who show us care and respect and loyalty etc.
You call us close minded as a whole, and yet you don’t consider why we hate them, rather you assume it’s just because they’re disgusting… it should already be apparent that none of us care what you think because you’re not only wrong about dogs, but you’re wrong about us, but take it from a philosophy lecturer, assumptions aren’t a necessity, and they only bring you down in life.
E.F June 5, 2016 at 6:50 am
Oh, and no, I’m not a man at all, in fact I was born intersex, once again, you’re wrong…
Melody June 5, 2016 at 9:30 am
I am definitely a woman. And I am married to a MAN that is so freaking emotional about his dogs. He has been crying for days because he finally agreed to have his old senile dog out down. He said he felt guilty because he was going to “murder” his dog. I said “no, you’re putting him out of his misery”. He couldn’t see or hear or walk or eat or go outside to crap usually.
So I am down to one dog….. For a few weeks at least. We are moving in with the inlaws who have a lab pit mix. But he should be behind 2 separate gates from my son. I will still have to share the space with our pit bull. (Eyes roll). I am so tired of seeing her lick herself.
sugary spice June 5, 2016 at 4:03 pm
Shhaha – Those dogs are usually trained in order to be able to monitor diabetes. The dogs aren’t doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, they are simply doing what they were trained to do. Many dog owners can’t even get their mutts to shut up let alone monitor an illness.
I do not like dogs. They are annoying, smelly, and often turn out to be quite dangerous. I’ve lived around dogs most of my life and still do not like them. This site is about hating dogs, venting out frustrations with dogs/dog owners, and commenting on dog-related mishaps/accidents in the news. It is not like I am out hurting anyone’s dog, majority of comments on this site are not even about inflicting harm upon dogs. If anything, the dog nuts are the violent ones with their endless threats and vile language after they found out not everyone likes/worships dogs and/or want no interaction with them.
I know you have seen those stories about dogs biting and even killing people. Dog waste is polluting the Earth as well. Perhaps you should stop being so lose minded and do some research. It’s not just humans. Dogs are not innocent. I also hope you remember that humans created those filthy beasts that you love so much in the first place.
And for your information I’m a woman, not a man.
Linn June 6, 2016 at 2:06 am
I suppose I should also mention that I’m a woman as well. πŸ™‚
I completely agree with you answer E.F. I care about animals as well.
I will always pick a human first (unless we’re talking about a human scumbag of course), but I try not to kill insects for instance, and I have some pretty radical views on animal welfare (prefer hunting over keeping domestic animals and I’m against keeping most types of pets).
I think the people on this site are far more concerned with animal welfare than people like Shanna. We don’t keep dogs as prisoners in our homes. We don’t force them to spend time with a species not their own. I find it amusing how so many of these so called dog owners state that they hate humans, and yet they force their dog to spend all its time around such a hateful human. The hypocrisy is astounding.
Starshine June 6, 2016 at 5:35 am
Sorry for using the wrong name. Linn is Starshine, though you can call me both.. πŸ™‚
The dog across the street has been out in the garden all day again. I have no clue why they’re keeping it around. It barks every time it hears us unlock the door to our own house, so it’s not really doing any good as a guard dog. Maybe they’ve trained it to become silent whenever a burglar comes into the garden. I think they would actually wake up if the dog stops barking.
E.F June 6, 2016 at 7:04 pm
Heyo Linn, I prefer Linn (I have friends online named Starshine already).
I see all death as the same, that’s the only reason I try not to kill insects too, although I also see it as, if a creature (even human) is non-productive as to say that they don’t contribute to the environment, or our economy then I consider them a waste of space (although I wouldn’t condone to violence against them, it’s just how I percieve things).
I wouldn’t consider that a radical view, it’s just a preference that we’re all affected by, some people choose and others come to see no other rational choice to the preference itself. I love most animals too but I’m not really a pet person either. Just like how a dog lover mistakes ‘dog hater’ for ‘dog abuser’ they also often mistake enjoying hunting for hating animals… I enjoy hunting, and I always put the kill to good use, but I also love animals as I have just mentioned.
What I don’t like though, recently a woman was mauled by a great white shark and our coast guard is going on a ‘literal’ hunt for the shark, basically to kill it and string it up to leave it to rot… does this help stop further attacks? not really, but what pees me off is that the shark was just doing what it does to survive, it’s understandeable to put down a pet if it injures or kills a human, because it’s the owners job to teach the animal what’s right and what’s not right to do, sharks are wild animals. It’s the goal that pisses me off about this, sure, implement a way to stop further attacks, but to go on a shark hunt because one person out of many was killed by a single shark, it’s just plain pathetic and a waste of resources, reminds me of those SES teams who spend hours out on a search risking life and limb for a single dog.
As for people like Shanna, they tend also to mistake a dogs neutral face for a dog smiling. If a dog has been treated like a king it’s entire life then it grows up to be a lazy piece of shit house pet, it wouldn’t survive out in the wild, but that’s where dogs prefer to be, that’s where every animal prefers to be (our wild now are houses and shops etc.), about a year ago a dog-breeding factory was discovered, it was a shithole with dogs running everywhere, there was plenty to eat but there was shit and piss all over the place, was this place healthy for the dog? not likely considering they were cooped up in a factory their entire lives, but in comparison to a family home, they were with other dogs, they had plenty of room to run and play, they literally eat shit and sleep in piss so they don’t care about that, it was quite literally a paradise for dogs, and yet a buttload of dog lovers protested against it, they would much prefer them being cooped up in a house with smaller space, lower quantities of food, no other pets to commune with in comparison to that of the factory that was shut down. Strangely I was seen as the bad one for actually sticking up the dogs. They see themselves as angels, as well as their dogs, and yet they just overlook their obious-hypocrisy, I can actually tell when I’m being a hypocrit, they seem not to be able to distinguish them.
I know how you feel with that dog barking, I waited for years for the damned next door neighbours dog either runs away, dies or gets sold, it literally barked at nothing, all night and all day. It would go on for hours, I’d hop into bed at 6:00pm but not end up going to sleep until 1:00am. I just don’t get people who waste money on a dog that they keep outside all day, feed it when it needs to be fed and it’s only soul purpose is to keep people awake all night. So after about 5 years of going through some bad sleeping order habits due to the dogs insanely annoying barking, it finally ran away (or choked on one of those orange nuts that fruit bats eat), should have known they’d get another dog…
There are dog nutters who consider their mutt a human child, and then there are dog lovers who are so fricking selfish and selfcentred that they don’t take everyone elses well-being into consideration.
dogsfromhell June 7, 2016 at 6:43 am
I am so sorry to know you are tormented daily by dog noise. No one deserves this. Dog noise is a chronic health, social and quality of life issue in our culture. How does someone get to bring a bark machine home, have it negatively impact the lives of those around them and then assert their right to have it or worse that “IT” is entitled? How is this acceptable on any level in a civilized society? This is my/our human habitat. Since when are we compelled to live with another species which is obviously incompatible with our living environment.
“I think they would actually wake up if the dog stops barking.” This is an astute observation. I am sure they are simply numb.
dogsfromhell June 7, 2016 at 6:55 am
In other news…..the moron across the street who is the marginal single parent of a 7 year old just got a pit bull. He has decided it’s okay for it to run around out front off leash. There is another neighbor that has a boxer that runs off leash all the time. The dog is friendly, although I personally pass on any “greetings”, and non-aggressive. On the surface, no problem. However my concern has been from the onset of its off leash freedom, that others would follow that model. Sure enough, they have befriended each other and now both dogs run around every evening across the street. The pit may or may not go psycho at some point. Who knows because it’s pit roulette…either way, I now feel unsafe on my own street. Welcome to mfp’s world.
dogsfromhell June 7, 2016 at 7:10 am
Statistically dog owners are the abusers of dogs since you must first own and hold captive a dog in order to abuse it. Also, veterinarians are another sector of dog nutter. This group participates in implementing dog death. Its not cheap either. But of course you need dogs in order to make money terminating them therefore the dog industry has zero incentive to further spay/neuter best practices.
Dog nuttery is inherently a self serving and narcissistic activity. June 7, 2016 at 7:48 pm
DFH. What one dog would never try a pack will.
Off leash means they are too lazy to walk the dog or don’t have a decent fence or are too lazy to put up a barrier sufficient to keep the crap machine where it belongs. My marginal SIL next door seems to have acquired a new dog for the idiot one left to roam with. I had never mentioned that the troglodyte next door was my husband’s sister out of some lingering respect for family. But as you see in so many stories here families are often divided by one member owning a dog and refusing to take care of the very animal they choose to bring home. My SIL is a spoiled self entitled god freak who thinks anyone who doesn’t bow to her bull crap is the one with a problem. Single handedly she has divided the family and caused fights over her choice to let her dogs run loose and bark like the moron she is. June 7, 2016 at 7:56 pm
Dog nuttery is inherently a self serving and narcissistic activity.
Would make a great bumper sticker.
Christian Woods June 7, 2016 at 8:29 pm
We were at Polo Park a little while ago, and I was chatting with some people, one of which was a person who works with Epson. His name is Maverick.
Maverick said that those who own dogs most likely have nothing better to do with their lives because no people want to be around them, prompting a dog lover to start shouting at him. HIs response was the best ever, and I’ll never forget it:
“and this, right there is exactly what i’m talking about! You see that guys, this woman’s making a scene here in the middle of a mall because Christian, Henrietta and I don’t like dogs. And yet she was crying to me the other day that I should go out on a date with her. Way to prove my point Michelle, way to prove my point!”
It’s funny, it turned out exactly as Maverick guessed it would, and the dogger ended up proving him exactly right! Way to go whoever you are. Good on Maverick for not taking any of her crap.
Maverick is a respectable person who works with Epson and who will continue owkring with epson. He invented the epson tm-u220b printer, and has been a friend of mine for years.
Before I go, it was actually him that intorduced me to Henrietta, a woman whom is with me to this day and whom I love to death.
See that doggers? I have friends, I have a girlfriend, and (yes i have a cat) I don’t view animals on the same level as them. Sorry for being a specieist! June 7, 2016 at 9:41 pm
Christian Woods, More than once I have seen the dogger make a scene over nothing.
Once I asked a cashier why a woman was carrying around a dog , she had it stuck out in front of her like a battering ram. While the cashier responded that if she didn’t bring the dog inside it would be stuck in the car…well that’s another story the dogs owner who I had made a point of not addressing went ballistic on me. Swearing and cussing and following me out to my car.
Of course worse than dog nutters are pit nutters.
E.F June 8, 2016 at 5:03 am
They ALWAYS prove us dog haters right, whilst simultaneously swearing black and blue that we’re all low life losers with no friends, no jobs, full of pure hatred for everyone and everything, they come on here and assert their opinion with violence and harassment, claiming that we’re devil spawn and they and their mutts are angels… and it’s we who stick to ourselves and stand firm with a simple and understandable opinion.
I’ve not met one intelligent dog lover/nutter/cultist, they’re all a pack of idiots, the smartest there ever came to an intelligent dog lover is one of my best friends, but he’s extremely ignorant when comes to facts, he believes what he wants to believe whether it can be proven false or not.
“They’re all the same” is a literal saying that cannot be proven false by any of ‘them’. They’re among the biggest hypocrites that have ever lived, and they seem to find it easy to ‘crack’ and lash out at someone, proving their weak mindedness.
Christian Woods June 8, 2016 at 6:05 am
I hear you. I mean look at how this woman treated Maverick.
When she found out that Maverick is a smart guy and has been working with Epson since 1993 she did an almost doubletake.
These people view dog haters and dog dislikers as uninteligent morons with no friends, and when they turn out wrong, it’s like you’ve revealed to them that the ghost of their grandma is standing next to them or something.
Let’s compare here:
The woman, whom Maverick identifies as Michelle, is a middle-aged woman (younger than Maverick by 8 years) who has 6 dogs, who has owned 76 dogs in her 41 years of life, and has a job as a receptionist at an office near Winnipeg. She has remained single her entire life, and grew up semi-wealthy.
Maverick, a 49 year old (as of march 20’th) who was mistakenly taken from his parents at birth, grew up in an abusive foster home, returned to his parents at 13 (1980), grew up to be a strong smart man, started working with Epsno in 1993, invented a popularly used printer, the epson tm-u220b, is semi-ritch, got a family and many friends.
Not to mention lost his wife in 9/11 has 1 daughter who is an aspiring voice actor and has never owned a dog in his life. He has had 2 cats in his 49 years of life, count them, 2.
Which M do you pick as someone you’d hang out with:
Michelle or Maverick?
dogsfromhell June 8, 2016 at 2:46 pm
oohhhhhhh…mfp, didn’t realize it was so bad. :(…..damn June 8, 2016 at 10:10 pm
The reality is DFH I doubt our situation is far from unique. Families are divided in and out of the home over the nonsense over dogs. Husband and wives at each other’s throats. Children neglected or endangered. Family members who refuse to visit because of the canine terrors living in their parents, siblings or other relatives homes.
It’s been quite since I started texting the ordinance that says it’s against the law to an animal carry on and interfere with the rights of someone else. Calling the cops on the a few times last summer didn’t hurt. It felt a little funky the first time but it’s not like we haven’t pleaded with them to control their dogs. Watching her grow up I never seen her attend to or care for any animal she brought home past the initial novelty instead dumping them on her ever aging father to deal with. Since he no longer lives out here she gets her dogs and then after a brief I’m going to love you and hug you forever period treats them with the lack of care she has shown all her animals. She is the epitome of what is wrong with dog owners in this country, And in my opinion an inconsiderate slob.
Christian Woods June 9, 2016 at 2:55 am
DFH, which M would you pick? Just check at my post right above yours where I go over them.
ALso which of the two M’s would you think most poeple would og for? MIchelle or Maverick, and why?
My choice is obvious, given I’m friends with Maverick for 7 years.
Christian Woods June 9, 2016 at 7:38 am
Imagine if this is what happened every time a kid asked for a dog.
Melody June 9, 2016 at 6:02 pm
That might be the most annoying show I’ve ever seen :O
Christian Woods June 9, 2016 at 6:31 pm
It’s how I’d react if my kids got a dog anyway when I told them they couldn’t.
E.F June 9, 2016 at 8:03 pm
I watched it, and I just did not get it whatsoever… but yet again i don’t get dog nutters in general so it makes sense.
Christian Woods June 9, 2016 at 8:28 pm
The rwason why I posted it is because he gets grounded for getting a dog.
I’d react the way his father would.
I don’t know why but I like watching grounded videos, Henrietta thinks I shouldn’t though, lol.
disgusting June 10, 2016 at 3:06 am
You are completely clueless. The breed of pitbulls are not vicious, they have gotten that rep after someone put their face out there as the attack dog. There’s plenty other dogs who are vicious. It’s not the breed it’s the mental state and how they were trained.

AnkleBiter December 3, 2016 at 8:44 pm
Unbelievable stupidity on both parts. Speaking of how intelligent dogs are, I saw a Facebook post from an acquaintance saying their puppy “escaped our fence and was killed by a car.” How dumb are these creatures? Extinction must be coming soon. And her wording sounds like she’s blaming the car when the truth is the dumb dog ran under its wheels.
Is it bad that I didn’t even feel bad, but mainly thought what a dumb creature? It wasn’t even cute – one of those golden moppy dogs you’d want to clean your floor with.
Now she has to deal with her grieving kindergartener. Dog ownership can’t possibly be worth it. December 3, 2016 at 10:16 pm
You will learn that when a dog gets hit by a car it is always the driver that is at fault. You should have swerved into oncoming traffic and killed yourself and your family to avoid the damn thing. My insurance company explained it quite well. I had the right of way in the road and the dog ran out into the road right in front of my car. The dog owner was 100% at fault.
Had Enough w/Canines December 4, 2016 at 8:38 am
Went to a large, major company tree lighting/holiday party last night that had lots of booths, and attractions for families. I estimate 7500 people were there. Small children, strollers abounded. First thing to greet you walking in were pet adoptions. I heard they were trying to adopt out 36 dogs of various types. Of course there were many pitbulls.
Later heard quietly, there was someone bitten on the leg who was merely walking by, you guessed it, an out of control (OOC) pit dog. This revelation came just as they were touting 4 adoptions of dogs – and “If you don’t like dogs, get out,” was said tongue-in-cheek with the adoption announcement. For just the dogs, mind you. Nothing was said about the many adorable kittens they had.
Disgusting! People will never learn you can provoke an OOC dog by just being near it, wearing the wrong scent, making the wrong sound, or gesturing the wrong way.
DogsNeed ToDisappear December 4, 2016 at 11:38 pm
Dogs are incredibly dirty animals. I find them repulsive, and if one brushes up against me it makes me want to gag and vomit. They roll in their own leavings like it’s perfume to them. They lick their own crotches and whatever garbage they find lying on the ground – is that really supposed to be “adorable”? Something you want to pat and play with and have at the end of your bed? Ewww!
Dog lovers have no respect for anyone but themselves. It’s common courtesy to keep your dog on a leash, clean up after your dog, keep it away from strangers and treat it like an animal, not a child. If I put a pet tarantula on a dog lover’s head and told them, “oh, my spider’s friendly, he won’t bite!” they’d report me likely, so why is it acceptable for a stinky, nasty dog to jump up onto a person, and for dog lovers to use the “oh, it’s alright, he’s friendly!” excuse?
Honestly, it’s also disrespectful to the dog to treat it like a human being. It’s an animal, it doesn’t want to be stuffed into cutesy costumes and swaddled up like an infant. It doesn’t want to be some friendless flake’s pillow. When a dog is properly trained, taught to behave in a certain manner, such as police dogs, seeing eye dogs, etc. there are exceptions, but otherwise, a dog should be kept away from those who don’t want one jumping on them or leaving leavings on their lawn. Not everyone is a dog lover and dog lovers need to learn to respect that even if they don’t agree with that viewpoint, and not automatically call anyone who doesn’t love dogs “cruel, evil haters”.
In the 21st century, there’s been this rise of “dog culture”. Dogs haven’t changed a bit, but their owners have, and not for the better. There is this sense of entitlement these days for dog people, as if they believe that owning a dog entitles them to break the law, get special privileges in parks, restaurants, theaters, etc., and and worse yet, they allow their beloved pets to kill other animals, such as cats, raccoons and other small creatures.
And then there’s the “pittie-lover” crowd… ugh, don’t even get me started on those freaks-of-nature who adore pit bulls to the point where, if they read an article online about a pit bull attacking and killing a child, they’ll blame the child! It’s sick. To defend a vicious animal like that, must be some twisted form of psychosis or something. And I cringe even more when dog owners say “I wish I never had my kids. They were accidents. My fur-baby is like a human baby that never grows up”. The fact that this mentality among the dog people demographic is becoming more and more common… holy cow, it’s just nuts.
Had Enough w/Canines December 5, 2016 at 5:25 am
Your comments would be much better received if they were not so profanity laced. Please have a care. December 5, 2016 at 3:22 pm
In defense of Aurel most of us sound like that in our heads daily. I was nearly shunned in a pet store HEW/Cs. I refused to let a crap hound sniff me. To which the shocked dog owner looked in my arms and said-Oh she has cat stuff…
At the vet last time for our hand raised kittens we were sitting in the section marked cats only. We were invaded no less than three times by idiots with dogs to which the staff had to jump up and remind them to keep their dogs out of that area. The last was by three women with a single digit IQ between the three of them and some large breed dog of about 150 lbs that was drooling and gagging and dragging its owner over to us. I thought my husband was going to punch the mutt in the nose but the tech got in-between just in time. We had no where to retreat to. I said something not very charming and the dumb women acted offended. Oddly I have never seen a cat owner take their cat over to the dog waiting room and make a nuisance of themselves.
dogsfromhell December 6, 2016 at 2:46 pm
Another mauling by the “family dog” . The neighbors of course are “stunned” as always. Most of all the news reporters and police state the dogs look like pit bulls but are too afraid to “say” they are pit bulls. How many humans have to be sacrificed before these dogs are deemed unsafe?
Dogownersarecrap2 December 7, 2016 at 10:47 pm
Why dont you shut up, Beth. Dogs are nasturen beings and mostly their owners are tell me, do you clean up the shit your dogs do on the streets and lawns? Being that said, dogs are the worst pets you can have, they cant go out by theiselves and they smell so bad, they even eat shit of other animals. Do i really need to say more? If youre so fond of dogs then leave the page and stop whining. December 9, 2016 at 2:03 pm
Folks I have truly found that having a can of spray pepper in my hand while walking is the number one way to keep dogs away. It’s legal and dogs off leash unless you’re a nut and stroll through dog parks are fair game. Even if a dog has no foul intentions being jumped on by a 100lb beast isn’t pleasant. If your dog is running in my direction I have the right to defend myself. As I told the louse of a AC officer here. I’m not going to be any mutts free bite. I found I had to change myself from being a potential victim to being an alert defender of my personal space. It’s what empowered me to pick up the phone and call law enforcement on my SIL for her egregious behavior with her dogs.
Aurel Versus Dogs December 9, 2016 at 2:59 pm
I went into hospital for 3 days and I just came out, I WISH I WAS BACK THERE! I enjoyed being free of these… things…
mfatpony, I hope she gets the CORRECT legal treatment, oh wait, THIS IS EARTH NOT PARADISE, SHE WONT!
Aurel Versus Dogs December 9, 2016 at 4:09 pm
This is stupid, read that post and tell that person to LEARN THE TRUTH!
“In fact sometimes dogs teach humans what humanity is.” NO, THEY DO NOT.
“…dogs are god’s gift given to the human race.” HAVE YOU SEEN THE TRUTH?! December 9, 2016 at 9:36 pm
Aurel Versus Dogs-I’m an atheist and dogs are a man made mutation that had submission to humans bred into them so they would be willing slaves. Natural Selection and the diversity of the environment is the reason for so many variances even in the same species. Dogs were selectively bred for a function. Now they have all those instincts and no job but to be there for the human ego that likes that unconditional love that is nothing more than resource guarding. Many dogs were bred to be aggressive. Today we call the people who keep them as pets pit nutters. ( There are even worse breeds). You can’t fix stupid and all you’re doing by looking for some supreme answer over why anyone can stand these panting drooling stinking barking bite machines is making yourself crazy. As I said instead of being a victim to these social nuts be proactive and never go anywhere unprepared to defend yourself against having your personal space invaded or protect yourself from that sweet doggie that you must have provoked cause it’s never tried to kill anyone before. Walking sticks with heavy knobs are excellent and quite stylish at any age nowadays. In most places like parks you can openly carry pepper gel in little holster for your belt loop. You will be deemed rude but doggers will at the risk of doggie getting it on the noggin or if they jump on you one hell of a knee in the chest or even kicked away keep their mongrels out of your space. I no longer feel guilty. I don’t look for trouble but when it finds me I address it up front and loudly. I do it without hostility and quite matter of fact. If some stupid dog owner wants to get aggressive with me they’ll get a face full or pepper too. I have had to text my SIL several times. Shut it up in 15 or I’m calling dispatch. I mean it and she knows it. I walked out of a store at the check out when the clerk refused to wash her hands after groping a fake SD. I left my groceries on the belt and there were a lot of them. I have made them wipe down the belt if I see a dog on it. I have used about 200 of their wipes at the door to cleanse my cart. When asked I said there was no way to know if a dog ass had been in it. Never hostile just matter of fact. You know the most interesting thing is no one around me has ever stuck up for the dog or stupid owner of the dog. Lots of people even lots of dog owners feel the way we do about the out of control nonsense over mutts barking and being aggressive or fake service dogs contaminating stores. The only thing all my anger every accomplished was giving power to these pitiful human beings who have to cling to the false love of a dumb dog for fake love. Animals can make great companions the fake dialog has simply gotten out of hand.
Aurel Versus Dogs December 10, 2016 at 4:12 am
dogsfromhell December 6, 2016 at 2:46 pm
Why were the officers so afraid to shoot the dog? They’d shoot a murderer any day, so are dogs any different? When I read posts like this, I really start to question ‘Governments try to prevent terrorism, and general murders, but dogs, THEY GET OFF SCOTT FREE’. This is just absolutely imbecilic.
In memory of Nibbles the rat December 10, 2016 at 1:20 pm
I’m just laughing at the amount of parthetic cat people on this. December 10, 2016 at 3:02 pm
Police officers have lost their jobs and been sued for shooting aggressive dogs on a call even when the dog comes charging out the front door and attacks them.
Number one dog hater December 11, 2016 at 10:02 am
I can’t wait to go to China and see another pathetic dog get eaten….
Beyondfedup December 11, 2016 at 10:21 am
There’s a post circulating on facebook about whether or not one should be able to bring no their mutt to stay with them in hospitals. Omg shoot me now. I’ve pissed so many people off today with my comments lol
Yikes December 11, 2016 at 2:04 pm December 11, 2016 at 2:22 pm
I laugh at all the pathetic people that think hating dogs has something to do with liking cats. Of course that’s normal as dog people think it’s perfectly normal for their dog to kill other dogs, cats, wildlife , humans big and small. FYI I’m also a rat lover. But still a dog hater. Most interesting of all are the ones that come here because they hate their own dog.
dogsfromhell December 12, 2016 at 2:15 pm
send the link so we can help too!
dogsfromhell December 12, 2016 at 2:16 pm
This a dog hater site. Cats are not a part of the conversation.
AnkleBiter December 12, 2016 at 7:16 pm
Yikes! I’m certainly not surprised. This should dispel the myth that the dogs mouth is cleaner than ours.
The world has gone mad. I was subjected to a Facebook post from a woman exclaiming that she wants a puppy for christmas. I can think of a million better gifts than that. December 12, 2016 at 9:56 pm
DFH cats often play a part in our discussions because they are often the victims of dog attacks and treated with the even less regard than doggers treat human victims. Dog owners will happily tell you that it is normal for a dog to chase and kill a cat. Even if that cat is on it’s owners property. However this site is not a dog vs. cat lover site.
dogsfromhell December 13, 2016 at 12:28 pm
pony, In this regard I completely agree. And I find it astonishing that although dog owners allege to be animal lovers they 1) believe their beast is elite among animals and 2) are fine with their dog(s) savaging a cat or other animal, some even taking pleasure in this cruelty.
My comment was in reference to this person who posted:
“In memory of Nibbles the rat- I’m just laughing at the amount of parthetic cat people on this.”
I believe he/she is attempting to say that the folks on our site are automatically cat owners which is a common nutter assumption.
Aurel Versus Dogs December 13, 2016 at 12:35 pm
Yesterday on the bus I saw YET ANOTHER act of nutter imbecility. There was a dog on the front seat, strapped up in one of those baby car seats. And in the back what did I see? The baby who needed that seat strapped to a regular seat and being licked by another of those flea-catchers. I wish I could’ve got a photo of it. It makes me think, ‘Do you want a child, or another godamn mutt?’
dogsfromhell December 13, 2016 at 6:03 pm
Yesterday I was at the mall. In line to sit with Santa were seriously three nutters with their dogs. One was a hyper-vigilant pit, the other a bull dog and last one of those giant pit bull franken-things. They were being photographed sitting on Santa. Last in line behind was a mom with her toddler and infant strapped to her body. I was afraid for their safety and grossed out by the fact that the children would be sitting in the same place where three bare dog asses were a second ago. They probably just urinated and defecated in the parking lot or on some consumer goods. Everything about dog culture is repulsive.
AnkleBiter December 14, 2016 at 11:19 am
DFH, for that reason I didn’t take my kids to the mall for Santa pics this year. Absolutely disgusting.
Aurel Versus Dogs December 14, 2016 at 12:19 pm
dogsfromhell December 13, 2016 at 6:03 pm
Absolutely repulsive and unacceptable. I can’t believe that happened, except I can! ‘No, your filthy mutt can’t see santa’ would be the rational thing to do, but no, ‘they’re my child, why can’t they see santa’. STOP CALLING ANIMALS CHILDREN.
AnkleBiter December 15, 2016 at 8:59 pm
The WORST thing I forgot to mention was that my nearest mall has dedicated pet days/hours with Santa! They advertised it and everything. I’m still picking up my jaw from the floor.
Aurel Versus Dogs December 16, 2016 at 4:19 pm
And I don’t think my jaw will ever come off the floor.
I met up with one of my old friends today, and they told me this:
So my friends friend had this cat for 11 years, and then she had this boyfriend. This boyfriend clearly didn’t like the cat, and one day brought 2 dogs home. Then the cat got left with my friend, THE END.
Imagine how the cat feels, bloody pushed out of its home because of some moron. And my friend’s friend loved the cat, she just fell to her knees when a bloody dog came. Probably because society’s expectations are that adoration for these creatures is compulsory.
One more thing. I was in a shop the other day, and guess what I found? A BLOODY STOCKING FOR DOGS. First the Santa thing, and now A BLOODY STOCKING. NO, DOGS DON’T CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS. December 16, 2016 at 4:34 pm
You see she handled it wrong Aurel Versus Dogs, I told my husband that if he ever brought a dog home he’s have to clean the carpet and fix the bullet hole in the floor. I know more than a handful of cat owners that adopted some shelter mutt only to have their cat murdered by the craphound they brought home. It’s even worse when you hear them say it’s just the way dogs are or even worse the cat provoked the dog. We have had family and visitors show up with their dog and I tell them flat out to get their pos dog out of my yard. Even if we didn’t have cats I would never want a strange dog in my house. What kind of social misfit thinks you go to someone’s home with a dog in tow.
Starshine December 17, 2016 at 2:39 am
I feel bad for the people that are forced to live with a dog because their spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend has one.
I’m lucky enough that I’ve recently met a guy that’s kind, quite handsome and… (drum roll) doesn’t like dogs much.
Had to share the happy news. 🙂
Want to share another dog story that was in my local newspaper a while ago. A foreigner wanted to bring his dead wife’s body back to his home country because he was sick of dogs being allowed to shit on her grave. There is no ban against dogs on the graveyard in question so people let their dogs run free there, and the man was tired of picking up shit every time he visits his wife’s grave.
It made me feel embarrassed on behalf of my local community
Had Enough w/Canines December 17, 2016 at 4:49 am
Hey fellow dog haters. Here is a song I fractured just for us.
*Sung to the tune of Silver Bells*
City sidewalks, make us take stock, of the dog excrement
in the air there’s a smell that’s disgusting
Children laughing people passing, hoping not to get mauled
by the stray ugly mutts on the prowl
Silver bells, pet dog smells
It’s everyday and it’s shitty
Nonstop bark, land mine park
Why can’t we get-rid of dogs?
In the shelter, helter-skelter, there are plenty of dogs
Jaws of steel on the ones who sit waiting
Come the morons, inept owners, ones who can’t train a flea
yet adopt dogs that bite younger kids
Awful ruction, bold destruction from a Staffordshire bull
Scary jaws that could tear and bite faces
When the kids bunch, see the dog munch, but it isn’t his fault
He was raised in an unloving home
Santa trusting, pets disgusting, sitting filthy butts licked
For a photo that’s meant for a child
Twisted thoughts win, with their dog “kin,” the obnoxiousness reigns
Making all of us feel most defiled
(Chorus Finale)
AnkleBiter December 17, 2016 at 6:34 am
Had Enough – love the song! You’re the best. Happy Holidays to you.
dogsfromhell December 17, 2016 at 2:03 pm
🙂 Ha!
YouGuysAreXXXX December 17, 2016 at 9:41 pm
dogsfromhell December 18, 2016 at 9:30 pm
Greetings “YouGuysAre(Insert Prohibited Language)”
Unfortunately your comment was deleted because you did not observe the clearly stated rules on our home page. Thanks for participating. December 22, 2016 at 8:00 am
DFH. dog owners don’t believe any rule applies to them.
NiggiJohnnyCage December 22, 2016 at 10:05 am
Sometimes I need to take benadryl for my dog allergies because the dust and dander will cause me throat tightness. I often cough, sneeze and feel like overall crap. My father is accusing me of becoming “an addict” because I need to take benadryl.
He even threatened to hide it, apparently. Could I inform authorities in the future of this? He thinks because I don’t have evidence of my allergy, that I must be some sort of “druggie”…..
DogsNeedToDisappear December 22, 2016 at 2:55 pm
Had Enough w/Canines: best. song. EVER. You’ve just described my Christmas in a nutshell, unfortunately. And on Canada Day in July (or 4th of July in America), people bring their nasty untrained dogs to community barbecues as though their dog is a child as it tries to steal meat off the grill and takes dumps on the public human-designed park.
Dogs are so gross. 🙁
dogsfromhell December 22, 2016 at 9:07 pm
Agreed. December 23, 2016 at 12:05 pm
Now airports are bringing therapy dogs into airports during the busy holiday season. I am so glad I’m not flying anywhere this year.
Simplynotadogfan December 23, 2016 at 6:39 pm
This past week, another cat got shot by an arrow in the Big Island (Hawaii County) and the local news post the incident on its main page and Facebook. Majority comments, as usual defend the actions of this piece of sh*t animal abuser who I’m sure did what he did not for the sake of the birds but for the hate of cats. The defenders of this crime, say that cat owners should keep their pets within closed doors which is common sense but nothing to condemn the viscious actions of the shooter (what if the cat just escaped from a broken opening). If I killed an animal out of just reason such as defending a child from an out of control Pit, I won’t be a coward and explain my side of the story to police (which unfortunately are mostly Pits-of-sh*t lovers from where I’m at), but at least I’m honest. On another post, an injured dog gets news coverage and the same commenters who defended the cat killer showed support to the canine. And guess what kind of pictures these POS hypocrites have on their avatars? Those lame Snapchat doggy nose and ears looking cute but behind those stupid profile pics are scum dark souls who worship their worthless mutts and claim they are for birds but use their mutant mongrels to snatch ducks and post their kill on social media with a smile. Sad I’m in the minority but like the saying goes, popularity isn’t always right….
dogsfromhell December 24, 2016 at 1:29 pm
Happy Dog Free Holiday everyone. Although its too late for me. The POS dog next door is already on track to spoil my lovely dinner tonight with it’s ungodly barking. Damn I hate dogs. December 25, 2016 at 5:48 pm
I have not seen or heard a dog all day.
TRUTH December 25, 2016 at 9:01 pm
Guess what! Dogs are stupid. More than half o the United States HATES dogs. Dogs are the UGLY and food scavengers.Dog people are people no one likes and wants to be friends with! No one likes them! I realize just how stupid dogs are! Dogs are so stupid and were just born that way! This website is great! P.s. I am sending the link to all my friends and family so they can see how great it is! Thanks!
Lmao December 25, 2016 at 9:12 pm
Hey! Dogs are stupid I hope something horrible happens to dogs like an epidemic! That might solve the dog problem. I hope the owners of violent dogs get what they deserve such as time in prison. Dogs are dumb animals I don’t hate cats but I don’t like dogs I would just take the food away from my dog!That would make it go away and find another sucker. Stupid people these days own dogs
VERA ROCKS!!! December 25, 2016 at 9:15 pm
You tell them girl! Im so happy there are people like me who hate dogs. Dog owners are ignorant and dogs are worthless.
Wow December 25, 2016 at 9:18 pm
This is hilarious. Dog-free is great!!!!!! Only weirdos own dogs.
:( December 25, 2016 at 9:22 pm
Dog owners are the definition of hell! Dogs are franken-creatures! Dog owners are just stupid!
dogsfromhell December 25, 2016 at 11:49 pm
Sounds like an excellent gift!
Lily December 26, 2016 at 4:24 pm
MFP, sounds great. I have a terrible cold and tried to get get some sleep an hour ago but nope…shitty Rottweilers up the road are barking at nothing.
Went back in my room ten minutes ago and the Rottweilers have shut up but the rat dogs one street over are now exercising their mouths.
They’re all outside yammering on despite the rain. A few years back dogs were an annoyance I wanted nothing to do with but now I see them as a broken car alarm I’d like to kick into the ocean.
NiggiJohnnyCage December 26, 2016 at 6:15 pm
I have been getting throat tightness. I think my airways get inflamed and I feel like I am constantly being strangled.
My father does not believe me and thinks I am making it up. I need a puffer and only benadryl temporarily takes the swelling in my throat down. Would it be murder if a parent put their adult child at risk of death by not doing anything to help?
I can’t be around dogs. I get quite sick now. It has gotten worse. I constantly worry if I am going to have an allergy attack.
Melody December 26, 2016 at 8:49 pm
Ok I think I’ve seen it all. My brother and sister in law had a professional photo shoot with their dogs. This is my husband’s family. I don’t see how people spend all that money on their pets in general, let alone professional photos like these are your kids.
dogsfromhell December 26, 2016 at 10:02 pm
OutsideTheCity December 27, 2016 at 12:09 am
Lily December 27, 2016 at 4:16 pm
Why are pit defenders complaining about Trump in the comment section of a story about a woman getting mauled? Are dog owners really that neurotic? Christ…
That article was cringe worthy btw. Gapping wounds is something you experience in a war zone not something that should happen to you while you go to the mailbox.

FB is pit nutter heaven , or hell it seems all dogs are pits despite different labels attached to them . Many are good dogs that need to be the only dog…
AnkleBiter April 25, 2017 at 9:38 am
How many more victims does there need to be before these beasts are banned? April 25, 2017 at 3:19 pm
AnkleBiter-I guess all of us better start arming ourselves. We’re taking that stance on my SILs free range GSD. There is no IQ test for owning a dog let alone one for owning dangerous breeds. Seeing that none of her dogs receive any training we’re not going to be caught off guard once this new mangler starts being even more aggressive.
We live in a world where disposing of a vicious loose dog can get you in more trouble that letting your dog run loose and kill someone.
Sarah April 26, 2017 at 5:40 am
Last week I was walking to my mailbox by my self. It was a nice day so I thought why not walk instead of drive. So I noticed that about 100m away there was my neighbour and her HUGE poodle walking. At first I didn’t notice but when they got closer I saw the dog was off leash.
I kept walking but then I saw the dog running towards me. I wasn’t sure what to do since when it stands on its back legs its taller than I am!!
The dog ran up to me and started pushing me and jumping on me. Keep your dogs leashed please!
DogsNeedToGoAWAY April 26, 2017 at 6:38 am
Get some pepper spray and don’;t be afraid to use it on these stupid mutts. April 26, 2017 at 7:35 am
Sarah this is where you make sure the wind is at your back and you unload the pepper gel. Believe me the nutter will not offer to help you if you’re injured.
I’m sure the low IQ dog owner thought it was cute.
E.F April 26, 2017 at 9:02 am
Grab onto the dogs paws as it jumps onto you and do the helicopter-spin manoeuvre, spinning around a few times, and with all your might, attempt to launch it into orbit.
DogsNeedToGoAWAY April 26, 2017 at 10:54 am
EF 🙂
Great Idea!!!!!!!! Love the visual of the crapbag being launched and the horror on the nutters face!
Sarah April 26, 2017 at 11:49 am
The worst part of the whole incident is that the owner was laughing and didn’t do anything to stop what was happening, like call the dog, run to help me. April 26, 2017 at 11:59 am
See Sarah I knew that is what the dog owner would be doing.
I like the helicopter thing. Usually I just knee them with all the force I can muster. It’s fun wiping that smile off the dumb dog owners face. With a big dog there is pretty much nothing a nutter can do about it. Of course this is why I advocate keeping human legal pepper gel.
DogsNeedToGoAWAY April 26, 2017 at 1:26 pm
Yet some still wonder why we hate dogs and why we hate nutters..
I almost hate standard poodles more than any other dog..To me, they look like child molesters. Creepy. Of course the ugliest and most stupid dog ever is the Labradoodle. April 26, 2017 at 2:58 pm
DogsNeedToGoAWAY-Poodles are biters. They are yappers too. April 26, 2017 at 3:03 pm
All dogs are ugly. Nothing is worse than the endless pictures on FB of pit bulls with their wangs hanging out. It is so disgusting.
SR April 26, 2017 at 8:04 pm
Sorry that happened to you. I agree with the knee technique…it does work well. Especially if you reclaim your space by holding your ground or even taking a step towards the dog which will confuse the brainless mutt…then follow up with a nice knee or hip bump (studying martial arts helps). However the helicopter sounds like great fun! 😀
Many years ago when I was a little boy a neighbor had these two annoying little yappers that would chase and bite you when we road down the street on our bikes. This was back in the late 70s when leash laws didn’t seem to exist. They tore holes in my bellbottoms and gave me a few nips here and there until one day I had enough and put on a pair of my rain galloshes with extra socks. When those little yappers got close, I swung a foot over the side of my bike and gave both of them a SUPER BOOT and with the momentum on my bike in knocked them both airborne. Felt good. 🙂
A while later the neighbor came to our house and asked “have you folks seen a pair of chihuahuas?”. My father (who hated dogs) who had already heard my tale told them “sorry, no we haven’t” and told me good job on taking care of those little mutts after the neighbor left.
Thanks, Dad. Miss ya. 🙂 April 26, 2017 at 10:27 pm
SR- My H used to ride a motorcycle and it got so bad he carried a tire checker with him.
A man and wife that worked at a local store , the husband left for work on his bike and the neighbors pit bulls ran out and attacked him. He ended up with one leg shorter than the other and no way to sue because the people with the dogs of course had nothing. It’s not uncommon to see someone here go for a walk with a baseball bat.
We’re out 500$ because a damn loose pit bull ran out in front of my car. And no the jerks aren’t worth suing.
dogsfromhell April 27, 2017 at 7:15 pm April 27, 2017 at 7:39 pm
DFH-AC never just confiscates dogs that are not in compliance and allows owners to keep dogs that run loose even after they have complaints they’re vicious. They everyone acts all concerned when someone gets killed.
The low shallow end of the gene pool next door was just letting their mutt bark again. I just hollered for them to go ahead and let it bark I’d be happy to record it. I’m sure she feels harassed and picked on and we’re just meanies. The reality is she’s a big fat bully who likes to try and control everything. Somewhere along the line she got the idea of using her dogs as a method of harassment. I don’t even take it personal. From what I hear anyone who crosses what god girl thinks is in for it. Nothing is more fun that chatting with some of her churchy buddies. April 27, 2017 at 7:50 pm
LMAO I forgot to mention our county AC now has a FB page and if I get a good recording I’m going to post it there.
E.F April 28, 2017 at 9:28 am
are you a mod here? it’s hard to tell who is/isn’t although I have spoken with the owner of this site. i’m aware that this site has a fb page, although no one seems to post on it, why though? facebook is not only a place to gain the most hate, but a great place to gain more dog hating followers, through external awareness. too many people are scared of expressing themselves because of the family/friends they might lose. I for one could care less, one less nutter in my life is a joyous feeling to endure. April 28, 2017 at 12:07 pm
EF- After 25 years of dog yapping I’m damn near psychotic. I have a specific reason for not using the FB page and it’s not because I give a rat’s bouncy backend what family, friends, employer or anyone else thinks. Plus my status on FB allows me to move freely among the demented pit nutter circus. April 28, 2017 at 3:13 pm
I misread. No I’m not a moderator here. I thought you asked if I was in a mood.
You know it would make my life 100X more fun to use the FB page for all this fun stuff. You have to understand how this dog crap ( pun intended) has affected our whole family. Although none of the other family members are here at night and most days it seems my SIL and her simpering lying backside have the support while we are the evil intolerant monsters. For a lot of us it’s just a war that’s not worth it. I mean if my in-laws and SIL or any of their minions wanted to start the war on FB I’d be fine finishing it. We have enough stress this is where I can blow off some steam.
dogsfromhell April 29, 2017 at 4:26 pm
LMAO I forgot to mention our county AC now has a FB page and if I get a good recording I’m going to post it there.
That’s genius! I’m going to check out if we have a site as well. April 29, 2017 at 9:45 pm
DFH-they just don’t realize how sick we are of explaining we don’t want to , don’t have to and are not going to listen to their dogs yammer all night. If posting a video of their dogs yapping it up on a local FB page doesn’t work I’ll start tagging them. I’ll post it on every site I know they have friends or business associates. I might print up flyers of their dogs roaming the road asking if anyone knows who these dogs belong to. Her victim status is going to take a serious hit to the gut.
dogsfromhell May 1, 2017 at 7:57 pm
What?! Technology is going to put those seeing eye dogs out of business! What will the nutters do when they can’t quote “Dogs are heros. They help the blind” If blind people can see, dog nutters are going to be crushed. They are so screwed!
(Reality: Only a small percentage of blind folks actually use a dog). May 2, 2017 at 8:52 am
DFH the publics perception of a SD is completely different that those that use them. That’s legit SDs. Of which I am convinced there are very few. There is a GPS app for the blind you can put on your smart phone.
dogsfromhell May 3, 2017 at 6:50 pm
There is a GPS app for the blind you can put on your smart phone.
Cool. No dog required.
SR May 3, 2017 at 10:46 pm
There is no escape from dog nutters:
I saw an older lady the other day with a small dog on a leash pushing a stroller down the side walk. My first thought was that Grandma was taking junior out for some fresh air…but then I noticed that she stopped and then HELD THE DOG while it popped. I swear it looked like the same thing someone would do with a human child…but…just…so…WRONG!
And then…the best part…she then lifted the little mutt, placed it in the stroller, put the crap in a baggie and then continued pushing the stroller down the street with the dog sitting up high like some type of royalty. I have…no…words…:(
But on a more positive note…the next day I was having a conversation with a co-worker who mentioned that he had 3 kids and a “dog that I really didn’t want”. This guy is very soft spoken and a church going man who in all the years I’ve known him has never sworn and doesn’t drink alcohol. I asked him more about the dog and he shared that his wife and kids wanted it…but he sees dogs as nothing more than “needy, destructive poop machines”. So for the sake of his family he deals with it…but it turns out…he’s one of us! An actual individual who doesn’t like/hates dogs…and once I told him that his secret was safe with me he opened up a lot more.
So…one nutter and one down to earth honest man who doesn’t like dogs…I suppose I can live with that. 🙂 May 4, 2017 at 11:50 am
I don’t care what insanity people engage in with their dogs until it impacts me, mine or especially my home life.
You only have to read the dog behavior forums to see how much people hate their own dogs.
DogsNeedToGoAWAY May 4, 2017 at 12:16 pm
I went on the pet forums and boy are you right..They all want to know, how can I make my dog stop barking, how can I make dog stop biting and snapping, how can I make my dog stop lunging and jumping..I’d love to sign up just to point out the obvious answer to all of these questions..I have learned one thing from these forums..Nutters are even more stupid than i originally thought..I always assumed they simply were not bothered by the barking, jumping, chewing, pissing, shitting that drove the rest of us insane..I now understand they oftentimes hate it just as much but keep torturing themselves, due I guess to stupidity or masochism.
dogsfromhell May 4, 2017 at 5:27 pm
They live vicariously through their dogs as martyrs.
dogsfromhell May 4, 2017 at 5:27 pm
dogsfromhell May 4, 2017 at 5:31 pm
SR May 4, 2017 at 5:34 pm
We’re probably all better off doing that…but sometimes I can’t quite tune it all out…:)
On that note…I think I finally found out who owns the barking little yapper in our neighborhood. It always sounds like it is to the east of me but our community manager claims there are no new tenants with dogs…but I’ve seen a little old lady with a little yapper walking around the complex lately. Funny, I heard it barking in front of my house yesterday and it really sounded familiar. Like at 10:30 pm the night before when I was trying to get to sleep and the little SOB kept barking for well past the 15 minute law. I’ve heard it all hours…time to have another chat with our clueless manager about this…and to find out what house this lady is in so I can call the police if I need to.
Never had this problem over the past 3 years I’ve been here…argh, I hate dogs. And their clueless, besotten assbite owners… May 4, 2017 at 10:16 pm
SR. Like I said as long as it doesn’t impact me, my home I’m not interested.
Your best bet is to subtly follow the dogger and see where she lives. Yes you need the address because AC and the police are loath to actually do their job in regards to yapping dogs. I used FB messenger to contact our AC control this time and screen shot the conversation. Our last AC officer was a no show, no call do nothing non responder. I also sent a picture of their dogs in the road in front of their house.
DogsNeedToGoAWAY- You will see that the doggers complain about the very things we do which is good for a chuckle when they come here all incensed that someone hates dogs. Many of the loathe the mutt in their life. I mean my neighbors actually wanted to know if the dog down the road bothered me because it was bothering them a few years ago when we were still sort of civil I almost died laughing. People with loose dogs will often complain about loose dogs, People with barking dogs will actually complain about other barking dogs. Some of them live in fear that wiggle butt of theirs will get out of the yard and land a lawsuit on their door and in the next breath tell the poster with the aggressive dog to rehome it.
And yes DFH nothing makes you more socially correct than a rescue dog that you can’t leave alone for 15 seconds without it going bonkers.
Starshine May 5, 2017 at 3:04 am
Like people have stated over, many dog owners are actually sick and tired of their dogs. Every morning when I go to the bus stop, I encounter the same people out walking their dogs. They all look so damn miserable. One of them clearly has two dogs but I only see him with one of them at a time. He just stands in one spot most of the time, waiting for his dog to crap so he can pick it up, then he goes back inside. I feel sorry for him.
My local newspaper had an article today about a kid that found 137 dog bags on one trip in the forest. He was kind enough to take responsibility and he picked them all up and threw them away.
It shows the utter lack of intelligence these nutters have. They actually pick up the their dog’s crap to put it in the bag and then they throw the bag on the ground.
How crazy do you have to be to do something like that?
But then, you already have to be a little crazy to buy an animal whose only purpose is making you walk behind it to pick up its feces.
dogbeds May 5, 2017 at 1:23 pm
My dear friends sleep with their huge chocolate lab, the thought of it makes me want to wretch. Why not sleep with chickens, baby cows, rats and snakes to while you are at it? How filthy must these pet owners be who let their animal who runs outside and brings in a world of dirt and insects into their bed and onto their couches. Be warned if you visit people with pets – their guest bed might just be a big doggy bed made up to look like a human bed. May 5, 2017 at 1:58 pm
Dog owners get a lot of attention at adoption events. Their new best friend that they’ve known all of 5 minutes.
It’s shameful to return the beast a week later after it’s destroyed your home so they are stuck. I think a lot of dog owners are bitter and angry and google I hate my dog and this site comes up and it makes them even more angry to see anyone pointing the finger at them for being so stupid.
Siam Cat May 6, 2017 at 11:54 pm
Find out what the leash laws are in your area. If your neighbor keeps walking the poodle off leash, take a photo or short video to document & report. May 7, 2017 at 2:39 pm
Siam Cat. I agree but sadly even with photo evidence most AC will do nothing. The owner will slobber about how the leash broke or some such nonsense and say you were a big meanie. At this point I think it’s more proactive to carry a walking stick with a slammer type handle and pepper gel and a knife that is of legal length. the only reason I don’t advocate a gun is there are often other people nearby. Although if you live in a rural area like I do it’s an excellent option. May 7, 2017 at 2:48 pm
I wanted to reiterate that any dog that thinks it’s OK to run at any other human or dog either in play or aggression is not socialized or trained. It’ is simply an accident for an innocent bystander waiting to happen. Jumping on humans is something responsible dog owners train out of their dogs realizing that even a small dog can scratch or ruin clothing. A bigger dog can knock you down.
In a real pack only a stupid dog would jump on the pack leader or dominant member so when strange fido is busy humping your leg or just slobbering all over you while the owner stands there with a stupid grin that dog is being just as aggressive in some ways as if it ran at your barking and snarling.
Nalome May 9, 2017 at 4:01 am
I HATE DOGS! Lol I feel bad for hating them and having to take care of my boyfriend’s dog while he is constantly working abroad. I am being very nice to the dog, but I just don’t like dogs.
DogsNeedToGoAWAY May 9, 2017 at 11:37 am
I’m not sure why anyone who works abroad all of the time would even own a dog, but it sounds like your typical nutter. You shouldn’t feel bad about hating the dog, they are nasty, annoying, stupid and your reaction means you have all synapses firing in your brain. Sorry you are stuck with this mutt.

Had Enough w/Canines June 12, 2017 at 7:50 am
I am listening to the police scanner. The call is for a welfare check on an elderly person. It’s believed the person is down inside due to a possible overdose of their medications.
Police arrive. Cannot get in due to a large pit bull guarding the entrance and barking profusely. Of course, they don’t want to shoot the dog to check on the owner, but what should be done? The reporting person, (I’m guessing a relative) was called and now has to come and subdue the dog so the police can check, which, by that time is a moot point.
Maybe they’re down inside from a dog mauling. Wouldn’t that be just great? Sheesh.
jim c June 12, 2017 at 1:45 pm
This shows how gullible and stupid us brits are. Man jumps into River Thames to save a stranger’s dog.
Had Enough w/Canines June 13, 2017 at 9:47 am
Oh come on, it’s got nothing to do with country. There are idiots all over the world. Most are in charge or think they are but kowtow to dogma.
SR June 13, 2017 at 7:51 pm
“Dogma”! LOL…the dog nutters true selves revealed!
Ugh…went to see my family last weekend whom I care for dearly…except their stupid dogs. Thankfully the most annoying one recently passed away…but that still leaves two…one of which is a mean little chihuahua. Completely untrained and spoiled…the chihuahua just doesn’t beg at the table…it jumps on you and I kept booting it away when it tried it to me.
Then I see my brother and my sister in law pick up the little mutt and hold it like a baby and hand feed it at the dinner table. No words…and they wonder why I pay so much for hotels and don’t just stay at their place anymore? Their daughter is leaving the house in a month for college, and this combined with the loss of one of their beloved mutts will be telling. I have a bet with my sister (she hates dogs too, yay) that they will get two more dogs once their eldest child is out of the house…one to replace her, and another to replace the dog that died recently.
Oh, the joy of being a dog hater in a dog nutter family. 🙂 June 13, 2017 at 8:34 pm
This dog thing is why I made my H get out of the volunteer fire dept. Someone went in and saved a freaking boa constrictor. Enough. It’s one thing to grab an animal if you can while you’re in there looking for humans it’s totally another to go BACK in specifically to get one.
Every time I see a cop/fireman/just a person risking their lives to save a dog. It’s almost always a dog I wonder if they have life insurance that will pay out for killing themselves this way and what their family will do to survive. I mean are the dog owners going to pay the widow a few million for saving their loose mutt that fell in , through something ?
DogsRrevolting June 13, 2017 at 9:12 pm
I hate to say it, Jim C, but there is an overabundance of dog-worshipping nutcases here in the USA too. June 15, 2017 at 1:50 am
Our local shelter whines, much like an annoying dog, that they don’t have funds for the things they need. Here is a novel idea. Enforce the AC ordinances you’re supposed to and write those tickets. You can’t go an hour out here without seeing a dog running down the road or hearing one carry on at every hour of the day or night barking like maniacs while their less than intelligent owners seem to have simply decided to let their uncontrollable beast yammer on and on. I also highly suggest that one AC officer be assigned to random night duty.
AC should be funded largely by enforcing ordinances and making sure that all dogs are vaccinated, have current tags and are micro chipped for easy ID. My idiot farm animal SIL and her worthless husband finally got the message to keep their mutts quiet at night and now behind us someone has some worthless hound that starts barking at 1AM and goes nonstop till 5-6 AM. It’s pulled a few day shifts too.
My county AC that runs on taxpayer money refuses to enforce anything that might make someone get rid of their dogs. However you can collect evidence so easy these days that hauling them to civil court is going to be the wave of the future for people being assaulted by dog noise pollution.
Send your deadbeat neighbors a letter to cease and desist sooner rather than later. Judges when presented evidence of the racket you have to live with and your efforts to get them to cooperate in a reasonable way will have to find in your favor.
Getting a judgment against someone means you have to collect it yourself. But it can be a real drag on the owner if they have a job with background checks and a judgment can really screw up a credit report. Lots of people think they are immune to a judgment but above the homestead act they can have a lot taken from them and you don’t have to collect it all at once. Noisy welfare neighbor have two cars ? Lots of toys ? That piece of trash that thinks they are above the law isn’t. You know if everyone who was having their lives ruined because of dog pollution hauled the morons to civil court we might start making a real statement about the impact this is having on our lives.

Had Enough w/Canines June 12, 2017 at 7:50 am
I am listening to the police scanner. The call is for a welfare check on an elderly person. It’s believed the person is down inside due to a possible overdose of their medications.
Police arrive. Cannot get in due to a large pit bull guarding the entrance and barking profusely. Of course, they don’t want to shoot the dog to check on the owner, but what should be done? The reporting person, (I’m guessing a relative) was called and now has to come and subdue the dog so the police can check, which, by that time is a moot point.
Maybe they’re down inside from a dog mauling. Wouldn’t that be just great? Sheesh.
jim c June 12, 2017 at 1:45 pm
This shows how gullible and stupid us brits are. Man jumps into River Thames to save a stranger’s dog.
Had Enough w/Canines June 13, 2017 at 9:47 am
Oh come on, it’s got nothing to do with country. There are idiots all over the world. Most are in charge or think they are but kowtow to dogma.
SR June 13, 2017 at 7:51 pm
“Dogma”! LOL…the dog nutters true selves revealed!
Ugh…went to see my family last weekend whom I care for dearly…except their stupid dogs. Thankfully the most annoying one recently passed away…but that still leaves two…one of which is a mean little chihuahua. Completely untrained and spoiled…the chihuahua just doesn’t beg at the table…it jumps on you and I kept booting it away when it tried it to me.
Then I see my brother and my sister in law pick up the little mutt and hold it like a baby and hand feed it at the dinner table. No words…and they wonder why I pay so much for hotels and don’t just stay at their place anymore? Their daughter is leaving the house in a month for college, and this combined with the loss of one of their beloved mutts will be telling. I have a bet with my sister (she hates dogs too, yay) that they will get two more dogs once their eldest child is out of the house…one to replace her, and another to replace the dog that died recently.
Oh, the joy of being a dog hater in a dog nutter family. 🙂 June 13, 2017 at 8:34 pm
This dog thing is why I made my H get out of the volunteer fire dept. Someone went in and saved a freaking boa constrictor. Enough. It’s one thing to grab an animal if you can while you’re in there looking for humans it’s totally another to go BACK in specifically to get one.
Every time I see a cop/fireman/just a person risking their lives to save a dog. It’s almost always a dog I wonder if they have life insurance that will pay out for killing themselves this way and what their family will do to survive. I mean are the dog owners going to pay the widow a few million for saving their loose mutt that fell in , through something ?
DogsRrevolting June 13, 2017 at 9:12 pm
I hate to say it, Jim C, but there is an overabundance of dog-worshipping nutcases here in the USA too. June 15, 2017 at 1:50 am
Our local shelter whines, much like an annoying dog, that they don’t have funds for the things they need. Here is a novel idea. Enforce the AC ordinances you’re supposed to and write those tickets. You can’t go an hour out here without seeing a dog running down the road or hearing one carry on at every hour of the day or night barking like maniacs while their less than intelligent owners seem to have simply decided to let their uncontrollable beast yammer on and on. I also highly suggest that one AC officer be assigned to random night duty.
AC should be funded largely by enforcing ordinances and making sure that all dogs are vaccinated, have current tags and are micro chipped for easy ID. My idiot farm animal SIL and her worthless husband finally got the message to keep their mutts quiet at night and now behind us someone has some worthless hound that starts barking at 1AM and goes nonstop till 5-6 AM. It’s pulled a few day shifts too.
My county AC that runs on taxpayer money refuses to enforce anything that might make someone get rid of their dogs. However you can collect evidence so easy these days that hauling them to civil court is going to be the wave of the future for people being assaulted by dog noise pollution.
Send your deadbeat neighbors a letter to cease and desist sooner rather than later. Judges when presented evidence of the racket you have to live with and your efforts to get them to cooperate in a reasonable way will have to find in your favor.
Getting a judgment against someone means you have to collect it yourself. But it can be a real drag on the owner if they have a job with background checks and a judgment can really screw up a credit report. Lots of people think they are immune to a judgment but above the homestead act they can have a lot taken from them and you don’t have to collect it all at once. Noisy welfare neighbor have two cars ? Lots of toys ? That piece of trash that thinks they are above the law isn’t. You know if everyone who was having their lives ruined because of dog pollution hauled the morons to civil court we might start making a real statement about the impact this is having on our lives.
AnkleBiter June 15, 2017 at 7:28 pm
I’m losing it. I’m planning a trip over the upcoming july 4 break. Deciding on hotels, all I see is “Pet Friendly”. It’s rare to see No Pets Allowed lodging. A few hotel chains I thought were reputable now have pictures of pooches on their website to show they are pet friendly. I want to cancel the trip and vomit now.
BigDogHater June 15, 2017 at 7:46 pm
Oh boy, ya’ll will probably get a kick out of this. Just saw something in my news feed called “Puppy leaves food from dead dog’s bowl alone.” or something like that. I assumed it was talking about a family who had an old dog, got a puppy, had two separate bowls for them, the old dog died before it could eat its least meal, and the puppy hasn’t touched said food. Now my first thought when I saw this title was, “Well duh, the older dog was higher in the pecking order and the younger one isn’t going to touch the food whether it can see the other dog or not because the imprint of being the lesser being is still in it’s mind”. So for laughs, I clicked on it and low and behold, the dog nut article writer made the whole situation sound like some sort of emotional, heart tugging tale of one dog not finishing food in memory of the dead one. In hindsight my hypothesis was wrong since apparently the dogs shared out of one bowl, but that’s honestly not even the main point. The point is that I looked at that from an analytical point of view since it was about a freaking animal and animals do things out of instinct, not emotion. A dog nut looked it in a way to humanize the dogs a much as possible and make something out of what’s probably nothing other than a dog being used a pattern it’s lived by for a while.
Also, I just had to wonder, why is this news? I don’t care that it was just a small article and not a real news story. Who in the hell really cares all that much about some random person’s dog not eating food? Is there really nothing else to talk about? Has it really come to the point in life where people are writing news articles about someone’s damn dog not eating food? Do dog owners actually get enjoyment reading this stuff? Even if I had a dog, I really wouldn’t be worrying all too much about what someone else’s is doing…
Fatima June 16, 2017 at 1:29 pm
E.F June 17, 2017 at 12:59 am
That’s basically the type of news you’ll find in Australia, I mean people don’t want to be treated with real news or possible stories that would affect us, like a crash on the local highway. I’ve even strayed from supporting the news medias around here and heading to gore sites, because they seem to be the only ones presenting real news stories online. I have a feeling that it’s got something to do with the liberal bias in news formats now. Fake News is right up in their alley.
DogsNeedToGoAWAY June 17, 2017 at 10:58 am
ankle biter,
dog worship is alive and well here in the states..In saratoga, ny, dogs are allowed in restaurants and pretty much everywhere else due it’s new status as a “dog friendly” city..A great place to stay away from for more reasons than this. I’m not sure where you are vacationing but lots of places I worked at don’;t allow pets..You can also try air bnb.We have an air bnb apartment and don’t allow any pets at all..It’s sickening the way these stupid mutts are taking over..Pony has the right idea by hauling their ignorant asses into court for noise pollution..The judges cannot get away with not doing about it, the way Ac can..We need our world back from these menaces..
AnkleBiter June 17, 2017 at 11:33 am
We were going to visit Maine, but just decided not to go, for other reasons. I had found 4 options (Inns, BnB’s and a resort) that said No Dogs. The big chain hotels and woodsy cabins all said “Pet Friendly”. They caved in to the dogger pressure. June 17, 2017 at 2:20 pm
Yes the Holiday Inn we used to stay at on vacation is now pet friendly.
Lovely so now you have to wonder if some mutt was scooting itself around on the floor. Take the UV pet stain lights with you when you travel and inspect before you check in.
DogsRrevolting June 17, 2017 at 7:49 pm
Got an email from “” asking me to sign a petition to the government to outlaw eating dogs and cats, I replied with “be a vegetarian or be a hypocrite”. Seriously, if somebody wants to eat a dog, it’s no more wrong than eating a hamburger. Just don’t feed the filthy stuff to me and I’m fine with it. Hey, all the thousands of dogs ”euthanized” in shelters could be feeding hungry Koreans, Chinese, whoever. What a waste.
AnkleBiter June 17, 2017 at 9:11 pm
Yeah I love the way we judge people for eating cats and dogs in parts of the world where food is scarce. It’s either that or starve. June 18, 2017 at 3:37 pm
I’d be happy to ship them a few million pit bulls for dinner. Lots of people seem detached from reality and there are organizations that will rescue and import dogs raised with no social contact to the US and lines waiting to adopt them while millions of cats and dogs in the US are killed and put in garbage bags. They are nothing but hypocrites especially while feeding their dogs and cats canned animal protein.
These are also the same people who appear when a pit bull or other misunderstood breed of dog mauls and kills a fellow human being in defense of the dog and feel entitled to let their dogs piss and crap on every public surface and own a collection of fake service dog attire.
Hognose June 18, 2017 at 10:05 pm
[previously Adder but I haven’t posted in quite a bit…mainly a lurker]
Sorry in advance for the long rant. I just didn’t know where else to vent. My best friend recently got a puppy and I’m pretty worried for her. And I honestly don’t know what to do because I don’t think she quite understands the potentially dangerous situation she’s in. The puppy is a GSD/Malinois cross and this is her FIRST puppy that she’s ever raised/been responsible for training. That combo of dogs is not suitable for a first time trainer. She’s had it for two months and it isn’t even housebroken yet. I used to be a dog fanatic (gag) and I know that housebreaking a dog is one of the easiest things to do if you put in the work. It’s a pain and it interrupts your entire schedule but it should be able to be done in a couple weeks, especially with the smarter breeds. And I’m just worried she’s in way over her head with this dog. I always try to be blunt and honest but I don’t feel like any of it is sinking in. She doesn’t even crate the dog at night so it’s already developed a habit of pooping inside. Not only that, but she lives in an apartment. This four month old puppy has already been growling at children and barking at strangers, which of course is common behavior for those vigilant, aggression prone breeds. And all she says is “Yeah I know I need to curb that behavior”. But I’m worried that she doesn’t actual have the level of discipline required to do it. In fact, she had a dog that she had adopted as an adult before this one but had to rehome it to work on some person issues. And as far as dogs go that one was super tolerable. It didn’t require any work, it didn’t invade your personal space, and it didn’t have any behavioral issues. Even as a dog hater I didn’t feel totally stressed around it. But if even that dog was causing problems for her then I can’t imagine what this one is going to do. And without disclosing too much of her personal info, I’ll just say that she and I are similar and prone to depression. She got this puppy during a better period in her life but I know moods come back down. They always do. And it’s nothing against her, but if this ticking time bomb of a dog doesn’t get the work it needs then it’s going to be a disaster.
CC June 19, 2017 at 9:01 am
So glad I came across this website. Yesterday, a dog THAT WAS OFF A LEASH no less, runs right into the back of my leg. I KNOW the owner saw it. No apology, No “are you alright” – nothing! I’m standing there looking at this idiot thinking – surely he is going to apologize and ask if I was ok at some point – crickets… – breathtaking indifference!
I specifically went the other way to AVOID something this from happening like I always do when I encounter an unleashed dog on a trail (which, unfortunately, happens a little TOO often). In my area, there is a lot of small parks with nature trails. I have noticed recently that people letting their dogs run off leash in these parks has greatly increased, along with the ever present dog droppings. Even on the nature trails where it specifically states “no pets allowed” I am continuously coming across these ignorant, selfish owners who look at you like YOUR the crazy one if you even DARE to say something because God forbid, who wouldn’t want to be jumped on or ran into by some filthy, disgusting dog while they are trying to enjoy their walk in nature!
SR June 19, 2017 at 2:16 pm
Mfatpony – I think you read my mind. Whenever I hear about people trying to ban the eating of dogs or killing of strays outside of the US I think hey, here’s the solution for so many problems! Let those people eat the dogs and exterminate the rabid strays (which often kill people) and we’ll kill two dogs with one stone. But that would actually be logical, so we can’t do that.
By the way…if anyone here likes Reddit…do a Google search for “dog free” on reddit. You might find it interesting. 😉
Starshine June 20, 2017 at 5:57 am
I am also annoyed by all the hypocrites that judge people that eat dogs but eat other animals themselves. Pigs are smarter than dogs. Another worty mention is the octopus. As a group they’re shown to be probably the smartest animals apart from primates. Some have been shown to exhibit behaviour beyond the intelligence of many primates even. Yet, there are no petitions about outlawing the consumption of octopus.
On an unrelated note (need to blow off some steam), as an avid reader and movie watcher, I’m getting really annoyed when dogs are made centerpieces of fictional stories that shouldn’t be about them.
Just bought and read what looked to be an interesting adventure novel with a romantic story thrown in, only to realise that half of the whole book was about a damned dog. The author was some army veteran so probably one of those people that got a dog to deal with PTSD (which is a really bad idea by the way) so I guess he thought of his own dog when writing the damn book. There were also other animals that got way too much focus over the humans but the dog was the worst.
The whole book became a sob story about the poor dog that died because it was like losing a child, but the couple became stronger because of the loss blah blah.
The nutters should at least give us some warning like: ” This story is not about human relationships or adventure but about romantic relationships with various animals including dogs. Reader beware. ”
I read books and watch movies for the human experiences involved, but maybe I’m becoming a minority now and all stories will end up involving animals, particularly dogs. June 20, 2017 at 6:20 am
By the way…if anyone here likes Reddit…do a Google search for “dog free” on reddit. You might find it interesting.
what a lovely place. June 20, 2017 at 6:41 am
My neighbors dogs got in a fight with something or each other last night. It took them about 5 minutes to sort it out. They have 4 little kids. Why would anyone put up with that kind of crap around children who are face level with these things. It’s like dog owners are selectively blind to danger.
I had a fun memory from a few years ago when her parents dog killed one of her chickens and she wanted all the dogs shot because they were killing her chickens. It was suggested that the chickens be kept in a pen. Her response, Chickens were meant to roam free. The same twisted logic she tried to use for her dogs.
I Detest Dogs June 21, 2017 at 12:51 am
Hey, you can bet if this was real, that every dog loving nutter would go for one, no matter how annoying it would get. After all, it just gives the dogs more incentive to bark more. Ater all they are just having a conversation right? If yu can’t tell I was being sarcastic.
E.F June 21, 2017 at 12:58 am
Yeah that ticks me off, “oh boo, f*cking monsters, they should stop their culture because of my feelings towards those poor angel dogs” I mean STFU, you eat fish, they eat dog, you eat cow and chicken and…
It’s extremely pathetic to have to constantly put up with this in trains, and at work, and basically everywhere else.
Also Starshine, I’ve written in the past about how the media companies constantly introduce dogs into adverts where they’re not needed, and I’ve explained that this was to push the agenda that your family is incomplete without a dog so that the multi-billion dollar dog industry could make more moola’s. But I’ve noticed the increasing numbers of adverts and external media platforms using dogs even moreso as a way to gain some emotional support from gullible idiots. It’s revolting.
Just imagine a lovey dovey story about a pet snake and it’s owner, the snake has no notion of companionship yet the movie will make out that the snake was an angel-spawn who loved its owners dearly, this is the way I see it for dogs. June 21, 2017 at 7:58 am
DogsRrevolting June 21, 2017 at 8:15 am
Just got a sad email from “” It’s today! I replied “good….eat more dog”.
DogsNeedToGoAWAY June 21, 2017 at 1:39 pm
LMAO!!!! good one! June 21, 2017 at 2:22 pm
Starshine June 23, 2017 at 3:59 am
I agree with you E.F. People would probably be shocked if advertisements and movies focused on someone’s weirdly close relationship with a snake, but with a dog it’s considered perfectly normal.
Read another annoying article in my local newspaper today. It was a comment by a dog nutter who lamented over how our municipality wasn’t giving dogs enough space to run around and asked whether the people in charge want a dogless society (oh, the horror). He continued by saying that some people are afraid of dogs and that they have to respect that but only to a certain degree. Ugh.
Imagine a snake owner saying that they only have to respect people’s fear of snakes to a certain degree.
One brave guy dared make a comment suggesting that the article author fund his own dog hobby instead of forcing it on the tax payers. Immediately, several other dog nutters jumped on him for daring to suggest such a thing. Appearantly, according to the nutters, spending tax money on a hobby like dogs is just as valuable as spending it on health care or the police. ^_^ June 23, 2017 at 5:16 am
Dog parks wouldn’t be so bad if dog owners would use them. If you don’t respect my dislike of your dog I hope you can scrape the pepper spray off its face.
Where there is a dog park within a park dogs should be forbidden in the regular park. Mutt owners not only appropriate land owned by the taxpayer they then invade both parks. Not like most people are going to go picnic in what amounts to a acre toilet for dogs.
Had Enough w/Canines June 23, 2017 at 6:27 am June 23, 2017 at 7:05 am
I’m sure the pitbull has a FB page by now and a gofundme to get the cop fired.
DogsRrevolting June 23, 2017 at 7:33 am
What the heck is a “skip round”? If it’s what i think it is, how come civilians carry expanding hollowpoints in their sidearms to minimize “collateral damage” in the event the weapon must be used for defense? Isn’t a “skip round” something that is prone to ricochet? How can cops “protect and serve” when using dangerous crap like this?
DogsNeedToGoAWAY June 23, 2017 at 10:41 am
Dogs not allowed..makes me wish I was a letter carrier, so i could retire there..we need more dogless places..
E.F June 24, 2017 at 1:24 am
Actually I was reading this hilarious article about someone actually laying down with his ball python, only to have it bite him on the ear and not let go, the result was his father yanking it off his ear until a chunk of the ear ripped off. I laughed so hard because people should know better, but when a child’s face is mauled off by a ‘beloved family dog’ it’s a more serious matter because 1. the child will most likely die and 2. the owners are ignorant of the obvious dangers of having a large unpredictable animal when they buy one with rowdy unpredictable children in the household. And after reading your comment, I hate these types of people so much, wasteful ignorant people, luckily Animal Welfare isn’t a highly voted for thing in Australia during electoral month. Usually they don’t even know what’s best for the dogs.
In the past recent months my government banned grey-hound racing because a small number of the losing dogs were killed by owners because they weren’t getting paid to lose and they couldn’t feed them, firstly, banning the sport all together turned out to have a huge impact on the economy and the stores that were functioning in those stadiums had to close down, secondly the banning of the race would cause an influx of dog deaths as a result of it being a lot of peoples main income, and lastly, like getting rid of a healthy, happy, hunting game for the dogs and substituting it with a lazy useless lifestyle is definitely what the dogs want, NOT! Dog Nutters are yet again, proven to be idiots, and it should NEVER be introduced into politics for any reason.
E.F June 24, 2017 at 1:31 am
When people around me are talking about other countries eating dogs it usually turns into a questions game, when asked “would you eat dog?” I respond with the obvious answer of “NO!” but before they can respond with this highly ridiculous belief that I like dogs or support them in any way, I say to them “Dogs look ugly as f*ck so what makes you think they won’t taste disgusting as f*ck.” I basically urge for an argument because so far I have been successful at roasting all the nutters I’ve had to face in discussion. Although the painful illogical debates with them can become annoying at times.
dogsfromhell June 24, 2017 at 9:00 am
Dog Nutters are yet again, proven to be idiots, and it should NEVER be introduced into politics for any reason
EF this is hilarious! Still laughing…:)
jim c June 25, 2017 at 3:53 pm
It may come as a surprise that the Swiss eat dogs and the Poles use dog lard.
I would eat dog if I thought it would help to keep the numbers down. June 26, 2017 at 5:59 am
Without looking for links all morning it’s safe to say you won’t find dogs in plentiful numbers where there is mass starvation.
Add to this that dog became a viable protein for man the day the failed ancestor of the wolf belly crawled into mans cave to get their free meal of discards and offal.
Feral dog packs are becoming a issue in some rural and urban areas.
dogsfromhell June 26, 2017 at 7:51 pm June 27, 2017 at 5:52 am
Funny DFH I didn’t see any of the usual pitnuts posting because we know what kind of mutt this was right. A Chihuahua because they bite the most of course.
Steer clear of anyone or any home that lodges one of these maniacal lap dogs. You aren’t safe. Get those babies a nanny dog !
BigDogHater June 27, 2017 at 5:39 pm
I hope this doesn’t seem out of line, but if possible I hope some of you will please donate to this go fund me. 2 young children were attacked by a pit bull that jumped in their open van and now need help. I don’t know these people and I’m not usually one to do this since I’m tight on funds myself, but when I read the story of the incident I just had to. So I hope that if you can,you will. Any amount will help of course. God bless you all.
AnkleBiter June 27, 2017 at 7:46 pm
Thanks for sharing that. I donated. Awful to read that and now I will be extra aware when getting in my car that some maniacal dog can come out of nowhere and attack. I pray that their insurance covers most of the medical costs and they can use the rest to ruin that pitbull owner. This breed should be extinct.
I was picking up an item from a free cycler in the next town. I had been to this house before, this time the dog next door was outside barking. I looked over and it looked like a pitt. Luckily it was fenced in and didn’t bust through. I left fast. June 28, 2017 at 5:56 am
I kid you not when I park at the grocery store/shopping center I scan the cars for those grinning maniac dogs staring out the window with that hyper alert look. Pits will not only break into your home they will break out of cars to attack.
DogsRrevolting June 28, 2017 at 6:40 am
Just since I started “carrying”, I’ve had several close calls with pit bulls. There was the pit bull hag with two of the filthy maulers eyeing me from inside her dirty minivan when she stopped by my place of business asking for directions. They were pacing back and forth the whole time eyes fixated on me like I was a big juicy steak. Another in the next booth at the gas pumps did the same thing. Then there was the one walking down the street while its owner had to keep snatching it’s collar because it was perked up and straining in my direction. Then there was one at the “Mule Day” festival in Calvary, Georgia which was mesmerized at the sight of my little grandchildren playing, constantly straining against its leash in their direction as the stupid owner saw my concern and then deliberately brought it closer and made a couple of close passes; and there were supposed to be no dogs allowed at this event to boot. Everywhere I go I see these despicable monsters. They’re just a ticking time-bombs, another tragedy waiting to happen on a hair trigger. Arm yourselves. The powers that be do not care for our safety or they would all ban the stupid things.
Had Enough w/Canines June 28, 2017 at 7:22 am
After reading the story + the updates, some comments and all, I have concluded Pit Bulls are worse than mother bears or mountain lions. Whenever there is a bear cruising a neighborhood in Southern California, it gets top exposure on the news. Stupid people go out and see them, thinking “oh wow, it’s nature and I just love all kinds of animals.” These morons also try and feed them because they think they are cute and helpless.
Can you imagine a bear even doing that? Charging from across the street to enter an unknown car or home even for food?
The thought of that helpless mother enduring that unprovoked attack should trigger laws about any dog like this.
The guy that would not save the child by killing the dog should also be euthanized. What a jerk!
For those who love nature and animals and hold them to a higher degree than humans or trust their behavior more than humans, good luck with that $#it, you’re gonna need it. June 28, 2017 at 11:43 am
DogsRrevolting- No small children to protect here but I don’t miss a beat in telling a pit wit to get their freak of nature away from me. Also the sight of pepper spray is usually enough to make them skedaddle.
It’s a sick game. Reminds of the idiot n PetSmart whose dog was pulling on the leash growling at us in line. I was already 6 feet back. I looked her dead in the eyes and told her to keep her dog away from me. Instantly she launched into defense mode. She made excuses that I laughed at and then simpered up the cashier and said I thought dogs were allowed in here ? See I never demanded she leave the store just keep her dog out of our personal space.
Another time two pits in fake SD vests tried to start a pit war in the store. The owners were hauling them away from each other and I stood there looked and yelled DOG FIGHT! Funny as all get out.
Pit wits with their meat grinders on leashes are nothing more than bullies. I have never had one not back down when confronted in a loud clear voice to get their dog away from me.
It’s interesting that most dog owners think they’ll only be liable for their dogs actions if it attacks someone hence the claim the dog was only playing. That ain’t the way it works.
Christian Woods June 29, 2017 at 7:48 pm
You’ll never guess, Henrietta got $4000 for that dog attack that happened a while ago. The family had to pay her $4000 after appealing several times. Hemy’s happy, I’m happy, and we’re going to Denmark in a few days!
Politically Incorrect Doghater June 29, 2017 at 10:08 pm
Here’s a link to a disgusting article:
If I were a hardworking musician performing in front of those who paid to see me and I hear a baby crying or a cellphone going off, I’d tell the parent or owner of such device to head on outside. As for the dog, I’d take my instrument and play the most disturbingly raucous sound to repel the beast away. But if that doesn’t work I’ll feed it some Ferrell rocher which goes great with classical music.If it were a squirrel, straycat, mountain lion, Mongoose, ferret, seagull, crazy fan on the stage, Im sure it would be taken off stage immediately. Why can’t we do the same to these damn dogs?.. June 29, 2017 at 10:14 pm
Christian Woods. Good for Hemy.
E.F July 1, 2017 at 2:50 am
Politically Incorrect Doghater,
Symphony shows are usually filled with class, whereas anyone bringing a pet inside whether it be a dog or something else, be seen as a crazy rude person, even by other dog owners. I’m a fan of orchestral but if this happened I’d ask for my money back instantly, because what I had paid for was interrupted by laughter and clapping as a result of a mangy mutt that wasn’t apart of the show. I bet the composer and/or conductor was mad despite his comments.
Also, I was saying a few months ago that I felt like I finally found a community to belong in (politically incorrect) but it turns out even a grand majority of our kin are ignorant when comes to the true facts about dogs.
I Detest Dogs July 1, 2017 at 9:17 pm
Happy 150 years Canada, and happy 125, Nakusp! Of course everyone and their dog, literally was out today, watching the parade, a disaster waiting to happen, but thankfully didn’t. Even my friend who has a dog agreed with me how stupid those dog owners are. She and the retired French teacher are the only people I know for sure, who are good dog owners. But too bad it looks like the dog catcher took the day off, of course, rather than doing her job on one the most busiest days of the year. Could have fined 2 to 3 dog owners from what I saw today at the beach, in less than 10 minutes time sitting on that bench checking out the beach for a good spot to detect. One was walking down towards the beach area right in front of the sign where it says no dogs allowed and I warned them firmly no dogs on the beach and pointed to the sign, and then in the direction of the dog beach. We were just going there, yeah sure you were! Another owner was there on the grass part with their cha-whaaa-whaaa, despite that the grass is part of the beach too. I saw a dog running on the front part of the beach by the water without a leash on, no owner in sight as far as I know, and either it was a female squatting to take a piss and or a shit or a male squatting to shit. Either way, I was turned off to metal detect today, because of that. I’ll go tomorrow if it doesn’t rain. Let’s see how many idiots take their damn dogs to the fireworks show tonight; despite that, a lot of them get freaked out at the thunder, even our cat doesn’t like thunder. You get the warning at Halloween to keep your pets inside because of the fireworks. Let’s see how many people don’t have any brains in their head, and or care to use them if they do have any.
I Detest Dogs July 1, 2017 at 11:30 pm
I just came back, beautiful fireworks, about 20 minutes long. As suspected, yup, as I walked the boardwalk, there was indeed stupid foolsish dog owners there too, and I even told the cops about it too, as well as what happened earler. There was probably about 10 dogs or more out there, dumbasses. One idiot even thought it was a great idea to bring Scooby-Doo along! July 2, 2017 at 5:29 am
Many dog owners can’t leave home without the mutt because the mutt will total the house or they’ll come back to tickets on their door for disturbing the peace as their mutt howls nonstop for hours.
Just Not a fan of Dogs July 5, 2017 at 11:19 pm
Interesting article that talks about the partiality in this whole Anti-Yulin Festival movement by ANIMAL (Dogs only) Rights activist. If you want to rescue dogs, why not rescue the cows, pigs, chickens, and other animals that would be used for food and fur. If Yulin gets cancelled, do you think the locals would turn vegan right away? Nope, its back to pork, poultry, and beef as usual. I love cats but as much as I am a meat eater myself, I don’t have the right to judge other people in what they consume, save for how they treat the animal before slaughter. We kill far more Farm animals in Holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Independence Day (Hotdogs and Steaks) than Southern China kills dogs per year, in addition these Farm Animals get treated much worse. I think a dead fawn that gets bragged about by hunters in their social media profile pic or a mistreated pig whose short life will never be known other than how it tasted like in a bbq held on a weekend is far more sad than some aggressive Mutt that gets put down via euthanasia. ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS:×210.jpg (man praying for slaughtered dogs) (another prays for slaughtered dogs) (praying next to a dead turkey but not for the turkey’s soul) (nobody prays for the pigs)
Julie Hogan July 7, 2017 at 10:02 pm
I must say that I have seen a scientific opinion that the dog, instead of being something existing at the pleasure of its owner, has evolved to a parasite that has learned to whine, cringe and howl to get its substenance. Once you see that, you think of it in a whole new light. It does not exist for our pleasure, it has made us its host, we live to serve it.
You will never look at a dog the same way again.
E.F July 9, 2017 at 2:37 am
Many of us here have owned dogs in the past, or forced to have to call them family due to our mother or father loving them. Many of us have had to feed and be seen loving and caring for them lest we get branded a monster and be put to shame, the way a dog is put to shame when it pisses on a rug or chews up a $2000 TV unit. Some of us were once dog lovers, children don’t care for them, they simply use them as a toy to play with when they’re bored, or talk to when lonely. But surely all of us knew about what’s written in that article you shared, as common sense, whether they’ve had family-related experiences with a dog or not. I have come to know that ‘every’ dog lover I’ve met has no idea what they’re talking about, they may know more breeds than I, but it is me who chooses to do the real research that they ignorantly turn a cheek to. Whilst they gather their facts from movies like ‘A Dogs Purpose’ or some show host who calls themselves a dog whisperer with having no real evidently available experience in animal biological/neurological sciences. I choose to do the real research from actual dog experts who, whilst have a loving passion for dogs, will not stray from telling someone the whole truths of a dogs parasitical, and might I add, cringe worthy lifestyle, and the real relationship between these useless crap machines and their idiotic, violent-minded owners.
E.F July 9, 2017 at 2:44 am
I think people should stop worrying about their reputation, lose a few friends here and there, because if I chose to unfriend someone after a 10 year relationship because that person hates something that I love, then it’s me who’ll be seen as the idiot by anyone with half a brain. There should be more articles like this, even if they have to be published by an Incognito fearing for his social reputation. Maybe nutters will decide to actually read one and maybe they’ll begin to see just how right we are, and how ignorant to the truth they’ve all been. They don’t have to hate dogs as a result, but treating them like animals and not like human members of the family would be a start. July 9, 2017 at 9:06 am
Julie Hogan- I suppose this is one where it’s how you look at it. Dogs were selectively bred for their submissive qualities but perhaps at the same time that was adapting them to manipulate man.
Growing up a dog that was nasty, bit children or was un-trainable was disposed of. Now they are icons of the doggers to adopt and martyr themselves for.
Carrier July 11, 2017 at 6:50 am
My girlfriend says her dog (huge chocolate lab) is her life and demands that it be permitted to go in every single room in our house (in reaction to me closing our guest room door ) including on couches and sleeping on bath matt where I am suppose to put my just washed feet after I come out of shower. AND she thinks nothing of not walking the dog outside all winter, staying out till 5 am getting drunk and net feeding it, and yelling swear words at the dog if it does something she disapproves of. I suspect, though I have no scientific evidence to support my suspicion, that a % of dog owners have undiagnosed mental issues like narcissism and are extreme control freaks who enjoy owning and having unquestioned complete dominance over another life form they view as subordinate to themselves. “That dog is my life”. Uh ok.
dogsfromhell July 12, 2017 at 5:57 pm
A dog owner dies and the pit eats his genitals. That’s because dogs are just SO loyal. Right. Read how the nutters explain away the attack. The level of denial among these people is astounding. July 12, 2017 at 7:02 pm
MissEB47 July 12, 2017 at 7:59 pm
dogsfromhell-That’s bloody disgusting. This is one of the many reasons why I hate dogs so much,. They eat their recently deceased owners even when there is food available. And they excused the mutt’s behaviour by saying that the dog ‘licked his genitals to what him up” WHAT THE HELL?!?!? Why do people have to make excuses for dogs like this? And on top of that his family is going to keep the dog! Gross, so gross! Why are dogs considered to be loyal? They put millions of people in hospital every year, kill anything from mice to livestock, they eat their deceased owners, they ‘love’ anyone that feeds them and they have to be locked up or they will run away. Cats are far more loyal than dogs. Cats are very independent, but they choose to stick around even when they can go outside. Parrots can be like that, too. Even birds are more loyal than dogs. Maybe it is because dogs can be trained to do what ever the dog owner wants and this is what makes them ‘loyal’. July 12, 2017 at 8:17 pm
Perhaps the dog was accustomed to licking it’s deceased owners genitals. Was there a large supply of peanut butter in the house ?
MissEB47 July 13, 2017 at 12:04 am
mfatpony-That won’t surprise me at all. Such behaviour is more common among dog owners than we would like to think.
E.F July 13, 2017 at 6:15 am
Truth be told, which carnivorous animal won’t eat their deceased owners body!
therder July 13, 2017 at 8:31 am
There are a lot of reasons I don’t like dogs and I despise irresponsible and inconsiderate dog owners even more. I didn’t always feel this way. I grew up on a farm. Back then, (I’m middle aged now) we always had one or two dogs but they were useful animals that served a practical purpose. They killed varmints and alerted us if strangers came around. We didn’t project emotions on to them and treat them like children or let them in the house. We have a leash law in my city. Dogs are not allowed to roam free off leash outside of fenced areas, even under voice command. There’s also a pooper scooper ordinance. If someone is walking their dog, it’s against the law to leave their poop on yards and sidewalks. But unless they are caught on video, it’s unenforceable. I can understand how dogs can be good companions but people have just gone off the deep end about them. Just the other day I saw a couple carrying around their dog in an infant carrier while shopping in a store. I have a close relative who lives off the charity of others, can’t or won’t work, but can afford to feed 2 dogs. I once was invited over for dinner by a co worker. When I arrived and walked into their kitchen they were preparing a pot of chili. Their house dog jumped up into the owners arms at the stove and proceeded to lick off the stirring spoon that was offered to it. When the owner resumed stirring the chili with the same spoon I made up and excuse and left. I don’t participate in potlucks at work because of foolishness like this. Dogs are just barking, pooping, and slobbering mouths to feed. I can’t stand it when a dog want to jump up and lick me. Ten minutes before they were likely licking their own or another dog’s rear end or genitals. Just disgusting.
Had Enough w/Canines July 13, 2017 at 9:15 am
Carrier Said: “a % of dog owners have undiagnosed mental issues like narcissism and are extreme control freaks who enjoy owning and having unquestioned complete dominance over another life form they view as subordinate to themselves.”
Sounds like you are rightfully disgusted. My next door (condo, we share a wall) neighbor has a brown lab and all I hear all day is barking and running up and down the stairs by this stupid POS. When the owner came to deliver one of my packages, (mistake) I answered my door and the thing jumped on me, scaring the absolute hell out of my raw nerves. She was introducing me to it, she said. When do I get a choice?
BTW, what kind of damage on wood or wood like floors do dogs nails do? They bought their unit just after my buying a second unit and they paid a lot more because it had wood floors. I am visualizing those floors are crap now after a year of that dog.
Had Enough w/Canines July 13, 2017 at 9:21 am
That’s even disgusting for a pit bull.
OMG, But they LOVE him!!!
How’d you like to have that as your epilogue? Pun intended.
therder July 13, 2017 at 10:02 am
My cousin has a female chinese pitbull. I had to go over there on an errand some time back. I was standing in his backyard talking to him when it charged out the back door, climbed up on the edge of his deck and leaped at my head. I jumped out of the way just in time. My cousin had the nerve to act surprised. I haven’t been back since. July 13, 2017 at 12:49 pm
E.F. some breeds seem to be there with a fork waiting. Starving animals will food chain themselves. My experience with dogs, and it’s been vast thanks to ones left to run loose is they may kill something but almost none of them consume the kill. A coyote may kill all the chickens but that’s because of food security but a dog will kill all your chickens and they go home and beg a bowl of kibble.
AnkleBiter July 14, 2017 at 7:00 am
therder – been there and done that! How horrifying it is to be invited somewhere and arrive to see a dog pooping on the dinner table and the owner just giggles. Oops, gotta run.
I would be ok with dogs if they served a purpose such as farming and protection. The entire problem is humans projecting emotions on them. How did we devolve so badly that we need furry creatures in this way?
Deb July 14, 2017 at 1:07 pm
Why would you want to date that person?
Julie Hogan July 14, 2017 at 8:17 pm
I used to love dogs! Then my neighbors moved in , with their overfed and filthy hounds, on all sides of me. Not barking, bellowing. If the constant noise didn’t keep me out of my back yard, the flies from their accumulating poop certainly did. One neighbor had a huge red hound, if I went into her house it was like being gang raped, it would leap up and hump my leg the entire time. ; (
When I see an advertisement for a shelter ‘There’s always room for one more!’ I get sick to my stomach, thinking a neighbor will go get one more. I must say its like a post traumatic stress disorder, to hear a dog bark now is sheer torture.
The media is feeding this ‘dog cult’, can you find an advertisement without a dog in it? One more question, and I would love to know, it has become socially verboten to announce that you do not ADORE dogs. Do you have the courage to declare your feelings? Do you feel the pressure I do, to keep it hidden?
Just wondering…
Christian Woods July 15, 2017 at 8:22 pm
Hemy and I are moving into a high-rise apartment, or “flat’ as she calls it. why? no dogs.
Muncie is off the table now because that house burnt down.
speaking of dogs and Hemy, Hemy, who is a guitarist and singer was playing at th elocal bar (pub as she calls it), and a yipping dog kept running up to her. Then the owners got pissed wit hher when she said “f*** it, i’m out.”
Why should someone have to deal with a yipping dog when they’re playing music? It wasn’t a band, it was just Hemy and her guitar, and because she has a soft voice, the dogs yipping drown her out several times.
Looking forward to the apartment, we’re going to be up on the 8th floor. July 16, 2017 at 6:14 am
HEWC we looked at foreclosures a few years ago, Dog damage topped everything. Walls , door jambs, and wood floors torn to shreds by dogs skidding around on them. One would have needed the floor joists replaced the piss issue was so bad although the REA tried to convince me the wood could be treated and vapor barriers laid. Then there is the damage to the yards. You would think even on a foreclosure they would have someone out to shovel off the mounds of dog crap. The stench in these homes matches many I’ve been in with dogs and cats. I have a friend I stayed with that has dogs and cats coming out of her ears but I never smelled a thing. Most dog owners are pigs.
I have no doubt one of the big reason my SIL let her dogs run loose was so they didn’t have to clean up the crap. Bad news it’s all back over there

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