Saturday, December 21, 2019

I Hate My Dog! - Part 1

"I Hate My Dog!" - Part 1

The "Why I Hate Dogs" Series

Are you stuck with a dog you hate?
  • Did you mistakenly get a dog or reside with a dog, through no fault of your own?
  • Have you fallen for the myth that you need a dog to be “happier”?
  • Is your mutt a money pit promoted by the pet product industry?

Share your stories.

You have our most sincere sympathies.

Tagged as: crutch, dog has to go, dogs are not family, dogs are people too, I Hate Dogs, I hate my dog

By dogsfromhell on 4 February 2014

Note I - A couple interval of comments may be missing. I did my best to recover all the 800+ comments for this article but unfortunately it was not possible. Yes, over eight hundred comments on why people hate their own dogs. Anyway there are many to entertain you and your friends harassed by dogs and their lunatic worshippers.

Note II - Links are Not working as of yet. Please do Not click on them. When interested in a link, just copy and paste it on your browser.
(This post was extracted from the site, that does not exist anymore, with the sole aim to keep it alive for all the normal people out there as the great info on that site is always relevant and timeless. Any concern, just drop a line.)

Comments continue on "I Hate My Dog - Part 2"

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dogsfromhell February 4, 2014 at 7:18 am
It’s amazing how many people own dogs who later learned they really don’t like dogs at all. Rather, they simply hate them. Some bought into the propaganda by the rescue fanatics, others believed the myth that dogs would make your life happier, still others live with another person who has a dog. You have our sympathies. We are here to support you.
Xdogowner February 5, 2014 at 10:13 am
Oh yes that was me. I thought oh i better get a dog for the kids etc. then it bit the youngest and craps all over. Only wants food, they dont care whos feeding them its not like they love you like so many idiots think. He was a rescue dog and found out he had some pitbull in him. Makes sense. Anyhow you do get sucked into the whole rescue thing. I sent him back to the rescue place to be readopted after 8 weeks and i will never ever get another dog again! I have learnt from this and will probably go back to cats.
dogsfromhell February 5, 2014 at 12:13 pm
Wow. The fact that it bit the children is very concerning. So happy to hear you brought him back! The rescue people often try to hide the dog’s history and breed. They are a truly unethical bunch. Pit bull and/or mix breed dogs are responsible for many, many child attacks. You are a responsible parent. Good work!
dogsfromhell February 5, 2014 at 2:00 pm
Found this on another site by a an ex dog owner.
We got rid of our hated dog this weekend…couldn’t be happier. The small amount of guilt we felt was easily overshadowed by the relief of having a brand new, dog-free life ahead of us. Like Christy, I was a dog person until I actually had one. Ours was smart, as well. We trained her to voice as well as hand signals, had “down, stay” learned to a T. Dog would fetch, catch frisbees in the air, swim in the lake, everything a “fun dog” does. The only problem was ALL THE PROBLEMS. She would bite us for no reason, just to try to assert dominance. It was this mean, nasty little pinch she would do with her teeth on the tender part of your arm or neck. Infuriating. She would bark for no reason, just attention. She would wake us up in the middle of the night, barking in her crate. Chewing? OMG, this dog had more chew toys than I can count. We spent actual planned “pack time” with this demon just trying to socialize her. We also Netflicked the entire Dog Whisperer DVD series and tried to learn everything we could. Walks? Did’em. Jogs? Did that too. Rides in the car? Always restrained. Kennel trained? You betcha. House trained? Of course. However, she STILL had dominance issues, was HYPER all the time, pee’d all over herself and everyone else whenever she met anyone new, would NOT calm down in public, no matter how often I tried to socialize her, and would bite/chew anything she could sneak her teeth onto. Oh yeah, she was sneaky too. We just feel fortunate to have this episode of our lives over with, and our furniture is still miraculously intact. I’ll never have a dog again. In fact, when I saw a woman walking her dog today, I felt pity for the poor lady“.
Canetoad February 5, 2014 at 2:24 pm
This mutt was given away after trying to eat an Aston Martin and causing £3,000 worth of damage: Of course, there is the obligatory photo of the mutt looking as if it is crying [rolls eyes]. The dog cultists have taken the view that the ex-owner is a vile human being (rather than a sensible one) or that he had it coming to him as he has an Aston Martin and they don’t.
Canetoad February 5, 2014 at 2:44 pm
This person clearly is at the end of their tether with a very badly behaved, useless German Shepherd: So they ask for suggestions, only to be told that it is THEIR FAULT – because, of course, a dog is NEVER, EVER to be blamed for anything. And you must NEVER hate a dog, let alone smack it with a rolled-up newspaper if it wrecks the house! I wouldn’t have tolerated this behaviour for two days, let alone two years (not that I would have taken on a dog in the first place). Here is my advice, which is short and to the point: take it to the vet and have it put down.
Canetoad February 5, 2014 at 3:28 pm
And another. This one is quite disturbing and hopefully will put people off getting a dog.
Canetoad February 6, 2014 at 8:35 am
I think a lot of people in the dog rescue industry are so anti-putting-a-dog-down that they will say or do anything to get the dog ‘rehomed’. They’ll hide the fact it probably has some pit bull in it and is likely to be aggressive around children, will cost an arm and a leg to feed and will crap everywhere. There’s often a dodgy reason why these mutts end up there in the first place. Well done for taking it back.

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Xdogowner February 6, 2014 at 8:40 am
What they do here is go to the native reservations where dogs run wild they are either shot for overpopulation or they round them up and bring them to the towns to get adopted out. So you never know what breeds are really in these dogs. These issues in my opinion should be handled by each reservation rather than bring more unwanted dogs into town.
Canetoad February 6, 2014 at 10:52 am
I hadn’t realised this (being in the UK, where we don’t have native reservations). Thanks for the information. Seems there are people feeding these feral pack animals.
The first anon February 7, 2014 at 7:18 pm
It’s unnerving that so many shelters purposely hide a pit bull’s history or breed. If they won’t even tell you that straight-up, who knows what else they could lie about.
The first anon February 7, 2014 at 7:43 pm
We have a couple of dogs at home now. I don’t not like them, but whenever I visit (I’m at university in an apartment) they remind me why I’d rather learn about dogs than interact with them. They’re needy and loud, and even though we live on a fenced property we still have to keep an eye on them. One of them ran into the woods so much, we fenced off the gate (it has gaps) AND a giant ball gets tied to her collar so we always hear where she is. We share the woods with other people, so the dogs can’t be running around loose. Plus, we live in the country so they smell really bad 90% of the time….
When the younger one was a puppy I spent a break looking after her while everybody else worked outside. It was simultaneously the dullest and most frustrating vacation I’d had in a long time. I’d never been left to deal with a dog on my own and the whole idea of “new puppy” turned into “endless chore”. Play with her until she falls asleep. The moment she wakes up, take her outside. Discourage her from biting. Take her outside again. Repeat….she probably needed to be taken outside at least eight times an hour. Plus she didn’t know any commands at the time, so I had to carry her a lot. My entire vacation revolved around taking care of this puppy. When she was asleep I could get in a little reading or housework, but if I wasn’t there when she woke up: puddle on the rug. Sometimes she would go again while I was cleaning it. She also really liked to pee in my room, which was infuriating. Reprieve came in the evenings, when everybody was done outside. Next morning…..take a shower, have breakfast, and look after the puppy! It was during this time that I realized I really wasn’t as interested in dogs as before, but pretended otherwise out of peer pressure. Because most of the people I love, love dogs……..
At least ours don’t jump on me.
Canetoad February 8, 2014 at 3:10 am
I’m sure a lot of people get dogs only because there is some social expectation that they should have one – and not because they really want one, and all the work that goes with it. When I’m asked if I have a dog, I reply, “No, because I don’t like dogs.” However, if I were in a different position, such as seeking promotion at work, I would never admit to it because for some batty reason a lot of people see those who don’t like dogs as untrustworthy. How we got to this stage in terms of human evolution is beyond me. Glad your dogs don’t jump up, though – all that effort you put in has at least borne some fruit!
The first anon February 8, 2014 at 9:49 pm
They jump on some people, but I get stern when they do it to me and push them off. The older one is actually quite submissive and views me as higher in the pack rank. I don’t have much trouble with him. The younger one is more work but she seems to know I won’t get down and roughhouse with her like other people.
I don’t know why people who don’t like dogs are viewed as untrustworthy. Maybe it was started by and continues to feed the pet industry’s profitable idea of dogs being little people. They’ve integrated so much into our societies, it’s unAmerican (and unUK, apparently) to have any sort of criticism about them. Dogs can do no wrong! The objector is the one with the problem! You probably are old enough to have grown up in a time where dogs were tools and companions, not furbabies, so it must be strange to you now. My era practically expected pets as a normal part of family life. Dogs were the one everyone wanted. And as a kid, I liked all dogs except chow chows, a LOT. It didn’t make sense that I could simply grow out of something as “natural” as being a dog lover, so I hid it to not be judged. Can you really be blocked from promotion for saying you don’t like dogs? That’s crazy.
Canetoad February 9, 2014 at 3:14 am
Not officially, but given the widespread view that people who don’t like dogs are untrustworthy (a false rumour put about by dog cultists), I wouldn’t risk it.
dogsfromhell February 9, 2014 at 6:23 am
We could eliminate personality testing and criminal background screening for employment. Just ask the person whether or not he/she likes dogs! LOL
You are right though. I would never discuss hating dogs at work. But I would surely object anonymously to a “Take Your Dog to Work Day” and would not come in that day.
BewareOfDogs February 10, 2014 at 10:32 am
I’m so glad to have found this website. I met my wife five years ago and she had a dog that was about 6 months old. I never really liked dogs but he was a pretty cute puppy and I liked my than girlfriend a lot so I put up with him. After a year we moved in with each other.
As he got older he got a lot bigger and a lot less cuter. He would constantly pee on things despite the fact that we had a yard and installed a dog door so he could come in and out as he pleased. I put up with it but it became a major source of stress in our relationship. I was the one taking care of him and exercising him just so I could get maybe an hour or two of him not jumping all over me or barking/whining at me for attention.
After getting married my wife and I decided to move to a new state to start a new life for ourselves. We moved into an apartment and things have just gotten worse. With no yard to let him loose in I have to take him on walks 5-10 times a day just so he can go to the bathroom. Despite this he still pees and craps all over the house and we are not likely to get any of our deposit back. In the winter time its extremely frustrated when its 10 degrees outside and I have to walk around for 15-20 minutes just so that he can find a spot to crap on. Only to wake up in the morning and find a big pile of crap on the floor
I get NO joy from owning this dog. I really don’t understand why people like dogs. It seems the only thing you get from them is licking, crapping, peeing machine that cost money to feed. I consider them a needy chore more than anything else.
Poppy February 10, 2014 at 12:11 pm
i love this site, i read the stories about awful dogs all the time on here. I decided i’d finally share my hatred.
I’m still in high school and we have 3 dogs, awful i know. thankfully 2 of them are outside, the one inside is a yorkiepoo ( Yorkshire Terrier and a poodle mix ). I don’t consider them my family like my sister. I have so many stories of that awful dog. He wines all the time, he’s my sisters dog. She wanted a dog for her birthday and my parents got he one. She feeds it people food, like, if we are eating at the kitchen table, that stupid dog will be there watching her. She drops food on purpose, i try to get the food before that stupid dog can, cause if i don’t and he gets it, that b!tch will whine until she has finished eating. GOD ! i can’t stand the whining. She doesn’t even take care of it, but she always says how much she loves it. It craps on the floor and pees. It also throws up all the time, i’v stepped in it’s puke barefoot 3 times ! it’s so gross, of course my sister never steps in the puke. My dad has a boner for the dog, he’s always holding him watching tv, such a weirdo. He’s about as annoying as the dog. He will call for it BOOOOEEEEEY, BOOEY BOY ! The dog hates him, he hates being held, i get joy from his misery though. The outside dogs bark all the time, whenever a car goes by, and then the inside dog will bark mindlessly along. I yell at him to shut up, and you know what that b!tch does ? He growls at me, like he’s god for growling and i have to sit there and listen to it. he will only listen to my dad because he’s scared of him.
Another story of that stupid dog i can think of is i got to cat-sit my friends cat before. I took good care of the cat, played with it, feed and water it, pet it, and cleaned it litter box. Sometimes the cat would go at night, while i was sleeping. When i woke up, i would find the dog in the litter box, clumps of cat turds everywhere, and the dog munching away at them. I would yell at the dog, and it would growl and walk away, had to clean the floor too, cause the dog stepped in the turds and mushed them in the floor.
When ever anyone comes over, that stupid dog will jump on them. Once my 5 year old cousin came over, she was scared of the dog, it jumped all over her. Luckily my mom locked it in my sister’s room, she shares my hatred of the dog, she the one that really takes care of it.
Once time my dad was eating wings, he was getting ready to enjoy them, and that stupid dog came running up and snatched a wing. Nobody will take the bone out of it’s mouth, they are scared of that stupid little growl, i’m the one who has to yank that gross slobbery wing out. Though i didn’t entirely hate taking away his precious wing that he faced dad to get. There is only one time i can think of when that stupid dog was tolerable. So i said how my dad calls for that dog nonstop, he hates going to him and would never do so if he didn’t call. But one day he did, ” oh my booey came to see me “, he has to talk so loudly that every one in the house hears him, so anyway the dog hopes up on him and throws up ! Hah !
I have another story of that awful dog, this ones probably the grosses one. We have to put the trash bag up now because if we don’t the dog will eat and rip up the used toilet paper, gross gross gross.
One of the dogs outside is a boxer and the other is a mutt. I remember the day we got the stupid boxer, i was still a kid. My dad had to take all of us to the place where the breed it. It was so loud and awful in that place. The dogs were in cages too small for them, i almost felt bad. The dogs didn’t stop barking, and my dad stayed there and talked about the stupid boxers ear’s for the longest time. When we finally left that place the dog had to sit right by me in the truck, he panted and licked me, so annoying. That boxer is so stupid, he will bark at a piece of wood, and when car’s go by he will try and chase them, he get’s yanked back by his chain every time and that’s pretty funny. Both of the outside dogs will put there paws in the water bowl and kick all the water out, dumb stupid dogs, and they wonder why they pant all day. My dad feeds them leftover food and chicken bones, i hope they choke on them and die, life would be so much better. I can’t wait till i leave and get my own place, my luck i will have neighbors that have tons of stupid dogs.
dogsfromhell February 10, 2014 at 2:17 pm
I am a strong advocate for dog free living environments.
Doghater February 11, 2014 at 9:29 pm
I hate dogs but I hate people who love dogs even more. They are a cancer on the earth that needs to be wiped out. Your dogs aren’t human! Your smelly, stinking, loud shitty dog is not a baby nor will it ever take the place of a real baby. Invest in real human relationships instead of making others suffer the cruel torture of hearing about the virtues of your disgusting animals! You people are weak, selfish. Your dogs are useless and serve no purpose.
So tired... February 12, 2014 at 12:30 pm
Thank you so much, all of you for your understanding and support–finding this site and reading all your stories has been the only reprieve I have gotten. I live with my girlfriend who has a 90 pound Rottweiler. I never liked dogs much–was scared of them as a kid–but didn’t actively hate them–just didn’t trust them.
Now that I’ve been living with one for just over a year–I now find that there is no other thing on this planet that I hate as much as dogs. I read somewhere once that dogs supposedly were good to “calm” you. I just can’t see how that’s possible–my anxiety is through the roof with this creature–this thing that my girlfriend loves. And I now find myself questioning why mankind is so drawn to this despicable creature–even so far that I question why god (or evolution if you prefer) even made such a disgusting, aggressive thing. It’s basically a pack predator with a massive salivation problem. How the hell people got so attached to such a thing is severely puzzling to me.
It’s so funny that so many dog haters are those that who have had to live with them–in a world where so many think that being around something more will cause you to love and accept it–I, as others, have found that this “method by immersion” has done just the opposite–make you hate something so much that you want to break down and cry…
So tired... February 12, 2014 at 12:35 pm
Before I found this site, I puzzled over all the things that made me feel so negatively about dogs. It occurred to me that of all the typical household pets that people have, dogs have got to be the worst.
For fun, and self-consolation (I live with my girlfriend’s 90lb Rottweiler), I wrote the following “checklist”, only to find that this site echoes the same things:
Checklist For the World’s Worst Pet
Check below to see what common household pet is the worst animal to choose as a companion
– Noisy, Public Nuisance; aggressively loud in the home and often in the neighborhood as well
– Behavioral Issues; requires frequent scolding and correcting—especially in youth, but can continue until end-of-life
– Destructive; known for destroying and damaging belongings in and around the home—sometimes the home itself
– Aggressive; known to attack and harm—sometimes even kill innocent humans
– Territorial; obsessed with claiming sole domain over what it interprets as its area
– Greedy and Opportunistic; will try to get your food—begs frequently
– Needy and Co-dependent; requires frequent attention and near-constant companionship—will not leave you alone when you so desire
– Smelly; body, hair, oils, and breath all extremely foul—like sweaty gym socks, but more pungent—requires frequent washing
– Bully; asserts itself to be in charge and take an “alpha” position if those around it let it
Canetoad February 13, 2014 at 3:33 am
This thing about dogs being ‘calming’ and useful for ‘emotional support’ has always been a puzzle to me. Like you, I associate dogs with anxiety – Will it have pooped on the carpet during the night? Has it chewed up the house while we’ve been out to dinner? How do I get the pee stains out of the carpet? – and so on. As for ‘emotional support’ dogs, are these people so emotionally needy that they cannot spend five minutes in a grocery store without taking their precious dog inside? And surely, when this dog expires after they have depended on it and leaned on it for around 12 years (a strange concept to me, but there you go), isn’t that going to make their anxiety worse? I agree completely with what you say about dogs CAUSING anxiety!
Canetoad February 13, 2014 at 3:39 am
And I am a strong advocate for banning dogs in households where there are children under the age of ten. I realise that’s not you, Poppy – maybe the ban could be extended to under-21s?! I really enjoyed reading your post, in a bizarre sort of way. I cringed through most of it, especially the bit about the dog eating the cat poop. Dogs are disgusting animals.
Canetoad February 13, 2014 at 10:44 am
By the way, I know that these supposed ‘emotional support’ dogs are not allowed in grocery stores, but that doesn’t seem to stop many indulgent owners from taking them in there. From what I’ve read, there is a lot of confusion about service dogs and ‘emotional support’ dogs, and a lot of grocery store workers seem to be scared of being sued for saying the wrong thing. If ever a law needed tightening up, in my opinion it’s the one that applies to service dogs, therapy dogs and the pests in vests (otherwise known as fake service dogs). I don’t want to go in a store that stinks of dog pee, or worse.
dogsfromhell February 16, 2014 at 7:12 am
Oh Nooooooooooo! Pie Face has surfaced for a reply. She must have been stalking the site all along! HaHaHaHa
dogsfromhell February 16, 2014 at 7:30 am
AND she doesn’t have any new material. Its the same dog worship mantra about hero dogs. I’ll review AGAIN.
Only a very small percentage of individuals in the blind community utilize guide dogs. Most rely on their own mobility skills, mobility instruction training, white cane technique and assistive technology. Blind people are very capable and do not require hero services from dogs. In addition, the methods mentioned above do not require the blind individual to care for, toilet or clean up after a dog.
A security system is far more effective and more affordable than a “guard dog” that barks wolf every time a leaf drops. It doesn’t stink, crap, require feeding or vet visits, bite, attack, maim, maul or kill. Your homeowners insurance may actually be lower as opposed to a new trend toward higher insurance costs for dog owner. (Thanks to pit bull attacks)
Guard dogs are indeed used in commercial and law enforcement settings. They are also routinely utilized as instruments of intimidation, in abuses of police power and for torture.
Hasn’t social services re-homed your children yet Pie Face? Shame on you for putting them at risk.
dogsfromhell February 16, 2014 at 7:44 am
Pie Face,
You are in the wrong section. This area is dedicated specifically for people who want to share stories about hating their own dog. It is not a section for you to criticize them. If you want to debate check out our other sections. We’ll indulge you till we are bored out of our minds with your trivia. If you continue to harass people in the I Hate My Dog! section we’ll have to flag you.
So tired... February 16, 2014 at 10:56 am
The funny thing is that the dog that I am stuck with does not even do many of the things other commenters are complaining about–the worst is occasionally peeing in the house, but then my girlfriend has to clean it up, not me (though I do have to smell the after-affect for days).
It’s just that I find my self revolted by the little things. The behavior, the smell, even how it looks. I hate the way it is sneaky and watches me until I look away to go back to incessantly licking its forelegs (which it does all waking hours and has these ugly black scars on its legs). And then it jumps up and down (this is a 90lb Rottweiler mind you) to get what it wants.
I hate the noises it makes–the chomping schlomping noises of eating, the slurping schlepping of drinking, the non-stop licking, and these huffing snorting noises after it drinks. It makes me cringe.
I hate the smell perhaps more than anything. No matter how many times it is washed–this dog stinks something awful. I removed some clean clothes from the washing machine–because the dog blanket was in there, the whole machine reeked so bad that I nearly gagged and threw up. When it licks its forelegs, the smell permeates even more. It’s a horrible experience being around this dog…
And though it is my opinion, the thing is really ugly. Black all over with brown markings, a grotesquely big head, and that stupid nub tail that breeder humans think is cute or cool to cut off the pup’s tail when young for “show” purposes.
But what I find that tops it all is not necessarily the dog itself–it is the venom I receive from my girlfriend for not loving her “baby”. That’s right–the toughest thing about being with a dog when you don’t like them is the hate and abuse you receive from those who do love them. Plenty of people don’t like pet rats, spiders, snakes, etc… And we all accept that for personal preference. But why is nobody allowed to not like dogs? I am tired of being treated as inferior because there is something in this world that I do not like that supposedly everybody else does (when really they are many of us). The daily crap that I receive–from a loved one at that–is the thing that makes living with this dog even more difficult, and in turn makes me dislike it even more. It’s a vicious circle. So I conclude by saying that really one of the worst things about dogs is not always the dog itself–but the treatment we get from their owners and lovers.
BewareOfDogs February 16, 2014 at 7:38 pm
I really don’t see what people get out of dogs other than more chores. I find no joy in taking the dog out 5+ times a day and wait for it to find a spot to crap and pee on. Especially when you wake up in the morning to a pile of crap and a new yellow spot on the carpet that you get to try and clean up. Really not sure what the trade off is to this chore. Licking? Barking? No thanks. To bad its probably going to be 10+ years before this chore is finally over. I want to tell my wife if she wants another dog she can find another husband to take care of it.
Pinkie PIe February 17, 2014 at 2:02 am
P.S: Are you all okay with people liking dogs but not being mean about it and respecting other peoples opinions? Because if you don’t and think that people who just like dogs should die,etc, you’re just as bad as the rabid dog lovers.
dogsfromhell February 17, 2014 at 7:27 am
I really don’t see what people get out of dogs other than more chores
Isn’t that the truth!
dogsfromhell February 17, 2014 at 7:34 am
P.S: Are you all okay with people liking dogs but not being mean about it and respecting other peoples opinions? Because if you don’t and think that people who just like dogs should die,etc, you’re just as bad as the rabid dog lovers.
Pie Face It’s about dog owners respecting the BOUNDARIES of people who want no contact with your dogs. Rational, respectful dog owners are few and far between. By your aggressive demeanor I am certain you are not one of them either.
EarthMama February 17, 2014 at 10:30 am
I am someone who thought they were a “dog lover” my whole life. Until I got my own house, that is. I actually care about my home being clean and that’s IMPOSSIBLE if you have a dog. I clean for hours every single GD day since I got this dog and it STILL isn’t enough. If you have a dog, then I will automatically assume your house is disgusting and you don’t care. I hate this disgusting, worthless money pit. All it does is bark, tear shit up, get it’s disgusting fur all over everyone and everything, and urinate all over my floors. It’s going to the shelter tonight, good riddance.
gothchiq February 17, 2014 at 2:14 pm
In your place I would have to think twice about having a significant other who is always going to have one (or more) of these disgusting creatures in her possession and then put it above you in importance. I would consider that unacceptable in a mate.
The first anon February 18, 2014 at 12:12 am
Hey man, Hitler was a dog lover and so’s Nixon — guess this means they’re great people.
Not liking dogs is a pretty small thing to be so tremendously judged for. I guess that’s why I hid my growing negative feelings about them for so long. What about our culture has made it so wrong to say, “I don’t want to spend 8 – 20 years looking after a pet animal that’s needy, loud, and smelly, with various exercise needs and levels of aggression that depend on the purpose it was bred for”? I think I know why I’m less keen on owning a dog now–ignoring the preaching of the pet industry makes you realize how much work they are!
dogsfromhell February 18, 2014 at 5:10 am
Hitler was a dog lover and so’s Nixon
I guess the assumption that people who don’t like dogs are not trustworthy is off the table then…
Charly February 18, 2014 at 10:49 am
I didn’t realize that there are this many disturbed persons in the world!! To hate a dog shows something wrong with your hearts. Dogs are innocent creatures who love unconditionally. I am a cat owner, so for the person who stated a dog killed their cat, I would ask why the cat was in a position to be exposed to that particular dog. It is not the dog’s fault that the owner doesn’t bathe or pick up after him or her. I literally believe that all of you that have posted are evil and tacky (the ‘female’ who wanted to use the neighbor’s yard for her own use) and we do know where evil people end up.
Charly February 18, 2014 at 10:55 am
You disgust me, bragging about your clean home, most of us do enjoy our homes to be clean. I wonder if you truly are intelligent enough to clean your home, when you don’t even have enough common sense to be a responsible pet owner. You should be ashamed!!
So tired... February 18, 2014 at 1:14 pm
I’m so glad to hear you voice your opinion–besides the apparent fact that you exuding large levels of hate and evil yourself–you have presented me the opportunity to correct your assumption that dogs are innocent creatures. For one, they have been purposely bred and developed with certain traits for the use or amusement of humans. They are a highly genetically-manipulated species. But inherit in all of them is the pack killer instinct that is passed down from their distant ancestors.
I’d like to muse on; if the hypothesis is correct that all dogs are innocent and are never to blame–then we should extend the same thought logic to all humans. If it’s OK for a dog to attack an innocent other with no provocation–and many MANY have maimed, mauled, or killed innocent people…
…then I’d like to extend the same gratis to all humans, regardless of their crimes and announce that all people are innocent even if they harm, kill, rape, torture others… Make sense?
And regarding your comment that my girlfriend should dump me because of my comments–I say, so what? She knows how I feel and does her best to accommodate me, but it does not change my feelings toward dogs. All it means is that she is a much stronger person than you–who is so quick to judge and dispense evil. I shared with her that I have a life-long aversion to dogs, which I cannot help. These are MY natural instinctual feelings, which are in my genetic code. I don’t know why–it just is. This dog in the house makes me feel anxious, sick, and worn out.
Let’s take somebody’s lovable, harmless pet tarantula and have it crawl on you–then shame you and call you evil because you have a reaction of terror and disgust. Do you understand yet? And to make matters worse, it’s hateful dog lovers like you that make us dislike dogs even more–because you and your type are so heavy with judgement, ignorance, and spite towards those who don’t love what you do.
I’ll kindly remind you that the whole reason for this forum is for those who dislike dogs to connect to find understanding and support in each other since we have to hide in the outside world from the likes of you…
Charly February 18, 2014 at 2:07 pm
Hate and evil? I did not mention that I had hatred for those of you who HATE dogs, although I stand by the idea that it is not natural to dislike an innocent species, that presents itself as evil. For you to point out that they are bred to be a certain way may be true, but it is then up to the owner and the raising of the dog, as far as it’s traits. There is plenty of information on the web to research every breed, so I don’t understand the inability to bond with the animal, once you own it. I happen to like all animals, so your reference to tarantulas, I like ALL animals! Comparing to humans, really? Humans are not ‘bred’ to attack, and are able to decipher right from wrong. My judgement comes from fact, no ignorance here. I do stand by my spite, as anyone who views someone as evil naturally does. I realize this is your forum; I stumbled upon it and had to comment. As for your girlfriend, kudos to her, I feel sorry for her. After this is said, I would like to compliment you and your ability to express yourself, as many cannot. That is not a judgement, just another fact.
Fujin February 18, 2014 at 3:23 pm
Charly, what you fail to understand is, on this website, people are only ranting about dogs. They aren’t hurting dogs.This is simply a place for them, to vent.
If they where abusing dogs because they hate them, that would be evil, but an opinion, is not evil. Some people hate cats too, I my self love cats ,do I view them as evil? No. If they abuse them, yes.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, I don’t care how much you love dogs. I my self, hate them. Because I’m allergic, and owners have repeatedly shoved them in my face, or let them jump all over me, which has nearly landed me in the hospital.
And then there has been some incidents where dogs have barked all night in my neighborhood, nearly driving me to insanity.
Even worst than the dogs of course, are most of the lovers, which are somehow inept enough to believe everyone loves dogs, and are even willing to commit violence against people whom aren’t willing to tolerate the barking, or anything else their precious mutt does.
Or would love to make people whom dislike their precious mutt in to second class citizens.
On a semi unrelated note: Man I wish Canada had some dog free living environments….
So tired... February 18, 2014 at 6:18 pm
I’d just as soon not put energy into the whole dog like/dislike argument, but I feel you are attacking me and my fellows.
So, let’s once again examine the right to either like or dislike something. Likes or dislikes boils down to; 1) personal preference, 2) cultural preference, 3)trauma
Personal Preference:
Not liking a type of animal or pet is really no different than a food preference. We all like and dislike types of food. Some absolutely love tiramisu and kimchee—others don’t. Except that those who love tiramisu and kimchee don’t make their counterparts feel like crap and say that they are going to hell. Which you are doing to me and my fellow forum contributors…
Remember me saying that I can’t stand the way dogs smell and you saying that my girlfriend should dump me to make more room for her dog? Well, I got a big box of these eggrolls from Costco. I love ‘em—except that my girlfriend hates the smell and says cooking them stinks up the house. So I RESPECT her and cook them when she is not around. I don’t go and make her feel like crap for not loving my eggrolls or profile her as some kind of sicko… WE ALL HAVE OUR PERSONAL PREFERENCES
Cultural Preference:
Many on this forum mention the dog-obsessed culture prevalent on the North American continent. And I agree. The world over, different cultures love dogs—but not all in the same way. And that’s OK. It’s the diversity and difference between everyone which makes the world better than a souless collective clone colony.
I recently moved to Hawaii, and boy was I disappointed to find out how many dogs there are here. Dogs, dogs, and more dogs. And they really love their pitbulls here. More pitbulls here than anywhere else I’ve been. But here’s the twist: almost all the locals keep their dogs outside. Outside in little cages, kennels, or tied to ropes in the yard standing on top of pathetic little wooden structures to stay out of the mud. Most of these locals keep numerous dogs—all permanently tied up or caged outside—multiple dogs squeezed into one little outdoor cage kennel. They are not allowed in the house… All over the island. But that’s the culture here. You see, the locals here love to use their dogs for hunting wild pigs. And they proudly display stencils of pitbulls on the back of their pickups and string pig skulls on lines along their houses. But I’m sure you’d be aghast and tear into them about how they keep their dogs. And they would tear right back into you defending their own method of loving their dogs. So tell me, who is right? Are they going to hell too? Or are North American dog fanatics who treat their dogs like babydolls or human children the ones in the wrong?
In South Korea, they love dogs too… Some people there and in other countries love to EAT them. Shops contain bins of dog ears, paws, limbs, etc for all those special local dishes. The bad part is that they sometimes beat the dog before killing it to release adrenalin into the meat—for supposed male potency or something like that. I’d like to be clear that I disagree with this practice. Methods of slaughtering aside, who am I to demonize a people or culture for eating something I wouldn’t, whether it be dogs, rats, peccaries, or chocolate-covered ants?
I don’t even need to go into this one. Dogs have traumatized others more than any other type of household pet. You don’t hear about trauma and attacks from pet turtles, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, or canaries. Nor do you hear about owners losing it and beating these other types of pets. Why is that? What is it about dogs that bring out the worst in people? Dogs are innocent bundles of love, right? Why is it that so many people who had no preference either way about dogs become dog haters once they end up having one? THAT IS WHAT THIS FORUM IS ABOUT. We are not devils, nor insane. We are just trying to understand our own feelings by talking to others that feel the same.
dogsfromhell February 18, 2014 at 6:20 pm
Taken a wrong turn?? This is a dog haters site so as a dog worshipping cultist you are clearly in the wrong place. In addition the section you are posting in is reserved for people to discuss why they hate their own dog. Most of us don’t have dogs but a few people are cursed with having to live with the beasts either by buying into the dog worship propaganda or living with a dog owner. In any case we provide a safe haven for them to express their disdain, WITHOUT CRITICISM. Your callous and hateful remarks are inappropriate. EarthMama has gone above and beyond the call of duty living with a filthy beast that repulses her. You should be ashamed.
Fujin February 18, 2014 at 6:38 pm
Well, if you are very sensitive about animals, maybe you should consider working towards more dog ownership policies?
So not everyone can own a dog, I don’t have much time to explain right now, I would recommend you look through this websites articles and read things about people being mauled by a vicious dog, or neglectful owners, or even environmental pollution.
I’ll say this, if you read up on it enough, you may just see that the lovers are much worst than the haters.
dogsfromhell February 18, 2014 at 7:23 pm
Great comment…might I add dogs are creatures indeed….inbred, mutant, hybrid man made creatures …but far, far from innocent…although innocence requires reasoning and morality, neither of which dogs possess. I can translate the cultist fur baby speak. Dogs are documented to be indiscriminant violent attackers and killers….. not “innocent”.
So tired... February 19, 2014 at 10:38 am
You express taking pity on my girlfriend multiple times because I am disgusted by the pet that she loves. Even so far to say that she should dump me. But as many writing here also experience, one of the biggest challenges of living with a dog is living with a dog owner. Many dog lovers become transformed by the love / possessiveness of their dog to a degree that they ignore and flaunt the boundaries all the rest of us are simply asking for.
With a bad attitude, my girlfriend has:
– Let her dog stand up and drink from a public drinking fountain. A thirsty lady approached, quite horrified. My GF nastily remarked that a dog’s mouth is cleaner than a humans, and let the dog keep drinking
– Bought a dog harness that looks like a vest, and bought off the internet a “service dog” patch to sew on and a fake service animal ID card so she can take her dog to all the parks that clearly state “no animals”
– let her Rottweiler roam leash-free in a park where the rules specify leashes of 6’ or less length. When an elderly man with a small dog angrily reprimanded her, she just got a bad attitude back—and still did not leash her dog
I had to stand by all these instances and was unable to do nothing—even though I am horrified as well, I was reprimanded like her because I was with her while she willfully broke the rules.
So, that is what many of us on this “sicko” site struggle with. Besides the fact that we don’t like the noise, smell, and behavior of America’s favorite pet—we struggle daily with their owners and lovers who willfully ignore the boundaries, even sometimes taking sick pleasure in the fear that their beloved pet creates…
So for the record, we are not bashing all dog lovers or even all dogs. I know there are good of both species out there—but this country is so dog-smitten that we have to hide our torment and disapproval with other like-minds on sites like this. Because dog lovers simply don’t want to hear it…
Fujin February 19, 2014 at 2:58 pm
They are far from innocent, my oldest brother got mauled by one while working a paper route, bit him right in the throat, it was a miracle he survived.
The dog of course, was not put down or anything, because they said he must have done something to make it angry, the facts are, the dog was unchained, and if it wasn’t my brother, it would have likely been some person just passing by.
Even worst, way down the street, there’s an old lady whom has a pitbull. It’s usually in the backyard, but, it always digs holes under the fence to get out, she has been trying to fix it, I’ve seen the thing wandering around, it makes me genuinely scared to go outside.
There has been no incidents from this yet from what I know, but I know one thing, I’m not leaving my home without some pepper spray.
Being surrounded by dog lovers, is a nightmare.
dogsfromhell February 19, 2014 at 3:00 pm
I never thought that a nasty disgusting dog would/could drink from a public fountain. That is absolutely repulsive. I will NEVER drink from a public fountain again or allow my family. Thanks for the information.
dogsfromhell February 19, 2014 at 3:10 pm
Someone here has suggested carrying a golf club. You sure could injury someone/thing with it and it’s not considered a weapon …just like a dog
dogsfromhell February 19, 2014 at 3:12 pm
Hey Charly,
You can troll all you want but don’t bother posting as you’ve been blocked.
The first anon February 19, 2014 at 8:43 pm
An old lady with a pit bull?! Is she out of her mind? I would be scared to go outside too, especially if it kept getting loose.
EDIT: Pepper spray is an option. Bear spray is a stronger version that can have a 30-foot range. Just make sure the wind isn’t in your direction…..
The first anon February 19, 2014 at 8:49 pm
A fake service vest? Letting the dog run loose? Unacceptable. The drinking fountain is pretty gross too but the other two are a recipe for disaster, especially given how crazy she apparently is over this dog. No discipline or real training, from the sounds of it.
Anyone with sense knows a Rottweiler isn’t a service dog. But employees are usually afraid to speak up, even though they have the right to ask what the dog does and where are the documents, etc.
Canetoad February 20, 2014 at 7:29 am
Charly, if you want to love your stinking, expensive, noisy, slobbering, drooling mutt and treat it as your baby or (God forbid) your partner or lover in your dog-hairy home, THAT IS YOUR BUSINESS. Just DON’T inflict the thing on other people.
Bucket February 21, 2014 at 7:00 am
5 Terriers. I hate the darn things! One of them bit me, and they bark nonstop at EVERYTHING outside. I moved in with some friends and one is a dog lover who would more likely make his sister sleep outside than his dogs. Because of this, they pee on everything upstairs- you shouldn’t set anything down on the floor that you don’t want to get peed on. The kitchen floor, and doors are ruined from their clawing and peeing. I had to quit a job opportunity I had to work from home because of these dogs! They jump up on the chairs if we eat dinner and try to eat scraps off the table- so don’t get up for any reason unless you bring your food with you! They almost killed my cat when someone left the door open- I know that’s not their fault, because they have a pack mentality; Nonetheless, It could have easily been prevented. They are also dirty and greasy and flea-ridden too. I can’t sleep because of their barking, so I’m glad I found a place to rant… Lol.
dogsfromhell February 21, 2014 at 8:04 am
You have my sincere sympathies for having to live with such horrible conditions. Sounds like you should look for alternative housing just as soon as you are able. Best wishes to you.
Christian Woods February 21, 2014 at 7:49 pm
the only reason why i don’t get rid of the two dogs i have is because of my sister and father. i’m a cat person, and when i get the hell out of the house i currently live in and get to Muncie in the good old US of A, i’ll be so relieved.
I will have a fence aruond my yard, and a bid sign that says “due to a bad experience, dogs are not permitted on this property for any reason” this way Andrew (my cat) and i can live in peace. ps yes i did have a bad experience with a dog, so the sign won’t be lying.
Fujin February 22, 2014 at 12:23 am
That’s actually pretty sound advice, I was able to find an old golf club, it’s pretty sturdy, people may think I’m weird for carrying it around, but then again people walk around with slobbering fur beasts that would likely kill them for a meal if they got hungry enough…. Or just felt like it. Maybe a bit of both at times.. (Unconditional love? More like feed me and I’ll be your friend until you stop feeding me.)
Ban Dogs February 26, 2014 at 4:20 pm
Dogs attack 2.3 million children a year in the United States.
True story.
That’s an attack on a child every 14 seconds.
Have a kid? Don’t get a dog. Dog killed your kid? Here’s the dog advocate response. Enjoy:
citygirl February 28, 2014 at 4:05 am
When my brother “announced” that he and his girlfriend were getting a dog, I made a point of looking his girlfriend in the eye and shared my feelings that I do not want them to bring the dog to my home when they visit over the Christmas holidays. I said I didn’t want to have any misunderstandings and thought she would appreciate my being honest and respect my feelings. The opposite happened. They both took offence. They did not invite me to their wedding. They had the dog in their wedding party instead of my brother’s “beloved” sisters (my sister feels the same way as me in regard to dogs). They chose a dog over us and have not spoken since. That was over 2 years ago. I swear owning a dog turns people into emotional cripples. His loss.
dogsfromhell February 28, 2014 at 5:53 am
I’m truly sorry this has happened to you. What is wrong with people?? The filthy dog will be dead in ten years and your brother may still be estranged from you. I hope they don’t have children.
Charly February 28, 2014 at 9:51 am
Who doesn’t have enough common sense to not touch the fountain with their lips. More importantly, who doesn’t teach the kids from the start about not putting their mouth on the fountain. Ridiculous!!!
Canetoad February 28, 2014 at 4:16 pm
Well, I’m glad that she thought to include “But I’m not the only person who is a bit unhinged when it comes to dogs” in her pro-dogs article.
dogsfromhell February 28, 2014 at 5:09 pm
The DOG touched the fountain with its disgusting vile tongue and then the HUMAN’S water comes in contact with the fountain that is now contaminated by a dog. Who doesn’t bring water for their own dog on an outing so that the nasty thing has to drink from a fountain that humans use? Irresponsible self centered dog owners like you. Idiot.
Samarah February 28, 2014 at 10:52 pm
Yep, just 7 months ago, I was doing nothing but minding my own business, walking down the street and this woman walking this stupid little yappy dog passes me. So of course the stupid piece of sht dog jumps up on me and starts biting my legs viciously! Snarling all the while, would not let go the entire time, I finally had to kick the damned dog off my legs and the owner just kept walking! I had to get rabies shots and a series of other medications just to be sure I dodn’t contract some nasty infection from god knows what was in the dumb dog’s mouth. I have a cat, his name is Sheldon. Gah I hate dogs. This stupid dog I hope it gets found and put down for attacking some random person doing nothing to deserve it. By the way, I am considered legally blind, so her dog bit a disabled person as well. I now have to live with dogs that are noisy, dogs in the neighbourhood that never shut up at 1 in the morning, dogs that join each other in a bark chorus every time one of them decides to make noise because, oh! God forbid its owner leaves and no one’s paying attention to it! Stupid dogs…*cringes…* Sigh, I’m so sick of being judged for not liking dogs…
dogsfromhell March 1, 2014 at 5:42 am
And all the dog cultists think you should have a “guide dog”. They are such idiots.
dogsfromhell March 1, 2014 at 5:52 am
I am not minimizing being bitten by ANY dog but at least it wasn’t a pit bull. The crazy dog worshippers always say that Chihuahuas and Shih tzu’s are more aggressive. It may or may not be true but either way you could kick a yappy dog in the face or even hold its snout shut with your hand. A pit bull will kill you.
Samarah March 1, 2014 at 12:03 pm
Yes it was one of those little yappy dogs, with extremely sharp painful teeth and I did have to kick it in the face to get it off me. I’m ok now and have long healed, but the shots were painful as all get out, I now have a fear of dogs I never had before, I always just hated them, but that ignorant btch of an owner just kept walking without so much as an are you ok? Wow…
dogsfromhell March 1, 2014 at 1:23 pm
In my case it was the same except the thing hadn’t bitten me yet because I was swatting it. The guy was jogging on ahead of it. Next time I should grab it and stick it in my trash can with the lid on as I was only a few feet away. He obviously didn’t care where it was.
DogsareHorrible March 1, 2014 at 7:29 pm
I am so happy to have found this site. I hate filthy dogs more than you can imagine.
Samarah March 1, 2014 at 8:22 pm
Yep, a couple years ago I lived with 2 of the smallest but noisiest dogs you can imagine. These useless creatures once barked for 4 hours straight! I was a hair away from committing dogicide! I had to leave the house for a while, probably for 2 hours or so, when I came back, they were still barking. I live with a dog now that barks when the phone rings, barks when I put the converter on the table, barks when the water is turned on in the kitchen, barks if I go in my room, barks for attention, barks to wake you up if you aren’t downstairs with him, barks just because I wanna sleep! Will we ever be free from these annoying pests set out to drive us to madness and their militant owners? The dog is more important than my beauty sleep…I’ve even lived with dog owners that tell their dogs it’s ok to sht on the floor and leave it there! F’ing disgusting!
godhelpme March 2, 2014 at 12:53 pm
I have hated my dog, a Cane Corso, since he was about 4 months old. He is now 4 years old. He was primarily my husbands dog before we got married. I was with him when we did buy this dog…and it was a terrible decision. These events led me to hate him.: The dog arrived via plane…never got to see him or the conditions he came from at 12 weeks. He was terrified of humans, and had to be lifted out of his travel crate to interact with us fearfully. The dog was attacked by a pitbull which thus attacked me, when he was 4 months old. The dog has IBS. And for numerous nights, my boyfriend (who wasn’t yet my husband) and I spent our few house after work at 12 midnight cleaning up diarrhea, every single night… for 2 months straight….and gave this 70-80 lb dog a bath every single night, because he’d lay in the poop in his crate. After he got neutered at 18 months, he developed submissive urination and dog aggression. He also has always had severe anxiety, when we leave him at a sitter, or come home after leaving him at home, even after 15 minutes. To this day, he still has this peeing problem if hes anxious, and the dog aggression has gotten so bad, hes bitten 2 dogs and hurt them, and he will occasionally be aggressive with our smaller, newer dog…but hasn’t hurt him. He has also become toy and food possessive since he was 2 years old. He drools constantly….we spend so much money on paper towels to wipe his face. His face smells like an asshole. He wipes his face on all our furniture when he rests his big stupid head on it. He has skin problems, food allergies, he slimes my clothes and pants because he always comes so close to smell them, and leaves his nasty slime behind. He begs, and drools when he does. He smells. All his medicines, and flea treatments are expensive because hes 110 lbs. He is not nice to strangers, even me if he can’t see well in the dark. He is afraid of every noise,…and also large dogs. He has tried to bite me once or twice when he was being yelled at for something… which has thus turned into me hitting him. He never listens to me anymore, just my husband,…and not very well. He is just a big, stupid, dirty, slimy, piece of crap dog, that has terrible breeding, and is not smart in any way, and invades my space everywhere. I have owner a rottweiler, pit bulls (2), labradors (2) and a chihuahua. I currently have a beagle boston terrier mix. Out of all of these dogs, this Cane Corso dog is by far the worst…with the most problems. I am so over it. My husband loves and is committed to this dog…but i genuinely hate him now after 4 years. He said the only way he will get rid of this dog is if we get rid of the other one too, which i wont do….he’s literally perfect, and i do not feel angry or abusive towards him like i do the mastiff. I pray now God helps me to live with him, or something to happen to this dog because i get mad all the time from him. Our mix is a great dog, very obedient, only 28 lbs, very hearty happy terrier. He is so smart. My husband didn’t believe how dumb this mastiff was until we got our new dog. Anyways, i had to have this rant because my husband has gone for a walk with this dog. I wont take him for walks anymore due to the dog aggression he has. I will not subject my assets to this problem. In the setting of all these issues, i have ALWAYS tried to fix them, Gotten trainers, the best vet care, food, tried loving him the best I could,…but the dog still eats away at me every day, by just existing…I don’t know what to do anymore, except live miserably with him, and pray.
Anonymous March 2, 2014 at 1:14 pm
Why would you get a dog if you hate dogs? And further more, if you do not have the energy/motivation to take care for your dog and pay them enough attention, just put them up for adoption instead of making a post about you regretting getting a dog.
godhelpme March 2, 2014 at 1:32 pm
Yeah thats real easy…esp when I loved my dogs of the past…and love my other current one, until I get one that I hate, and want nothing to do with…Because i plan those types of things. But, my husband insists on keeping it, and I won’t give up my other to get rid of the one I hate.
godhelpme March 2, 2014 at 1:39 pm
I think its more less a matter of giving up on energy and motivation that you once had for the pathetic beast….I have wasted so much time and money on this stupid animal…trust me…you have NO IDEA.
dogsfromhell March 2, 2014 at 3:02 pm
Anonymous, just so I understand…dog owners aren’t just rude, insensitive, callous, judgmental and hateful to non dog owners, you act like assholes to other dog people as well??
Samarah March 2, 2014 at 4:39 pm
Sure, if they feel the dog is not being pampered of babied to their satisfaction, they’ll be an asshole to anyone. It’s not even all about themselves, it’s about defending the dog. Remember, to these nutbars, the dog is above all people, places and things. Pretty sad.
BewareOfDogs March 4, 2014 at 7:46 am
Every time one of those little barking dogs come running at me I have to strongly resist the urge to pick them up and drop kick them as far as I can. Mostly its the lady who lives in the next apartment over. She lets her little dog go through the fence on her porch with probably 20 feet of a lead rope. If I walk out of my house, especially if I have my dog with me, it’ll come running and barking until she starts to pull the yapping little thing back in.
Samarah March 4, 2014 at 8:21 am
I lived with 2 of those stupid dogs for almost a year and a half. I wanted so bad to just open the front door and let the stupid idiots outside hoping the never found their way back. They barked for hours. Those little dogs are so useless. They can’t protect a home, save a life, they bark at everything! Could you imagine what would happen if I called 911 everytime they barked because the assholes thought someone was trying to get in? I’d be in jail for placing false calls by now! All you had to do was walk by my bitch ex landlady’s house and those 2 dumb dogs would start their nonsense.
Unheeded Warnings March 4, 2014 at 12:02 pm
You should be scared to go out with that dog loose. That situation has all of the earmarks of a future attack- feeble owner that cannot control the dog, often loose, improperly contained when contained at all, pit type breed. It is unlikely to be up on its rabies shots and other vaccines as well.
IMO, you should consider this a serious threat to anyone that lives nearby. That pit bull ought to be dirt napped before it kills, or removes a limb from someone- do not wait for someone to be mauled. At the very least, be prepared and armed when outside near the home. Sad that it comes to this, but that’s life with pit bulls.
Unheeded Warnings March 4, 2014 at 12:32 pm
Your GF is a menace. I am sorry, I know you love her, but her behavior with that dangerous breed dog is unacceptable. It goes well beyond different preferences, and all the way to reckless endangerment.
If you cannot stand up for what is right in this case, it bodes ill for your future with her. If she is wiling to totally disregard others in such a rude way, as well as being wholly inconsiderate to your discomfort, this is unlikely to change. I think it would be the best possible thing if she dumped you, but not for the reason our dog obsessed troll seems to think.
If you cant or wont stop her from using the vest to take that dog places it is unwanted, you ought to remove the dog. Pretend it ran away or something, whether you find it a new home with a less rude owner, or whatever….. Its dangerous, an accident waiting to happen. The perfect combo of huge, dangerous breed dog lacking training, and an owner that has willful disregard for anyones safety.
Once it is gone, you can put your foot down about no new dogs. Maybe she won’t get another mauler type if nothing else. (watch her “rescue” a fighting pit bull…)
But PLEASE, do something. Don’t let her take that mauler in places w a vest! At least destroy the vest!!!
Unheeded Warnings March 4, 2014 at 12:42 pm
That dog needs to be PTS, he may kill someone (even you!) and will kill another person dog or cat for sure. That breed is very aggressive and strong, if it attacks it will be hard to impossible to stop.
I’m sorry, I did not intend to make such comments. I really didn’t want to criticize anyone in the one spot they can safely vent. But JFC, s few of these rants are about extremely hazardous situations.
Unheeded Warnings March 4, 2014 at 12:49 pm
Your husband is holding your other dog hostage to save a deadly mistake. You might want to tell him that when your dangerous breed, ill behaved, known to be aggressive, dog finally harms the wrong person, or that person pet, you WILL have a seriously liability problem. At best.
Usually I think honesty between spouses is best, but in this case, I would advise you to take a weekend trip w both dogs. Then drive the problem beast to a kill shelter a few towns over, tell them it bit another animal (NOT person, it will then be quarantined), so it gets PTS ASAP. Once its gone, go home and pretend it got hit by a car or something.. Problem solved.
Again, I am sorry, I am not meaning to sound critical. I know its hard to live with such an animal. I would never say this if I didn’t think it wasn’t luckily to hurt YOU.
catlover March 4, 2014 at 9:30 pm
So Tired, seriously, why are you dating, and living, with this woman?
Canetoad March 5, 2014 at 5:12 am
I really LMAO at this article from The Guardian! It’s an interesting and honest piece written by someone who is ever-so-slightly pressured into getting a dog and then realises how needy and expensive they are, and how she feels a sense of relief – and a sense of guilt because of the sense of relief – when the dog dies. She then borrows another dog to help decide whether they should replace the deceased dog – and this one kills her sons’ beloved guinea pigs. What is so funny about this article is not the article itself but the predictable comments from the dog worshippers!
abigailleigh March 9, 2014 at 5:25 pm
Ok so my hubby insists on getting a puppy. I’ve never been a fan.of mutts but I wanna make him happy right? Why?!?!?!?! Oh why did I do that? He gets a ( wait for it) pit bull doberman mix. Omg. I have 3 kids under 7. I’m terrified. I have to get rid of this man eater before something happens. She’s already snapped at my youngest. He’s 2. 2 fir the love of GOD. So what happens when I tell hubby about the snapping and growling? He says the baby must have been aggravating her. Are you serious. This “dog” is only 4 months. What happens at 4 years???? I think Doggy is going to vanish. For my kids safety and my houses cleanliness. I hate poop and Lee and the smell is hideous. I hate dogs and I DESPISE this one. Thanks for letting me vent in a safe place where I’m not considered a potential serial killer for nit gushing over a thing with teeth that can kill you.
The first anon March 9, 2014 at 6:52 pm
WHOA. WHOA. A Doberman/pit bull? So we’re talking a cross between a protection breed (Dobe) and a killing breed (pit). A killing breed that straight-up kills at least two Americans a month, mauls many every day, and kills countless pets every day? Yes, you have the right to be terrified, especially since your husband’s not listening!
If he can’t be persuaded. As much as I hate harming animals, this might call for a false “accident”. I bet the dog is ugly too…
The first anon March 9, 2014 at 6:53 pm
At least this one isn’t a puppy…
The first anon March 9, 2014 at 7:44 pm
Oh wait, we’re looking after the dog for a friend. False alarm…
dogsfromhell March 9, 2014 at 8:13 pm
KEEP YOUR CHILDREN SAFE. Do not let him to convince you to keep that dog. Do some reading and perhaps show him some graphic photos. Either way, your children come first and YOU must be the voice of reason. Best wishes to you and your family.
Nearly 4.5 million Americans are bitten by dogs each year, half of these are children.1 One in five dog bites results in injuries serious enough to require medical attention.
Why be concerned about dog bites?
About 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year.
Almost one in five of those who are bitten, about 885,000, require medical attention for dog bite-related injuries; half of these are children.
In 2012, more than 27,000 people underwent reconstructive surgery as a result of being bitten by dogs.
Who is at risk?
Children: Among children, the rate of dog bite–related injuries is highest for those ages 5 to 9 years, and children are more likely than adults to receive medical attention for dog bites.3
Adult Males: Male adults are more likely than female adults to be bitten.
People with dogs in their homes: Among children and adults, having a dog in the household is associated with a higher incidence of dog bites. As the number of dogs in the home increases, so does the incidence of dog bites. Adults with two or more dogs in the household are five times more likely to be bitten than those living without dogs at home.
(the above link stands for Sudden, Random, Unprovoked)
fckDogz March 10, 2014 at 8:13 am
What makes it worse is if it’s your parents house. You can do shit to get rid of the dog. Glad that is over, however, a neighbor’s dog is even worse and that’s what led me here in the first place…
They should invent a dog whistle that irritates the shit out of them.
The first anon March 10, 2014 at 5:40 pm
Ditto on the graphic photos. There’s a reason pit advocacy and the pet industry don’t want you to see them.
The first anon March 11, 2014 at 1:49 pm
On top of that: as a protection breed, Dobermans are more prone to aggression than other kinds of breeds. And they’re fast.
The first anon March 12, 2014 at 11:16 am
I think this dog should be put down. Pawning it off to someone else via shelter is too risky for the new owner, and obviously you’re having trouble now. No one should own a fighting breed anyway, I don’t know what your husband was thinking.
If you really can’t persuade him you might want to leave the situation with your kids. But that gets into a lot of legal stuff. It’s your choice.
zoop March 12, 2014 at 10:01 pm
No creature loves unconditionally. When you’re giving your dog, cat or whatever everything it’s little mind could possibly want, how can you say the love it shows you is unconditional?
What about all the people who have problems with their dog snapping at them while it’s eating? Are those dogs just defective? Or is attacking the person who gives you food a sign of love?
What about all the animals that attack for frivolous reasons? Is jumping the fence to maul a child playing in his yard a form of love? When the neighbor’s cat jumped out of the bushes to attack my ankles, was that also a way of him showing his love for me?
Just load up any episode of the Dog Whisperer or even My Cat From Hell and you’ll see many instances of animals being vicious to the owners they supposedly unconditionally love so much.
“I literally believe that all of you that have posted are evil and tacky (the ‘female’ who wanted to use the neighbor’s yard for her own use) and we do know where evil people end up.”
It seems like you’re hinting at that people who don’t like dogs go to hell. Can you please cite a verse that states this in any holy book? While you’re at it, you can also look up the number of positive versus about dogs in holy books versus the ones using dogs to convey negative things. I believe the Bible has more positive verses about snakes and spiders than it does dogs. While it doesn’t say dogs are “evil,” there is no evidence they are more special than any other animal, so stating someone is going to go to hell for not liking dogs is absurd.
GuiltyVetTech March 14, 2014 at 9:13 am
Buckle up, this is gonna be a long one.
Normally, I’d say I was appalled that this website exists, but that was before I saw the light. Now I’m so ultra excited to have found a place to vent! I’m a certified veterinary technician, and I have loved animals my entire life, especially cats and dogs. I work with dogs every day. I pet sit, sometimes for weeks at a time where I live at people’s houses with their dogs. I thought that dogs were just the best thing ever. Now that I have my own dog, things have taken such a negative turn. I’m feeling ashamed and guilty for feeling this way, but every time I look at her, there is no love there, just anger. And as Star Wars taught us, anger leads to hate.
I was never allowed to have a dog as a child because my mother was allergic, so I had always vowed that once I was on my own and had a stable lifestyle, I would finally get the dog I’ve always wanted. For 15 years, I’ve been researching and putting a lot of time and effort into figuring out which dog would fit my life best. The dog that would fill that void that soooo many dog fanatics always told me was there. Working in the animal care industry, I can tell you that the peer pressure is even worse. All of my friends have dogs, and they always call me the weird cat lady for having 2 cats and no dogs. Being a vet tech with no dog is like being an atheist in the bible belt (which hilariously enough, I am).
I’m lucky enough to work at a facility where we house long-term adoptable animals. I get to spend a lot of time with both the cats and dogs who are sometimes with us for months or even a couple of years. I meticulously planned and waited for 2 years until I finally found the dog that I wanted to claim as my own. She was new to the facility so she had a 2 month wait period before being adopted. I used that time to really get to know her, teach her commands, and also crate and house train her. She’s a border collie/retriever mix, which is great because that means she’s higher energy and can keep up with me and all the hiking and running I do. We go on jogs, walks, and runs every day. We hike on the weekends. Everything was great and she was perfect for the first 2 weeks home.
My cats hate her, which is the first thing that makes me upset. They don’t normally hate other creatures, but for some reason they really take umbrage with her. My husband liked her at first but he now doesn’t either. She’s very loving and constantly attached to me. She’s always trying to lick me, and while she’s well trained and never jumps on me, she constantly tries to jump up and lick my husband. She tries to push herself between us when we’re on the couch together. And the licking, constant constant licking wherever her tongue can get. It’s getting to the point that my husband now just shuts himself in his man cave and our relationship is a little stressed. Throw in the fact that I just found out I’m expecting our first child, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster.
Even though we do two 4-6 mile runs, in addition to at least 30 minutes of training a day, on top of at least an hour of vigorous off-leash play, she still seems frantic. She won’t sleep unless I have her in a completely different room in a crate. She can’t just be out in the house with us without staring at me and panting, looking all red-eyed, even when I can tell she’s tired. She just wants more and more attention. She’s also just started a new trick where she barks at me if I’m not petting her or looking at her.
At first she was very nice to the cats, but now she’s began to chase them. Especially my 15-year old kitty that has renal failure. Part of the reason I’m leaving this rant is because she just chased my poor old man until he puked before I could intervene. Then, for the first time ever, peed on the carpet. I nearly tore my hair out. And don’t get me started on the drool and the hair EVERYWHERE. Having 2 cats is nothing compared to the amount of hair 1 45 lb dog can leave in 5 seconds. I have to sweep and vacuum at least every day, and my house still looks like a mess.
At this point, I feel trapped. I’ve began to google articles about rehoming dogs, but nearly everything I could find insists that it’s all my fault and that I need to somehow make it work because the dog is a saint. My coworkers will look down on me if I rehome her. There doesn’t seem to be an understanding that maybe sometimes, even if you work hard at it, certain dogs and people just can’t mix. It must be my fault right? I’m not trying hard enough, according to these people. Everything that’s wrong in the situation is because of me. And maybe some of that is true. They’ll insist I shouldn’t have gotten a high energy dog like that, but I scoped her out for 2 freaking months beforehand, and most of this crap I’m dealing with didn’t start until a few weeks AFTER she came home. I have the lifestyle that most people say should get that type of dog. I researched for so long. How the hell was I supposed to divine that she’d turn into an attention-deprived cat chasing monster? I’m giving it another 2 weeks to see if I can make this work. If not, my mom is helping me look for a better home for her.
So, to sum up: I’ve always wanted a dog, work regularly with dogs, did a ton of research for the right dog for me, and now hate said dog. Sorry for the lengthy rant, but in a world where all of your friends are brainwashed to think dogs are the center of the universe, my options to talk to people are limited. Thanks for this site!
The first anon March 14, 2014 at 10:11 pm
This is a cautionary tale to prospective dog owners.
Though these words aren’t soothing, I personally believe border collies shouldn’t be pets, just working dogs.
GuiltyVetTech March 15, 2014 at 1:53 pm
Before this experience, I would have disagreed with you. Now, however, I’m totally on board. In fact, I’m having a hard time seeing any dogs as pets anymore. The little frou-frou ones are nearly impossible to house train. The bigger ones are smarter but because of that, often drive you insane in the process. The ones who work are great, because they have a job, but aren’t for houses.
This morning we went for a long hike in the state park. Crossed paths with a bunch of people with their dogs too, and instead of thinking to myself “oh how cute”, all I could think was “man, I feel sorry for you, and me too.”
My husband offered words of encouragement as far as a retort to those who have dogs and would bash me for rehoming. He said that when you think about those people, they’re often living in messy houses with dogs that shit and piss everywhere, and are often slaves to the creatures. Which is mostly true, now that I think about most of my friends’ situations. Most of them are constantly half-laughing/half-complaining about the newest puke/shit/piss episode, and we were never able to have a long night out with any of them because they had to get back to their “pack” before Fifi shits herself. It’s not unfair of me to want something better for myself and family. The more I think about it, the more I realize that waiting 2 weeks won’t solve anything, so I’ve started looking and *hopefully* already have 2 homes lined up to investigate.
C March 16, 2014 at 6:31 pm
First world problems…
The first anon March 17, 2014 at 11:32 am
Good luck with the rehoming. At least you’re being proactive about it. It really says something to be working vet tech, doing breed research, scoping two months beforehand, and still it doesn’t work out. If the dog is part retriever I can only imagine the amount of hair floating around your house. I think the fact that I feel the same way about my family’s dogs (I like them but am glad to not live with them) made me confused for so long. Because I don’t hate dogs, I actually like most of them, but they’re an awful lot of work……’s really the lofty, supreme status assigned to dogs that bothers me.
Canetoad March 18, 2014 at 10:49 am
I hope it hasn’t been microchipped as no matter where its … er … accidental loss takes place it will end up back on your doorstep. I am absolutely shocked that your husband thought it was a good idea to get such a vicious breed when you have young children. And it seems that he is placing the interests of the dog about yours and your children’s. But you do need to get shot of it. Now there’s a clue!
Ravage March 19, 2014 at 9:29 pm
Natalie March 29, 2014 at 12:27 pm
We got a bulldog for my husband. It did not take long for me to realize that some are just flat out dumb ass dogs with no conscious or soul. We brought him home for puppy training, he began by crying through out the night, every two hours. I was exhausted. He would piss twenty spots in an hour when you were not looking. His shit would soak into the carpet impossible to remove, making my clean home revolting, I do not even feel safe in it now. He then began to ignore me, Ill call him, he will go on his merry way, I then raise my voice and he does what? Pisses on the floor. He scarfed down food, and water everywhere, leaving slime trails all over my home. I, exhausted was losing my ability to keep up. He would be put in his crate and would whine and then piss and shit all over, after being let out many times in an hour. Then the destruction started. He tears up everything. I put him outside, then he tore up every plant, the in ground sprinklers the rugs the metal lawn ornaments and bowl after bowl. He left massive shit piles every two inches. His shit is larger than mine, and since I shit like a pebble once a week, it is truly revolting. When given extra love and attention he becomes even more destructive. He jumps on people too and will not stop. No positive reinforcement works on him. He has taken to knocking over small children and humping them He has started humping every dog he sees male and female. Since I am expecting a baby in 4 months this is a huge issue. He cannot stay in my home when my baby is on the floor. My husband thinks his behavior is cute and proceeds to tell me to keep things up. I do not know how to keep my rugs up and my flowers up when they are outdoors. I should not have to do these things the dog should not be so damn bad. This dog is the damn devil. I am so fed up I simply cannot deal with him. I then understood why so many people hate dogs and think they are dirty and stupid. After the bulldog, and a brief 7 month encounter with a very aggressive german shepherd that followed my boston around and harassed her and ate her shit, disgusting, tore up cabinets, bit you if you did something he did not like then also tore everything up and could not for the life of him even learn his name or the word no I understand why some people end up becoming animal abusers. lol I see the news and wonder what the dog did as I pity the poor owner who was pushed to the edge of sanity. It is best to just not deal with the dog at all instead of hurting it however. I cannot deal with the bulldog. My personal space is invaded, my home cannot be clean, I cannot have nice things, I have to make my home for him not myself and my carpets have been forever saturated with urine and wet soggy feces that will never come out. I have moved my things out of those rooms and left my husband stuff there. Those ones make me hate dogs and they make me not pity those who are not cared for. I think about 99% of dogs are gross or dumb, I do not have tolerance for animals that need to be told everything, that do not respect me or my home , etc I have dealt with MANY dogs, up in the tens and I will tell you that most of them are disgusting idiots.
Canetoad March 29, 2014 at 3:48 pm
Your post reinforces to me how lucky I am not to have a dog. When someone gets a new puppy and people are clucking all over it and saying how beautiful it is, all I can think is that the owners are going to spend the next 12 years or thereabouts picking up piles of shit. As you are pregnant it would seem an ideal time to become dogless and get your life back. Maybe you could develop a strong aversion to anything dog-related (because you are pregnant and it makes you feel faint or something) and get your husband to do everything. When he starts complaining, suggest you get rid of the dog as you don’t like to see him unhappy. Good luck!
Natalie March 29, 2014 at 9:05 pm
That is a good idea, but for the nasty bulldog, I still love my bt, but she is not very dog like…She is like a humble cat that actually snuggles. I will try making him do all, I fear it will back fire however and my home will be covered in old dog shit and the bulldogs nasty skin condition flakes…ugh.*shudders.
Angie April 3, 2014 at 2:28 pm
Cant believe i found this site, we bought a dog and i hate it, it was a puppy when we got it and shit on the back seat on way home, weve had it 4 years now and i cant stand it but my boyfriend will not part with it. It shits, pees, pukes in the house has escaped and shit in neighbours gardens, i pray when it gets out that it will get run over or someone will steal it, it never stops moulting its hair gets everywhere its disgusting. I shut it in a room but my boyfriend keeps letting it out, the stench in the room is unbearable, i hate everything about it, its stupid sticking up tail, its feet, the noise of its claws on the floor, its bark its disgusting breath, drops water all over when it has a drink, it jumps on people i cant wait for the day it dies
Canetoad April 4, 2014 at 2:54 pm
I can’t stand sticking-up tails either. I find the sight of a dog’s crap-crumbed asshole off-putting. Personally I would get a crate (if you don’t already have one) and shut the crap machine in it, preferably outside (as long as it doesn’t bark a lot, and as long as it’s not going to freeze to death, as you will unfortunately have some explaining to do), when your boyfriend isn’t there. Then you can shut the back door and relax, knowing that everything that squirts or drops out of it won’t be in the house. And you can use a hose on the crate. If the boyfriend objects to a crate, tell him that dogs love them and that it’s a nice little den. There are plenty of websites that say how much dogs love their crates/nice little dens.
Meh April 7, 2014 at 4:43 am
I’m a dog owner. I wish I wasn’t. It was my partner’s idea to get one and I’ve hated it since day 1, so it’s quite a relief to find this website. An above quote (“I get NO joy from owning this dog. I really don’t understand why people like dogs”) sums up my feelings.
Suggest to anyone that you want rid of the dog, however, and they look at you as if you’ve just admitted to shooting a baby in the face i.e. with utter disdain.
dogsfromhell April 7, 2014 at 5:41 am
There should be a support group for people who live with dog lovers. I can’t tell you how many people come here and say what you just shared.
dogsfromhell April 7, 2014 at 5:47 am
“Suggest to anyone that you want rid of the dog, however, and they look at you as if you’ve just admitted to shooting a baby in the face i.e. with utter disdain.”
Indeed, because they imagine their fur slaves are children rather than another species that has outlived its usefulness and is now tasked with meeting all the slaver’s emotional needs.
Angie April 7, 2014 at 4:12 pm
Thanks for the advice unfortunately a crate is out of the question as far as the bf is concerned, it needs to be warm in the house he cant let it outside the poor thing will get cold, ‘what about my f****** sanity you selfish arsehole’!!!
Angie April 7, 2014 at 4:13 pm
Agree we need a support group!!!
Canetoad April 8, 2014 at 5:54 am
In the UK there is a pro-dog charity that has the slogan, “A dog is for life, not just for Christmas.” Their car stickers are just about everywhere (though not on my car, of course). While I agree that no-one should ever buy someone a dog for Christmas unless they have specifically asked for one (and if anyone bought me a dog for Christmas it would be in the shelter by Boxing Day), this slogan has, I think, created some problems. People are now convinced that a dog is for life and that there is some deep shame or cruelty involved in getting rid of one. Never mind that people’s financial circumstances change, a new baby is on the way and they’re worried about the dog, it has bitten them, or the neighbours are about to call in Animal Control because it won’t stop yapping … a dog is for life! This means that even if they want to get rid of the dog, they are afraid of the social ramifications, because … a dog is for life. Well, a dog damn well ISN’T for life – it’s their dog until they decide that they no longer want it, and they don’t have to justify that reason to anyone else. Just think of life after dog … no more crap to pick up, no more money spent on everything from food to vet bills, no urine-soaked carpets, no dog smell, no worrying about the neighbours complaining about the barking, no having to take it out for a shit when you’re really tired, no shedded hair everywhere, no worrying about whether it is going to bite the children if they get close to the snapping-yapping-and-crapping machine. It has always puzzled me why anyone would want to live with a dog running around their house. So for those who are living with a dog they want to get rid of, and can’t without jeopardising their relationship, all I can say is … keep trying, but I’m glad I’m not in your shoes. Dog shit is for life.
zoop April 13, 2014 at 4:17 am
What you said reminds me of some dumb drama that happened when dog trainer Victoria Stilwell suggested that a family euthanize their cocker spaniel. People were livid that she suggested this, because “a dog is for life! It’s like a child!”
Never mind the fact that this dog had seen professional dog trainers, was biting so hard it would draw blood, had previously been recommended by a veterinarian to be put down, and the last attack involved a little girl dropping a packet of crackers and the dog running up to her to viciously bite her hand. People expected the family to keep that dog around their young kids, or take the time to carefully screen a new family, and put themselves at risk of being sued if it bit the person they gave it too.
zoop April 13, 2014 at 4:39 am
“I do not have tolerance for animals that need to be told everything, that do not respect me or my home”
No animal will respect you or your home. Respect and ownership are human concepts, as is the concept of housing. In the wild, you only “own” what you can physically defend from other creatures. The dog is simply acting like an unnatural animal (since it’s a man-made domesticated one, with bulldogs especially being very inbred by “dog lovers”) that has been put into an equally unnatural situation (living inside the house of another species versus outside like its ancestors have for hundreds of thousands of years).
While I understand it is frustrating, it’s not the dog’s fault. A human put him in that position. However, this is precisely why I would never want a dog or any other pet that needs to be free-range to not go insane. I love birds, but the thought of feathers and seeds and bird crap and the screaming and the fact that my bird would be confined to a small house for its entire life just doesn’t sound appealing or worth the hassle. I actually wanted to get a dog when I moved out of my parent’s house before I actually sat down and thought about what that would entail. Now you couldn’t even pay me to own a dog.
IMO, dogs are better off as working animals and living mainly outside.
This sounds like a douchey suggestion as I type it, but if your husband has any prized possessions, you could move some of the crap onto them and pretend the dog did it, or put a pile in his shoes or something, so that he can understand your frustration of having the things you like being ruined. Hopefully it would want to make him give it up, and bulldogs are popular for some reason I will never understand, so it’d probably be easy to do so. It really isn’t fair that he is making you put up with all that.
Ariel April 24, 2014 at 10:18 am
I have always had cats growing up. My family never had dogs, I always asked my parents when I was younger why can’t we have dogs? My parents always replied to me, “because dogs suck.” As I grew up I started to have my own encounters with them jumping on me, slobbering all over me, barking, trying to eat my food. I started to slowly realize my parents were right and that dogs really do suck. My realization didn’t quite kick in full fledged until I moved in with my boyfriend last summer. He has a boxer, it’s about 6 years old, and about the dumbest and most stubborn p.o.s. I have ever came in contact with in my life. The first two weeks at my boyfriends I was ready to move out already. The dog didn’t want me in the house and refused to listen to anything I said. I would let him out at least 3-4 times a dAy. When I let him out, he would run Away an when I would go ton try and catch him he’d run around and make me chase his ass all over the yard. Being that I let him out 3-4 times a day, when I leave the house there shouldn’t be any reason he should poop or pee on the floor. But go figure. Every time I left i would come home to poop and pee everywhere. Also! The dog would tear apart the garbage, chew his stupid bone and wreck the floor. After a while he slowly started to listen to me. (After I had to beat his ass a couple times) but still could not leAve anything remotely edible or it would be torn apart. He smells like shit even though he gets a bath once every two weeks. Has fleas that seem impossible to get rid of, eats the couch cushions because my boyfriend can’t bear the fact of not letting him sit on the couch with us because, “he’s a person too.” Whatever. And, whenever another dog comes over, all my dog wants to do is annoy them! Even his own kind hates him! I try to plan fun things to do with my boyfriend but most of the time we can’t go because we don’t hAve anyone to take care of the dog, and that stinky as thing does not even come anywhere near my truck because I don’t want my truck pissed on, or smelling like shit, or getting all hairy. I argue with my boyfriend about how stupid his dog and dogs in general are. Me and my boyfriend get Along great. But this dumb dog seems to be the only problem. He loves it like it’s his own kid. I hate it and everytime I come home I can only expect for something to be shit on, pissed on, or wrecked. I hate dogs.
dogsfromhell April 24, 2014 at 10:47 am
Thanks for sharing your story. My sincere sympathies go out to you for having to live this way because you love a “human”. Its amazing how many people are in denial about just how unhappy they are because of living with dogs. There is so much peer pressure to accept these beasts. Best wishes to you. I wish I had some suggestions.
Adder April 25, 2014 at 8:41 pm
I love this site and agree with everything one hundred percent. I live with four dogs. Yes, you read that right. Four. Due to other circumstances I can’t move out of the house at the moment. Like so many others I bought into the dog culture when I was younger. My dad let me get two dogs. At the time I got them I was happy, but as I grew so did my hatred of these mongrels.
One is a Jack Russell mix. He is an absolute nightmare. He digs out from under the fence constantly. And after he’s dug out, he’ll run down the road chasing people and trying to bite them. My anxiety goes through the roof simply because of the anxiety he’s causing other people. As soon as you go to round him up he’ll take off down the road. I honestly hope the pound picks him up one day. He has bitten people before and the rest of my family doesn’t see it as a huge deal. On top of this, he’s aggressive with all other animals in the house. I’d never hurt an animal unless absolutely necessary, but boy does he make me want to punt him across the room on a daily basis.The second is a massive hound mix. I will admit he’s not as bad as the others but still…The other two are my stepmother’s chihuahuas.
All four dogs bark like mad. All day every day. It’s a mix of those shrill small dog yaps and the baying of the big one. The Jack Russell sounds like he’s screaming most of the time.
I honestly don’t know what people see in dogs. They are loud,messy,and overall not good pets. I honestly don’t even want to come out of my room most of the time because I know that’s what I’m walking into. I mean, luckily our house is clean, but I know for a fact it would be much cleaner without them. I regret getting them. The messed up thing is that my dad is quite attached now so rehoming is a no go. It’s like everyone is desensitized to their annoying behavior.
dogsfromhell April 26, 2014 at 6:24 am
Welcome to the site. I’m so sorry you have to be subjected to such horrible noise on a daily basis.
abigailleigh April 26, 2014 at 11:52 am
Ok. I’m sorry I haven’t updated. I was actually very busy. Here’s the deal. He got the Doberman/pit mix at 6 wks. Kids loved her. Of course! Well guess what?! She became aggressive. Very aggressive towards my 2 year old son. I told hubby and he said she needed trained. Bullshit. I took her that next day ,( she was locked in a cage for the night) and dropped her at the pound. Bye you crazy mutt. Told husband if he wanted to get her then fine but my self and kids were leaving. Naturally he saw the light and no more evil beasts. Ever. I can’t believe how many parents I see with pitbulls. It’s scary. And a little sad.
dogsfromhell April 26, 2014 at 12:04 pm
Bravo to you for putting your children before a dog. We applaud you for being a responsible parent and ensuring the safety of your children. I wish other dangerous dog owners would see you as a role model but sadly they are too self absorbed. Your children are so fortunate to have you. April 26, 2014 at 1:28 pm
Standing ovation. And since you took the dog in I’m sure you were 100% honest about its agression.
When I finally got my husband to get rid of his barking , biting dog it was after his own father admitted the dog had bit him in the heels. Of course the shelter workers were sympathetic to the dog. The lame idiot got bit for not believing me when I said she was a biter.
Canetoad April 26, 2014 at 2:51 pm
Well done!
abigailleigh April 27, 2014 at 9:17 am
Thank you all for your support. I really needed to hear it. After I took the beast in my hubbys sister came by. She came to visit the dog. Not kids but the dog. She is a huge dog lover. She played into me about how it was my fault the beast was aggressive and I didn’t train well enough. She also said it could pick up on my animosity. When that dog attacked my baby I almost killed her myself. The shelter is a kill shelter and damn straight I told them how she held my child down and growled in his face before I pushed her off. If it hadn’t beemyolder kids iI’d have done the deed. I’m not violent or crazy. mother. My sister in law said I had something wrong with me for the way the dog behaved. So thank you for telling me that what I did was right and not that I’m a horrible person for choosing my CHILD over a DOG that would have probably hurt or killed him or someone else. My hubby wasn’t home at the time but he will hear about his sisters comments. Definitely the one where if I can’t see how innocent and dog is I must not have patience for kids. WOW.. JUST WOW.
dogsfromhell April 27, 2014 at 1:59 pm
There are NEVER any excuses for a dog biting a child. If the dog isn’t properly socialized to live in a human habitat then it is not a domestic pet and not suitable to live with a family or even in a residential area. NO EXCUSES. Don’t internalize any of the guilt your sister in law or anyone is trying to dump on you. That’s their baggage, not yours. You did the right thing 100%. If your sister in law in so humanitarian she can go “rescue” the dog herself.
abigailleigh April 27, 2014 at 2:34 pm
Funny you said that. She went to the shelter and tried to get kiko out. Since I had advised them of her attempt at my son they won’t Allow her to be adopted. She even came back to my house and said she told the shelter I had made it up just so I didn’t have the responsibility of a dog. I’m confused. Are there really people out there who value an animals life over a humans? Are there really people who look at thongs with teeth and claws as children? And top it off I guess they think people like me, who don’t like dogs and who choose to keep my kids safe from a natural predator are evil and somehow defective as humans?!?!. I’m sorry I just don’t understand. Is it society? Or am I and others like me just different? Well so be it. Take your potential killer and go for a walk
abigailleigh April 27, 2014 at 2:36 pm
Oh wow! Stupid auto correct. Meant things of course. But hey.. it made me laugh
dogsfromhell April 27, 2014 at 6:32 pm
Wow That’s really horrible that she would disparage you like that. She has no business doing that to you. And YES to everything you stated about people who think dogs take precedent over children. I don’t know what motivates these people but they are the ones who are not normal. I don’t care if I am in the minority. I have the courage to stand up for children and so do you!
dogsfromhell April 27, 2014 at 6:34 pm
PS You might not want to leave her alone with your children. : o
dogsfromhell April 27, 2014 at 6:34 pm
Oh I knew what you meant haha
dre May 9, 2014 at 10:24 pm
I hate our dogs
dre May 9, 2014 at 10:37 pm
I hate our dog. Plain and simple.
They are not mine, and they unfortunately were brought into the picture before I was. My boyfriends ex had them and after having a baby couldn’t handle the little shits. I dont blame her, they’re spoiled and needy, they bark at NOTHING, bark excessively, beg, run the house, shit on the carpet, piss in my laundry basket, and he seems to have no problem with any of this. I HATE it when people dont treat their dogs like DOGS. They are not humans, they do not process emotion like humans, and they dont care about anything else but what they can get from you while intently staring at me while I eat. I hate the fact that we have them, I hate how much attention they get when I dont, and I hate how they need to be by him 24/7. Always climbing on us, always have to be ON OR NEAR, following him around the house. I hate how we both work 12-15hr days and he says theyre “neglected” perhaps taking into consideration our careers or where we live (which is a tiny apartment) would have been wise to think about before getting them back. I hate how I cant sleep in the living room without them losing their shit when they hear nothing. I hate that they poop in the house, and how they’re not trained properly. I in no way whatsoever enjoy their company, I have no enotional attachment to them and I cannot wait for the day they either die, or we have to get rid of them. I have never been a dog person. Ive always thought they were dirty, smelly, messy, needy, and just really annoying. I have never wanted them, I do not like pets that require me to entertain them 24/7. I prefer low maintenance quiet animals. I am a biast cat person, and he is a biast dog person. I get no happiness or gratification from owning a dog. I feel they are boring, and a pain in my ass. I would personally never own a dog, and hes the one who takes care of them because I simply hate them. Everything about them.
dogsfromhell May 10, 2014 at 5:04 am
I am so sorry your life is havoc because of some dreadful beasts. I don’t know why people think dogs are good for your emotional health. Everyone I know who owns dogs actually has more stress and drama in their lives. I wish we had answers for you. My sincere sympathies go out to you.
Justine May 18, 2014 at 11:44 pm
I love WIHD so very much; especially after a weekend where I found two dog piles in the backyard — one of which was on the bottom of my shoe! How I hate the neighbors’ dogs!
But, this is about our brief stint with a dog last year. In fact, it was a year ago on May 5. It is a past tense story with a happy ending. I thought maybe I’d post something cheerful. Goodness knows, I feel for all those who are now where I was last year.
Our daughter had always wanted a dog. Since she was 10 last year, we figured that she was old enough to pitch in a bit and help with it. I had no familiarity with dogs (I grew up with cats, horses, and rabbits), but I did not have anything against them. My husband did not, does not, and will never like dogs, but he was willing to live with one so that our daughter could have a happy childhood.
We found a great dog! She did not bark or have accidents (other than submissive peeing) in the house. She did not chew. She was not aggressive. She was sweet and nice and eager to please. But, her fatal flaw for us ended up being that she was a dog, and — as we all soon found out (OK, well, Husband already knew) — we are not dog-people.
BTW, all that gawd-awful dog-ownership stuff that takes a mutt from merely disgusting to a blight on face of the earth (e.g. off-leash roaming, dogs in public where they ought not to be, grammatically-incorrect bumper stickers that claim “Who rescued who?”, etc.) was not a part of our dog life. I caught the dog’s feces in my bag-covered hand before it ever could touch the ground or someone’s lawn — that’s how conscientious I was. And, I did not let her pee in our neighbors’ yards. She had to pee in our yard or wait until we were in those bits of neighborhood common ground. Other dog owners thought I was weird; my father even went so far as to voice sympathy for the dog. Why? Why should I (or anyone else) think that my dog has a right to use someone else’s property as a bathroom? Anyway, that is neither here nor there. I think it just goes to show that I never adopted that utterly bizarre take on dogs that so many people do. I never saw her as anything other than a burden that we had to shoulder ourselves.
I knew by the end of the first week that I would never love the dog. “Sure you will,” my dad assured me. “By the end of the month, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without her.” By the end of the month, I had begun to hate her a bit. It was like a prison door was shutting on me. Husband and I became like fellow convicts, marking time.
The thing is this: The dog personality is to me really annoying. Our dog would just stare at me for hours. If I got up, she got up. If I went to a room and closed the door, she would be lying there, waiting for me when I came out. She did this whole submissive peeing thing that was pretty darn gross. I bathed her every week, and she still smelled bad. I brushed her every day. I fed her the best food and a Dinovite supplement and she still smelled bad and shed hair like mad. I would send her out to play in the back yard with our daughter, and she would sit on the door step, watching for me.
Come late July, we were all sitting outside, enjoying a nice evening as best we could in our dog-shackled existence, when our daughter let it slip that she hated the dog. Yay! Hubby and I immediately chimed in, “We hate the dog, too!” So, we had her put back into the adoption agency’s circulation; they found her a new home in two weeks; and we have been dog-free since last August (and forever!).
The best thing is this: When we had the dog, I would fall into mild depression, imagining the next 10-12 years of my life as a dog owner. Every anticipated scene of domestic comfort and bliss was made bitter by the knowledge that this dog would be in the middle of it — staring at me longingly, peeing submissively. Since I had imagined out this burdened existence so far into the future, now every dog-free day is full of joy — dancing, laughing, singing.
So, I just wanted to share a message of hope. Maybe, just maybe, you’ll find out that everyone’s guilty secret is that they hate the dog, too, and just don’t want to be the first to bring it up.
We have two inside cats now. They do not bother anyone. They kill spiders. They also purr a lot. And they never submissive pee. Life is much better.
dogsfromhell May 19, 2014 at 2:50 am
That is a fantastic story. Thanks so much for sharing. I suspect there are many people who secretly hate their dogs. There is so much social pressure to accept dogs. We’re here to say its ok to hate dogs!
haterofdogs May 31, 2014 at 11:56 am
I got a dog a month ago. Bought into the lies that they make your life better and are great companions. After having amazing,calm cats most of my life, the shock was even worse. I train and walk thos dog four 4 hours a day and she still whines/barks and have energy to blow. She sheds like crazy-i have to sweep every day and brush her everyday. When i dont give her attention, she comes up to me, pushes my hands and whines. She is excited so easily and jumps on people. I hate the fact that as a dog owner, i constantly have to be a leader and have a pack mentality. I just want to relax and read a book without her all over me. We’ve attended multiple training groups and she still is hell. I found a shelter to take her so we will be getting rid of her thank god. I will never adopt a dog again in my life-only cats for me.
dogsfromhell June 1, 2014 at 4:47 am
“only cats for me”

Vg2012 agrees with you and in fact says the same thing.
Stuckwithclingyoverbearingdog June 11, 2014 at 1:30 pm
Omg I am so happy I found this site!!! I too hate my dog but didn’t know I hated dogs until after owning one. I got my husband an anniversary gift for our first year married, a blue pitbull. He LOVES dogs and I thought it would be nice for us to have a puppy since we didn’t have kids yet. Well, I got him the puppy & I ended up getting pregnant 2 months later. So I don’t know if it was my pregnancy hormones or if I really do feel this way about dogs but I cannot stand her! She is super needy, follows me everywhere, stares at me while I eat even though I’ve NEVER given her human food & never will, always wants to jump on top of me even though now I’m a big balloon because I’m 8 months pregnant, and every time I don’t give her the attention she wants, she stares at me like she hates me. Trust me this hate is mutual. When she was a puppy, she would pee & pop on our bed!!! We had a mattress on the floor, this was when we were still putting our home together and buying furniture slowly. Don’t get me wrong, she’s a good dog now, I don’t have to put in a lot of effort to train her, she’s very smart and she catches on quick. I just HATE how clingy she is and her separation anxiety. She chews up everything in my moms backyard, I’m currently staying with her and I owe her well over $500 in damages because of the damn dog. And it’s coming out of my husbands bank account, not mine. I leave her outside in our yard all day so she can be a dog but she’ll just sit by the door, the whole damn day. I can’t discipline her now though because she’ll start barking at me when I tell her bad girl. She is still afraid I’ll hit her though but I can’t just beat her because I’m pregnant and I’m not gonna put myself at risk to lose my baby if she decides to test my authority and attack me. I wish everyday I could just leave the gate open so she can walk out and away for the rest of my life but I can’t. My husband deployed and he would be so pissed if I got rid of her, I have pleaded with him and he won’t let me. So when he gets back, she will be his responsibility solely and not mine. My only focus is my baby. I think I’m more of a cat person but for now, I don’t need an animal, I will have a baby to take care of and that in itself is a lot of work but it is be worth it. I hate people that compare dogs to babies. No they are not babies!!! I did not birth a dog! I will not breastfeed a dog!! I don’t rock a dog to sleep, buy it clothes, change it’s diapers, nurture a dog like a baby, nooo! We are biologically driven to raise our babies and there are strong hormones that build a bond to take care of our young. There is no such biological drive to take care of a damn dog. Dogs in my eyes are evil!!! I’ll probably let one if it’s a friends dog but never again do I want to own one. I really hope we can get rid of this dog, I shot myself in the foot with this one and I regret it everyday D’:<
dogsfromhell June 11, 2014 at 3:57 pm
I am so sorry to hear you are unhappy because of a horrible dog. I must tell you my concern is for your child. Pit bulls are notorious for attacking infants and children. I would admonish you to get rid of the dog before the baby is born. Your husband will get over it. He will have a new child to focus on. Lie or do what you have to do but get rid of that thing before you bring a vulnerable child into a pit bull habitat. Do not cave to peer pressure or pressure from your husband . Your priority is your child. Do the right thing. My sincere best wishes to you.
Dog-free girl looking for a Dog-hating dude June 18, 2014 at 2:43 pm
The answer to the question “Are we alone in this universe?” has been answered!!! I’ve never had pets before and started dating my boyfriend who has 2 dogs. (1 isn’t enough?) Then we got a cat—I’ve always wanted a kittycat. I was stressed out from all the animals making noises, wanting attention and taking care of them. He never walked the dogs or took them to the vet. I was getting sick, I thought it was from all the stress, but then went to the allergist and turns out I am allergic to cats and dogs. Even though it was a mild allergy, my asthma was exacerbated by living with them—especially the cat. I eventually moved out of my own house in order to recover my health and broke it off with my boyfriend. I was SO RELIEVED that I didn’t have to live with the animals again. They stressed me out so bad and left hair everywhere. I am glad I can’t live with animals, ever. I miss my cat but don’t miss his meowing and need for attention either. So, that being said, any single dog-hater/animal-hater out there looking to date?
Francesco June 19, 2014 at 11:17 am
Almost every relative I have has a dog. Some let them live with them (at least only in daytime rooms and don’t sleep with them!)
I hate when they invite me for a meal and there is a dog panting on my legs or drooling on my clean pants… not to mention the smell while eating =S
amy June 21, 2014 at 12:31 am
I am having a hard time accepting that I’m going to live with dogs soon. To me…it’s not just that. I thought I like dogs. I thought I tolerate them well…But I have a female cat who is 11 years old. and my boyfriend has 2 female bulldogs… -_- also fairly old 10 and 11 years old. I am completely horrified that they will be living together and I will be walking on eggshells in my first home. Now if my boyfriend had a goofy dog like a lab or a mut… that doesn’t have any type of Bull…in it. I’d be fine. I’ve seen these two dogs fight before and I can not rip them apart.. they turn into monsters with super strength. I have bled before while trying to get them apart, and every single time they have fought I have cried at the drop of a hat… the barking scares the shit out of me and feels like knives stabbing me in my chest. I’m sick of pretending in public that I love dogs. I DON’T. I just don’t trust them… and moving them in with my cat is something I KNOW will not turn out right. I feel crazy… Everyone is telling me that animals get along and they’ll be buddies and BLAH BLAH No one is taking into consideration their gender, age, and breed…. of both my cat and my boyfriends dogs. Females are already jealous. and three jealous ladies in the house… The fact that they are this old aint changing their ways. and he’s got BULLDOGS. ENGLISH BULLDOGS. man-made for fighting… i can’t stand this anymore. So I wanted to find others who thought like me and came here. I feel like such an outcast with all my friends who LOOOOVE dogs. Are they serious?! Do they really love these aggravating as shit animals? They freaking stink and slobber… its horrible. Lord, I love all your animals. Dogs are so dumb I hate them forgive me for ranting and saying out loud how much I want them all to go away. Hah.. for real though.
dogsfromhell June 21, 2014 at 2:57 am
Dogs aren’t real animals made by nature. They are man made hybrid creatures with many problems. Don’t try to convince your friends that you have valid reasons for not liking dogs. They have bought into myths.folklore and the promotion of dogs by the pet industry. Trust your own intuition. If you know its a bad idea to move in with a guy who have two aggressive dogs delay until you have a solution. These dogs deserve the reputation they have earned and you are right not to trust them.
IhateDogs June 21, 2014 at 11:22 pm
Oh my gosh, I know how you feel. When I was younger my stupid sister wanted a dog so my parents got one, which really annoyed me because I had my precious cats at the time. But I thought I would learn to like dogs and he would be loyal and gentle and perfect like on movies. He was nothing like i imagined. I always believed that dogs where like that, but i was wrong. The dog my sis got was so fussy, would vomit up all of its food and pee itself unless he was fed human food and would always demand the best foods and best of everything. He chewed up everything, and i mean everything he saw and we was out of control crazy and if he didn’t get enough attention he would run around the house whining and jumping up on people, bark, bite, nip and scratch. He would chase my cats and bite them and nip them and also try and act dominate around them by grabbing their necks. In public he would growl, bark, whine and pulled at the leash so hard his collar would always slip off or the lead would snap. Titan (his name) would shed everywhere, it was like everything in the house was made from dog hair! He was soo dominate and annoying and just so UGHHH!!!!! I just can’t stand dogs, They are so needy, whiny, demanding, dominate, ugly, pathetic, so not worth all the love they get. When I see puppies i see ugliness, they are just so UGLY JUST UGHH!!!!!!! I agree, cats for me too, always always always cats.
DogHATER June 22, 2014 at 2:59 am
I know, I hate how hating cats is considered normal when hating dogs is like stealing and murdering a baby child to everyone. I hate being judged and hated for hating dogs and loving cats and i’m also sick of it too! I tried to like dogs but gah!! Who am i kidding, I will never love those stinky, dirty, feral, insane, stupid, costly, ugly, lazy, attention seekers. I just hate dogs so much. They are so loud and chew up everything, There so fussy and annoying and I cant help being tempted to grab my dog by the neck and shove him into a bin, or any of those annoying dogs that go near me and demand attention and start biting because they are feeling dominate. Gah!I HATE DOGS!!!! Cats for me. Gosh, that crazy dog is insane, and that owner is an idiot letting it bite you! I hate when people act like their dog is more important that anything else!
dogsarestupidandugly June 26, 2014 at 12:27 am
I hear so many stories like these, always along the same lines. It’s really sad to see how many live-in relationships are strained by the presence of a dog that one partner doesn’t want. If one person already had the dog when the relationship started, that’s one thing, but getting a dog without the wholehearted agreement (or knowledge!) of the other partner is quite another. Dogs are disgusting, high-maintenance and they REEK. When the partner who never wanted the dog has to do most of the caretaking and cleaning of it, I wonder if that’s a reflection of the relationship dynamics as a whole.
StopTheDogMania June 27, 2014 at 4:56 am
First of all, I want to thank you for this web site. I find it very soothing to read and to vent and I like that fact that I am not alone in disliking the dog -mania that has taken over this country.
I’d like to say a few things about me and my cultural background so you can better understand my point of view. I grew up in Europe and only lived in US for 16 years but in my city we viewed dogs as pets/companions not as children. We kept them outside mostly so they protect the property or on farms. They had a purpose but not anymore it seems over here in US. We have lots of stray dogs that I always had to avoid as a little girl walking around the neighborhood or when going to school and I’ve never been bitten but they were so many stories of people getting attacked it was scary. I used to have a German Sheppard in high school for 4 years. I raised and trained him and walked him and took care of him but I kept him outside and he knew his place in the household although he did the occasional begging for food but he wasn’t in your face constantly asking for attention and food. I started to hate dogs especially big dogs since I moved in my bf because lots of issues but I love my bf and I would hate to see our relationship shattered by a dog .
I had been with my bf for about 10 months and I moved in with him 6 months ago. He has a 3 year old Rottweiler. My bf says that the dog he has is there for protection but he jumps on everyone he sees and is not aggressive or very smart so I’m confused. I recently found out that he considers the dog his ‘’son’’. My bf is a nice guy that does lots around the house, very handy man, will stop and help you if your car breaks down kind of guy. We do not have any kids but we are both talking about having some in the future and I do not feel comfortable worrying about a huge 120lbs dog roaming the house and stepping, knocking or possibly getting aggressive towards the baby. My bf’s nephews were over at our place and their father scolded one of the kids for something and the overprotecting dog got in his face and started to growl at the father! The dog was trained to sit, lay down and bark on command and also to ‘’back up’’ which is most useful when he gets in your face while you are trying to eat but he only does this commands when it suits him and only for 3 seconds tops. He is partially trained and I say that because once we let him in the yard he will not listen to me and he partially listens to my bf . Our huge yard is finally fenced in and I suggested that he puts a doggie door to the garage and let him live in the garage to go in and out as he pleases since he loves to go outside and I feel that he would enjoy the huge yard to run around and be more free and stop having hair and mud in the house. What I suggested was blasphemy!! The dog is his ‘’son’’ and that he belongs in the house and on the couch. He sheds everywhere, very hyper over any movement that you do even if you just get up and move around, drools and tracks in mud from outside, barks during the night because he wants to sleep in the bedroom and I won’t allow that so we had to crate him, chews the couch and we have to always have dog covers on it although is a $800 brand new couch and he already put 2 holes in it, follows my bf everywhere even in the bathroom when he takes a crap and whines if he goes outside and he doesn’t get to go. His food bowl is in the kitchen and the dog is so spoiled that likes to take a mouth full of food and brings and it eat it on the carpet in the living room and my bf thinks that’s ok. He barks at me when I hug my bf or we mess around. He growled at me once and a few times at my bf for telling him to get off the couch because he was being too hyper and my bf thinks it’s ok because he was just letting you know that he ”didnt agree” with the command. He put holes in our golf cart tires and my bf defended the dog, he knocked and broke the screen on his laptop and he defended the dog. Everytime the dog does something bad is not his fault. Ever.He says if you don’t catch him in the act then you cant yell or get mad at him because he won’t understand. He is so blinded and he gives more attention as in petting and holding the dog that he has given to me. I asked him one day if there was a fire in the house who would he save first? The dog or me? He said that’s a tough question…because the dog cant save himself etc and that he has the dog for over 3 years and only knows me for 10 months. Really??
The dog is not neutered and he’s 3 years old and he marks his territory by peeing on the side of the couch sometimes. My bf wants to mate him and he wants to keep a puppy from him. My bf cleans and takes care of him but I have to take care of him when he’s not around or out of town and I have to use food to lure him to listen and come inside. I love animals I have fish and chickens and I had a cat that I loved for 9 years that passed away. I like to be outside and I live in Florida surrounded by nature and animals. I started to find dogs useless and annoying and I guess my only hope is to be patient and hope he wakes up and realizes that humans are more important than a pet dog.
Dog Misery June 29, 2014 at 1:51 am
I don’t hate my dogs. But I hate what they have done to my quality of life. And worse yet I hate that I don’t have any recourse other than to wait until they die and vow never to permit another dog in my home again. But unfortunately, by “my” I mean our house, which is why I have this problem in the first place.
The absolute worst part of dog ownership for me is the fact that no matter how much destruction is caused, or how much filth and stench is generated, my wife of 15 years loves her dog almost as much as life itself and manages to look past all of the problems and just sees the good (fortunately for me this is a wonderful trait of hers from which I also benefit extensively!) Well when it comes to the dogs good for her, its an ongoing nightmare for me…
Where to start… Well, I own two dogs; a 5 year old male Golden Retreiver who is just a beautiful and fun dog to have outside and on most of our family outings, and I have a 1 year old female American Eskimo, which I pretty much settled on for my 12 year old daughter after nearly a year of her persistence and me being very selective. I actually prefer the smaller white eskimo over the big one but they each have their intolerable traits.
Let me list what I hate about them here, in their probable order of hatred:
1. Inside “marking”. He thinks its okay to not only piss in the house on occasion, but most defiantly he pisses directly on my things out of spite. Pretty much the only most important thing in MY house, that is my leather recliner. Yep. And so there is always this grime of hairball and urine directly under my recliner on my hardwood floor which I can smell whenever I am trying to relax after a long hard day. No matter how many times I “re-educate” him and clean it, or whatever “miracle spray” I put down there it always comes back. What an absolute ass hole. How dare he piss directly on my throne??? I mean what kind of spiteful creature could do that over and over and over again??? For years now I have had to put up with it. My wife? she just tells him he’s a “bad dog” and maybe puts him outside for a few hours and she cleans it up (sometimes)… The minute that f____er did that the first time he would have most certainly become a permanent outside pet, which of course is the only way I would want to have a dog in the first damn place, for reasons precisely such as this and the many more I feel so releived to vent below.
2. Carpet stench. Even as I lie here on my bed I can smell the stench of filthy dog dirt embedded into my otherwise enjoyable carpet. This scent is actually what caused me to even pick up this computer and start typing. My initial search on google was: “my wife’s dog is so filthy” which brought me here to this lovely site. So yeah, he rolls around in the dirt, sweats all the live long day, then my wife thinks its totally acceptable for him to come and lie down on our carpet beside our bed. Should one of our pillows fall off the bed you can be sure he’ll be right there all over it stinking it up and making it hairy as hell. Yes, we give him regular baths but seriously, he needs to bathe as often as a human, actually I’d say about 4x as often what with all the hair the contains the dirt, I mean seriously? DOGS BELONG OUTSIDE!!!!! PERIOD!!! I would allow them to come inside on rare occasion to say hi for a minute or to see guests but the beast would know that his domain is outside and not in my civilized domicile for christ’s sake!
2.1 Filthy petting. I mean I love to pet him or play with him and get him riled up from time to time but it should be done outside. I wish I could just easily pet him all the time or enjoy his big ol face in my close proximity but he just stinks. His breath, his body, his gas, him. And you can guarantee that even if I only pet him say 10 times on his head I feel the need to wash the stink and filth off my hands. Maybe this isn’t always the case, and I don’t mean to sound like a nancy man who can’t stand a dirty old dog sometimes, I can, like when we go to the lake or hiking or something. You know, like when he’s supposed to be dirty, and we’re out in the elements together… Not in my comfortable residence.
3. The back yard. I don’t so much mind the shit because we have a rather large yard and they generally keep it in an unused area and it seems to biodegrade fairly quickly, I’ll go pick it up from time to time but that’s not the real issue. Its the trash they think they need to drag outside and shred. I mean if we don’t keep up with it it can look like an entire kitchen trash can was taken out there and scattered around the yard (visible from the street and neighbors) within a few days. This might be closer to my #1. The trash, and then there’s the occasional valuable item like one of a $40-120 pair of shoes for example. Money straight down the drain, often times within a few days of getting them. You might say “oh, just keep your shoes in a closed closet” or something, well we have 5 people in this house and I would estimate we have somewhere in the neighborhood of 75 different pairs of shoes, most of which are in closets but still–there will be shoes somewhere at some point. Or worse yet, stuffed animals and items of real sentimental value of my kids’ that I maybe bought for them when they were small. So much for that!!! Irreplaceable destruction. Yes, they are just things and we’re talking about living breathing beings, ones that even I have a lot of love for, but still, there’s a place for these beasts and it’s not within access to my property if they think its okay to destroy it. I mean that is just common logic right?
4. Pee. The small one has a pee problem, and I feel bad for her, usually. She is learning to go outside, and usually does. But as with most dogs, if they are having stress in their lives or whatever, their normal behavior changes and swings this way and that. But her real problem is uncontrollable pee whenever she gets excited or scared. This can be in the form of a small dribble to a full and complete emptying of her entire bladder. I have had to change my behavior to not even acknowledge her in certain rooms or situations in order to prevent a puddle. But this isn’t always avoidable in real life. And we’ve looked into and tried all of the recommended measures as suggested by the pros, so I still have hope for her. So there’s that, ruined carpet on top of the good ol’ regular filthy matted stinky dirty carpet. And then there’s the big dog. His piss is not only on my recliner, but often times on most every other piece of furniture in that front room as well, in which we have laminated hardwood flooring (only about 2 years old flooring mind you) which when left unnoticed for days seeps its way into the seams and begins to corrode and delaminate the flooring. Un f___ing believable!!! New flooring that is immediately ruined by one of the most corrosive fluids on the planet because this dog has territory or vengeance issues within my own HOUSE!!! How is this acceptable??? I could kill him sometimes, like literally take him on a hike with me and just shove him off a cliff… oops… sorry honey. But I’m not a monster, and my wife just loves him. So at this point I’ve basically given up.
5. Hair. Well, then there’s the hair. And on top of their hair we also have a number of cats. Me, I’m a cat person. Yes they are nasty too but to a much lesser degree of destruction or maintenance in my opinion. So yeah, no matter where we go you can guarantee we will have hair all over our clothing, in our food, in our mouth, wherever. I hate it. Especially his because as you can imagine, the super long areas of his coat shed thick red hairs about 6″ in length that collect into balls everywhere in the whole house. Oh, and it doesn’t come out in the washing machine, nope, its always a crap shoot as to which bath towel has the least amount of dog hair embedded into it, as well as all of our clothes. We have untold numbers of hair rollers throughout the house and vehicles but they only collect a fraction of the most annoying big hairs.
6. Vehicles. Then there’s my cars/trucks. The big idiot has jumped out of my $50k suv windows countless times even though we’ve made a concerted effort to not leave windows down or what have you. Again, in real life there is no “all-time” perfect solution to anything–ever, especially not with 4 other people involved full-time. That combined with him just standing up on his hind legs to get a pet at the window has left my truck doors completely hideously scratched to hell. Then there’s the constant nose smudges and slobber from him pressing his nose against the rear seat windows when he’s trying to beg for the window to come down. Well at freeway speeds he’s not always going to get the damn window down so deal with it!! This greasy filth of course transfers to the fuzzy seal each and every time the windows go up and down to the point that now I can hear the motors inside the door struggle to push the window up and have to wait twice as long as it normally was designed to take. That along with all those cute little nose smudg marks all over the inside of every damn window of the entire vehicle, I mean what? am I supposed to get out the windex every week for this shit? F___ing ridiculous. Then of course there’s the hair inside the truck, the muddy paw prints, the claw scratches on the leather, THE DESTRUCTION!!!!!!!
7. Toilet drinking. I can’t stand it. I have literally had to write in permanent marker on the lid, the doors, the walls, reminders for EVERYONE to remember to lower the lid. Not only with the big one, who can easily reach his whole head inside and drink from the absolute filthiest cesspool of germs in the whole house, but more importantly the little one. She can climb up and place her front paws directly onto the walls of the bowl while she drinks, then of course just parades through the rest of the house, the carpet, my pants, wherever tracking that shit everywhere. We have a bowl for them to drink from. But again, it should be OUTSIDE–WITH THEM!!!!!!
8. Running away. Sometimes it can be a real problem in the neighborhood. Sometimes they behave real well, other times they’ll split as soon as you turn your back. Our front yard is big so its not always easy to keep a constant eye on them when your doing things out front. But we like to have them out there with us, and after their term of “punishment” from their last episode, where they sit at the fence watching and whining we decide to try to build trust again and again and again. But again, it just pisses me off that I have to chase these idiots down, sometimes for days.
9. Others’ dogs’ shit and piss. This one is my favorite thing to hate about others’ dogs. Especially in the winter where an otherwise completely enjoyable stroll through the snow covered park or path is polluted with countless disgusting piles of deteriorating shit and markings of yellow piss. You’re lucky if you make it through the whole hike without getting their internal filth on your external person or property. I mean it’s disgusting anywhere anytime but I especially hate dog owners in the winter like this. I’m guilty too of sometimes leaving a dog shit along on a walk from time to time but I don’t make a common practice of it and I damn sure don’t think that the trail system designed for the enjoyment of humans is the right place for me to take my damn dog to and leave a contribution to the carelessly left mess by countless others. I mean don’t these people plan to use the trail more than once? Take a damn bag and completely cover any markings of any color you disgusting f__s.
The list goes on and on. Sadly there is nothing I can do about it. If you think you are going to offer up some suggestions or simple to follow instructions, or say I need to man up I will tell you you are seriously underestimating the entire complexity of this years long battle. There is nothing that I haven’t tried, no fighting that hasn’t been fought over these issues. The only options are divorce and living a life of solitude or to simply write off my own personal kindom/domain as being lost to the dogs. It is now I who must live with them. There is no other choice. One thing I can guarantee is that we WILL NOT be getting another dog when these ones kick the can. But who am I kidding? I can only take comfort in knowing that my ability to tolerate this intolerable state of affairs gives my wife and kids some sense of joy that perhaps I can’t personally deliver. There will come a time when I am old and won’t have little ones around and can probably keep things in neat and clean order, for now I just sacrifice my own peace and enjoyment for that of the others, which in the end is what will really count when I look back perhaps.
A deep breath now and, ahhhhhh. I already feel better, like I can take on another day or 800 of misery.
Miserable dog owner, signing off.
dogsfromhell June 29, 2014 at 5:32 am
Wow…you have my sympathies..I am so sorry. That all sounds just horrendous. Just a thought.. You said you have a big yard. What about a separate “man cave” where you can escape. Buy a new recliner, etc. You don’t have to tell them its because of the dogs. You can pad lock it too! At least it would give you a little respite, not a complete solution by any means. I know it would probably be expensive.
dogsarestupidandugly June 30, 2014 at 12:31 am
“I asked him one day if there was a fire in the house who would he save first? The dog or me? He said that’s a tough question…because the dog cant save himself etc and that he has the dog for over 3 years and only knows me for 10 months. Really??”
WHOA. I think you should seriously consider leaving this relationship.
Razzmatazz July 2, 2014 at 10:21 pm
For a time, I hated my German Shepherd.
He was essentially backyard bred. As a result, he had an extremely poor temperament and no bite inhibition. I used to look like a victim of domestic violence I was so bruised up from being mouthed.
I worked with him for years, though, and now he’s turned into a model citizen. I mean, there are still things I don’t really like. He isn’t very good with other dogs, and his health is terrible so he’s costing me an arm and a leg in vet and medication bills, but I utterly adore him now.
I have full-blown cynophobia though and tend to severely dislike other people’s dogs. He gives me a reason to keep away when I’m not feeling up to it.
dogsfromhell July 3, 2014 at 5:00 am
Razzmatazz, I have a well founded and valid disdain for dogs which are noisy, filthy, aggressive and toxic to the environment. I also steer clear of second hand smoke, drunk drivers and trans fat.
Razzmatazz July 3, 2014 at 11:54 am
Don’t we all, though?
A dog owner can eliminate 3/4 of those issues with careful training and regular grooming. Environmental toxicity can be easily combatted with careful disposal of faeces and equally careful selection of dog food.
It isn’t hard to do. A lot of dog lovers don’t seem to bother, though. Which is essentially the problem, in my mind.
dogsfromhell July 3, 2014 at 4:09 pm
My point was you don’t have to have a phobia to hate dogs. Many dog cultists like to say people who dont like dogs have a phobia aka disorder. If they can convince themselves of this it enables them to shirk responsibility for their unsocialized dogs. They can allow them to bark jump on people, roam off leash, take them in public and believe its not their issue if people dont like their beast.
Cleaning up after your dog in public is great but how many people do you know that actually clean up their backyard cesspool. Usually they just mow it in like its fertilizer. Dog feces is not safe fertilizer. Eventually ALL dog feces makes its way into our waterways and aquifers. In addition there is simply no way to retrieve public or private dog urine.
Razzmatazz July 3, 2014 at 5:17 pm
You realise that unless the animal is sick, urine is sterile, don’t you?
While we’re on it, cat faeces are equally dangerous. And those rats and mice are terribly unsanitary too. We should do something about all the animals. Just get rid of the lot in one fell swoop maybe.
dogsfromhell July 3, 2014 at 6:19 pm
Dog urine is sterile?? Are you serious??? I suppose you are one of those people that believes a dog’s mouth is clean too. If dog urine is sterile we could sure save a lot of money not buying hand sanitizer. Hey why not use it for hospital prep. You could market that stuff!
You do realize this is a dog haters site, don’t you. I am sure there is a cat hater’s site some place where you can participate.
dogsfromhell July 3, 2014 at 6:20 pm
PS Rats and mice are considered vermin. Dogs should be too. How fantastic it would be if we could go to Home Depot and buy a little contraption to rid ourselves of dogs too. VIOLA! No more nuisance barking machines.
dogsfromhell July 3, 2014 at 6:28 pm
There are approximately 400 million dogs in the world. They are not part of ANY ecosystem and do not contribute to the natural order of any environment. If they were real animals they would have to fend for themselves and their population would be controlled by natural selection. Instead these creatures are “artificially” preserved by humans and have infested our HUMAN habitat.
Razzmatazz July 3, 2014 at 9:06 pm
I didn’t say dog urine can be used for sterilization, I said it is sterile. There is a difference. Urine from most species, including humans etc. is sterile, so long as the animal in question is not sick with something that would cause it to have bacteria in the kidneys/bladder/ureter that would then be passed in the urine. That’s why Bear Grylls can drink his own pee on Man Vs Wild and not get sick.
Dogs’ mouths are one of the most bacteria-ridden orifices you can come across. But human mouths are actually equally bad. Human-inflicted bite wounds almost always have to be treated with antibiotics because they have a propensity to cause severe infections.
I do not personally like dogs. I hate dogs. They smell. They scare me. A lot of them are hideous and overbred and undersocialized with no manners or just plain aggressive.
But the fact of the matter is that scientists now believe that human beings would not have been capable of developing agriculture without the dog. Humans were dependent on dogs for livestock management for thousands upon thousands of years. Many farmers still use them, all over the world. Sure they infest our “human habitat”, but they do so for a reason. They have been at man’s side for anywhere up to 40,000 years. They are the most important domesticated animal because they allowed us to domesticate the other animals.
So although dislike and fear most dogs, and I think a lot of today’s breeds are stupid because they serve no real purpose except to look cute at the expense of their own health and temperament, I do have to also respect the dog and what it originally was.
I don’t have to respect the woman with the little dog in her handbag, however.
Razzmatazz July 3, 2014 at 9:08 pm
Also, I like cats. I have two cats. I was just making a point.
dogsfromhell July 4, 2014 at 5:11 am
Over 70 million households have dogs. That’s a lot of dog urine. If its not ok for human urine to be released into the environment, its not ok to accept dog urine either.
As a one time event Bear Grylls won’t fry his kidneys but there is a reason our bodies need to pass toxins. It will eventually accumulate back into your kidneys and result in renal failure. I’ll vote for keeping the urine of 70 million dogs out of our public water.
dogsfromhell July 4, 2014 at 5:23 am
Dogs have outlived their usefulness. That’s the reason for all the current social, health, safety, aesthetic and environmental issues related to dogs. They have no place in our residential communities. If dogs were not wreaking havoc on the lives of humans they might inspire some nostalgia or even respect. Rather we are living with the results of human intervention gone wrong and these canine creatures are nothing less than loathsome.
willko July 5, 2014 at 6:54 am
Razz, the entire concept of owning a dog, dog culture, dog industry is about as perverse as it gets. The historical role of dogs, as you pointed out, has morphed into what is currently a form of mass psychosis, IMO, probably one of the most disturbing symptoms of a disconnected, devolving society. A healthy society/community is one where we try to be connected and inclusive on various levels. Doggers, for the most part, have opted out of that paradigm with devastating effects for themselves and the remaining normal society/communities.
I thank the stars that I haven’t succumbed to the mass delusion of dog worship. I was given a brain and a sense of humanity, two things most doggers lack or forfeited……
dogsfromhell July 5, 2014 at 7:05 am
That is a great point Willko. So many doggers posture like they are the most kind and caring human beings on the planet because they loooove doggers. In reality they live in a self absorbed dog cult bubble of exclusion.
Anonymous July 7, 2014 at 5:19 pm
Dog people value their fur slave possessions over human life. I hate my dog more than anything in the world, and nothing would ever change that.
It is really, really weird and a bit concerning that dog people people cannot seem to get along with other humans . The dog fanatics remind me of overly-obsessed political and religious nuts…and quite frankly, I wouldn’t trust any of them with children, either. Clearly they have proven this time and time again when they allow the “family dog” to attack their children.
My dog seems like it loves me and my bf like no other. But its because we feed him. He is far more interested in food than he is in us, or anything for that matter. Studies have been done on dogs that show they will transfer their alleged loyalty to who ever feeds them. its pretty simple and you would think the simple minded could comprehend this
Dogs live in a human environment. It is ours and all the species that inhabit it must adapt. You don’t see people trying to live with wolves and requiring them to act like humans. Dog cultists need to figure it out.. Quite frankly, you doggers are dysfunctional. why not try to be more human? Dog people make up their own vocabulary. They call dogs their son or baby and sweet or grand -dog. That’s just ridiculous. Dog people should not change the meaning of standard vocabulary words and disrespect the meaning of family. Jeeze, these guys are so strange…
I also love how they all think they are so kind then wish death on you because you want to assert your personal boundaries. What hypocrites. They should not breed or have sex with their dogs. This is a very common practice btw.
dogsfromhell July 8, 2014 at 3:38 am
Razz: We already knew that when u came on the site. We could smell you
Anna July 9, 2014 at 4:18 pm
I’m not at all surprised that so many people actually hate dogs. I have two dogs who I absolutely loath. I understand people who don’t like dogs. They aren’t really animals at all but rather hybrid inbred creatures the product of humans meddling with nature. It just saddens me when dumb (you have to be dumb to do this in the first place) people adopt a dog only to give it up. These people also think dogs are the equivalent of children and they are always making this comparison. Dogs are another species. Children require intense parenting and will eventually become socialized independent humans. Dogs on the other hand are typically held in captivity as fur slaves and remain dependent most of their existence. Most are left alone much of the time and then are expected to fulfill all of their masters emotional needs upon returning home. If they show any semblance of loyalty they are credited with “unconditional love” Its a complete fantasy. Unconditional love is what parents provide to their children. My guess is that many of these individuals were disappointed by the significant people in their lives aka their parents and want so desperately to attain unconditional love that they imagine their dog is a magical savior. Sad .
catloverforever July 18, 2014 at 10:26 am
omg I seriously hate my dogs!!! my mom loves animals, so she gets dogs and now we have 4. two of them i actually loved, they are/were so calm and gentle, until one of them,..I CANT STAND THE REST! so, one of them is a obnoxious toy poodle female, one is a pure evil maltese female. the good ones are a maltese male and a yorkshire female (deceased)…
REASONS I HATE THEM (the first two)
1. the maltese girl KILLED the yorkshire. and i mean literally. so it was the last day before spring break, i came back from school to see my beloved yorkie dead, tongue hanging out, and blood coming out from her neck. i was so shocked and cried the day, and then i found out it was the maltese girl because she had blood on her mouth. i just couldn’t express my anger, and i spanked her and screamed at her and locked her up in her night cage. (the toypoodle also corporated)
2. those two b!tches hurt my cats! well, as you can tell from my username, i LOVE cats and have many. well almost everyday, they go up to the second floor and start attacking the cats! how dare they! one time, it was so serious that one of my cats needed stitches, because those stupid dogs bit her skin.
3. they crap and pee all over the place! i take them out everyday 3 times for 20 minutes (im the one to take care of the food, toilet, walking, etc) everyday i wake up to a bunch of crap and pee and come back home to a bunch of crap and pee, ALL OVER THE PLACE! infront of the fridge, on the carpet, in my room, on laundry, on the chair, on the cat tower, everywhereeeeee! and then it stinks so much all the time so i cant invite my friends. these dogs are just a embarrasment!
4. they frickin take my food! i go to mcdonalds, and get a set meal, and i place it on the table, and i go get a fork. when i come back, everything is gone. EVERYTHING. i look down, and those b!tches have the nuggets, burger, fries, apple pie in THEIR MOUTH! and to top it off, they dropped the coke. i was enraged and started grabbing all the food from their mouths. and they growl at me. how dare they, do they think they are the boss?! so i grabbed their necks and steered them to their cage and locked them up. yay, $7 a complete waste because of some dumb dogs. also, when i eat dinner, they sneak up from behind me and take my chiken wings, bite my tacos, those sneaky annoyances!
5. they ruin stuff! my bath and body works hand gel collection (20 of them, all with cases), all bitten up and the hand-gel oozing all over my fur rug. gosh i hope they just get poisoned by the gel. my treasured first teddy all bitten up with no eyes and stuffing all over. my kawaii stationary collection (all the stationary included probably about $100), all the pencils in half, erasers with bite marks, countless amount of furniture damaged.
p.s. there are many many more reasons i hate them
dogsfromhell July 18, 2014 at 5:35 pm
Time to put an key entry door knob on your bedroom door, keep your belongings in there, eat in there and work hard on moving out. In the meantime stay in your room. Its unfair that your quality of life is diminished because of these demons. You have my sympathies.
Ready2Snap July 20, 2014 at 12:11 pm
I have two dogs that are driving me nuts!! They want to be cuddled 24/7 and the second they are denied my lap they both BARK NON STOP!!!! They have boxes full of toys that they refuse to play with, I give the bigger one a treat and she spits it on the floor, come home from an hour long walk with them and they both piss on my floor even though they just went! I can’t have people over because no one can stand them! They will shit on the floor when someone new comes in, they bite, bark, bark, bark, bark, piss and bark some more!! I asked some dog lovers what to do and they started freaking on me saying it’s my fault so I ask them if they want these dogs and of course the response was dead silence. I am done, these dogs have got to go!
Sasshole July 20, 2014 at 1:36 pm
I’m so glad to have found this website. Sorry, this might be a long one. This has been a long-needed rant for me. Ever since I can remember, I’ve preferred cats. Always. My parents grew up with dogs, but initially weren’t pet people on their own. Obviously I wanted a cat as a child, and they gave in eventually. Since then (15+ years ago) my parents have become real cat people. I used to feel like an outcast. Actually of the last things my shit-bag ex said to me after I dumped him was “I knew there was something wrong with you when you said you didn’t like dogs.”
There have been a very small handful of dogs I’ve liked growing up, maybe a couple of friends dogs I like – or can TOLERATE now. But as a whole, I despise them. Immensely. They’ve always grossed me out, angered me and made me uncomfortable. But here’s the story of the dog currently stressing out (we won’t say ruining) my life.
My boyfriend has a dog – a doberman. In March, we got it at 8 weeks old. Ever since then, our relationship has gone downhill. I hate to think that an animal can ruin a relationship, but I truly think it has been. Just the stress of it alone I think causes us to be on-edge and more snappy and less sensitive to one another. The fact that I don’t, and never have liked dogs and the fact that he has to deal with him all of the time now (even if he’ll never admit to being frustrated by it).
The crappy breeder was six hours away and I agreed to make a 2-day road trip with him to get the dog, I mean, I love him and want to support whatever he has his heart set on, even if that thing is a disgusting dog. I actually remember one of the happiest times being driving there and being at the hotel the night before. Mood was good and we were happy, it seemed like a mini-vacation.
We picked the dog up the next day and the nightmare began. It was obviously my job to hold him on the way back. At first I could ALMOST feel myself becoming attached. He was ALMOST cute with those massive paws and stupid big eyes. Then I endured nearly six full hours of yowling and whining. The only good thing about the drive home was 1. I had Sonic for the first time, and 2. He didn’t piss or shit on me (surprisingly).
I honestly couldn’t believe the carelessness on my boyfriends part. He’s a smart guy, but everything about getting this dog was a stupid decision. His apartment isn’t that big. At all. He works long days, leaves at 6am, gets back around 4:30pm. I don’t live there, and I work anyway. That dog was alone all day from full-day 1 of us having him. There’s really no yard or space for him to run around and be annoying away from people. We can’t just “let him outside” and there’s NO room to block him off away from a certain space or keep him in certain areas. He’s not even fully grown yet. I don’t feel bad for the dumb animal, but he’s obviously going nutty. It’ll only get worse.
During the first few weeks of having the puppy all I did was watch my boyfriend coddle this ugly future-100-pound creature like a newborn human baby. I had to tell him that I was sick of coming over and watching my boyfriend hold a dog for a few hours until it was time to go to bed. Yeah, that’s how I want to spend my time with him. I’m like do you want him to be that clingy when he’s 100 pounds? Hope not. Thankfully, that stopped. But it’s the only thing he’s ever listened to me about.
On top of all of this, my boyfriend never followed through with a lot of the discipline he said he would instill into this dog. Insisting “I’m not gonna raise a dog to behave a way I don’t want,” “MY dog isn’t going to be on the furniture or bed.” Guess how long that lasted? The couches in the living room are covered in slobber spots, scratches, corners of pillows and edges of things are chewed. The best part is that the couches and pillows SMELL, holy hell, like pure dog piss. His room mate won’t even hang out in the living room anymore. I think that might be why. The dog ruined both couches (they each have furniture in there). Nasty furniture on top of a disgusting creature slobbering and smacking you around with big feet and sharp-ass claws. If he’s not jumping around, jumping on you, or doing something else hyper and annoying, you know he’s just standing directly in front of the TV blocking it and staring off into space thinking about lord knows what. Probably nothing, I imagine dogs have one wave of brain activity every five minutes. Or however that works. There is NO relaxation time here anymore.
Oh, and the couches smell like piss because the dog used to pee his crate and inevitably end up sitting/sleeping in it and my boyfriend thought it was enough to just wipe the dogs feet with a paper towel when he got home at the end of the day. He’ll tell me, sometimes jokingly, I’d never “be responsible enough” for a dog OR A CHILD yet you can’t even bathe or rinse off a living thing that just soaked in its own filth for god knows how long?! Not to mention the fact he has no time and hardly enough space for this dog but got him anyway…that, my friend, is irresponsible. Anyways, you let him out and snuggle with this piss soaked idiot and let it lay all over your furniture? Thank god he doesn’t pee the crate anymore. Not that it matters. Everything already smells.
The dog is still allowed onto the bed when nobody else is on it. Which is just as disgusting. It went from “he’s not allowed on the bed” to “well, only when we’re not on it.” You think he’s smart enough to comprehend that? Hell no. We’ll wash the (black) sheets and the next day I come over to slobber marks and hair all over the bed, PILLOWS and even the WALL above/around the bed. Slobber marks ON THE WALL with fur stuck to it. Oh my god I’ve never been so disgusted. I tried to hide my anger because it’s not my house. But I do sleep in that bed fairly often so I asked him, nicely, to at least keep him off of my pillows, the ones I use (we have different pillow cases so I can tell). Well I come over again and the bed is torn up and my pillow cases ripped off and crinkled up and smelling like nasty dog. All of the pillows covered in fur again. This set me off, I asked why the hell the entire bed was torn up and smelled and was covered in hair? “Oh he wasn’t on the bed.” Ha, right. Okay.
The only time my boyfriend flips out or yells at the dog is when he tears up shoes. Which makes me happy because he deserves it. The dog KNOWS HE’S WRONG, BUT WILL STILL TIME AND TIME AGAIN CHEW THE SHOES. As soon as you catch him tearing up the shoe (or whatever else) he’ll hang his head and get those ugly sullen red eyes. That dog has gotten the living hell beat out of him more than once over tearing up shoes/the entire house. One time his room mate freaked out saying he destroyed the entire house and was leaving it so we could see what he’d done. Came home to the idiot basking in the mess he made. The entire living room was torn up. Throw pillows torn up and ruined, every shoe taken off of the shoe rack scattered everywhere throughout the house, and he pissed numerous times as well. Even after this incident he still hasn’t learned his lesson.
I almost feel bad seeing this big strong guy hit a dog. Almost but not quite. Is it abuse? I can’t judge. He’s not a frail dog. He’s gotten big and will get even bigger. So I personally don’t think so. How many times are we going to tell him “no” and try different training methods (that also don’t phase him) before he doesn’t just go ahead and do the same thing again 30 seconds later? Not even hitting him helps.
After the last “tearing up the house” incident he’s confined to his crate again when we’re out. Except that dog can BARK. So loud. It hurts my ears…from the other room. With the door closed. The “shock” collar worked for about a day. Doesn’t phase him. I can hear the current (or tone, whatever) of that collar from the other room as well, can’t imagine what that feels like but whatever it is it doesn’t work. The dog is starting to destroy the metal crate as well. He’s clearly disturbed. Violently biting the kennel, thrashing his entire body around, howling at the top of his lungs. Busted down the door and ran around the house jumping off of everything knocking things over. That was all the last time I was alone with the dog so my boyfriend didn’t get to witness it. Not that it would’ve mattered to him. I told him that was the last straw and I’ve had enough of this thing. He said he’ll “just have to figure something out.” I almost slipped and told him if I lived in that apartment building I would’ve murdered that dog already.
He says I’M being too mean to the dog. Because I just have an opinion and I don’t want to have a stroke in my mid-twenties over this thing? Telling me I’m his “mama” and I’m the alpha female in his life. Okay, but I am NOT that thing’s mama. I didn’t give birth to it. I’m not biologically and hormonally driven to raise him, as someone else stated so wonderfully in a previous post. He has no concept of “mommy and daddy” it doesn’t even seem like he respects our authority.
I don’t want him staring at me or coming around me dripping slobber when I’m eating dinner. He’s jumped and taken food right out of my hand a couple of times if I had a handful of chips or something, and he’s tried when I had a glass of water before too. I don’t want him or those big stupid feet clunking around on me or trying to lay on me every waking moment. I don’t want him running full speed up to me and putting his slobber marks and his smell all over my clothing and jumping every time he sees me come into/out of a room. How stupid does a living thing need to be to get excited to see me after I spent one minute going to the bathroom? I’m sick of seeing him sit there and whine for absolutely no reason. I’m sick of sleeping in a disgusting bed. I’m sick of feeling “dirty” walking around in bare feet. Tired of having bruises all over my feet where he clunks around and steps so hard on me. Sick of being pushed around when he just plows by you in that small space if you’re in his way. Dragged when he’s on his leash. Having to put my shoes in ridiculous places because I KNOW I would lose it if he destroyed my shoes. Not that I have anything too expensive. Just have no patience for it. I could go on for days writing this post.
Admittedly my boyfriend HAS backed off of my case since I said I was tired of that dog after the last freakout I dealt with. Instead of telling me I need to lighten up he’s been trying to keep the dog off of or away from me for the most part. Maybe he understands now.
I can’t agree enough with the person who said they “get no joy from owning this dog.” I agree. I can’t even tolerate this dog. Or the dog that passes by me in the park. It’s not my “friend.” They are a chore and a nuisance. The only thing I can think of when I have to take him out are the excuses I’m going to make if a neighbor complains. “Not my dog, I hate it too.” All my boyfriend does is yell at the thing. I can’t imagine he has too much fun either. All you hear is him yelling OFF, telling him to settle down, telling him to get away from him if he’s busy, complaining about the dogs gas, which is god awful by the way. Lingering dog farts for twenty minutes at a time. Charming. I have no idea why he has this creature. It’s cost him so much money between replacing things the dog has ruined and vet trips, the shock collar, etc. I can’t imagine being happy having to yell all of the time either.
We’re not married and we don’t have kids, or live together. So who am I to tell him what to do? I gave him my honest opinion beforehand. Admittedly, he isn’t as bad as a lot of dog people…he won’t sit there with his mouth open and make out with it, he won’t spoon with it in bed. But he is still a dog person nonetheless. Part of me does feel guilty because he’s always been really good to me. I swear the guy is flawless. But I can’t force myself to like something that I never have.
To anybody who actually read this, thank you for your time. That felt good to finally get off of my chest even if no one sees it.
dogsfromhell July 20, 2014 at 8:12 pm
Can you tell him you wont spend any more time at his place and if he wants to hang out with you it will need be your house?
Sasshole July 21, 2014 at 2:42 pm
I can try…but I don’t know if that would work. I’ve been trying to formulate a nice way to break all of this to him, but I’m not sure that there is. It makes me worry because we can’t live separately forever…but I suppose that’s a bridge you cross when you come to it, dog or no dog.
We are both in the military and I’ll be leaving in September for 8 months, so I’m kind of hoping something will give or at least improve within that time frame. I doubt the dog will mellow, but I can hope. Maybe he’ll move somewhere better, or give the dog to his parents, who will take him if he wants to get rid of him, (I personally like this option). Hell, he can even move back in with his parents, at least they have a decent sized house and a fenced yard.
There’s also a chance that HE will have to leave for a long time to complete training. Might be next month, might be next year. We’ll see what happens to the dog then. Time will tell.
dogsfromhell July 21, 2014 at 2:56 pm
You should take a stand before you go because if you leave with things as they are currently, he’s going to feel it will ok when you get back. He wont think you are serious about not liking the dog. He’ll miss you and forget there was tension about it. I say invest in the future. It wont fix itself while you’re gone.
Luiba July 22, 2014 at 9:30 am
Anna I agree too. But I think I just said that. Maybe Anna did.
Luiba July 22, 2014 at 9:33 am
Anna , I agree with you !!! Oh wait. I’m Anna!
Anna July 22, 2014 at 9:47 am
dogsfromhell: Thank you for this wonderful website! I’m not a genius or anything, but knowing that there are other people that hate dogs as much as I do, makes it a little easier to cope with the daily issues of living in a dog infested neighborhood :)
Anna July 22, 2014 at 9:52 am
I can never understand why people who allege to “love” (bc we all know they keep fur slaves for their own selfish reasons) dogs want to visit this site and spew such hostility. There are so may other sites for the dog obsessed. I guess they just have poor boundaries
Anna July 22, 2014 at 9:58 am
I’m not at all surprised that so many people actually hate dogs. I have two dogs who I absolutely loath. I understand people who don’t like dogs. They aren’t really animals at all but rather hybrid inbred creatures the product of humans meddling with nature. It just saddens me when dumb (you have to be dumb to do this in the first place) people adopt a dog only to give it up. These people also think dogs are the equivalent of children and they are always making this comparison. Dogs are another species. Children require intense parenting and will eventually become socialized independent humans. Dogs on the other hand are typically held in captivity as fur slaves and remain dependent most of their existence. Most are left alone much of the time and then are expected to fulfill all of their masters emotional needs upon returning home. If they show any semblance of loyalty they are credited with “unconditional love” Its a complete fantasy. Unconditional love is what parents provide to their children. My guess is that many of these individuals were disappointed by the significant people in their lives aka their parents and want so desperately to attain unconditional love that they imagine their dog is a magical savior. Sad .
dogsfromhell July 22, 2014 at 10:32 am
You are so welcome however I cannot take credit. It was Sheldon who thought of the wonderful idea of a sane community of people to support one another against a culture where crazy dog people and their psycho dogs create lots of drama and just plain nonsense.
Anna July 22, 2014 at 10:56 am
I really hate dogs Be careful. Pit bulls attack children.
Sasshole July 22, 2014 at 11:38 am
Thank you, dogsfromhell. I definitely will.
What is there to report? This website is dedicated to like-minded people who share a dislike of dogs. It’s freedom of speech and to express our opinions. Why is it so utterly insane to be honest with yourself and identify that you just don’t like certain animals? Nobody is taking to the streets talking about disembowling dogs alive. Get over it.
Anna July 22, 2014 at 11:47 am
Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark
Anna July 22, 2014 at 11:49 am
I think dog cultists should be banned from this site. Maybe the moderator will simply flag them. Some of the people on here seem to be in favor of that. Personally I think its more fun to let them act foolish.
dogsfromhell July 22, 2014 at 11:50 am
I wish you the best. I hope it all works out for you.
Anna July 22, 2014 at 11:59 am
Between the constant barking and the stench of dog feces and urine fumes, I just cant think clearly.
I hate dogs.
Dogs are eternally dependent- even as adults.
Most are inbred resulting in many of the problems we see with these beasts these days. Have you ever wondered what it would like to live in a peaceful environment without wrecked dogs? lol ;)
All I wanted to say was that I think people who adopt dogs only to turn them into fur slaves to meet their own dysfunctional needs are irresponsible.People with pit bulls should definitely never have kids.
Finally, why dont they get a a girlfriend, boyfriend? Why the obsession with dogs You know, not even ( pardon my grammar). Most people wouldn’t come near you when you smell like dog with a pole lol.
Just be happy without a fur slave! There is far too much violence and pollution in this world. Why buy a dog and add to it? ;)
Children are so cute smiling like my smiley faces. Its very sad that pit bulls have ripped the faces off of so many children. Its unconscionable.
Bark Bark!
dogsfromhell July 22, 2014 at 12:27 pm
Anna seems clearly obsessed. Wow how creepy is that? I can’t help but visualize the character “Tiffany Doggett” from Orange is the New Black. Yikes. Yet another stalking dog cultist
RottenAnimals July 31, 2014 at 7:51 pm
I hate dogs now with a greater passion than ever.
There was a brief time I disliked all animals and voiced that opinion, but when my kids left to visit their father, I felt lonely and thought a puppy might give me some company. WORST decision EVER. When I saw him, he was calm and cute. My boyfriend got him for me and it’s been hell since then. First he shit and pissed in the house all the time. Finally got him house trained, but he won’t stop CHEWING. He’s chewed and ruined my underwear, bras, pants, bedding, cups. ANYTHING he gets a hold of, he ruins. He got into my prenatals while i slept one night and I swear I hoped they would kill him but no, he threw them up on my carpet. He begs for my food and tries to take it from me and he tries to attack other dogs already?
This little shit is 3 months old and I just want him dead or gone. He bites everyone. You cannot pet him without him biting you. We’ve been trying to train him but he’s just a spoiled asshole. And now, my boyfriend is attached to this dog but guess who takes care of him? Me. I dont want to play with him, touch him, feed him. I loathe his very existence. And why do i let him sleep in my room at night anyway? Raccoon’s are outside? WTH, he can sleep outside then. I’ve lost so much money on this thing, it’s ridiculous. I bought into the whole “mans best friend” hype and I am paying for it now. Maybe he’ll get hit by a car sometime soon. Just give me a damn break.
mland August 1, 2014 at 5:22 pm
I grew up on a farm, and we had farm dogs. They stayed outside, slept in the barn, and were really only around to keep raccoon and coyotes off the property and bark to let us know someone was driving up. The mutts liked a pat on the head or a milk bone every once in a while, but otherwise were pretty self sufficient, being fed with the rest of our livestock in the morning and evening.
The problem a lot of folks have with dogs these days seem to stem from the dogs not being “worked”, being allowed to stay inside a small house with nothing to do. These animals can literally run around non stop all day, what makes anyone think that they’ll be suited to an apartment? I keep reading that a tired dog is a happy dog, and it’s absolutely true.
The two dogs I have now are not much trouble. They get walks because I don’t have a lot of land, but they’re not ill behaved because I make sure they’re dead tired by noon. The only problem I have is with the boy that I took from a friend recently. I didn’t raise him (if you are going to get a dog, it helps to raise them yourself so you know exactly what you’re working with), and it shows every day. He’s stubborn, doesn’t listen, steals food, and harasses my other dog. He seems to think everyone’s food is going to magically become his if he stares at you hard enough. I raised my girl from a puppy, and she’d pull down the moon if only I ask, but she’s not without issues. Food anxiety, extremely excitable, and way too paranoid about strangers… you can’t win every hand with a dog, and people don’t understand that when they’ve not been raised with one.
My best awful dog story is about a husky mutt I had for a really (REALLY) short time. I stuck it out for a month with this monster, who would regularly bite me, try to knock me down, growl over anything he thought was his, and perhaps most embarrassingly would stick his penis out just about all the time. Bright red and shiny pecker just rubbing all over the place. It was the most disgusting thing I’ve seen from a dog, and I’ve watched them chew on dead animals. This dog was the definition of dangerous on top of it all, freely nipping and even biting hard when the nips didn’t work. It was not “my fault”, nor was it a lack of understanding of dog behavior. He was just a bad dog that had been spoiled rotten by previous owners, and thought he was the king of the coop.
I took him back to the shelter (Gulf Coast Humane Society in Ft. Myers, FL) on the very last day of the “trial period”, explaining his behavior and how dangerous he was. That he needed some serious rehabilitation and had zero respect for women. The shelter staff looked at me with a mix of pity and derision, not believing a cute dog could be such a monster. I learned later that he had been returned by another woman for the same problems! When I saw him up for adoption the very next day, I called the shelter and told them they were running an extremely dishonest system and that I would spread the word of them adopting out a dog with known aggression issues.
Yeah, shelter dogs -can be- good dogs. But people almost universally suck when they’re pushing an agenda, and I’ve only run into two shelters in my life time that are totally honest about their dogs. Sorry for rambling, y’all, but it feels good to vent.
glmh August 5, 2014 at 9:08 am
**RE-POSTING WITHOUT THE CURSE WORD. I noticed immediately after posting the original that curse words were not allowed and I couldn’t find an edit option, sorry!**
I currently live with three dogs and have been living in this terrible house for 13 months. Thankfully I will be moving out within 6 weeks; I only put up with this for so long because I was trying to save money (I’m 23 and living with my mom and her boyfriend, he is the owner of the dogs). While I appreciate the free housing and the humans in the house are mostly tolerable, I have seriously had days in which I broke down crying because these dogs are just terrible.
There is Duchess, a ~16 year old lab/golden retriever mix. She has short, greasy “fur”, and a pink, spotted, saggy tumor on her belly that swings when she walks. She is also the meanest dog on the planet. She barks at me all the time when I let her inside, like barks aggressively and jumps at me because she wants a treat. I never give her one. When she was free to roam upstairs she would constantly knock over the trash cans and eat the trash, often vomiting. If I left the bathroom door cracked just a little while I was experiencing my monthly female “visitor”, I would come home to find bloody tissue and sanitary napkins all over the living room, half-eaten. Really a charming dog.
There is her brother Rex, also ~16 and of the same litter as Duchess. Thankfully he is finally being put down in a few days. I feel somewhat bad saying that because he has been with my mom’s boyfriend’s family for a long time and I know how hard it is to lose a pet, but he has been unable to control his bowel movements for over a year. Rex is the reason that the dogs moved down to basement; he poops everywhere, I don’t think he even realizes he’s doing it. He never poops outside anymore. A few months ago he began to also lose control of his bladder so he pees everywhere. Luckily it’s just in the basement now but doing laundry is a nightmare. I always wear shoes and pray I don’t step in anything. It’s usually very dark down there even with the lights on and the smell is just TERRIBLE. When switching clothes from the washer to the dryer I have to be very careful not to drop anything on the floor. If I do I have to throw it away. I’m not taking the chance of wearing clothes that have fecal bacteria on them. Seriously the poop is everywhere.
If that’s not bad enough, while I’m down there with the poop smell and constant fear of contamination, Duchess follows me around, sniffing inappropriate areas with her disgusting wet nose and drooly mouth, barking and growling at me when I yell at her to stop.
In December we added a third demon-spawn to our collection: a Pit Bull puppy names Brutus. HE HAS DESTROYED EVERYTHING. My mom was so mad when he chewed her entire couch while we were gone for the day. Another thing that pisses me off is how they got the dog in the first place. My mom’s boyfriend’s daughter got the dog on a whim as a Christmas present to herself and dumped it on her dad (and therefore me and my mom) because she’s too busy to take care of it. When I first moved in last year I asked if there was a possibility that I could have a cat. I was living in the basement back then and said the cat would never be upstairs and I would always keep her litterbox clean and you would never know she was there. Mom’s bf said no because he doesn’t like cats and I never brought it up again, even though I have been really depressed since my cats died a few years ago (my childhood pet of old age and my younger one died the same year very suddenly of a congenital kidney defect :( ). Whatever, all the more motivation for me to save up and find my own place.
So she forces this little (at the time) monster onto us. I ended up taking care of him most of the time. I DON’T EVEN LIKE DOGS. Can you imagine if this situation were reversed and I forced dog-people to care for my cats?? At least cats don’t get in your face like idiot dogs! Brutus the pit bull has jumped on my six year old neice and I felt so helpless because now he’s HUGE and so powerful, I tried to pull him off but he’s stronger than me now. Luckily he didn’t bite her because if he did she’d probably be dead. It was really scary for both of us and the poor thing was crying because she was obviously scared and he scratched her with his LONG CLAWS that his owners NEVER TRIM.
I am so done with these stupid dogs. It’s gotten to the point where I won’t even consider dating someone that likes dogs. I used to be able to tolerate them but I can’t anymore.
dogsfromhell August 5, 2014 at 10:59 am
You poor dear. It all sounds so horrible. I hope you can move soon

dogsfromhell August 5, 2014 at 10:59 am
You poor dear. It all sounds so horrible. I hope you can move soon
Sasshole August 8, 2014 at 5:39 pm
Had to deal with my boyfriend’s useless dog again for the past few days. So grateful for every single night I’m away from that thing.
The very second anybody opens the fridge or has food — preparing dinner, ordered a pizza, or got a bag of chips out of the cupboard, ANYTHING — he starts lumbering around the entire kitchen getting in your way, constantly licking the floor and sniffing around for crumbs/scraps that aren’t there. This often continues into the meal. He tries to jump up on the table. He lays underneath the table and then I get s*** on by my boyfriend for dragging him out and pushing him into another room. I didn’t even want to eat after touching that creature.
He complains about other dogs doing it but all of a sudden it’s okay if his dog does whatever it wants? NO, that thing should NOT be on or around the dinner table.
He left giant puddles of pee in EVERY single room in the apartment the other day and I got snapped at for being mad about that, too. Which is funny because I was actually eating a snack and for once he wasn’t staring at me or begging for my food. If it’s not one thing, it’s another.
We came home from a concert last night to find that he destroyed the bag that one of my boyfriend’s suits was in. He was IN HIS FREAKING KENNEL and a small end of the bag must’ve been sticking out and he managed to rip the entire thing down into the cage and destroy it.
All we do is yell at this dog; even my boyfriend has slipped and called the beast “useless” on numerous occasions. I believe I touched on that in my last post as well. I just don’t get it…waiting for this animal to run away, don’t have the heart to wish death upon it.
StupidDad August 14, 2014 at 4:46 am
Yes! I knew I wasn’t alone in hating dogs. I’m calling myself StupidDad because in spite of my well reasoned objections as to why we should not have dogs as pets, I gave in any way and we now have two fleabags that I have to deal with. One of my reasons for not owning was just that, I would be the one stuck with potty training, feeding, walking, etc. because the kids will get bored with the whole regimen after two days.
My wife and I had owned a dog prior to our two current ones. Way before we had kids. It was then that I knew I wasn’t a dog person even though I trained this dog to do cute tricks and what not, I couldn’t stand him. He had a habit of running out the gate or door. Especially if my wife was opening and walking through. I would watch him slowly time it just right, then, BAM. I’d have to waste my time chasing him down and as all dogs tend to do, the closer you get, the farther they run away from you. That’s not a fun game to play. The back door to the house was nothing but mud stained paw prints from scratching to be let in so much so that he scratched the finish off the bottom of the metal storm door and ruined the brick moulding. Heaven forbid we leave him in the back yard as we left for a private walk. I could here him yipe all the way down the street. It sounded like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. Oh yes, he peed in the house, too. When we traveled, he had to come with us. My in-laws didn’t really care for the animal so sometimes we had to dump him off at my parents house for the weekend. Couldn’t wait to be rid of this animal. Then, one day he bit our two year old one too many times so I brought him in to be put to sleep. At this point in time he was also ten years old and had growths under his skin, possibly tumors. He snapped at me once when I tried to pick him up which indicated he must be in some kind of pain. It was just a matter of time before he got worse and if the diagnosis was cancer, it was a condition the Mrs. and I couldn’t afford to treat.
The two years that followed were pleasant. I had since repaired the back door. Started getting the back yard in order. We could travel abroad for long periods of time. We could leave the doors to the house open finally on a pleasant fall day. Got rid of quite a bit of dog items. I was loving it. Then, the family felt like something was missing. I held off as best I could, but I eventually gave in and we got another dog. A puppy. The nightmare started all over again. The yiping, the chewing, jumping, the peeing in the house, running out of the gate, etc. Where as the previous dog loved to ride in cars, turns out, this one gets so car sick, it craps, pees, and vomits on just short road trips. It’s about 45 pounds now and has to be held on my wife’s lap just so we can ride to the park. When we would sit down to eat she had to go outside on the back deck. She didn’t like that. She would scratch at the window all throughout the meal so I’d here this tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, of her nails on the glass. Window screens? Had to take them out. She chewed them up. Muddy paw prints do not improve the resale value of one’s home.
This dog has dominance issues. We’ve read and heard that dogs need to be socialized with other dogs so they will have friendly encounters. Well this dog just can’t get along with other dogs and my wife just can’t comprehend this fact. We first realized this when some friends of ours organized a dog party. One had just gotten a golden retriever puppy and for what ever reason our dog growled and snarled at this one puppy. We had to restrain her on the leash. She would yipe, wag her tail, and wine as if to want to play, but the moment she got within inches of this dog, her mood turned aggressive quick. At the same party, she got into it with the host’s dog to which the the owner said, “I’ve never seen my dog behave like that with any dog.” She behaves this way with all dogs. On one conversation my wife was having with a neighbor who also has a dog the same age and size as ours, they agreed that they should get the two dogs together for a play date, to which my son wisely interjected that to do so was a very bad idea on count of our dog’s past behavior.
On one outing to a state park, the ones where the rule is all dogs must be on a leash at ALL times, we brought our dog and my wife had the not so brilliant idea to drop the dog’s leash. In her mind she thought that since the dog was staying next to us the whole time during our hike, she wouldn’t possibly run off. Care to guess what happened next? The dog did indeed dart off into the woods. Who could have predicted that?! As my wife and kids went off looking for her, she reappears from the brush attacking another family’s dog! I could only be around so much stupid for one day.
This dog will also run out of the gate if given the chance. My wife says, “She’ll come back.” To which I have to remind her what our dog has done in the past to other dogs, and should she just so happen to bite somebody, we’re responsible. I swear, if someone were to shoot my dog, they’d be doing me a favor.
Our latest dog takes the cake. She brings out the worst in me. Another female dog, lab/pit mix, pretty black marbled coat, doey brown eyes, very submissive dog. I HATE IT! She chews through everything. The house, my bedroom door, our futon, our shoes, our plants, the kids’ toys, outdoor appliances, my tools. I hate this dog. She pees on my son’s clothes. Don’t know why. I’ve tried crate training the dog. She still pees in the house. Did I mention the chewing? The constant yiping. She requires so much attention. Oh! the digging. So many holes in my backyard. We’re trying to landscape and she digs up our plants to chew on them. We’ve fenced off the section of the yard which we’re trying to rejuvenate and she’s chewed through the fence. She pulled up a newly planted azalea bush just to chew it down to a stump. I hate this dog. She’s on my last nerve. This dog also gets car sick like the one above. She’ll pee, vomit, and poop on the shortest trips. One of my kids have to hold her on their laps so she’ll feel better.
I hate the fact they have to go outside to use the bathroom. Rain or shine. Especially when it’s raining outside. The muddy footprints in the house are no fun for anyone to clean up after. My backyard as of late now smells like a pig stye. I constantly remind my wife that I regret the decision to let the family ever get dogs. In spite of all this, my wife and kids love those stupid beasties.
Kate August 18, 2014 at 10:54 pm
I live with my mom because I can’t afford a place of my own right now. She owned a boxer lab mix and still has a little dochson the boxer lab died or it had to be put down. Then mom went right into looking for another dog. I don’t like dogs of course I’m here on this site and had hoped it would take mom a long long time to find one she really wanted so I didn’t have to deal with teaching the new dog she isn’t dominate she won’t get my food she can’t beg for attention not to push or beg. Unfortunately I didn’t get to be so lucky she soon found a pure lab and now the dog has become obsess with my
mother she won’t listen to anyone else and yet my mom expects me to feed it water if take it out to pee. The little dochson we have isn’t so bad but after getting this new do the other one doesn’t think it has to listen now eiher. Ever since I was very little and as far back as i can remeber I’ve always loved cats even though I was raised with dogs I never liked them.
Carla August 21, 2014 at 4:01 am
You people are like a cult?? What the hell! Dogs chew because they get bored. If people feel the need to ‘OWN’ them, its their job to entertain them. Fair play to the pooch that chewed the car to bits, Its a big piece of metal! Who cares! – they are dogs. The dog who bit the child……don’t adopt an older rescue dog when you have small children. They bite when they feel scared or threatened! Geeez! Get some common sense! They live among us with as much right as you have, not at your disposal.
dogsfromhell August 21, 2014 at 10:13 am
Sorry but a dog does not have the same rights as a human. They live among us bc idiots like you brought them
Sass August 21, 2014 at 3:23 pm
That’s part of the problem. They are working animals. Or they SHOULD be. And no, I don’t mean for the blind. You’re right, you can’t just OWN one. That’s why we’re here on this particular thread. Most of us are dealing with a misbehaving dog due to somebody else’s terrible decisions.
I’ve posted already about my boyfriends awful animal (his fault it can’t behave) and I could come back every day with a new story about this dogs destruction and behavior problem — and how the entire house smells because he thinks it’s okay to bathe it once a year.
Dogs will snap out of nowhere. On their owners, small children they were raised with, other dogs, it doesn’t matter. It happened to my boyfriends dog yesterday, unprovoked, by one of his dog “friends” from his socialization/play class. They’ve gotten along since day one and out of nowhere the other dog viciously attacked ours when he was just standing there. The owner and other instructors were around, so nothing happened, but I wasn’t surprised. I’ve heard of small children being killed in the same manner. Out of nowhere the dog just snaps. However, shame on any parent that leaves a two year old alone with three pit bulls. I don’t care how long you’ve had them.
It’s not a “cult,” I’m sure you wouldn’t think it was a cult if we didn’t like any other animals. How is it a cult? We’re just being honest. We don’t like them. God forbid we identify with it, right? We aren’t violent like most cat haters seem to be. Laughing at and participating in torture, mutilating and killing them. Allowing their dogs to tear up someone else’s beloved pet (smaller dog, cat or otherwise) while they stand there with their arms folded with a smile on their face. Give me a break. That, my friends, is disturbing cult-like behavior. Don’t even get me started on animals being equal to people. They’re not. They’re animals. Or are you one of those people that would worry about your dogs over your FAMILY in a house fire?
Adder August 22, 2014 at 2:11 pm
I’ve posted on here before about the fact that I live with four dogs due to other members of the house loving them. As if that alone isn’t bad enough, I’m now expected to care for all of them when I’m the only person in the house. My stepmother just got a job and is no longer home to care for the mutts. I too just got a job as a babysitter for my sister. On some days I’ll babysit from 8 am to 10 pm. So obviously I try to get some rest when I’m home. I like to make sure I’m at full energy when I watch her. However, my dad and stepmom said they expect me to stay up and let the dogs in and out. They also want me to make sure they have food and water at all times. I straight up explained how I can’t stand the dogs and that this time is my rest time. They know I hate the dogs yet still ask me to do it. Those are not my pets. I should not be responsible for them. They say they can’t afford a pet sitter. Then why own four damn dogs? It makes me furious. I’d leave them all outside if I could but I’m not allowed to do that. Not to mention they bark 24/7 if left out. My stepmothers two chihuahuas will piss in the house if not let out. It makes me sick. Obviously I’d never hurt them but I’m constantly wishing I could just off those dogs.
Kate August 24, 2014 at 11:58 am
I’ve posted about “our” new dog already and how mom wants all of us to take care of it even though the dog is hers. Another problem is despite this dog being hers and how mom says that she should only listen to her however she doesn’t make the dog respect or behave towards other family members. The dog is allowed on the couch is allowed in bed is allowed to push herself in front of others all ways to tell a dog it’s not to respect anyone else. If I’m carrying something heavy and the dogs sits on the floor and icant see and the dog doesn’t move because it has no respect for others I’m goin to trip over the same dog and hurt myself. Mom already triped over our upstairs neighbors dog and seriously hurt her arm because the dog didn’t move.
Chris Kerns August 25, 2014 at 4:29 pm
Here’s the story: Last year, my roommate’s wife (soon-to-be ex…she no longer lives with us), got a dachshund named Julio. I’m under the assumption they got it from a pet rescue or something. His old babe was Franklin. She had been looking at dogs since she was interested in getting one. Julio has been a nightmare since day one: non-stop barking when left alone, pooping and pissing in the kennel (apparently, they were told that he had no problem being in the kennel), destroying my roommate’s house. Of course, I was told to watch after him while she was at work, but she hardly did anything for the dog! So I’ve done most of the walking, feeding, and playing with him. No matter what I’ve tried (long walks, going in and out of the house, pretending to leave after gathering personal possessions), NOTHING has worked! This dog barks loud at us and fellow friends when we’re in the garage, heck, one time me and my roomate were outside cleaning the gutters, guys what? The little devil yapped the whole time! He chewed up my phone charger once when I went to the bathroom for a whole five minutes! Julio has chewed up the blinds, pissed and pooped all over the house and basement (deep cleaning hasn’t worked either), chewed up cords, toys, pieces of mail, etc, etc. In hindsight, I would have neveragreed look after the dog AT ALL! I still like dogs, but this devil is seriously making me reconsider the species as a whole. I’ll never adopt a dog for myself or take on someone’s baggage again. Cast wait until this dog is someone else’s problem!
eat2forgetdog August 27, 2014 at 9:00 pm
Luckily I don’t own a dog, but I am dog sitting my mother’s dog, and feel as though I may soon be a dog murderer. This dog never lays down, paces day and night. Barks constantly at any noise that resembles a knock at the door like putting down a drink or setting anything down…ever. He has epilepsy so be can’t be left alone for more than a few hours, needs medication daily, and can never stay in a kennel. His mouth smells like crap. His own and chicken crap. He knows commands but won’t follow them for over one second. He attacks other dogs. I hate him I hate hate hate him.
HateDogsCatsrBetter September 2, 2014 at 12:38 am
Gah! I hate dogs!
My blood just boils when I hear people say “Dogs are smart, loyal, cute and will never leave your side.” All their life, even if they like you they try to dominate you to become the leader over you yet cats are the hated ones? No! Just NO!
I even hate puppies, trying to get attention by whining and running around barking their heads off. Even now i can hear the hideous dog we own whining for attention and trying to look cute when he is actually ugly as ****. Then he demands pats by going around in a circle. Then i get to kick him away, hes a big dog so it doesn’t really hurt him, which sucks. Then he lies down all innocently acting depressed only to get to sit on the best spot on the couch while he gets tons of attention. I used to kinda like dogs then we got him… I hate the stupid creature. Cats at least don’t try to dominate you in everything and are actually cute as babies. They affectionally purr and sleep on your lap while if a dog was doing that to you, it means Im so easily dominating you, that’s right pat me or ill bite. Ugh I’d kill them all if i could.
Carla September 2, 2014 at 2:53 am
I bought a puppy for my 2 children. Worst mistake ever. I thought I liked dogs until I bought this bundle of complete annoyance home. Although he hardly does his ‘business’ in the house, he eats his own poop, follows me everywhere and trips me up, constantly jumps all over the furniture trying to lick me, steals food, knocks my kids over and most frustratingly; when I take him for a walk he often decides that he wants to just sit there. So I’m standing in the middle of a great big freezing field with the world’s stupidest dog, just sitting there refusing to move.
Once, he decided that he’d had enough and as I’d stupidly let him off the lead, he ran under a parked car and refused to move. It ended up with me laying flat on my stomach in a puddle, on gravel with my head and shoulders under the car, pulling him out. Suffice to say I don’t allow him off the lead any longer and I don’t even know why I bother to even take him on a walk in the first place.
My eldest can’t tolerate him and locks him in the garden as soon as he is home from school and my youngest follows him around telling him off.
Is it wrong to hate my dog? Yes. Yes it is.
sweetmissyrose September 8, 2014 at 6:48 pm
I REALLY HATE DOGS!!! I have had people compare dogs to children……gosh that makes me sooooo mad! I hate it when dog owners call their dogs their “fur babies”. Unfortunately we have a dog…..sigh. My husand wanted her but I didn’t. NEVER again. I hate her. she is now old, but slobbers and is soooo incredibly stupid it’s insane. She took 2 years to house break BUT still poops right outside near the parking lot, just for you to step on!!! AGH!!! She has a skin condition and is very old and we have been getting complaints to take her to the vet and that we are evil people to let her get like that. But it’s HER she is neurotic, paces around and licks herself all over for HOURS on end. She also sneaks off to eat the neighbors cat food, thereby poisoning herself. She is too stupid to learn to stay home after years of us trying. Then a few have said that we need to let our children go hungry and not buy them good food so we can take the dog to the vet for hundreds of dollars of treatments. SOOO do not understand why people think dogs are more valuable that people, and children!!!! That is messed up!!!
dana September 15, 2014 at 9:01 am
Ive had my dogs for 8 years. They are big dogs 2 pit bulls. Ever since I had my daughter a year ago, I hate my dogs!
They track mud from the outside in and my daughter puts it in her mouth .. so now im constantly sweeping our wood floors. We moved into a new place and they reuined our blinds in our bedroom! Ughh!! They hop up on the couch and lay on the top of the couch and reuin it! .. like ghaa I need a new couch now but why get a new one when these beasts will destroy it anyways.. and as soon as I put my baby for a nap they start barking and running around the house tapping their loud paws around. Seriously cant have anything nice anymore. Its really accumulating and my husband could care less! I hate them! And my husband never helps me enfore ruls for them either. While im home they are not allowed on the couch. But as soon as I leave the room he calls them up.. they are animals they have very nice dog bed in the living room. . Why the couch?? I want to get rid of them! He doesn’t. I just want my things to stay nice and all the cleaning up after of them on top of a baby is hard!
Lucy September 15, 2014 at 9:25 am
I have never been a dog person in the first place and it is only because my boyfriend likes dogs that I have ever owned one. We have had two dogs before and I hated them both. Now we have acquired a puppy that I can’t believe we actually paid money for, and I want to just drop it off out in the woods somewhere I HATE this dog. She whines constantly anytime she is left alone and she sleeps in a kennel at night in the living room so all through the night she is whining to be let out and waking up our 1 year old, so we get up to let her outside and all she does is whine!!! Then when morning comes she has, of course, done her business in her kennel and it has to be cleaned up. She eats her food and then immediately crawls under our bed to crap and you have to drag her out before she does it. ALWAYS doing her business in the house she doesn’t even attempt to go to the door and let you know she has to go. She even goes on the furniture!!!! I won’t allow her on it but as soon as my boyfriend gets home he lets her crawl all over it and it drives me insane!! I HATE this dog with every fiber of my being. Just looking at her makes me irrationally angry, I don’t want her to touch me or look at me or jump on me like he seems to love. She is a heeler so she chases our kid and bites at him and crawls through the fence and chases people that walk by our house. I hate her so much I am actually looking forward to when she will inevitably chase and bite someone just so that we have a reason to get rid of her. I HATE OUR DOG!!!!!
Eva September 17, 2014 at 7:41 pm
I feel terrible saying I hate my 2 year old Golden Retriever, but I do! 2 years ago my 12 year old super sweet Border Collie died and my husband was depressed. So I agreed to get a Golden retriever puppy and for the first 6 months I had a very tight bond with him. We were told he would weigh around 70 pounds which was already pushing my limit. Well, he weighs 95 pounds and is not over weight. He is just a huge dog. Well, after he turned 6 months he became very alpha like?? His trainer told us that we had to make sure he knew that we were the alphas not him. This didn’t work. He bit me over 30 times. He started chewing things in our home and when my 16 year old son dropped his homework he grabbed it and wouldn’t let go. My son tried talking nice to him and he let out a large growl and bit him. He has a permanent scar on his arm. I was finished. But my husband has an excuse for every bad thing this dog does. My husband treats him like gold even though the dog has attacked me right in front of him. I can promise you that I didn’t deserve it. I feel resentment towards my husband because of this. This summer I made him stay outside (unless it was to hot) and when he comes in he has to go straight to his crate. Well, winter is coming and I don’t trust him. This has caused a huge fight in our family. My kids are upset that I want him gone and I can’t even believe that this has put a wedge between my husband and I. When did animals become more important then people? After 1 1/2 years my husband came to me tonight and told me that he now realizes how much this has stressed me out and is willing to rehome him. Now my 16 year old won’t talk to me but I can’t back down now. I won’t ever get another animal!!!
dvz September 27, 2014 at 10:40 pm
My sister n law brought a dog from texas. My husband & daughter just had to hav him.. this was this past easter. I work & he works,but I see m to be the major caretaker.. I didn’t want him or any dog. I hav no time between my 5 yr.old housework & work. All he does is begs,paces the floor & chews everythng.. I can’t stand it! I’ve been the only one to give him a bath. & its his turn.but he hasn’t yet.. my daughter has grown to not like him bcause he chews her stuff too.. idk what to do. My husband says I hate dogs. But I don’t,hate them.. ugh!
Diz September 28, 2014 at 10:24 am
I don’t hate dogs but can’t stand collies. They shouldn’t be pet dogs, they should be working dogs. BF insisted on another one after his last beloved torment passed away last year. I thought she was bad enough but I’d have her back in a heartbeat in preference to the idiot dog we are stuck with. For the first time in my life I don’t want anything to do with the cretin dog I have been forced to live with.
I was talked into us adopting a new collie. We don’t have time to walk her as much as a collie needs, and although she is thick and lazy as far as collies go she is still sneaky. Turns her nose up at her own fresh food, tries to sneak the cats’ food, when chased from that tries to eat poop from the litter trays. She is disobedient, gives the ‘poor abused dog’ look (she is far from it) when I put my foot down. BF doesn’t help matters as I know how to work on this behaviour but he babies her and undermines any good I have done Needless to say I am always the bad one. Seriously considering leaving them both in their own crap and taking the cats to a new home.
Francesco September 28, 2014 at 1:43 pm
I thought that women were the main dog ‘ill-lovers’ (among the people that i know), but here I see more women than men complaining… Is it country dependent? :D
Do you think that are men or women more obsessed? Or is it a common fashion? (that’s what it is, because my father tells me that 20 years ago dogs, although beloved, were treated for what they are: animals)
I think that much of this humanisation has occurred because of ‘dog speaking’ movies (totally idiot), addressed to children, that because of their young age are ‘brainwashed’ and keep this idea of smart-friendly-helpful-nice dogs ’till adulthood, leading to these disasters.
Neera October 10, 2014 at 2:47 am
Yep! I used to love dogs! I thought one day I’d love to own two big dogs and love them forever! Then I met my brothers cat, which was soft and cute and funny to watch when it’s playing. Then one day I saw this beautiful cat at the pound and just fell in love with him! After getting him I never liked dogs again! Two years later my partner and I bought a house and he insisted on getting a dog! I felt it was only fair he had his own pet to love like how I do for my cat! So we agreed on this dog we found at the pound and took him home. Worst mistake I’ve ev made. He’s nothing but a stupid, annoying, attention seeking turd! I hate how he smells, I hate the noises he makes, and I hate the way he looks at me. Like I’m suppose to feel sorry for him! He only listens whenever he wants too, he irritates my cat when I’m giving him attention, he’s just plain irritating and I hate him so much! But my partner Loves everything about him which sucks! Sometimes I wish I can walk him into a forest and get him lost forever!
Zeth October 12, 2014 at 8:12 am
I stupidly listened to my mum who said that getting a dog would be good for me mentally. Now it’s always there, I can’t get away from it. I have to cook it meals, I have to walk it everyday, if I don’t entertain it, it starts destroying things. A few months ago it chomped on my toe and now my foot is swollen up and I can’t walk properly, I think I have a bone infection of something but the doctors just throw anti-inflammatory tablets at me. I tried to give it away but my mum took it back because they weren’t looking after it properly. It got a tick and I had to spend nearly a thousand dollars to save it’s life and it could get another one at any time because we live in a paralysis tick area. This dog has caused me so much stress that I just want to cry. Such a mistake. And it’s going to be around for 10 years +.
dogsfromhell October 12, 2014 at 2:05 pm
just open the door and let it out. she’ll get over it
nicegirl October 19, 2014 at 8:29 pm
I hate dogs with a passion
Dont know how im going to move forward with my bf and his needy hairy Germ bag… Soo stressful
dogsfromhell October 20, 2014 at 4:16 am
So sorry to hear you are tormented by dogs. Join the conversation in the main section under 10 Reasons
Why I Hate Dogs Welcome to the site
Tom October 20, 2014 at 10:02 am
Moved in with a chick with 2 dogs, turns out her boyfriend has another one. The damn things never shut up, never leave me alone, etc. Noise at any given time of the day. Thinking of moving back home with my cat. She’s adorable, sleeps by my side, and only bothers me if I forget to feed her.
Tamara October 21, 2014 at 6:27 am
Jesus H. Christ, where do I even begin…
My husband nagged and whined about getting a dog, and I was against the idea from square one because I knew who would be the one taking it for walks and giving it all of its general care (yours truly) because he’s generally lazy as hell. So, that prophecy came true and then some. He ended up getting some heartworm infested pit that had been bred too early in her life off Craigslist. Off to a running start, no? Well, she’s great with the kids and my husband seems to have an affinity for her and vice verse. She is housebroken, so that’s fantastic…or she would have wound up missing while everyone was out. She also gets along terrific with my elderly cat who has been with us for nearly 10 years, so that’s good too or she would have definitely been homeless again.
The problems are, I like my house clean and now I smell her scent all over the place even after I wash her (and it’s only me doing these weekly baths…the one person who did not want the animal), the animal seems to hate other dogs entirely with precious few exceptions. I do not want to blame it on her breed, but in any case, it is what it is and it pisses me off whenever I’m out walking with her and she lunges on leash to try and go for another dog. I just want to kick her sane. Oh, did I mention she’s stupid as hell? She is The dumbest dog I’ve ever had. She seems incapable of learning any commands beyond lay and sit. And I honestly think she only does that because I trained her using treats and so she’s conditioned to expect it.
I do feel for her because we found out she has heartworm when we took her to get fixed, so we (I) give her her meds and there is some measure of sympathy for her condition, but most of that flies out the window when I am jerking the leash back as she lunges at another innocent dog. My kids are banned from walking her for this reason. I have no idea why she is so friendly and great with anyone from Adam, Eve the mailman, the UPS guy random salespeople…but she goes insane over other dogs. I’d probably like her if she liked other dogs because there are so many in our neighborhood that belong to people I am friends with. Some may hate me for what I’m about to say, but her heartworm case is bad, and her cough is worsening. She still finds the energy to try to attack other dogs, but her window is closing and I am honestly glad. Next time, I am picking the dog, and it will be a friendly breed that like other dogs as well as humans.
I look at this dog and I even hate how she looks. I know that’s bad. But I bathe her, give her her medications, pull burrs out of her paws, talk to her, train her and walk her. She respects me. She never leaps on me like she does my husband. All I have to do is give her a certain look and she will lay right down and pout because she knows I’m displeased. I wish I could see something redeeming in this animal, but she’s just a chore.
Guilty4hating October 21, 2014 at 5:40 pm
I am an avid dog lover, have been since childhood, but recently I rescued a beagle mix from a shelter and I want to kill her:/ I wanted to get another dog for my 7 month old pup because he’s such a busy guy I wanted him to have a little distraction, and she’s been a distraction alright. She also wants to touch me all the time! Rescue said she was a stray but has definitely been inside because she thinks she owns the furniture. I hate to complain about her because she’s not a bad dog, just not my kind of dog. She won’t play with my pup or me, she growls and bites him. She seems so beaten down I can’t even say no without she going belly up. She has no energy, the only thing she wants to do is cuddle and I have never, ever liked that. I want to find her a new home but I don’t know who will take my reject dog. I feel guilty for picking her out because my husband is annoyed, my pup is getting his feelings hurt, and I flat can’t stand the bitch anymore. Just a lump on a log kind of dog and I can’t see someone wanting her except an old lonely person
Keenan October 22, 2014 at 12:48 pm
You guys are psychotic sorry . Dogs are wonderful . If you actually used your brains and noticed the dogs schedules , maybe you’d know when and where she or he would do his or her business and NOT step in it . Dogs bark . That’s their thing . Saying you hate dogs because they bark is like saying you hate babies because they cry , cats because they meow or humans because they talk . When they bark , they are communicating with you , they actually have 9 different barks .
I trust my dog when he feels weird about a person , but I don’t trust a person who feels weird around my dog sorry . Most of the points that you guys put forward are valueless . :)
Carla October 22, 2014 at 1:05 pm
Keenan. The fact that you know/believe that dogs have 9 different barks, alerts me to the fact that it is you, that is in fact; psychotic.
Dogs are not wonderful, far from it. Yes, people who complain about the barking may be taking the complaint too far but come on- a dog ‘schedule?!! ‘ I think you need to get out more and live a little.!
Neera October 22, 2014 at 5:03 pm
Keenan you’re a shit, just like your dog! This site is for people who want to vent about dogs! Not praise or tell people that dogs are good and their barks are likeable! Or whatever! Dogs are annoying! They stink even if you bathe them every week! They don’t listen even if you discipline them! They’re scabby, greedy mongrels that constantly expects attention! The only time they barely do as they’re told is when you’re holding onto some kind of food or treats! They’re stupid! Get off this site and praise your love for your idiot dog elsewhere!
Lindsay October 23, 2014 at 3:40 am
I hate my dog. hATE her. I loved dogs so much. I liked cats to! Just a overall animals lover. I bought a kitten and man she was annoying.! At night she was the loudest thing in the room, peed on my clothes and towels. But then I got a dog…. My boyfriend came home with a puppy (runt) who is still over 70 lbs. from day one! She has peed in her cage everyday and if she poops she will eat it or lay in it. I took the trash out for three minutes and by the time it got back my stupid dog ate all my loaf of bread and my 5 bananas!!!! Then shit all over the house. Just today I got her eating all the cat food pissed in her cage and is now laying in it because I refuse to give her another bath, which I did less than 12 hours ago). She is the worst dog ever. I let my patents watch her and they said never again! The dog I had before her was the best dog in the world but I will never get another dog and am still debating on giving this one up. But I know she will be back in the shelter because who would want this thing? I have taken her to the vet and she has seperation anxiety. So she never stops barking when we leave and we’ve have animal shleter people called. Pees or poops in a matter of 15 min after leaving. I f****** hate her so much it’s so hard for me not to hit her. And when I do spinal her she cries as if I’m stabbing her. Which makes me more mad. Then I have two cats who are the apple of my eye. Actually pees in the litter box, eats their own food, is quiet, leaves me alone. Hate my dog. And I could go on and on about how horrible my life has been ever since I got this dog. She’s two years old!! And stills pees and trust me I’ve tried every thing!! To help her but I’m done.
dogsfromhell October 23, 2014 at 7:05 pm
Your comment is deleted since the section I Hate My Dog! is dedicated to allowing individuals cursed with living with a dog monster a safe place to express how they feel without judgement. You’ll have to find another forum for your dog mantra. Dog obsession is simply inappropriate here.
uggggg October 25, 2014 at 12:17 pm
I agree with so many of these posts. I agree with the dogs are the same as children thing. It gets on my damnnnnn nerves when people act like that, and I know people just like that. My children come first. I hate the hair and the stink and the inconvenience of having to stop whatever I’m doing to take the dog out. The dog we have refuses to go out when its wet outside and takes a dump on the floor. I never wanted an animal. My boyfriend is a dog what do I do???
I have thought about running away and getting my own clean dogless home by myself.
likesomedogsnotothers October 26, 2014 at 7:56 am
I’m so relieved to see I’m not the only one. To be honest, I don’t think my dislike is as strong as many of yours, but I honestly understand, because I definitely have my days. I think someone said something to the effect of, “it takes everything I have not to hit her….” I can fully relate to that. I’ve come to understand that I actually can tolerate our small dog, it’s the big dog that I that I find myself wanting to kick impossibly hard on a daily basis (but I don’t). It’s especially worse when I’m the only person in the house who seems bothered by the dog fur – uggggghhhh!!!. And then there’s the constant licking of himself and everything…and the pacing. I made my husband banish the dogs to the downstairs at night, because the big dog just constantly paces, licks and makes noise all night. We are not the same species, and we were definitely not meant to live under the same roof! But, then again, humans domesticated dogs for one thing only, and that is protection. I honestly believe that is the only truly sane reason to keep an annoying big dog inside of the house, because otherwise they are more trouble (and annoyance) than they are worth. Fortunately, my husband actually trained him fairly well. If not for this saving grace, I think I would have kicked him out to the backyard long ago. If it helps others who are in doggie hell, then I’ll share my coping mechanisms to just get along with the big dog daily: (1) I realize he is just being himself, and in reality my human personality and his doggie self shouldn’t live together under the same roof. Even though I greatly detest him sometimes, he really is just being big dog, so not really his fault. So, (2) I mostly ignore him. I feed him when my husband isn’t home, but that’s about it, other than (3) I help exercise him. Even if you hate the damn dog, giving it exercise DOES help the annoying behavior (especially the pacing and nervous licking). (4) Finally, separate yourself from the dog as much as possible so you don’t go insane. Hence, why our dogs don’t come upstairs – ever. I can at least relax in one part of the house, knowing there is no dog fur flying around and I don’t have to hear the horrid sound of dog licking all night.
Best of luck to all of you.
Diz October 26, 2014 at 11:01 am
likesomedogsnotothers… thanks for sharing your coping strategy. Sounds a lot like mine. Animal fur is something I’ve learned to ignore as I have always had cats and I adore them, even if they do some things I don’t like. But this damn collie, she can be very sweet and loves people, and our cats, but this eating shit thing, even trying to gobble it down when she gets caught, disgusts me. Fortunately she doesn’t lick excessively, which is just as well for we live in a very small house and I’d have lost my sanity by now if she did.
I was having success getting her to stop pulling on her lead, explained to BF how I’d done it (nothing cruel, just a light shove with my leg and an ‘oi!’ when she pulled). He took her out next time and let her do as she pleased, i.e. choke herself the whole time on lead and we were back to square one. That does none of us any good. Well, he wanted the most neurotic breed of dog there is, won’t work with me on problems such as pulling and discipline, so I give up, he can walk her and put up with her crap. Thinking about it, his way of dealing with her is half the problem.
Yep, ignoring does it for me (both dog and BF when he gets up my nose). I won’t be mean to our dog but I won’t treat her like a precious pooch or make excuses for her behaviour. As for BF…
Kassidy October 26, 2014 at 8:04 pm
I HATE MY DOG! Okay so my old dog got hit by a car and after a month my mom decided to get a knew one. Pet Smart was selling dogs from the Animal Shelter there so we decided to buy one there. Worst mistake ever. She’s a beagle dachshund and now I know why they call dogs bitches. She was the sweetest, nicest, quietest dog there. So after a 2 days of being there she changed. She would jump around and bark and be loud and crazy everywhere! (She’s 4 by the way) Then after about 2 weeks she would growl at me. She would bite me whenever I was near my mom. My mom said “She was just feeling territoryel.”, but I don’t care. I shouldn’t have to be scared to be near my mom. She then started biting me and hating me. My mom said “Oh she’s just playing.” Um no! I don’t think she’s playing when she rips my skin off. And she’s always running. If we open the door she will run away. So we always have to walk her on a leash. My sister and I hate it! And my mom is just like “She’s our dog so we all have to take care of here.” Like hell! She is NOT my dog. I hate her. She’s always taking my food and being a bitch. I just want to open the door and have her never come back. My mom gets annoyed by her too and wants to give her to someone else, but then she says, “We are all she has.” It’s just UGH! I want to kill the dog. Is that bad?
dogsfromhell October 27, 2014 at 2:58 pm
Your should insist that your mother not allow her feelings about a dog to supersede your right to live safely in your own home. This means simply that the dog should never be permitted to bite you. NO EXCUSES. Nor should you feel threatened by a growling/aggressive dog and absolutely not have your relationship or physical proximity to your own mother compromised. In my opinion the dog should go but if she insists on keeping it then some clear boundaries need to be respected.
titi October 30, 2014 at 5:52 pm
I have a 6 month old puppy and he is a terror. He is constantly humping my children (and yes, he has been neutered. It got worse after that), jumping on them, trying to bite them and destroying their clothes, chewed up part of my rug today, and follows me around ALL THE TIME. He is my stalker. It is so stressful. I just want him to go away. FAR, FAR AWAY. I don’t want him to be sad, just somewhere else.
Mimi October 31, 2014 at 9:55 pm
Sigh… I have a 10-month old long-haired chihuahua. He first started out as my brother’s puppy, but my brother realized that he couldn’t take care of it so he gave it to me and my husband. I was hesitant when he was offered to us, but my husband wanted him, so I agreed. This is probably one of the worst mistakes I have ever made in my life. He pooped everywhere and anytime. We would take him out and he hated being on the grass and would try to stand on our shoes. He hated leashes and would make the worst noises as if he was being murdered whenever we put it on him. I endured it and eventually got him used to the leash (months of hard work) which did not feel rewarding at all. I keep him in a pen during the day and usually would let him play around the living room outside his pen with me supervising him and correcting any accidents and bad habits he may be forming. He has started marking recently and it’s driving me crazy! Not only that, but he growls whenever my other dog (which is older and more well behaved) would come close to him while he was eating. Sometimes he would be growling when I would pet him while he was eating. Anyway, today, he was in his pen when I left my place for maybe 30 minutes and when I came back, I found him OUT of his pen with crap on my rug and pee on the leg of my couch (as if he was marking) and there was ripped up tissue everywhere.
I hate this dog. He always whines EVEN AT THIS AGE (he is almost one for crying out loud) and still SHITS AND PISSES in the house! Not only that, but it seems like his puppy bad habit of chewing on everything is not going away. I have corrected this behaviour sooo many times yet he still does it. He can’t relax and is always alert, will not settle down for anything, and he keeps chewing up the damn floor! It is driving me crazy and I seriously just want to get rid of this stupid f ING dog. He is extremely attached to me because I’m the one who takes care of him everyday, and because he is attached to me, I feel bad for wanting to get rid of him. My husband knows how I feel about him and is willing to give him up, but the question is, WHO WOULD WANT THIS DUMB DOG? JKAJKTLEJAL;FJE;LAJKFLEKA
sara November 6, 2014 at 10:25 pm
i too notice there are more females than males complaining, which im a female complainer too, it seems like guys overlook all the annoying crap a dog does, why is this? all of the responsible stuff falls on me, like bathing,food,walking, and it seems like thats a common complaint too among the women here. but besides that i dunno why men seem to not care.
our dog is 130 lbs, i wanted a big mastiff dog because ive read they like to chill and require regular maintence (drooling isnt an issue with me) but this 130 lb dog has the energy of a husky, hes also dominant and constantly challenging me, yet im the only one he respects because im the only one that diciplines him, however i live with my husband so when hes here the dog acts up, he tears stuff up if left alone, he will tear himself up if crated, he begs, will knock people over, will howl if left alone, will beg, pisses on the floor even though he could hold it, ive accidently forgot to let him out before and his bladder was the size of texas, however if you are gone for a little while pissing on the floor isnt out of the question. and with a 130 lb dog you might as well dump a 5 gallon bucket of piss on the floor. hes nerotic, any movment or sound will send him into motion, if someone laughs he has to jump up and investigate, if you get up to go to the bathroom he springs into action. hes like the fun police everythings about him alone. i find myself worrying everytime someone starts laughing or having fun because i know its will rouse up the dog.
ive had dogs in the past and they never were annoying to me, i think this dog made me dislike dogs forever, or at least a long time. my next dog if i get one will be a small one, because if he turns out to be an asshole at least he will be a small asshole which would be easier to deal with
gg706 November 11, 2014 at 10:44 am
I HATE my dogs….and everyone else’s dogs! I used to LOVE dogs. Until we got the 2 dogs we have now. They dig holes all over the yard. They stand at the door and stare at me ALL day. Bark at anything and everything….when they aren’t barking, I can hear my neighbors stupid dog that barks non stop ALL DAY!
Our older dog is conniving….she knows she is not allowed in the kitchen, as soon as she thinks my husband and I are downstairs she goes into the kitchen hunting for food. I don’t even want them in the house, but my husband thinks if they aren’t allowed in the house “then we might as well get rid of them”….FINE SOUNDS GOOD TO ME! Then my kids get upset….so I guess I am stuck with them. The bad part is I wanted the dogs, the dog we had for 12 years previous was AMAZING! I wish I could have her back, the truth is she was a once in a lifetime. I am done with animals…I don’t want them in my life at all anymore.
kris November 12, 2014 at 9:37 am
UGHHH I love dogs I really do but my boyfriends dog HATE WITH A PASSION, feel like I’m going crazy and want to kill it. He is mean bites people growls at you when you walk by him. He is super possessive over my girl dog whom is fixed by the way. Licks and drinks her pee. DISGUSTING. The thing I hate the most is he pees on everything I mean everything the couch, carpet, dressers, wall corners, my coffee table and even his food and water bowls. I can’t take it anymore every day cleaning up nasty dog pee off everything. I seriously want to kill the dog sometimes but I can’t do that and I can’t get rid of it because he’s not mine. UGHHH fed up…
stephanie November 20, 2014 at 1:11 pm
I hate my dog so much its depressing me id get rid of it but my boyfriend loves it and says im not getting rid of the dog so basically he would rather I go I lost my boyfriend when we had her and my son lost hes dad she takes over everything .hairs everywhere loads of white ones its greedy and begs it pulls on the lead and jumps up people it craps in my garden walks in its own wee then walks through my house with dirty feet.when my boyfriend comes near me she pushes in grrrrrr I hate her so much
pogo November 20, 2014 at 7:47 pm
The f ing family dog just attacked me latched on my arm. I want to get rid of the dog id like to open the door and let her run if i wasnt so worried she would end up finding her way back home. Mom wanted the stupid dog and yet she has me and sis feed them and let them out to pee. Mom works three jobs and cant even properly train her. And since mom wanted the stupid dog she wont even get rid of her after she tore my arm up. I was attacked by another dog nearly exactly 1 yr ago and that dogs still alive as well. I f ing hate dogs.
Lexi November 24, 2014 at 1:50 am
I can’t stand my dog. My husband and kids have been at me for years to get a dog so after 10 years I agreed. Biggest mistake ever. I told hubby he can get a small dog (like the size of a cat). He brought home this cute little staffy x. He’s six months old and is up to my knees. When he stands he towers above my 5 year old. We have very busy schedules and are hardly ever home so he is alone alot and has destroyed everything in our yard and dug heaps of holes. He constantly jumps over the kids and hurts them and bites them. My kids refuse to go out the back now. My husband doesn’t seem to care even though the stupid dog bit her face just for picking up a ball.
lisa November 24, 2014 at 3:47 pm
After have my son I started to REALLY hate my dog. When I was pregnant I was very maternal and treated him like a baby, even though he alwe loved my husband best. Once our son was born everything about that stupid dog started to drive me crazy. He is such a spaz, he is afraid of EVERYTHING, he had this disgusting loud shreak scream that he uses to get his way. He screams at all dogs and people that he doesn’t know. It always freaks people out and we can’t even have friends over because it’s embarrassing. He is always so high strung and frantic that his paws are constantly sweating leaving disgusting dirt prints throughout the entire house! Our home is brand new and iam CONSTantly Cleaning after him. It’s way too much with a 5 month old. That’s not even all if it. He is an extremely heavy shredder. His disgusting repulsive fur reminds me of thousands of bug legs everywhere. I have to vacuum 5-6 times every single day just to maintain some level of cleanliness. Because he is super high anxiety he is always shaking his body!!!! The stupid idea is like a giant ball of fur and dirt. It’s disgusting I hate him!! He makes my life harder. I begged my husband to get rid of him but he refuses. Now the dog knows to totally stay away from me because I give him death looks. He jumps on the couch after we go to sleep so I have to put boxes on the couch so he doesn’t jump up. He poops 5 times a day and iam the only one who cleais it. Iam the only one who walks him and iam the only one who vacuums after him. I even find he stupid ass fur on toothbrush!! He makes life miserable I hate him and he is only 2 so I have at least 10 more year before he’s dead.
dogsfromhell November 24, 2014 at 4:32 pm
Open the door and let it go…oops!
Son son November 29, 2014 at 3:15 pm
I hate my proxy dog, don’t listen to me when my partner is in cause my partner treats him like he’s the owner of the house!!
Britni December 1, 2014 at 7:09 pm
I took in a dog after her owner went to prison, I felt bad for her, I figured I would take care of her temporarily until I could “rehome” her,she is a papillon/terrier mix about 2 years old, I figured I could handle taking care of her and that I was doing a good deed by taking her in and ensuring her safety until she moves on to another home, but now I really wish that I wasn’t such a nice person.
I would take her on walks, and the entire walk consisted of her choking herself trying to run off while being ed to me, so I stop walking, and every time she is stands on her hind legs pulling the front of her body forward and gags, but I just stand there irritated letting her choke herself, and then she marks every spot on the ground that’s ever been pissed on by another dog, eating the piles of dog shit we came across, and barking incessantly at every other animal or person we see. I thought this was just dog behavior, but it was really irritating, especially trying to get somewhere and I’m stuck dragging her by a leash because she won’t stop marking and eating shit. A 20 minute walk, is now an hour of hell.
At home, if ever the front door or the gate to the yard opens she runs out and if you were to stand in the way she forces herself through, therefore if I answered the door for whoever knocked it turns into me running into traffic after her, or several blocks from my house. Then when you’d get close enough to her to grab her, off she goes, and then there’s always some asshole that stops to tell me that I should really put her on a leash. I’ve gotten to where this happens on such a regular basis that I stopped trying to save her life, every time she runs in front of a car I wish that she would just get hit already, or that someone else would stop and pick her up. And I have tried for several months to train her to stay when the door opens, I’ve even tried treats. And she knows how to climb so every so often she climbs the fence and escapes.
Again, At home, if my children ever step away from the dinner table and I’m not looking, she’s up on top of that table eating all the food off their plate, I’ve tried removing the food off the table completely, pulling the chairs away from the table, using that spray on scraps that’s suppose to leave a bad taste in her mouth, and yet there she is right on top of the table licking it clean of any microscopic crumbs. She refuses to eat any kind of dog food, starving herself until she comes across any little scrap my kids have dropped. So now she has to be put in the yard every time we eat anything. She is also not allowed on furniture, after she began marking the entire top of my sofa cushion, to claim her spot, and I’ve tried scrubbing that cushion with everything to get the stain out of the material but it’s still yellow. so now after I catch her on the bed or the sofa, she runs into my roommates room when he sleeps and sits on the other side of him where I can’t reach her, so here I am standing over him and looking like a weirdo while he sleeps, but he keeps his door open so his German shepherd can get out, so my asshole dog just runs in there. And when I give up and walk out of his room and go do something else she sneaks into the hallway and shits in front of my bedroom door. She also shits on the floor, especially in front of my bedroom door when she gets caught doing something she knows not to do.
And lastly, if I have a basket of clean laundry sitting on my bed or in my room, I always catch her laying in my clean clothes. And one thing that really grosses me out is all the hair, I always find it on my clothing, bedding, even on clothes fresh out of the drier, on my food, in drinks, on clean dishes that have been put away, I even manage to somehow swallow it and it gets stuck in my throat, it’s sickening. I also can’t stand it how when I have guests over she just jumps up on the sofa and acts like she can just because other people are there, like I won’t make her get down.
Now I’m not ignorant, as I have tried solutions to make her behavior stop, ive researched endlessly on how to make her walk next to me on a leash and applied what I learned, I bought her a nice comfy bed to lay on, I’ve bought different brands of food, I’ve squirted her with water, I’ve gotten down to her level and tried to teach her commands, I’ve done lots of other things to improve her, but nothing works. I’ve been nice, but firm. She does things in a sneaky way, proving to me she knows it’s not acceptable, and when she does it and sees me coming she cowers or runs from me and hides under my bed where I can’t reach her, she knows what she’s doing! And it takes every ounce of will power not to punch her in her face! I recently got a puppy, a catalahou/ daschund mix, she behaves and listens to and obeys all of my commands, without treats, so I know that the treat method is bull shit. A couple of weeks ago my 3 year old son was sitting on the floor watching tv, and lady(the papillon) was about 3-4 feet from him and the new puppy went near her, and lady went psycho on it, biting it and growling/snarling, and turned around and ran over to my son and started attacking him in his face and she bit him in his eye. I was so beyond pissed with this dog, I did throw her outside, literally. My husband wanted to snap her neck, but I convinced him not to. I can’t afford to take her to a shelter because around here they charge a drop off fee, and I’m not heartless enough to abandon her somewhere. But I really hate this dog, so much that I have feelings towards her that I never knew could exist in myself. I feel terrible for feeling this way. And I’m sick of all the people that say it’s the people that are at fault for all the problems associated with dogs, because some people such as myself do try to fix the problems, but we are called failures if the problem continues. maybe it’s just that some dogs are assholes or just really mentally stupid. And I generally do not hate animals, it’s certain ones in particular with their deviant personalities, and their false sense of entitlement to do as they please that I hate.
dogsfromhell December 1, 2014 at 7:28 pm
There are no excuses for a dog ever biting a human especially a child. Consider the drop off fee to the pound cheaper than the cost of dog food and the therapy you may soon need. Get rid of it and don’t feel an ounce of remorse.
dogover December 2, 2014 at 12:35 am
Dogs are the problem here, not humans. And as for the people that said they wish their dogs would die, I sincerely wish all dogs horrible death.
Don’t adopt a dog. You will need to spend weeks doing the research about how to care for one!
And they will still have problem. Wipe out dogs. Dogs are selfish, greedy, murderous, horrendous creatures. I believe that dogs should be wiped off the face of the earth.
But that’s just me.
dogsfromhell December 2, 2014 at 5:49 am
Hey DogOver,
We need to built a Jurassic Park island and send all these murderous, noise making, crap machines there! Peace at last!
Jovy December 2, 2014 at 3:09 pm
I’ve owned dogs my entire life. Yet the older I get the loss tolerant I am of them. I am really starting to despise my dog because he acts like an entitled, deaf asshole when he isn’t home. Meaning that he acts differently at home than he does when he’s at someone elses house. He is a fraud. If I could get away with it I would give him to someone who can tolerate his stubborn ass.
jean December 12, 2014 at 2:57 pm
I got a daschund dog and I was doing kind of okay with him until my husband decided it needed a friend, now they are driving me crazy, They don’t listen, they’re dirty, and stupid. Ugh I wish I could return the second. The only reason why we got them is because of my husband and now we argue about getting rid of one. I need help! How can I convince him of getting rid of one of them before I become a dog murderer.
Carla December 13, 2014 at 1:33 am
I used to dislike my dog…now I HATE him! No matter what he does, just the sight of him makes me want to beat him to death. He is a sly, manipulative little f*ck and he believes that he is the dominant one in this household!
He skulks around stealing my kids toys, pissing on my floor, jumps up my kitchen counters and rips the bin apart throwing rubbish all over the place. When I tell him off he acts like I’ve just beaten him. I’m close, very close and one day soon he’ll see that he is far from the dominant one.
dogsfromhell December 13, 2014 at 5:53 am
Donate it to your local zoo for food. They will probably even give you a tax receipt since most zoos are non profits.
pogo December 13, 2014 at 4:34 pm
Ive posted here about my mothers dog who attacked me a while back well i finally did away with the little bitch. She tried going after me again tonight and i chased her ass out the damn door. We live in the country side and i know just across the field in the woods there are coyotes. I REALLY hope she gets eaten. I really really hope she gets eaten. She had obedience issues since the first moment we got her and all mom did was make the problem worse. My mom works three jobs to put my sister through school i work sis goes to school no one is home long enough to train the dog.
Mom screwed up adopting another one after our last one died since no one can teach her she doesnt run the house. As another person said i agree everytime i see the dog i have to try not to beat the thing. When we got her the neighbor of the person who previously owned the dog said she would get out of the yard qnd run loose so i hope the filthy beast never comes back, since it was hard enough chasing it out the house without it attacking me again and animal co trol wont do a damn thing, i cant even truselt my own mother to do whats right qnd get rid of it.
I need to come into a lot of money and soon because if that dog ends up back in the house i will have to move. I just dont have the money.
Justin December 13, 2014 at 5:29 pm
I grew up with dogs all my life and couldn’t wait to get a dog after we bought a house. We rescued a lab/hound mix from a local rescue organization. I dreamed of riding around with him in the car, taking him to the dog park and playing fetch and doing all that cool dog stuff. So what happened? Took him for his first ride in the car and he barfs everywhere…has never outgrown it. Has no interest in playing fetch whatsoever. Take him to the dog park to play with other dogs? Nope, he’d rather just run around sniffing the other dogs’ poop and then peeing on it and slobbering like an idiot. He has an invisible dog fence and tests the damn thing everyday to make sure it is on. The day the battery dies on his collar he is gone and an angry neighbor is bringing him back or calling me telling me he charged at her or barked at her etc. Our neighbors all hate us now because he barks like a maniac anytime someone walks near the house and he scares them. When I walk him on a leash and he sees another dog he either tries to attack it or nearly pulls me over because he wants to play with it. He paces the house all day and annoys the sh** out of guests when they visit burying his nose in their crotches and following them around like a desperate fool trying to get pet. I hate this stupid thing. Last week he had a rash and I wished to god it was some terminal illness. No luck. Took him to the vet and 540 dollars later he has some pills and some stupid spray that he just licks off. We are seriously considering getting rid of this dog by my wife (who hates it) doesn’t want us to because our daughter will be sad.
pogo December 14, 2014 at 7:53 pm
I dont think my last comment was approved so let me try again. Just the other night now our new dog just attacked me for the second time. I had managed to chase it out the house and since we live out in the country area i had hoped she would get eaten by coyotes. I stayed away from the house for a night but the dumb b**** dog found her way back home. I come home and the first thing i see is the filthy ugly beast on the gosh darn couch like she owns the place. Mom didnt give two rats about what the dog did and her first line of action is to kick me out and keep the fu***** dog, going so far as to call appartment places when i dont even make enough money to rent an appartment.
If i could get a place i would have moved out myself. I have cats that i would take if she didnt have a litter box problem the only way we fixed it was by letting her be an indoor outdoor cat. Im forced away from my home and my family who doesnt care or respect me and my cats because mom would rather care more about that da** dog than her own child. My sister doesnt even takes the dog side.
Ricardo December 26, 2014 at 10:39 am
I thought I liked dogs… I was wrong. Our family got a dog because my siblings wanted one, so my dad had a friend who had a dog at no cost ( you could tell the dog would get beat up on a regular basis, the dog also lived in it’s own waste) I felt horrible for it and decided a dog wasn’t so bad, after all my siblings would help me take care of it. So the first 3 months having her was good, she was afraid of everything which was good because it made her obedient I guess. It wasn’t until month 4 that she starts to want more attention, more belly rubs and more exercise (we would play with her at least and hour a day) my siblings started to take less and less note of her and I was left to to do everything. And I thought to myself why am I suppose to be responsible for something I didn’t want in the first place? So after that I would only give her food and water. Months passed and she became more stubborn about getting out, she wasn’t spayed I suppose, and would frequently try to attract other dogs. One day she got out 10 times I counted because I was the one who would run after her. There were times when she’d bark at anything even leaves. My dad only wanted her as a guard dog and she’s been extremely annoying since then. It’s been 2 years (3 years on January) since we had her. Right now I’m home alone my family went to Kansas for Christmas and I am having the worst time of my life. I bathed her, groomed her, and she’s ungrateful. She starts to cry when she’s inside and even when she’s outside she’s escaped 10 since last Sunday and she makes sure I am not present so she can escape! I am at my wits end here. I want her to just leave and die somewhere ive had it! We gave her a better life yet she’s got more needy! She acts like a baby! Today it’s snowed 1 ft (I live in Colorado) and I managed to see where she gets out hopefully that does the trick if not I’m going to call animal control or take her to the pound… Sorry for my long rant I’m fuming with rage.
Raymond December 28, 2014 at 8:22 am
Typing off my phone its pretty crappy so not the best grammer …But anyway my gf has 6 nasty ass dogs i stayed at her house for the holiday about 4 days and it ruined the whole thing she treats them like there actual ppl like there easily mpre important then i am and can do no wrong thet shit all over the house and when u try and sleep they get pn the bed and scratch and lick themselves at all hours of the night god forbid u say anything like can u put peaches in the other room i literally can not sleep she looses her mind bc “i don’t love her dogs” its so incredibly stupid its a nasty ass dog its not like i told u to put ur child away lol i just want to punch these dogs last night i thew the smallest one across the room bc it insist on laying on me and licking its ass at the same time the whole house stinks to high heaven and she is just ok with it wyf I’m gpnna break up with her over it but who cares she has her dogs to give her love and companionship
Dog HATA!!!!! January 1, 2015 at 11:13 am
I want my Chi gone like yesterday. I don’t care how people feel about it—she’s gone within the next week one way or the other. She was cute as a pup (though she chewed our carpet and furniture into oblivion) but she has progressively turned into the biggest pain in my backside. She’s absolutely spoiled and thinks she runs the house. During my pregnancy is when things turned to the point of no return. She would follow me every where. I could never get comfortable on the couch because she insisted on being in my lap or sitting behind me so I couldn’t sit back. She would snap at me if i made her move. She’d launch around the couch off of my stomach. She scroungesRea around the kitchen for ANY scrap to hit the ground. She will do the same while we’re at the table. If nothing falls she stares at you and paws at your leg for something. She’ll even leap up and push on your leg if you ignore her. She’s bitten me before (after her spay) and my husband (he tried to take a bone away.) Done. Done done done. Things have changed and I will no longer cater to this stupid ball of fur. The sound of her paws on my floor makes me cringe. I haven’t picked her up since my daughter was born except for an instance where she wouldn’t go out after whinning by the door and I tossed her out. I truly can’t stand anything about her. I don’t trust her around the baby, either, so she stays in her room. I don’t intend to own a dog ever again. Im trying my darndest to rehome her but SURPRISE SURPRISE no one wants a Chi. They’re the rats of the dog species. I’ll do what I can, but I’m no longer beyond taking her to the shelter. Darwinism and what not.
Jacob January 1, 2015 at 9:20 pm
I have always been a dog lover. always! every time I’d go see my friends I was the type of guy that even if there was the best party with the hottest chicks ever at their house i would go out and either play,pet or even just sit out with the dog and smoke a cigarette to give him/her some company.i simply loved them and I always wanted one . Until I got Leo ,my puppy german sheperd. I got him a few months ago , around mid october 2014. one of the worst decisions I have ever made. It wasn’t only me who decided to get him but also my family, my dad and my brother.All of us always wanted one but never had time or space, finally we moved and every thing changed so we decided to get him.the first days at home were awful,just awful,especially during night. He would cry and moan and look depressed all the time ,keeping me up late at night to the point where I couldn’t take it anymore and I to started to cry because he made me feel like a piece of sh%$ that took him away from a better place or like I wasn’t treating him right even though I was dedicating him every second of my days because I didn’t want him to feel lost or abandoned in any way. I tried playing with him , taking him to see the river behind our house , going for walks,hugging him ,sleeping near him when he use to cry. all for nothing. kind of ironic don’t you think ? you get a puppy to love and be loved but all you get in return is a nice big middle finger .he prefers my brother’s company because he is the youngest . one thing i learned is that sometimes it’s good cop bad cop routine and i’m the bad cop, because i am the one who tells what and what not to do, while my brother doesn’t give a rat’s a$$ and let’s him do whatever he wants. but it doesn’t bother me ,how can i be jealous for a puppy? i consider him part of the family not a prize or toy for personal use. what bothered me the most was that i found myself “on my own”,because i was the only one at home all day while the others were at work or basically my father does nothing for Leo other than buying his food and taking him out in the garden for a morning need.he still hasn’t even took him out for one walk ,not even 5 minutes!.my brother on the other hand comes back late and goes to sleep after a quick snack. I have to answer to every mess he makes and that is fine with me .one doesn’t know when they mess up until they are corrected just like our parents did with us.don’t you think more than fifty times saying “no” “no” “no” is more than enough to teach that whatever you’re doing is wrong? well i don’t know how many times I found my self saying “no” with a moderate but firm tone,not screaming at him as if i were a drill instructor,correcting him simply saying: “look this is wrong don’t do it again” and in the beginning it worked i never had to raise a finger against him but then he got bigger and things got serious. he started to challenge me starting from staring at me in a provocative way, not sitting when told to or even sitting down very very very slowly as if he were doing it on purpose,shoving my leg with his nose while I was eating and he already ate ,jumping on the table trying to steal my food (first and last time he ever did that),not wanting to poop outside the house garden! seriously , he was so stubborn in the beginning that i stayed many times in the middle of a field for 20 minutes watching him just sniff around trying to pick his stupid perfect little poop spot and he didn’t poop but as soon as we came home he couldn’t hold it no longer that he would poop while running towards the garden,that’s just to tell you how hard headed this little A-hole is.but you know i knew these things were going to happen but to expect that my puppy would try to rule me over and be my boss , never would i have expected that. the point is this: the reason i got or even wanted a dog was because i have always been a lonely guy after some psychological problems that I have had in the past. add to that depression,derealization ,bipolar disorder , depersonalization and post traumatic stress disorder, i was pretty much fu%$ed up in the head and all without meds. I couldn’t take it anymore and i knew that a puppy would really help me pass this very bad period of my life ,unfortunately, i was wrong . I find my self every day continuesly being challenged by this little 5 month old thing and day after day i must prove that i am the boss and that he must obey me ,not viceversa. what i am trying to say is that i was one of those guys that would watch every dog whisperer episode with cesar millan and watch every episode interested and focused because i really liked it . well , now that i have a dog i know this: these so called “man’s best friends” are nothing but cruel,one-way thinking,illogical,backstabbing animals. I don’t mean this for ALL dogs BUT for the MAJORITY i truely believe it. once your dog even smells that your guard is down ,that your weak or wounded mentally or phisically it won’t hesitate a second to step up and take the throne. It’s a dog eat dog world and my dog taught me this. PEACE
MzJay January 5, 2015 at 11:48 pm
I love him, and hate him at the same time! He’s overprotective of me, so he doesn’t like anyone near me. He gets on the kitchen table….that’s right, the kitchen table!!! He has found a way to get into the refrigerator
MzJay January 6, 2015 at 12:26 am
I love him, and hate him at the same time! He’s overprotective of me, so he doesn’t like anyone near me. He gets on the kitchen table….that’s right, the kitchen table!!! He has found a way to get into the refrigerator
Jesse January 11, 2015 at 9:47 am
My roommate screwed me over on rent and I had to go live with a friend and his 80yr old dad and three fing dogs in a trailer. Wtf. You say be thankful you could be in the street. Id be cleaner in the street. The dogs piss and crap on everything they screw eachlther in the butt have worms and nobody wants to feed them. I draw the line at picking up dog shit. I feed the dogs let them in and out and gate them off turn around and there they are let out of the part.of the house I left.them al .over the furniture. I am about to kill them one by one because the slob who owns them wont vet them or give them away. I hate my life I feel like im living in a dog run. F this shit
dogsfromhell January 11, 2015 at 12:21 pm
Wow, that sounds really really horrible. You have my sympathies. Can you locate a government agency in your county/state that provides homeless prevention services or emergency services to prevent homelessness? This might mean assisting you with a security deposit if this is a barrier but there are different programs. Funding typically comes from the fed gov and is funneled to states. When you inquire you will need to report that you are at risk since ” you can no longer remain in the temporary housing that you currently have” . Money does run out through the year so check it out asap. Link below should be able to help you find local programs.
spaz January 12, 2015 at 11:26 am
Oh Thank you for existing… I’ve kept much brothers black lab for over 6 months I had a beautiful porch with a pool surrounded by grass.. here in south Fl. Suffice to say those things are all ruined..I’ve benadryled this 90 lb beast so many times just to keep it quiet and still. I’ve never in my 40 years of life owned a dog…ever..did this to be nice 6 months later I’m ready to shoot it or myself yet I’m wrong to other family members??? Then y’all keep the damn beast in your perfect mansions. I’ve finally had to lose my shit completely to get my brother to come get his dog that He’s never really taken care ..he better be here in 2 days or one of us will be dead..I’m crazier so it won’t be me!
dogsfromhell January 12, 2015 at 3:53 pm
Take it to the pound in 2 days if he doesn’t come get it. If it sits there for any length of time they can nix it. That way you wont be AS evil for actually letting it escape out the front door or something else.
Bree January 16, 2015 at 11:49 pm
I was a dog lover as a kid. When our last dog died my parents did not want another one. But what do I do? I beg them to get another and we did. Worst idea I ever had. This dog is terrible! He attacks me. First dog I’ve had that does that. It’s not out of play. He’s just a mean horrible animal. I wanted to take him back to the shelter or rehome him but who would want him? And my parents are attached to him. He’s the worst dog I’ve ever had. I don’t even want anything to do with him. I’ll ignore him and he just whines and begs me to lay to attention to him. Which makes me even more angry at him. Plus he takes off with EVERYTHING that he knows he shouldn’t have and when you try to take it you’re lucky to still have all your fingers. He’s that freaking mean. I hate this dog so much. I wish I could get rid of him. That way I wouldn’t have to worry about him taking off with stuff and trying to maul me when i try to get it back.
Carla January 17, 2015 at 6:09 am
So today is the day, that I finally get rid of my disgusting dog! After months of torture, he is being rehomed TODAY!
I am going to be one happy lady this day forward, no more clearing up poop, mopping up pee, tolerating the smell, the neediness, licking, jumping etc etc……
I’m overjoyed at getting rid of this little sh*t!!!!!!!
Hope all you miserable dog owners out there reach this day soon! Good luck! :)
Ollie January 17, 2015 at 6:12 am
I really need to vent about my dog and this seems like a safe place to do it. I would like to start by saying I used to love dogs, all dogs. I thought they were the most cute and sweet and innocent things to exist. Last year I met a guy and we started dating and now I live with him, for personal reason I’ll call him John throughout this. Well before I met him I had owned a dog for 10+ years, he was a pomeranian and probably the best dog to ever live, his name was Sammy. Also before I start on this rant I would like to clarify I have owned many dogs over the years, of various ages, breeds, and genders. After Sammy died I became extremely sad because I thought it was my fault because I had left him. I had been staying in bed for a few days and basically isolating myself from everyone except John. Well John, being the amazing and loving man he is, suggested that maybe I should get a new dog to help me cope, I talked to my sister about this(for personal reason’s we’ll call her Sara), and she thought it was a great idea. Before I go any further I would like to clarify that I have never gotten a dog from a pound before this one, all of them were either given to my family, or they were walmart specials(meaning someone was giving them away in front of a store). I wanted a puppy because, they’re cheaper to get fixed, they’re easier to train at that age, I wanted to form a solid bond with it, and because puppies are cute when they’re that little. Well about a week later John, Sara, and I went from pound to pound in search of a puppy, the first few didn’t have any, and also my sister and boyfriend said it would be a good idea to explore all of our options. So we finally arrive to the last pound on our little journey. We go in to see the puppies, and I see the most cute, energetic, curious, and playful little thing ever, I fell instantly in love with it and I wanted to take it home right then in there. We didn’t get it. On the other side of the puppy prison, my boyfriend was staring glazed eyes at would inevitably be the biggest tumor on my life, and I’ve been through some shit, drug addiction, probation, mental illness, eating disorders, sexual abuse, and honestly none of them can even rival in comparison to what would become the worst decision of my life. This dog was probably the most pathetic thing I had ever seen in my entire life, she was like one of those pound commercial dogs, you know the type, sitting in a puddle of their own urine, paw on the kennel door, staring up at you pitifully, shaking like they’re dying, that was this thing. I decided that since I didn’t want to have to go on another journey from pound to pound I would give this dog John thought was ~~**the one**~~ a shot. Looking back at this I should have just backed away slowly from that crate while whispering no repeatedly, not just because I know what I know now but because I should have just seen the signs from the start. If any of you have ever adopted an animal from a pound, you know there’s that brief ten minute period where they let you get to know the animal. Well they somehow convinced John to sign the papers without spending a lick of time with this beast(I honestly think those pound assholes somehow knew what a horrible dog she is). Well Sara and I are sitting in the little room with the dog, I try holding her because she is shaking like a leaf, and she pees all over my sweater and pants. I put her in the floor to clean myself off and she pees there too. Honestly I have no idea what I was thinking, I convinced myself it was the dogs anxiety or excitement. Well anyways I try to discreetly hide the pee from the pound workers as I make my way back to the kennel. the moment they closed the door to that pen the dog started whining, and yelping, and barking. I knew in that moment, that somehow I had royally fucked up. Two weeks later we go back to the pound to get the dog, her name is Abba, we had to wait so they could give her the microchipping and fix her. While I’m holding her as John signs the paper she pees all over me, she pees on me in the car, she pees when we get home. I just assume its because she was drugged. I have never been more wrong in my life. We’ve had her for three months and if anything this dog is worse than when we got her. She pees everywhere, all the time, no matter if she’s been out or not. She pees in her crate, on our furniture if we leave the room, the carpet, the tile, everything. We can’t leave her out unsupervised because she will either pee on our bed, or on the couch. We can’t leave anything out that’s made of cloth, clothing, pillows, blankets, towels, because that’s where she will decide to pee. We’ve tried everything with her too, watering her less, puppy pads(the little bitch would pee right next to them but never on them), rewarding her for peeing outside, wooping her for peeing inside, literally anything you can think of short of putting a diaper on the beast we have tried. Moving on, she piddles constantly, I don’t know if any of you know what that means, but it refers to her leaking or dribbling urine everywhere. I don’t just say everywhere to be hyperbolic either, if she stands, sits, or sleeps anywhere for more than a minute, there will be a literal puddle there. She has to sleep in the floor, because she would piddle, and actually full on pee all over her bedding, we wasted countless nights and quarters at the laundromat, towels, pillows, a dog bed, and a blanket, just to inevitably say “fuck it” and throw it all away. If the constant peeing was enough she is quite literally the most disgusting animal I have ever owned, she will contently sit in her own urine for hours to the point that parts of her fur have been stained a light yellow, she constantly licks her vulva(i don’t mean like cleaning I mean she will slurp up her fluids as the come out for hours on end), she has worms and we have tried worm medication, vet visits, and home remedies, but they never go away because every time she goes outside and it’s been raining she drinks out of every puddle she comes across, she will even drink her own urine just because it’s there, and we water her four times a day and she’s a small dog. While we’re on the subject of the constant thirst of this dog, I want to point something out, she will drink water that drips off of people’s hands, she will knock over and stick her head in people’s drinks, she will drink toilet water, bath water, water on the floor, but when it comes to bath time it’s literally hell with this dog. She will try to jump out every time you so much as turn your back for more than a minute, she will try to drink the murky bath water, she will stick her head directly under the faucet/water I dump on her to rinse her off and waterlog herself, and I have to hold her in the bathtub, and while I do this she bites and claws me and struggles and gets water all over me, by the time it’s over I’m more wet than she is. Normally I wouldn’t care about bath time but I have to bathe her every day or every other day because, as I mentioned, she will contently sit in her own waste. And again while we’re on the subject of her waste. Now that we’re back on the waste portion of this rant, every time she wakes up she has to be taken out immediately or she’ll use the bathroom out of spite three feet away from you. I have been literally one foot out the door with her and her squat and pee all over the floor, and I’m not gonna lie when she does that it pisses me off. Now before I continue I would like to clarify when I “woop” her I usually pop her five, give or take, times on the hip. Everytime I so much as come near that dog with so much as an ounce of malice she will freak out and act like I’m holding a knife to her throat. John acts like I beat her and I hate it so much because honestly he is the biggest enabler I have ever met in my life. He claims to discipline her as much as I do, although I can count the number of times I’ve actually seen him do it on one hand. He will let her cuddle up to him and urinate on him and usually just go “AWWW ABBA” and get up and clean himself off or change. The only time I ever see him discipline her is when there’s food involved, in which case he shakes his finger and tells her “no”. Furthermore, while we’re on the subject of John coddling her. He constantly tells me that the dogs likes me, even though I know she doesn’t because I’m the only person who disciplines her. She’s only sweet if A.) there’s food involved or B.) she wants on the furniture. It’s so aggravatingly pathetic and transparent when she does too, she’ll wander over and put her head on my knee until I pet her, and thinking she’s got me fooled she’s drag her upper body onto my thigh, with her legs still on the ground, and she’ll try to worm her way up slowly onto the furniture. It sucks because honestly I might not hate this dog if I could have some kind of interaction with her outside of disciplining her. I have made so many attempts to love on her or play with her and it all just ends in her misbehaving. I can’t play with her because she’ll get too excited and start peeing everywhere, running around the house at breakneck speed, or viciously biting people’s extremities and clothing, She has torn holes in so many pairs of pants and shirts that half the time I look homeless. Whenever I try to love on her, she either uses it as a way to get on the furniture, or she gets too relaxed and pees all over me, its even worse because during the space of initially loving and her falling asleep, if I so much as fart in the wrong direction she goes bat shit crazy and start biting me. Speaking of her going bat shit crazy, she can never be left completely alone for more than two minutes, whether she’s in a room or a crate. I’m anxious every time I leave the house because she will bark and whine and yelp so loudly you can hear her from across the apartment complex, I’m afraid someone will call the law on us for either her being too loud or them thinking we’re beating her. It gets worse, because being a young couple, John and I are obviously…active in the bedroom. No one wants a dog staring them while they’re doing the do, no one. If we try and leave her in another room she will whine and bark so loudly, that it distracts John and well…Ladies and men you know how that goes. And if we let her have free range she will either try and get on the bed, or make directly eye contact with me the entire time John and I are getting busy. Probably the worst thing that’s ever happened was she somehow managed to get up on the bed without either of us knowing, and she had peed all over our clothes. Speaking of mine and John’s relationship, if feel like that horrible creature has started to drive a wedge between us, albeit a small wedge, but still a wedge. I don’t know if he’s serious or just being passive aggressive, but every time I complain about Abba, he gets all sad and starts talking about giving her away. Honestly I wish that was an option. I can’t just give her away, because legally I could get in trouble because she’s a shelter dog, I can’t take her back because I know they will kill her within 24 hours or less, and I can’t just dump her somewhere because, again that’s illegal. So basically I’m stuck with a dog I hate until she or I dies, or I go insane. We’ve already blown so much money on this dog too. We spend 65$ adopting her, add that to all the crap we’ve bought to try and deworm her and get her to gain weight, the two crates we had to buy because she destroyed her first one, the collars we’ve had to buy because she ate her first one, all the towels, the blanket, the pillows, and the dog bed we had to throw away because she kept urinating on it, all the quarters, laundry detergent, and dryer sheets we’ve had to use to wash her former bed things, our bed things, and clothes she’s urinated on, all the paper towels, stain remover, febreeze, and clorox we’ve used in a vain effort to clean up after her, the toys she refuses to play with, the puppy pads she never used, and the dog clothes she refuses to wear. I hate this dog so much, I have never hated anything in my life more than I hate this disgusting, scrawny, spiteful, pathetic, manipulative, useless dog. I could never cause her harm but it takes every ounce of my willpower not to just let her run off.
nomorepets! January 17, 2015 at 2:01 pm
I am a 22 year old commuting to school and living with my parents, soon to change (finally!!!!!) and have had dogs my entire life. Honestly I don’t hate dogs, at times I do like them, but they can drive me crazy!!!! I can’t stand the pitter-patter of dog nails against a wooden floor and constant barking (I am sound sensitive) and then following me around when I eat. I hate taking dogs for a walk, especially the stubborn ones…they won’t walk, they follow anything they see, bark at everything. I feel very uncomfortable when a dog urinates or defecates on another person’s lawn, and I abhor picking up their waste (yuck!)
The dog I have now had the nerves to pee in my room only when we first got her in 2013, only growls at me, only lays in my bed, and then begs me for walks. Walk yourself, you ungrateful creature :).
I will say when dogs are quite and show affection I do like them (that’s just me), however I don’t want pets when I am older, too much noise and I prefer to be a loner!
Sassy January 17, 2015 at 7:00 pm
“It sucks because honestly I might not hate this dog if I could have some kind of interaction with her outside of disciplining her.”
This this this this THIS. I truly feel your pain Ollie. I’ve posted a bunch of times about my now-ex boyfriend’s doberman which was all just a terrible impulse buy….and we drove 7 hours to get him. I’ve always disliked dogs but I’ve liked certain dogs if my friends have one…if it behaves. My boyfriend’s dog was god awful. That is exactly what I always said, there was no joy in this dog. The only interaction with the beast was either yelling at him, or trying to put up with something he was doing.
He had him trained very well at first, I was surprised actually. Wouldn’t even look at us when we ate. All of a sudden my boyfriend decided that he wasn’t going to care anymore and since then the dog acted like a complete idiot, and now at almost 100 pounds and not done growing yet, he still acts like an idiot.
Then we had the dog at his parents house for the holiday and his parents are even bigger idiots with dogs. I thought the dog was bad before, after one night at his parents the dog acts 1000% worse, and that’s the only time he has accidents indoors surprisingly. Because his parents feed and feed and FEED him and give him endless water FOR NO REASON “because he needs it!” until it explodes out of his rear end all over the place. Yeah well does he NEED to be inhaling food 24/7? Seriously?
In his defense my boyfriend wasn’t big on giving out treats, like his parents give their dumb dogs treats just for breathing. An entire large box of treats lasted my boyfriend about nine months and when he got a new box he brought it to his parents for some reason, and then they somehow fed him the entire box of treats within two days, which resulted in explosive diarrhea at all hours, for three days, all over the place.
It was a constant battle between him and I because I “didn’t like the dog” and between him and his parents for further ruining the dog and his (already annoying) behaviors and demeanor.
It eventually drove a HUGE wedge between us and even though we’d been together before the dog, it became all about “his son” (the dog). He became mentally ill after getting this thing. He used to say animals are animals but that changed quickly and all of a sudden he said the dog was the same as a person.
I’m bitter because everything turned into an issue about me “not liking the dog” but I’m glad I no longer have to be with a person like that. And his gross dog.
bonnie January 18, 2015 at 10:48 am
New puppy for Christmas: worst gift ever.
Having the courage to get rid of it, despite my husband and three children’s objections: PRICELESS.
I love this site! Thank you to everyone here for helping me know that I am not alone in my aversion to living with dogs. :)
CatGirl January 19, 2015 at 1:10 pm
About six months ago my husband brought me a Golden Doodle as an anniversary gift. He actually traded his Mac laptop as well as paying cash to people who were having to sell this dog because they “weren’t home enough with it.” That should have been our FIRST clue–people don’t usually give away well-behaved, nice dogs.
She has every possible annoying neurotic issue that dogs can have. She has separation anxiety, so that even in her crate, she whines and makes this terrible, ugly groaning noises that make me want to shoot her. It’s the ugliest sound ever. Seriously. She’s aggressive with our older, well-behaved dog, especially if there’s food around. It’s gotten so bad now that our older dog hides under the table from her all day. She won’t stop chasing our cats. She knocks our kids down and scratches them every single day because we can’t control her and she won’t stop jumping on people when they walk in. Even if you just take the trash out, this freak of a dog will act like you’ve been gone for decades and jump all over you and piss herself in excitement. It’s like the very sound of the door excites her.
She’s excessively needy and requires constant attention and affection. If you turn your back to try to fix dinner, pay bills, talk to the kids, be on the phone, ANYTHING–she will be doing something bad–chasing cats, pooping on the sofa, counter surfing, etc. We can’t even have people over because she’s so freakishy hyper. She will attack them and scratch them and jump all over them, and then if we try to hold her by the collar she gets aggressive and lunges and growls at them because she wasn’t allowed to molest them. ????? If we try to grab her collar to correct her, she tries to snap at us. I hate her.
I don’t want to hear the stupid dog lovers tell me that we aren’t good dog owners. I’ve HAD dogs before. We have another dog already who was cooperative, trained easily, and is a joy. This asshole dog has no desire in pleasing anyone but herself. Her previous owners ran with her 3 miles a day and she still acted like a lunatic. She doesn’t listen, can’t focus on anything else because she gets fixated on cats or whatever, and is generally just an ugly nuisance. I cry at least once a week because I feel trapped by this dog. She’s a dominant personality and no amount of correction or techniques or books or training helps because she’s too hyper to work with. Even the local groomers and obedience trainer hates our dog.
There are five people in this house and I have to constantly walk around behind them after they use the bathrooms to be sure that they closed the bathroom door because assmunch dog LIVES to fish bloody tampons and pads out of the trash so she can eat them and rip them to shreds. I pick up bathroom trash at LEAST once a day. I hate her. Passionately hate her. I fear I may become a dog murderer. I wish she’d run away, but she won’t. We can’t even put her ouside because she digs holes in the yard and barks incessantly. She won’t stay out of mud, either, so we have to wipe her paws before she comes in, but only after she’s jumped all over the patio door repeatedly. She can hold her urine in her crate overnight for 10 hours, but if she’s out during the day, apparently it’s a contest to see how many times she can make us take her out. If we don’t, she’ll squat and pee just randomly.
I’d pay someone to take her. Seriously. I hate her.
dogsfromhell January 19, 2015 at 5:52 pm
Maybe one of the nutty “dog rescuers” that stalk our site will step up and volunteer to take your dog.
Face Palm January 23, 2015 at 9:56 am
Lol, some of these comments are hilarious and tragic at the same time. I also had a dog we rescued, it was a male treeing walker hound. Took him to the vet and found out he had heart worms, he was very skinny and in poor health. For 6 months we spent time trying to train this stupid dog, fed it high quality dog food and spent hundreds of dollars at the vet trying to give this beast a decent life. The dog thanked us by getting in the garbage and pissing in our house. I keep my home very clean and this dog was a pisser and it would drive me nuts! It pissed when we would pet him, he pissed when we put him on a leash to go for a walk, pissed when we put food in his dish, pissed when we would come home from work. Nothing says welcome home like piss on your beautiful hardwood floors. Piss, piss, piss this dog loved to piss. The beast would not come when called, would not go outside without an escort and when we would gently approach him to escort him outside guess what he would do? PISS! He pissed in my truck when I would load him up to go for a walk in the park or vet, which made me furious! He dug holes all over my yard, I had to replace almost all of the sod. This idiot dog ate pinecones all the time and he would get sick and either throw up or leave pools of liquid shit in my house. He really enjoyed snacking on the delicious almond roccas in the litter box, my my my how he loved his cat shit treats. He couldn’t resist a delicious piece of cat shit. He gobbled up his food, then our German Shepherd’s food, the cat food then he topped off his dinner with some cat shit or garbage for desert. The dog also like to slurp up his piss from his urine stream. My husband said just give him more time to adjust. Well the time came where he attacked our shepherd because he wanted his Kong. Our shepherd had enough and they got into a fight. Neither dog was injured but that was it! That worthless piss pot went to the animal shelter. I hated everything about that stupid hound dog! I hated how he looked, I hated listening to him smack his food or lick himself I had everything about him! Glad he is gone!
I Love Dogs January 24, 2015 at 2:03 pm
I do, I love dogs so damn much. I’m much more of an animal person than a people person, but I absolutely despise my roommate’s sister’s dog. Not only is she annoying as hell, but she also smells like hell. She has a skin condition that requires regular doses of medication that her incompetent owner doesn’t give her. That being said, I know her stench is beyond her control, but she is constantly jumping on the furniture even though she has never been allowed up. I swear to God, she started doing this once her skin condition started acting up. She gets her nasty skin flakes everywhere and makes everything smell horrible! We recently started putting a sheet on the ottoman so she can lay there when we realized she would not stop jumping on the couch, and at first it seemed like she was content with laying there, but after everyone goes to sleep, she either moves the sheet or just moves to the couch. Seriously, she’s the worst. On top of that, she’s just so damn annoying! She will just stand in your way and stare at you for long periods of time. It’s so obnoxious and creepy. She legitimately weirds me out. I hate looking at her, I hate smelling her, I hate hearing her jowls clap together when she’s constantly licking herself. I hate everything about her. I know I would be able to tolerate her if she were an outside dog, but her owner now refuses to leave her outside because the stupid dog escaped and ran away once. We cannot leave her outside for more than 3 minutes before she starts jumping on the door and whining. She is a pit bull mix, so her banging against the door can cause actual damage. I wish the family that found her when she escaped would have just kept her rather than posting on facebook for my roommate to see. Her sister didn’t even realize she was gone because she is such a horrible owner she hadn’t checked on her in days. I think this is a post about how much I hate this effing dog and her dumbass owner. I am constantly daydreaming about just letting her out, but I’m not a monster, so I’d never do that. Maybe I’ll just rehome her one day and just claim she escaped. Yeah, that sounds like a great idea.
AnkleBiter January 24, 2015 at 7:27 pm
I notice many of these stories are “worst mistake ever”. Does anyone think of what daily life is like as a dog owner before getting one? When my parents were first married, my mother asked my father about getting a dog. He asked who would walk it and get up in the middle of the night if it needed to be let out. She didn’t have a good answer, and they never got a dog! Thank the lord and thank my father for having some common sense and forethought.
CatGirl January 25, 2015 at 12:15 am
Just when I thought it couldn’t get worse…the dog I wrote here about on the 19th has since discovered how to break out of her crate. That crate was the only way I could tolerate living in the same house with this freak of nature. Now how am I going to work or shower or leave?!?! I can’t. I am stuck.
I’m in dog hell.
I hope you’re right and someone takes her. Please, please, crazy dog lovers. Come take our dog. She eats cheap…bloody tampons and trash are her favorites. Who wouldn’t want a big snotty dog kiss from THAT?!
dani January 25, 2015 at 11:39 am
I was a bit lonely in the evenings and really thought a dog would be a good companion, so I adopted a 2 year old puggle from a dogs home. He is a nightmare, he barks at any sound even the motor on the fish tank, he stares at me, constantly, he stands on the arm of the chair to fart in my face whenever I sit down, if I ignore him he paws me and barks at me and whines. I can never relax and watch TV again. He doesn’t follow any command unless I have a treat in my hand, he will not leave me alone, when I stand up, he stands up, wherever I go in the house he pushes in front to gets there first so he can wait for me wagging his tail. When I walk him he also has to be first, he drags me down the road choking and making loud rasping noises and at the same time whining and howling in a high pitch so that people look at us, he pulls so hard he even farts. He is gross, he wipes his bum all over the rug and then licks the rug and his bum for hours, he rolls in fox poo. When he does a poo in the garden he kicks it all up in the air with his back feet so it goes flying everywhere. The very worst thing is that he is so sneaky that he acts the perfect dog in front of everybody else I know and they all think he is the cutest thing ever, but nobody wants to have him yet they judge me when I say I want to get rid of him.
Sass January 25, 2015 at 1:00 pm
AnkleBiter, nope, they never think about any of that, realistically. They have this magical idea that THEIR dog “won’t be like other ones” and it will be “good.” HA. Then when that doesn’t happen they come up with an endless array of excuses and glorify it when the dog misbehaves constantly or craps on the floor every time you turn around. That’s the mentality. They think they’re so high and mighty. No common sense.
Like my now-ex boyfriend who I’ve posted about numerous times. Thought it was a great idea to get a pricey puppy from a breeder when he’s gone 10 hours of the day Monday-Friday, and a dog, especially a puppy, requires a lot of care and training. He just expected me to inconvenience myself to “help out” SORRY but I work too.
His idea of me “helping out” was for me to drive back and forth between his house and mine numerous times a day on my days off or if I left work at a different time, and schedule my day around going to his house every other hour to let the dog out or play with it. God forbid I have something else I have to do.
CatGirl, my exes dog also learned how to get out of the crate/kennel, numerous times before he zip tied the corners/sides and destroyed a bunch of things in the room. I was livid, because I’m like when does this end? How do you possibly get any joy out of owning this dog, every day it’s something. The only interaction when I’m around is me yelling at the thing every two seconds.
He’s ripped up numerous comforters, pillows, bedsheets, alarm clocks, tuxedo suits (and the bags), shoes, and other random things, anything he can grab. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve seen all of these things shredded on the floor and just hoped he died from eating something that wasn’t edible. He is just a money vacuum. Whether it’s vet bills or endlessly needing to replace things he ruins.
I seriously hope you can get rid of her soon.
RegrettingMyPuppy January 29, 2015 at 2:50 pm
I feel like the most Awful person ever But I regret my puppy sometimes… I have wanted a dog for 15 years! At first she was the best but now Its just It makes me want to rip my head off…. I pull my hair out with frustration… She is obidient understands but whenever shes with my fiance She acts stupid… and winds me up not him!
All I hear is her WHINING 24/7 … I am kept up all night by her as my partner caved and started letting her sleep in the bed! UGH.
When its just me and her she cuddles and Somewhat behaves but as soon as anyone else is around She freaks, I know most of its my partners fault But I can tell my partner to grow up but I can’t tell a puppy that….
I got her for my depression but honestly shes stressing me more then helping me…. I feel awful but Ugh.. the stress I knew I should of gotten a cat..
Sassy January 31, 2015 at 11:35 am
I hope you can find a solution soon, or get rid of the dog. Unfortunately my exes dog was one of the reasons we broke up.
I understand your pain. That dog was so intimidated of me and would behave no problem when it just us alone. We actually got along because I wasn’t being annoyed every minute of the day. When my ex walked in it was 24 hours of whining if you even did so much as look away from him, and 100 pounds of filth jumping around and laying on whatever furniture it wanted leaving the smell everywhere.
I told him to GROW up countless times and either train his dog or respect my right to my personal space. Then we BROKE up. Complete idiot.
I hope you figure out your situation. I love my cat, he is amazing and I’ve never had trouble with cats personally.
Brittany January 31, 2015 at 9:42 pm
I suppose I did this to myself. I have never ever been a dog lover. You could call me the crazy cat lady if you will. But as I sit here my 4 month old german shephard is howling in his cage for a reason I will never know. I was convinced by my husband that this would be a fantastic idea since he would be working out of town and the dog would provide protection. Needless to say he was so cute and so sweet and we got him at 6 weeks old. This dog has a serious bladder problem.. I let him out to pee and he comes right inside to pee on the floor, which are brand new due to a newly remodeled home. He eats like he has 5 assholes. He is fed what an adult eats and will still scarf his food down and look for more. I can say he has stopped with the accidents but at night when hes in his crate he is crying every hour just to be out. It wakes my whole house up. He also bites and attacks any little kid he can… mostly my daughter. If I try to discipline him he barks at me and trys to dominate me, which will never happen. He has also made his way under my house(mobile home) and is eating the insulation out from under there and I can hear him climbing through all of my ac duct work. I live in florida and for sure am not crawling under my house. But the worst part of all of it is I recently became pregnant and I am so sick with morning sickness and he is completely in convenient right now. As soon as he hears my alarm he is barking and crying, so before ive had a chance to open my eyes Im letting him outside, then he just jumps and scratches my brand new door all while peeing on the stairs. As I write this at 11:30 at night hes barking at me waking up the whole house. It makes my blood boil, he isnt crated all day only at night, he has very good food,toys, beds, treats and vet care. Yet I want to let him go and find a new home. I suppose after he attacked my friends son thats when i stopped liking him. Either way when your not a dog person its usually for a reason.
Face Palm February 1, 2015 at 2:41 am
Brittany, my dear, if you keep the dog I have two words for ya. Shock collar. I have a German Shepherd too, and when he was about 4 months he had the same issues with the jumping, biting (play biting) my son, he would get an attitude and try the dominant thing with me and he was bonkers at that age. I bought him a shock collar on amazon with a static shock and vibrate feature. When he would jump, I would firmly tell him no, if he continued I hit the vibrate, if he still didn’t stop then I would hit the shock. After literally two weeks he stopped all the bad behavior. The biting, the whining in the crate, jumping, dominating all of it. When I bought the collar, I put it on my self to see how it felt. It didn’t really hurt it startled me, but didn’t hurt. The collar and the 123 steps I used (NO! Vibrate Shock) worked wonders for me. Also consistency highly important, make sure the family follows along with the training. My husband tried playing the good cop bad cop game (I was the bad cop) and the dog would take advantage of this and misbehave if I were gone. Finally he figured if we want to keep this dog he is going to have to be consistent in training cause I have very little tolerance for stupid out of controll dogs, especially when I was pregnant. My Shepherd is 3 1/2 years old now and he is so well behaved many think he is a police dog. Every command I submit he does the first time when guests come to my home he doesn’t get wild and jump all over, he doesn’t bark unless necessary (like when people come to the door). I moved into my rental home about a year ago and my neighbors didn’t even know I had a dog until about four months ago when they seen me with him coming home from a run. They asked me if I just got a dog and I said nope I’ve had him for bout three years. A lot of Shepherds are very neurotic obnoxious and just plain annoying if not trained well. They need lots of training and exercise but most learn rather quick and my shepherd is a great guard dog. My husband is deployed right now and it’s just me and my boy. Having the dog on guard will warn me in time so I can get my gun from the safe and give any uninvited guests a proper welcome if needed. Normally I do not like dogs, they smell, they are annoying, I hate looking at their dumb faces, hear them lick themselves, smacking their food, the clicking of paws on my hard wood floor, the drooling when they sit next to you at the dinner table, jamming their noses up yourguest’s crotch, the chewing, the landmines all over the yard. (Lucky for me my shepherd has one shit spot in the yard, I hate cleaning it but the husband will resume his shit patrol when he returns) the piss, well I’m sure you get it. :P My shepherd is definitely an exception, I hate dogs but not this one.
dogsfromhell February 1, 2015 at 5:54 am
dogsfromhell February 1, 2015 at 7:12 am
Adder February 1, 2015 at 7:21 am
Don’t feel bad. It may end up being best to rehome the dog. I deal with mental illnesses as well, including depression. And believe it or not, that’s how I ended up with one of my past dogs. A lot of people suggest getting a dog to help with depression and the likes. Getting a dog did not help whatsoever. The added stress of a high maintenance animal actually made things worse as time went on. But I didn’t know any better when I took the advice. Your mental health comes first and if the dog is a problem the you shouldn’t feel bad rehoming it if need be. If you do want a pet to help you through it then I’d suggest something low maintenance. I started keeping snakes and they are a joy to have in my house. If you’re not big on reptiles then something like a guinea pig or fish tank would do well. Dogs can be stressful even if you’re a dog lover. I hope things work out for you :)
What did I do? February 1, 2015 at 11:04 am
I bought a 7 month old dog for 900 dollars. I was told for your first dog get an older puppy which I did. I read the books researched the breed got the dog. Now I’m miserable I thought I was a dog lover but now all I feel is hate. He wants to go outside every ten minutes and it fricken 10 degrees it there. And he doesn’t want to go outside because he wants to go potty because lord knows he isn’t potty trained worth crap. Then he constantly paces the house whining. And at night he howls in his crate. Now I’m sleeping on the floor next to his crate so he doesn’t wake up the neighbors. I can’t leave his sight or he cries and cries and cries and I am so tired of the crying. Everyone tells me oh he is just like a baby… What I never have nor will ever want children that’s why I got a dog so he’d play with his toys sleep and hang out outside with me in the summer. On top of all this he is behind on his shots and needs a bunch of supplements and smells bad do to constant ear infections despite cleaning his ears every week. I am now stuck with him for the rest of his life because I don’t wanna be a horrible person by giving him up but every day a racked with why the hell did I do this to myself and hoping/longing for the day he dies.
dogsfromhell February 1, 2015 at 11:53 am
sell it and get your money back….no guilt required..its a freakin’ dog…best wishes
jacksonfever February 2, 2015 at 3:45 pm
The only reason 90% of dogs will not leave their owner’s side is because it’s a free meal ticket and they know they can get away with murder the majority of the time. I thought my dog loved me but when someone else comes to visit and treats her nice, she whores herself out and forgets I exist. Dogs should have a purpose, they shouldn’t be decorations for a home, costly decorations at that.
Lauren February 2, 2015 at 8:13 pm
I hate my dog. I didn’t always hate her and I still love her but she drives me nuts. She is causing problems in my marriage because my husband and I both hate her and we fight about her constantly. She has diareah all the time and is on special food but still gets sick. She also eats anything she finds on the floor whether it’s crumbs, a bug, a stick doesn’t matter she wil eat it and then will get sick all over the house. This dog is 3 so she’s not a puppy. We have 2 small kids so it’s impossible to keep the floor clean all the time. She is also hyper and has anxiety issues. She pees in her crate everyday even though I drive home from work on lunch and let her out. Then I have to come home at night and give her a bath. Every damn day. She can’t go outside by herself because she will eat everything so when she’s ourside it’s like having a toddler I have to watch everything she does. I can’t even pay attention to my kids because I have to watch the stupid dog so she doesn’t get sick all over the couch…again. I am seriously thinking of getting rid of her but who the hell wants a dog like this? She is very sweet to my kids and they do love her butt she is just not a good dog :( btw she has gotten sick all over my parents house too and now they refuse to watch her for us…now we have to board her and when we do we have to drug her or she will have diareah when she comes home…it’s just constant.
Chels February 4, 2015 at 8:26 pm
Wow I’m not the only girl who hates puppies! I thought it was a great idea getting a Great Dane puppy, who may I add, the breeder was a greedy fxjd&;$/ who let the pup go from his mother to early. Our puppy is an A hole and I’m allergic to it. The thing is the dumbest dog ever and my boyfriend thinks Danes are the smartest.
Ugh I hate having a dog. He pees and poops everywhere, barks at random shit and chews everything.
I know it’s my own fault for getting a puppy as that’s how they are but I am never ever ever again getting a dog… Is it bad I can’t wait until we don’t have it anymore????
Dave February 5, 2015 at 4:49 am
10 years ago a friend of mine was moving away, and I stupidly adopted their dog that they couldn’t take with them (that should have been my first clue). I quickly came to find out that this dog had lots of neurotic problems, but the worst of them was the fact that he absolutely went berserk during inclement weather. If there was a breeze, he would try to rip the fence down to get out of the yard; if a few clouds gathered and a little raindrop fell, same thing. Lord help when a full blown storm came, you would literally have to hold him to keep him from exploding. If I thought there would be bad weather while I was gone, I’d try to crate him to help, but he would go berserk in there as well and tear his way out (no kidding). He ended up destroying my yard and the inside of my house…there’s no way to stop the weather. There was no solution to the problem, so I took him to the pound and explained his aversion to weather. I found out later that a farmer adopted him where he could run around to his heart’s content
Alice February 5, 2015 at 7:52 am
I know there’s something wrong with me, and I guess I am not blaming the dogs but, lately, I’ve come to strongly resent my dogs. We have been living in an apartment for the past 5 years (which was never supposed to happen, but, look at the housing market), and, things were great at first when it was just me and the one dog (a Corgi). For the first two years I used this dog for emotional support, cooked it fresh meals, it slept in my bed with me, and I absolutely loved it. It would get lonely when I would go to work so we got a dog for it from the shelter (half Corgi, half German Sheppard). That dog had separation anxiety and initially I hated it for continually barking so badly but, when we nearly lost it to Parvo I became somewhat attached to it too. I would say, therefore, I loved our dogs for the first three years of having them.
But. We had our child two years ago, and ever since then, the dogs have progressively become harder and harder for me to …well, let’s be honest…tolerate. They would pee in the house to the point where we have started taking them out FOUR times a day. FOUR TIMES. We live on the 3rd floor of an apartment. We can no longer walk them for 2 miles a day as we used to ( I think this is the crux of things), and often I have to take them down during my toddler’s naps (and I am vastly pregnant now). They pull on me and run after other animals. They try to attack every other dog out there (they are the least social dogs in the world – I didn’t realize how important socialization training was). They chew up my son’s toys (pathologically they ignore the ones he doesn’t play with so much and always go RIGHT for his favorite plastic animal). They don’t listen to “no” or even “get out” – you have to scream at them to make them leave the kitchen (which I don’t like doing obviously, it’s uncivilized). And worst of all they try to take food right out of my toddler’s hands (he gets anxious and screams NOOO! (dog’s name) NOOOO!) and I feel so terrible they disrespect him this way.
I know I should love them but, especially when they pee yet again (or eat playdough they somehow manage to sneak from my son and puke it up in the living room) – I don’t know, sometimes, sitting in the scent of pee and having to steam clean ineffectively again, I think about punting them off the balcony. My son and husband love the dog, so I wouldn’t but – both my husband and I are annoyed that we go outside with them, and unless it’s freezing cold, they don’t pee right away (takes over 15 minutes sometimes, they almost do this pathologically). They also don’t know basic commands like “sit”, or even “no”. One of them knows “high five” though….go figure.
I am waiting to start loving them again….somehow…
AnkleBiter February 5, 2015 at 8:13 am
Alice, did you ever try to train the dogs? The biggest problem with them is nobody attempts to get them properly trained from the start. If you’re adopting a dog, TRAIN IT!!! It should be mandated by law.
Dave February 5, 2015 at 4:49 am
10 years ago a friend of mine was moving away, and I stupidly adopted their dog that they couldn’t take with them (that should have been my first clue). I quickly came to find out that this dog had lots of neurotic problems, but the worst of them was the fact that he absolutely went berserk during inclement weather. If there was a breeze, he would try to rip the fence down to get out of the yard; if a few clouds gathered and a little raindrop fell, same thing. Lord help when a full blown storm came, you would literally have to hold him to keep him from exploding. If I thought there would be bad weather while I was gone, I’d try to crate him to help, but he would go berserk in there as well and tear his way out (no kidding). He ended up destroying my yard and the inside of my house…there’s no way to stop the weather. There was no solution to the problem, so I took him to the pound and explained his aversion to weather. I found out later that a farmer adopted him where he could run around to his heart’s content
Alice February 5, 2015 at 7:52 am
I know there’s something wrong with me, and I guess I am not blaming the dogs but, lately, I’ve come to strongly resent my dogs. We have been living in an apartment for the past 5 years (which was never supposed to happen, but, look at the housing market), and, things were great at first when it was just me and the one dog (a Corgi). For the first two years I used this dog for emotional support, cooked it fresh meals, it slept in my bed with me, and I absolutely loved it. It would get lonely when I would go to work so we got a dog for it from the shelter (half Corgi, half German Sheppard). That dog had separation anxiety and initially I hated it for continually barking so badly but, when we nearly lost it to Parvo I became somewhat attached to it too. I would say, therefore, I loved our dogs for the first three years of having them.
But. We had our child two years ago, and ever since then, the dogs have progressively become harder and harder for me to …well, let’s be honest…tolerate. They would pee in the house to the point where we have started taking them out FOUR times a day. FOUR TIMES. We live on the 3rd floor of an apartment. We can no longer walk them for 2 miles a day as we used to ( I think this is the crux of things), and often I have to take them down during my toddler’s naps (and I am vastly pregnant now). They pull on me and run after other animals. They try to attack every other dog out there (they are the least social dogs in the world – I didn’t realize how important socialization training was). They chew up my son’s toys (pathologically they ignore the ones he doesn’t play with so much and always go RIGHT for his favorite plastic animal). They don’t listen to “no” or even “get out” – you have to scream at them to make them leave the kitchen (which I don’t like doing obviously, it’s uncivilized). And worst of all they try to take food right out of my toddler’s hands (he gets anxious and screams NOOO! (dog’s name) NOOOO!) and I feel so terrible they disrespect him this way.
I know I should love them but, especially when they pee yet again (or eat playdough they somehow manage to sneak from my son and puke it up in the living room) – I don’t know, sometimes, sitting in the scent of pee and having to steam clean ineffectively again, I think about punting them off the balcony. My son and husband love the dog, so I wouldn’t but – both my husband and I are annoyed that we go outside with them, and unless it’s freezing cold, they don’t pee right away (takes over 15 minutes sometimes, they almost do this pathologically). They also don’t know basic commands like “sit”, or even “no”. One of them knows “high five” though….go figure.
I am waiting to start loving them again….somehow…
AnkleBiter February 5, 2015 at 8:13 am
Alice, did you ever try to train the dogs? The biggest problem with them is nobody attempts to get them properly trained from the start. If you’re adopting a dog, TRAIN IT!!! It should be mandated by law.
NoDogsAllowed February 7, 2015 at 7:59 pm
i ran across this site today and fell in love most people get butt hurt when you say you don’t like dogs . Thank goodness I ran across this site I will be venting as much as I can before I lose my mind and my relationship . So about 4 months ago my boyfriend decided that I needed a dog for protection so he located this German Shepard dog breeder we went picked out the dog we wanted by couldn’t take him because he was too young SO we got him at 8weeks I believe. The funny thing is before we picked the dog up I was having second thoughts about getting a dog. Boy should I have listened to my first mind huh lol anyway the dog is about 6 months he’s is so MINDLESSLY NASTY he’s like a chicken with its head cut off there’s no teaching this dog shit it does what it wants . I try to tolerate it but it pisses me off that were in Petco every damn day getting his dumb ass a bed because he torn it up or new toys because he peed on them . One time we went and got him a really nice $80 Martha Stewart bed so nice when we brought it home I snuggled up with Phantom inside his Extra large crate .. One day he decides to just quietly pee while he’s lay down it smelt so bad I wanted to kick him out lol . We get him $60 milk baths every couple days … Heard it would dry out his skin but I really don’t care I refuse to have a stinky dog in the house . I caught him eating his own shit before .. He always trys to excape . He doesn’t listen to anyone .. I give up so I don’t care I going to get a kitten soon.. I just don’t have the patience for a dumb ass dog oh my gosh !! Then my boyfriend feeds him doggy snacks all day so that’s what he expects. He has the nerve to be picky .. I say just give him the dog pebbles he will live and give him snacks when he’s good but I guess I’m asking for too much . Oh and I hate when he tears up his dog bed and my boyfriend gives him one of our pillows off our bed .. Fucking DOGG !! He doesn’t deserve a bed if he’s gunna tear it up .. And i think it knows I don’t like it cause it try’s coming to me sometimes trying to get me to pet it … I play along sometimes but I really wanna get it high so I could shut up lol i have many stories … #NotADogFan
NoDogsAllowed February 7, 2015 at 8:05 pm
i have came to resent agreeing to getting Phantom he is to much work and he’s difficult. We even brought him back to the dog breeder and she said she only had a problem with him out of the whole litter . Just our luck . I still try to like him I’m not completely mean to him he’s just not what I expected and he’s rough all the time .. I’d rather a cat but then again I don’t know if animals is for me :( phantom ruined that for me
steve slezak February 9, 2015 at 4:19 pm
My wife has been trying to talk me into getting a dog for over three years now, saying that our now 3-year old daughter wants a puppy. Now that I finally said okay, it has been nothing but hell on earth, Our daughter hates the puppy most of the time, and we have to keep it away from her and all of her toys or it tries to chew them up. Also, I think it is inhumane to keep a puppy crated 18 hours a day, which is what we are doing with this one already.
dogsfromhell February 9, 2015 at 5:02 pm
Maybe you can bring it back if you still have the receipt
dogsfromhell February 9, 2015 at 5:03 pm
If not, sell it on ebay
Jo February 10, 2015 at 10:30 pm
I’ve trained my German rot i loved him until he bit me I can’t believe that piece of shit animal !I called to have him killed vet said no wtf does a dog need to do before I can kill it f this dog I’m pissed I want him dead growls and bit me f that I hate dog owners most treat FUVKING dogs like humans suxs I liked him until now
Grr! February 11, 2015 at 4:33 pm
I was all for getting a puppy. It was free and my little girl wanted one so bad. Well I’ve learned my lesson. This big stupid creature is making my life a living hell! All it does is whine all the time! I can’t wake up in the morning and stay in bed to snuggle with my daughter. As soon as the bed creaks the dog starts whining and barking for attention. She stinks to high heaven but I can’t bathe her to keep her smelling decent because she has sensitive skin. She shits on the floor ONLY when I’m home with her! My boyfriend insists that she has something wrong with her and we should pity her and pay vet bills to get her checked out. Bullshit! She just does it because she’s an asshole! That and she doesn’t want to get her paws cold in the snow so when I let her out she sits on the porch and whines like she’s being tortured. Ever since we got her she’s been terrified of EVERYTHING! She once got a piece of shit stuck to her ass because she was eating couch threads (yes she ate my couch) and ran around the house screaming bloody murder because she thought the turd was after her. Then when we take her out anywhere people think she’s abused because of the way she hides and cringes from everything. She pushes my daughter over all the time so we have to keep her crated when we play. She can’t stand my daughter getting attention so she always crams herself in the middle and pushes her out of the way. She’ll starve herself for days and scrounge the floor looking for crumbs rather than eat out of her overflowing dog bowl and she bites my daughters hands to get food when she is carrying it around. She jumps up on the counters and chews everything she can get her snout on, despite having at least 10 chew toys! And the worst part is that she KNOWS she doing something wrong! And sneaks to do it anyway! Countless times I’ve caught her running with her ears down to her crate because she stole one of my daughters toys to chew and didn’t want to get caught. We went out and bought her new toys the other day and a box of treats. Not 10 minutes later I caught her stealing my daughters pancakes off the table and sneaking back to her crate. Then when you yell at her she acts like YOURE the horrible one! She bites my cat, who is the most WONDERFUL animal I’ve ever met! Luckily she’s gotten a taste of her own medicine from him a few times. I’m really on my last nerve with this dumb mutt but my daughter loves her so I can’t get rid of her. Luckily were moving soon and I’ll be able to tie her stupid ass outside…
dogsfromhell February 11, 2015 at 4:41 pm
Your daughter will get over the dog. Buy her a consolation prize. How about another cat or a new toy. Bring the dog back and get a refund. You wont regret it.
Melissa galligan February 12, 2015 at 12:24 pm
I feel completely trapped by the puppy we got seven months ago. I dream about a home unsoiled by dogshit and have tried in vain to study every single episode of The Dog Whisperer. My kid and my husband would hate me for admitting my feelings, but I hate hate hate the dog.
dogsfromhell February 12, 2015 at 9:52 pm
leave the door open
CrotchSniffer February 13, 2015 at 8:07 am
I can’t believe adults actually fall for the kids begging for a dog, even offering to take care of it. Any adult in their right mind knows this will never happen.
Rob February 13, 2015 at 4:37 pm
My boss greets a woman with a stroller today with a pleasant “Hello, mom!”
She proceeds to push the stroller, revealing a whining dog, past the register and around the store. She didn’t seem remotely interested in any goods in the store at all.
My boss and I pretty much lost all interest in this person as we both disagree with people doing this to their animals.
There were no other customers and she left after she was not showered with attention about her animal (which was brought in against laws and regulations)
Why do these people exist? Why are they allowed to cage these nasty animals and then use them to get attention from other people?
Jennifer February 23, 2015 at 7:09 am
I’m with all of you. My husband showed up three weeks ago with a puppy after going to get groceries. Walked in the door with a sob story about how he found this puppy on the side of the road in a box with it’s two siblings already run over. My kids were upstairs. I was cornered into accepting a situation that I didn’t want. Now we have this horrible barking nightmare in our house. He’s everywhere. I dread going home, I can’t sit in my own living room without listening to whining and shrill barking. He constantly tries to chew on my slippers when I walk into the room. And, he pees on the floor every time he gets a chance. I’m fed up already and feel like I’ve been shoved out of the family living spaces by the dog. I don’t want an indoor dog and yet, here it is, an indoor dog. I can’t stand how much attention my husband gives the dog. The worse of it is how angry I am that he has taken on all the responsibility. Sounds crazy does it – let me explain. When we had our kids I did EVERYTHING. I had to to force him to get up and watch our son so I could shower and get dressed in the mornings. I was told repeatedly that his sleep was extremely important. Now, with a dog, he will get up in the middle of the night without complaining. He gets up early in the morning with no complaints. It’s absolutely devastating to be around. I guess the needs of a dog are more important than the needs of your wife. I don’t see a solution either. We are headed into counseling this week because I’ve become depressed about the situation.
NoDogsAllowed February 23, 2015 at 1:16 pm
So because my boyfriend owns this german shepard that acts like a chicken with its head cut off i have a Siberian kitty that i put all my time into when hes playing with that stupid dog . This morning my boyfriend starts yelling that he cant stand my cat and that his filthy dog is somehow better ??? I can argue him down for days because his dog is a f*****g idiot i mean smart but dumb as a freaking door knob . It does everything annoying im surprised i havent kicked the stupid thing either once or twice . I get my joy when hes stuck with me … Someone that doesnt give a shit about him . I really hate that damn dog so much . The other day he threw up and took a poop in the work place and didnt get scolded but if my kitty jumps on a pile of money and ruins the pile its the end of the world … Hmm dog vomit and poop or reorganizing money ??? Ill take the kitty for 500 lol i hate that damn dog i hate him i hate him i hate him … I hate him cause hes a pointless being id rather have a kid than this dumb ass animal . Then you have people that think dogs are like humans … NO THEY ARE NOT DO NOT COMPARE A DOG TO A CHILD TWO DIFFERENT SPECIES MORONS !!! Dogs are pathetic unless trained properly. I hate this dog so much i wish it would die early choke on a bone or something..
AnkleBiter February 23, 2015 at 7:56 pm
NoDogsAllowed, are you going to continue the relationship with your BF? Him being a dog drooler and cat hater and you not being able to stand his dog won’t last long. It sounds like you two live together. I’d pack up my cat and move the heck out before your cat gets mauled.
whyme February 23, 2015 at 8:40 pm
My daughter moved in with her Chihuahua mix. It won’t stay off me and is like a yoyo when I push her down. She wiggles constantly and stalks me. She eats my cats food, and poop. She barks every time I come through the door. I try so hard to be nice to her, but often feel she is jumping my last nerve. If it were just me I would find her another home first thing in the morning…or tonight…yes tonight works. And the KICKER is this wiggly mutt craps on my floor. I have to deal with this. I love my child and grandchild. The number of times I can try to make myself like this dog is dwindling.
zaia February 24, 2015 at 8:35 pm
God please help Me…. Someone anyone get in contact with me ASAP. Okay so here’s the spill. We have had this dog for 10 years now. I can not stand it no more. My mom is attached to them and will never keep them outside. She even talks to them. I don’t know what to do anymore. There ruining my life. I can’t get rid of them and I really hope they die soon. The dogs are always inside the house when I’m home. And after years I’ve grown sick of waking up and having to look at them. It gets worse by the day. I don’t know what I should do. If they were in the garage it would be nice. But my stubborn hard headed mom won’t let it. SHE EVEN LETS THEM SLEEP IN THE BED WITH HER every night. ………it seems so hopeless and seems like I’m stuck with them til they die……god help me. Email me if you care to talk
dogsfromhell February 24, 2015 at 8:42 pm
Have you considered moving out?
we're all f'd if we don't get rid of dogs February 25, 2015 at 1:00 pm
I hate my dog with a passion!
Lacey February 26, 2015 at 9:09 pm
Im so glad I came across this site because I was feeling like I was the only one! I’m 35 years old and always had dogs growing up. I loved all of my dogs as a child. Now I’m grown and I have three chihuahuas. Two of them I love to pieces! But the other one I just CANT STAND!!!! I hate looking at him, I hate being near him, I just really hate his prescence. My fiancé makes me feel like I’m a bad person because I tell him that I just don’t like the dog and I NEVER will! He’s ugly as sin! He’s a tan deer head chihuahua and just so awkward looking, I can’t stand it! Everything he does irkes the hell out of me! He licks constantly and I hate the noise, I hate the way he eats and the way he walks! He’s just really awkward and he’s always under my feet and I just want him to stay away from me. If I’m playing with my other dogs he’ll come running over and try to join in and I can’t stand that! He bullies my other dog and takes all of his toys away from him, steals his food when he’s eating and is just plain mean to him. He doesn’t listen for crap. I just really really HATE this dog!!!!!! UGHHHHHHHHHH
Kristie February 27, 2015 at 11:18 pm
So I’ve read many comments on this site stating “I have the stupidest dog ever”. You are WRONG. I have the most mentally deficient, absolutely retarded piece of shit in the universe. This idiot POS went out into the backyard to piss outside (a rare occurrence, I can assure you) and decided she wanted to chase cars. My almost-equally-mentally-deficient BF never had her spayed so her horny azz is wild. Idiot gets hit by car and Vet #1 suggest euthanasia, well the idiot children of BF (who wouldn’t piss on the dog if it were on fire) pitched a fit, the dog MUST live Daddy! 2 vets and thousands of $ later this idiot dog only has 3 legs and since Daddy never bathes or grooms her there is a large swath of red dirt along every.single.wall in the entire house. She eats herself constantly, patches of hair missing, bloody sores. Hasn’t had a bath IN A YEAR. I’m not touching the discusting MF’er. There is hair, quite literally, on and in every surface of the house. 3000 sq ft of dog hair. We can’t have guests over, I can spend 2 hours vacumming the entire house only to have nasty dog hair float into guests food and drink. Even without the hair no one can visit as the retard dog has never been trained so if someone comes inside she goes batshit crazy, barks, licks, jumps and humps all in one CONSTANTLY. If you try and lock her in a room she EATS the bottom of the door, barking and whimpering the entire time. God I hate her and wish she would drop dead. I am so out of here, he can have his precious dog (that he doesn’t bathe, brush, vaccinate, exercise and rarely even acknowledges). The best part of this disaster? He complains incessantly that the nonexistent cat hair (from our short-hair, outdoor cat) bothers his allergies. BAHAHAHAHA
dogsfromhell February 28, 2015 at 5:40 am
You have my sympathies. People who are forced to live with dogs especially in way you describe have their own kind of hell. I couldn’t do it for a day and I applaud you for sticking it out for any amount of time. Best wishes to you.
NoDogsAllowed March 2, 2015 at 12:31 pm
Hello everyone i am once again back for another venting session :) i want to proudly say that i HATE MY DOG with a PASSION He has finally pushed me completely over the edge last night . This idiot dog ATE my iPhone 6 plus .. he like chewed my screen till the glass came off with the screen protector on it and case on it .. he must have jumped and jumped until he got it of the bar … I HATE HIM SO MUCH he is a waste of time and energy . i don’t want to give him any attention rather its good or bad . i simply can not stand him .
dogsfromhell March 2, 2015 at 8:00 pm
Put a tag on it with your worst neighbor’s address and open the door
dogsfromhell March 2, 2015 at 8:31 pm
I wish Wilko would come back too.
TATTIE March 3, 2015 at 3:04 pm
Got a dog for our kid who said she’d walk it/look after it. Hasn’t happened. I hate the dog. It eats other dogs shit. is thick. THE most submissive beast living, its so embarrassing. Constantly drools looking at us eating and rakes the bins for scraps. What’s the point in dogs? They are useless.
I hate dogs a lot March 7, 2015 at 8:01 pm
I know this is about my grandparents stupid mutt but still.
When my grandparents old dog died I felt no sadness. You’d think it take a while for them to get over it? Nope, few days later they got a stupid Jack Russel from hell, Holly was the beasts name. It yaps, like ear-splitting yaps that could probably could be heard from China, if you don’t play this tug-of-war game with her. My granddad, a dog worshipper who could watch a pit rip a child’s face off and blame the child for annoying the dog, encourages the mutt to growl and bite and chew on things. I had to stay over there for a week with my little sister (she is only 5) and the dog took her teddy. Because of how my grandad encourages the mutt, you couldn’t take it off her. I tried to but my grandad (who has anger problems) screams at me. Also the stupid mutt, chases the cat if you so much approach the cat, I’m serious. I yelled at Holly for doing this, of course she didn’t listen, but I still yelled at the demon-creature and my grandad once again screamed at me, then praised holly, HE PRAISED IT WHAT THE HELL!!!! ! The dog doesn’t get punished for anything. If she chewed something up, my granddad blamed me, I dunno why he just did. If I didn’t want to play fetch when holly dropped this ball which is coated in dirt and dog slobber, I’m being shy and am forced to play with her. Because of this I don’t go over anymore, kinda sad because I’m close with my grandma and we both love cats and hate the dog. Sadly, I’ve concluded my grandma is too scared of her own husband to say anything about Holly, heck to scared to say anything against him.
dogsfromhell March 8, 2015 at 6:21 am
Your grandfather sounds like he is emotionally abusive. I hope your mother doesn’t send you and your little sister there anymore. If she does please try to keep your little sister away from the dog and tell your parents about your concerns.
Anonymous March 13, 2015 at 9:52 am
I am so glad I came across this and found people who can’t stand these pathetic, desperate for attention, smelly, idiotic, and obnoxious animals. We have a 1 1/2 year old black lab/rhodesian ridgeback mix and I can’t stand her! I was suckered into getting her because I made my husband get rid of the German Shepard he had after it bit both our neighbors dog, tried to attack anyone that walked through the door, and eventually bit our now 4 year old daughter. I grew up with dogs, and thought for sure it was just that dog I hated, but no. We adopted our current dog from a shelter, and at first she was super sweet, and calm and quiet. 9 months later she is the clingiest, smelliest, most obnoxious dog I know. She has some kind of chronic yeast infection problem, and always smells god awful despite bathing and treating. And she is constantly licking herself, and shedding. Obviously my husband doesn’t care because he’s not the one cleaning dog hair off of everything. And on top of that, she is obsessed with him. If our daughter wants his attention, the dog is right there and constantly harassing her afterwards. I can’t even sit on the couch with him without the dog being right there or under our feet. The dog doesn’t listen when he’s home, and has even tried mounting and humping him a few times which is beyond disgusting. I’ve tried training her (I knew I’d get stuck with it) but she doesn’t give a shit, and she just listens when she wants to. I am currently pregnant and we will be bringing a new baby home in May, and I can only imagine how much WORSE the dog is going to get when we do and she gets even less attention.
Grr! March 13, 2015 at 3:21 pm
Omg Anonymous you are living my life!!! We have a 4 year old and one on the way (also due May). Reading your post is like reading my own life about our own worthless mutt. Seriously our dog does the SAME THINGS! Luckily my boyfriend isn’t blind to it, he tolerates it more than I do but he has definitely instilled a respect in her. She still is a jealous attention whore though, which drives me insane.
On the bright side we moved back into my parents house and my dad just built a dog house out of skids because he can’t stand the dog hair in the house. Today is her first day outside and she hasn’t stopped barking since we put her out there. Yes, it’s annoying. Somewhat satisfying. Can’t stand the damn thing I hope it barks itself to death. Or at least injures it’s voice box.
Newton March 18, 2015 at 6:32 pm
My dog loving friends insisted I get a rescue. Now I have a ten pound personality disorder. She alternates between clinging, totally ignoring, and throwing tantrums. Can’t train this dog to come without plying it with treats. Came with worms and allergies. Stubborn as hell and goes on hunger strikes when pouting. I feel like getting a shock collar, turning it up all the way and “training” this stubborn bitch till it catches on fire.
dogsfromhell March 18, 2015 at 7:31 pm
Shock collars barely hurt. It’s more like a vibration that interrupts or distracts them. Just return the damn thing and get your money back
abbey March 19, 2015 at 8:24 am
I hate my dog so much. I think about hiring a gun from somewhere and shooting her in the face 20 times the thought brings me no greater pleasure.. she is my partners dog and wont get rid of her. He doesnt even like her!!
shes old. She smells. She goes through my rubbish bins. Gets dog hairs over everything. Follows my daughter around like a leech. Wakes up my baby by running around. Runs out of the house and up the road.. i wish she was dead i hate that dog with a passion!!
AR85 March 21, 2015 at 1:57 pm
I liked dogs, until I was forced to live with them. My girlfriend had a Bassett hound before we got together, it was fine the dog was fairly quiet. Then we moved back to my home town and a Beagle/Cocker Spaniel mix roamed into the yard while I was grilling one day. I hated this idiot from the second I tried to shoo her away. But lo and behold being the bleeding heart animal lover she is “we can’t leave to wonder!” then her family and mine ganged up on me and brow beat me into keeping this thing. Days said dog ate it’s own shit out in the yard only to come in the house and throw it up all over my girlfriend! That smelled fierce! Guess who got to clean it up, me! It also chewed my daughters new toys, which my girlfriend tried to hide, smells like a bag of smashed assholes if she’s not bathed at least once a week, she runs away if she can get out of house, she’s aggressive to the point where I’m scared she will chew a kids face off, oh and she LOVES trash especially bathroom trash. You can only imagine what that entails. Her bark when she sees someone in the yard is comparable to someone skinning a dragon on their front lawn, I don’t how know we have kept this retard for as long as we have. Then we moved to the country and we told by her mom and step dad that we needed a big dog outside to protect the house, that’s all it took to send her straight to Facebook to get us a big dog. This one I like the best, she’s smart, playful, happy,and for the most part minds decently. We picked her up from a lady that her and the mother dog and all the other puppies out in the blistering cold. She is a Lab/Pit mix and is the best one we have. She had chunks of fur missing because the mother was cleaning them and it froze off. She was also very hungry. A couple of months later she finds a Lab/Australian Shepherd mix on Facebook. The ad said if the dog didn’t find a home in 2 days, she was going to be shot. So guess who found a home and was spared the lead? My experience with these dogs has turned me off from ever owning another dog. I’m just not patient enough for them. In summation, I hate dogs.
Thank you for your indulgence
dogsfromhell March 21, 2015 at 5:08 pm
So how many of these demons do you actually have at this time? Sounds like Dante’s Hell at your house. I suspect these mutts will soon to the demise of your relationship. So sorry to hear of your situation
Puppy School March 22, 2015 at 10:39 am
I had many hassles in recent years with my beloved dog, i wished him to listen to me, i have
found many exceptional tips in this site.
Shelley Morgan March 23, 2015 at 9:01 pm
Dogs are fully conscious and know what they do. They can be jealous spiteful and perverted creatures.
I hate my stupid smelly disgusting black lab. My husband is a dog lover and the vile thing has caused a lot of fighting between us… i never even wanted the dog to begin with! But i feel like my say doesn’t matter. My husband got her when she was 8 months old. She is not a small or cute dog either! The disgusting thing is huge and ugly! I didnt like her whatsoever, and told my husband to get rid of her because she stank and we wouldnt have a clean house anymore. Heaven forbid shed be outside all day! He got mad at me, took the dogs side over mine, and told me i would be a terrible mother. I am SOO tired of people bending over backwards for these stupid things and treating them like babies, especially when they are not even close!!!! How can something so vile be treated better than his wife, and be compared to a cute human baby? Uggghhh! Anyway, I went way out of my comfort zone and tried to make it work with the dog. Despite my best efforts, the thing felt it was alright to chew up all my shoes, sneakily climb on the bed and cuddle with us at night(despite being scolded and she made me itchy), she has taken food out of my mouth and ran with it, she pees whenever i try to scold her, even before i speak(just to spite me), she always hops in between me and my husband whenever we are doing something sexual, or even kissing! Its just so weird! On top of it i can never just hug my husband without the aberrant thing just comming and bitting his hand and pulling it towards her! she always tries to find ways to get in the way and make all his attention on her! Recently she has barked at me for trying to get near him and always yelps whenever my husband leaves! I dont even touch her! She growls and nips me whenever we are alone too! She has made me bleed fom it! I never knew a beast could be so bitchy! The worst part is that if my husband goes to the bathroom, and this thing decides to yelp, he assumes i hit her or did something to her. He has slapped me and called me a evil lying whore because of it! And i handt even so much as looked at the dog! How can this dog get away with that! Ive told him what happens, he has seen it twice, but says that he knows his dog and takes her side… i am tired of being mistreated and beaten because of that thing. That dog is pure evil! She only does things to anger me. Everything about her is disgusting. She will lick herself all night and it drives me insane! She will lick her asshole and pussy and then sneakily try to lick me on the face! Anything she is trained not to do, she will do but just in a sneaky way. She is sttuborn and gross and i want the thing dead. I let her out once but ahe wouldnt even leave. I tried to give her pills before and shove them down her throat but she just would take them. She will specifically only lick the penut butter disguising the pills and leave the pills there. She loves dark chocolate, and will not die from it. Just get sickish.
She has the nerve to be picky about her food even and only eat the most expensive stuff, even when my husband and i are low on funds. I need new clothes, he has not taken me out to go eat shop, or even see a movie in two years. All my stuff is from when i was young and it barely fits, he can neve buy me anything. If i ask him for a twenty dollar shirt i am materialistic and just using him.. but he can buy the stupid dog the most expensive out of everything. Even toys. He says he sees her like a small child or little baby, that it has a good soul, but i will never see her that way. She is always trying to get attention and it drives me insane. I am being mean and a bitch according to my husband when i tell her to go outside or not get on my clean furniture! She has her big expensive bed! The best food! And thats not good enough! She always tries to take my food, and licks my makeup. She hops on top of my husband or bites/licks his feet during sex and ruins everything! Every time! Its so frustrating! So recently when he goes on trips ive been getting my revenge, and it feels good. I beat her with a baseball bat until im tired.. i pul her ears as hard as i can and hear her scream.. i give her large doses of chocolate and am happy when she gets sick. I choke her and throw her. I spray soap or a chemical agents inside her eyes ears and nose and watch her pupils get huge and her drool.. it makes me feel good. She deserves it. Now she knows she cant dominate me. She no longer growls nips or yelps. She still is an attention whore and a disgusting creature, but just one stare is enough to get her to stop doing something(like getting on the couch) she is much better behaved, and she trembles whenever me and her are alone. She curls up in a corner, shakes, and looks up at me. It feels great. Sometimes, i still beat her for all she made me endure… disgusting, ugly, smelly black little bitch. Dogs only understand violence. If only she could die now, so i can have privacy and a clean house again.
Dogs4NEVER March 23, 2015 at 10:39 pm
Oh my God Shelley, we would be best friends. Your post makes my heart sing. For so long I’ve been afraid to write how I really feel about my boyfriend’s dog. Until he got this dumb slobbering animal, I thought he was the guy I would marry. He didn’t even like animals much until he got this stupid thing. Now this poor excuse of a man is letting this animal ruin us. I don’t even hate dogs entirely. But this one makes it so easy.
At first he had all of these rules and training goals but quickly went back on his word and now he has a massive ugly beast that ruins everything in sight. The thing smells and he refuses to bathe it. It seriously burns my nose how much it stinks. I have no idea how he puts up with it. He’s allowed to jump all over people and furniture and leaves nasty slobber marks everywhere. The dog is essentially property yet it gets better treatment than I do. If I wanted to spend some time cuddling up to my boyfriend in bed or on the couch and wanted the dog to move I was “being mean”. Sorry but who the eff is the ANIMAL and who is the significant other? So I got to watch him cuddle this dog virtually stroking it’s red rocket every waking moment of our down time instead of having a real man that knows how to train and treat animals.
The dog was so dumb, he knew when he did something he wasn’t supposed to, however, immediately after he knew punishment was coming. So why keep doing the same thing that gets you punished? Its not cute. Its idiotic and annoying. I also was falsely accused of doing things to the dog when I wasn’t. The dog would whine if you weren’t looking at him. So you can imagine what he does when you leave the room, and of course I got accused of doing something to the precious dog.
I loved being alone with this stupid animal. My boyfriend also went away on business and that dog learned FAST how to behave around me. The second he started going crazy and jumping all over me or furniture he got kicked and pinned to the floor. Although he’s a little b and submissive and will just lay there, I held him to the floor by his head. The dog constantly whines about NOTHING, sometimes even my ex got mad. So I smack him or stare to scare him and he better stop. The best times were when he tried to get my food. Once he got a boot to the face. Numerous times. I constantly wore shoes because of the sickening dirt and crumby things the dog tracked and left everywhere. That made kicking him away so much better. The next time I was having a snack and he thought he could stick his nose in my food so he was beaten with the TV remote. Once, he got scared and pissed on the carpet so I slammed and rubbed his face into it to pre-wipe it up. He’s so huge I had to use all of my strength to do that. I’m not a big girl but still. Unfortunately I don’t think anything hurts him.
Someone was right when they said dogs only know hunger and fear. It’s incredibly true. They are loyal to a robot if it feeds them. Violence and intimidation are the only ways to get to these things. I’ve considered the chocolate or giving it pills, but surely I would be accused anyway. I fear the dog dying of natural causes and somehow I would get blamed and broken up with for it. He’d probably launch an entire investigation.
DOGSDERSERVETODIEINPAIN March 24, 2015 at 8:51 am
I want to murder my sisters little rat dog… It constantly yaps and keeps noise and bites. I usually kick and hit it so it whines, I enjoy it. DOggers say i’m a bad person, but it deserves it.
Hell if my sis won’t train it the lil wretched abomination of mutt can go to hell and suffer for my amusement. I just want to hurt it so bad all the time…
I even think about just tie it and throw it off to highway or something. Or to my driveway and just reverse my car on it. I want to kill it so badly, its a curse. Well honestly i feel like this about all the dogs, especially those who bark a lot. I want to cut them slowly until they die. Dogs suit better as food than as pet. But people tend to be too stupid to realize that.
Oh god I may be a bad person but I want to torture it and hear it whimper and see the life go out of it’s eyes slowly.
dogsfromhell March 24, 2015 at 2:59 pm
Frankly I don’t think most people would actually do these things, except for doggers themselves. And this is documented. Just read the news. Its so unfortunate that dog cultists have created these horrible psycho beasts that torment humans to the point where average, normal people like you and me imagine revenge as a means of coping with the stress and chaos we suffer from exposure to environmental dogs. I am sorry you have to deal with this . You have my sincere sympathies.
sugary spice March 24, 2015 at 6:33 pm
Shelley – Sorry to hear that you have endure all of that anger from your husband because of a stupid dog. I can totally relate when you say how your husband is willing to spend tons of money on the dog. Dog owners frequently state that they are tight on money, yet they always seem to find and spend tons of money on their stupid, greedy mutts. It’s crazy how they bend over backwards just to make sure the mutt gets what it wants. I can’t believe people actually spend thousands of dollars on these useless, smelly nuisances.
Shelley Morgan March 24, 2015 at 7:19 pm
Dogs4NEVER your case and your boyfriend sounds identical to mine.. Dogs are very smart, but choose to purposely play dumb. Do not let them fool you. My boyfriend s dogs behavior has lead me on to believe this. When we first got her she would be playfull around me and my boyfriend, but as soon as hed turn around or go to another room shed growl and nip. He saw it twice and told me that she was being playfull and i was being mean!! Always taking her side. If she had her way, id be long gone by now. I have to choose my poisons really well or disguise them and scatter them for her to find because she ill not eat anything i directly give her. When i pour her food or water she doesn’t touch it. She waits for me to sleep or do errands and tries to tear up things of value.. she has ruined brand new shoes, eaten money, and f’ed with things that are ONLY mine and not my partners. She would yelp whenever she could after she started to notice my boyfriend would scream and hit me. This was way before I started to scold her or beat her. She makes loud noises with her paws when he walks but always walks extremely lightly when shes trying to do something sneaky(like get in our bed at nighttime.)she will wait until im out and sneak in the middle of us. She will then kick me and scratch me until im on the corner or fall off. She never does this to my partner. In fact, she always rolls over for him and wiggles, does tricks, and acts lovingly. She even tries to always sniff his crotch and put her head in it !! Even though she is whacked by him!! If i talk to him when she is in the middle of doing a trick she to this day nips at me and put her ears straight. Wtf i seriously think the dog is jealous of me and has developed a kind of sexual attraction for my man. The vile thing!!! If i dont give her praise im bad. If i push her off she will just wait and try to be even more sneaky. Anything this dog does is justified and if i tell her to not bark, or even just tell her to not growl at the neighborhood kids im in big trouble and get scolded!!! Ive never seen anything more abberant in my life! A dog that is worth more than a woman!!! A loving, shy woman who cooks cleans and is younger than the husband… until this day i never thought id be capable of being like this to anyone.. but i do not regret it. The dog deserves even more. I am not a bad person, but one who is being tortured by this…. it seems like my husband has little regard for my feelings and if it were to be me or the dog i seriously think hed chose the dog :( even though shes bad behaved, smelly, and stubborn. If dogs had theyr way, they would be OUR masters and probably eat their owner s carcasses.
Kristie March 25, 2015 at 7:50 am
Dearest Dogs From Hell moderator- is there any way to update this site to allow photos? Even though I told my dog horror story in an earlier post I think it would be quite beneficial if myself and my fellow sufferers could post pics of the destruction wrought by idiot canines.
dogsfromhell March 25, 2015 at 2:38 pm
I think it would be great to be able to include photos in our actual comments however I do not think we have that feature. I believe I had inquired in the past to the site owner about doing this. I will ask again and let you know. Thanks for your input.
icantstandthisdog March 26, 2015 at 10:52 am
Reading these comments has me in tears…. my husband and I wanted a pet for our daughter, she LOVES animals. I’m back in college full time again but other than that I stay home with our daughter (my husband works out of state). I have time for the dog and it’s great to have to get out of the house every day.
The previous owners were complete imbeciles. I suspect this stupid little dog was abused. Not only did they lie and say she was house broken, they didn’t tell us she was PREGNANT. She wasn’t far along apparently so it was only after a couple weeks that it became obviously that she was pregnant. Well, now on top of constantly cleaning up animal feces because she absolutely refuses to go to the bathroom outside, I’ve also got to deal with puppies I never wanted. I’m at my wits end.
Yesterday she did it. I could deal with trying to potty train her but for no reason at all, she attacked my daughter who was quietly sitting on the floor eating. Mind you, my daughter has never even set eyes on the dogs puppies so there’s no reason to assume she was protecting her babies. She’s a very small dog and didn’t break skin, but it took every ounce of restraint that I had not to pick the bitch up and toss her out the second story window. As soon as these puppies are gone, so is she. I will be honest with whoever is dumb enough to take her, and God help the poor soul who thinks they can fix this dog. I hate her.
dogsfromhell March 26, 2015 at 3:52 pm
There are plenty of dog dummies. Just check out the Mickey the Mauler page and read the comments. These idiots would welcome a killer into their homes.
Amr March 27, 2015 at 4:15 pm
Guys! Put your enemy’s name on your dog’s tag and throw him/her outside…
I HATE DOGS!idk why people call them cute. N playful!!!!! Dogs are so stinky n ugly. Cats and kittens are so adorable ! I never saw a kitten that isn’t potty trained they are so funny to watch and so adorable.
doghater March 28, 2015 at 9:42 pm
Does anyone know of an effective way to kill a medium large size dog? I want to get rid of the disgusting beast.
dogsfromhell March 29, 2015 at 5:15 am
We do not advocate the killing or abusing of dogs. We hate them and want no contact. Our goals are self protection/the protection of our families;for dog owners to be responsible;spay/neuter as a means of reducing environmental dogs.You should consult your veterinarian.
dogsfromhell March 29, 2015 at 5:36 am
DH You should strongly consider leaving the dysfunctional relationship you are in. It is obvious your significant other does not value your contribution to the partnership and cares more for a filthy dog. It is probably time to move on…lesson learned….next time around seek someone like minded with no interest in co-habiting with a dog. I am certain you are a good person, but living with the noise, filth, chaos and sometimes violence of dogs can make you feel depressed and desparate to name a few. You have my sincere sympathies but please help yourself get out of a bad situation
chasingthest4rlight April 1, 2015 at 12:08 pm
I own a Wire-haired terrier/Pitbull mix. He’s the cutest/most exotic looking dog the world has ever laid eyes on. He’s tan, has a natural wire-like mohawk & the sweetest caramel eyes. The only problem is that he’s an incredibly self-centered/huge attention-whore. Since day 1 the entire world has showered him with attention/affection. People constantly have stop to ask us his breed, take pictures of him & give him excessive hugs/kisses. We can’t take him anywhere without this happening. He’s a ****ing celebrity. I hate it.
All this attention has gone to his head and he’s become one of the most obnoxious dogs I’ve ever encountered. He’s obsessed with other humans and thinks every person in his vicinity needs to pet him. So he pulls as hard as possible (he’s got a lot of power/strength) on a leash until he gets to the human being. I seriously want to slap the living shit out of him when he does that, but of course…every person just thinks he’s so darn cute when he’s pulling their way. They pet him & praise him. They’re so flattered by his shitty behavior.
He’s developed a few stupid quirks along the way. When I lived at my mother’s house for a few months, she would constantly sneak him food when we weren’t home & he started getting fat. I told her to stop feeding him, but she would still continue doing what she wanted when we weren’t around. We’ve since moved out, but he’s become this irritating dog who whines when he doesn’t get his food right away. To this day, he stills acts this way. He’s also starting snatching food from us and we’ve slapped him on multiple occasions for this.
He picked up a habit from this stupid hound at the dog park. This hound would just bark at other dogs. Now my dog barks at other dogs. He used to be friendly towards dogs, but now he’s showing protective signs/barking in every dogs face. He didn’t used to be this way. I find myself wanting to get rid of him every single day. I hate walking him off leash, but I do so for his sake. That one hour walk off-leash always feels like a waste of my life. My lazy fiance doesn’t take care of him, but also won’t let me get rid of him. He just likes the benefits of having a dog, but not actually caring for it. And for this, I hate both of them.
Sass April 1, 2015 at 1:06 pm
I am all for leaving a relationship when the other person admires that scum excuse of an animal over your relationship and human beings in general. I miss my ex but it still makes me angry to think of how he treated that disgusting filth and suddenly I was like a second class citizen. I knew it was going downhill from the day we brought that thing home.As much as I miss him being a part of my life all he cares about is his new “son” that won’t live longer than 10 years. I suppose at that point he will find a new “son.”
Lane April 1, 2015 at 3:10 pm
It is a huge relief to find a site like this with fellow like-minded individuals like yourselves. I feel less like a freak now.
All my life, since I was a little girl, I have gravitated towards animals as loving and supportive companions when people in my life were abusive and made me feel like crap. However, that turned out to be a huge mistake because animals DO NOT love you unconditionally like so many animal lovers claim. They are all, and I’m not talking about only dogs here, completely self-absorbed and ungrateful and only use people for their own benefit. There is no love or even friendship in it at all. If you had a bad day and you want to come home to your loving furry companion to feel better – does this happen? – Hell no!! Instead you come home to a pet who snubs you and doesn’t even get off her fat ass to greet you. Cats are even worse with their self-righteous attitude and their unpredictable mood swings which are constantly being justified by crazy cat people. These insane animal lovers always blame the person who gets attacked by a cat or dog which infuriates the hell out of me. Why are animals placed over the value of a human being??? This makes no sense at all.
I have had all kinds of pets in the past – fish, hamsters, rabbits, birds, guinea pigs, cats, dogs – all of which has made me the person I am today. A person who sees animals for the selfish and idiotic creatures they are. Creatures who should never have been domesticated and made into pets. After having kids, I am now ashamed to have been a crazy animal lover. I am ashamed for being so weak to let these pathetic egotistical animals control my life and my emotions. Animals do not have power over me anymore and I known I will never get any kind of pet ever again.
Dogs4NEVER April 1, 2015 at 5:09 pm
Shelley, I just saw your last post. It is utter insanity. I would’ve done anything for this guy and now I can’t stand to be around him because of his precious dog that he probably humps when I’m not around. We had a great relationship and had fun together, loved each other. Now I get heart palpitations in anger every time I even think about being around him.
The dog never stops acting like a crazy lunatic and I’m “being mean” for not wanting this filthy smelly thing jumping all over me, and ruining my things. I’m getting fed up to my limit. I can’t stand the burning smell if this disgusting dog anymore. I said bathe him, you wanted the responsibility of the dog. So do it. He says “he will” but never does or starts a fight over it. I said just wait for the day he destroys something of mine. There won’t be a dog anymore and I don’t mean taking him to the SPCA. We’ve already replaced countless things. He will seriously destroy the entire house if left alone and not in a cage. We locked him in the bedroom once and he DESTROYED EVERYTHING within reach. That was the only time I ever heard my boyfriend say he was about to get rid of him. But of course it was probably a joke and he probably thought it was cute that the entire bedroom was rubbish because of this stinking animal.
He can beat the dog if he wants but if I breathe in it’s presence the wrong way, I’m scolded like a child. He even hates other peoples dogs and criticizes them. Which is a new behavior since he got this dog. Suddenly everyone else doesn’t know how to own a dog and their dogs don’t know how to behave, even though his is the worst I have ever encountered. He loved our good friend’s dog and suddenly said it was annoying the other day. I said no, YOUR dog is annoying. He said it’s because the thing never leaves you alone and it’s always in your face!!! UM. THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT HIS DOG DOES. ONLY WORSE. He tells guests that they can just push him off but it’s the worst godforsaken thing in the world if I do it.
I swear, what would he do if we were married? Divorce over the dog? I can’t believe it. Over time dumping him looks more and more appealing.
Layla April 2, 2015 at 1:06 pm
This is the first animal I have ever owned that I legitimately hate. My kids and I are the ones at home 95% of the time with this animal, a GSD. My husband adores this dog to pieces, but I’m telling you it’s the dumbest most neurotic animal I have ever come across. We’ve spent thousands of dollars attempting to “train” him. We can’t board him anywhere because he’s so anxious he tears apart cages and escapes. So vacations are out of the question. He never listens to anyone. I am seriously on my last leg with him. I can’t believe an animal brings me to complete years because I’m so frustrated. My husband loves him, I don’t get it. I’m just over it. Should have just got another cat.
Same old, same old April 6, 2015 at 2:32 pm
I HATE MY DOG! So. my dog loves me. follows me everywhere, and for God knows why I USE to LOVE him back, BUT NEVERMIND THAT, he bit me for no reason, I caught him eating my chipotle and I freaked. my exact words were “Rocko what do you think your doing?” I didnt yell and I absolutely didn’t hit him (I would never put my hands on a dog). Then he started growling I said “Cut it out” then all I know this dumb dog started attacking me. My whole hand just busted out bleeding. So to stay calm I squeezed the blood out of my hand, and put bandage on it. Since my mom is all about this puppy love nonsense instead of fighting I patted him and said “I forgive you”. what really wanted to do was Tear off every friggin hair and shedding that puppy has had till hes butt naked and throw him out the friggin window, into an ocean IN ANTARCTICA.
tiger April 9, 2015 at 1:31 am
Right, most problems here can be solved by training,patience,love and firmness.
If your dog ignored you, make sure you encourage them t do what you want by calmly using them what to do.
The barking problem; you can spray them with water or a sent he doesn’t like. Or you could train him to bar on command and then teach quiet.
The poop problems, this is because you have not unrestrained them correctly. Dogs are smarter that you think. If you punish your dog when you see the poop, but don’t when you miss it, the pup realises that if you can’t see the poop, you can’t tell them off. Therefore hey eat poop.
If you suddenly realise this was a big mistake and you don’t want a dog, SHAME ON YOU because you should have done your research beforehand.
dogsfromhell April 9, 2015 at 4:38 am
This site is a place where people who want no contact with dogs can safely express their disdain for environmental dogs. It is especially important that people living with dogs through no fault of their own are afforded a place such as our site without criticism and with no shame. That is the purpose of the section I Hate My Dog. We have no use for dog training mantra/trivia. I will suggest you take that to a dog cultist site and observe our guidelines while here. The only valuable advise in your comment: “NEVER BUY DOGS FOR CHILDREN”. If you continue to post dog nonsense we will have to delete your posts.
Jane April 11, 2015 at 1:35 pm
Freaking dog just walks around the back yard all day. Takes food from his dish, drops it on the patio, then takes a dump on the pool deck. Repeat. All day long. Then he titters at the edge of the pool when he can barely keep himself up. He’s going to fall in and drown and I’ll have to go in to pull his dead waterlogged ass from the bottom of the pool. He can’t hear, can’t bark. Just freakin’ paces all day long while making a mess.
Sher April 12, 2015 at 4:43 pm
I don’t own a dog thankfully. And I’m not really sure if I hate dogs or their obsessive owners. I grew up with dogs.I am not not immune to their occasional cuteness. My feelings started to change when I encountered Sammy– my best friend’s A-hole long haired daschund. Sammy was a spastic neurotic piece of garbage who I had the displeasure of caring for while my friend was on vacation. Sammy listened to nobody. If you call him he ignored you. If you wanted him to go outside he ran the other way. If you got pushy with him, the little bastard would growl and snap at you. If you got mean back, he would submit by rolling over on his back and urinating all over himself and the floor.Disgusting.Then he would decide he wanted to be your friend and jump on your lap when you were peacefully sitting on the couch. As if I want this pissy dog anywhere near me. I would push him away and people would accuse me of being mean!! He started having serious medical problems. My girlfriend was given the green light to euthanize but she just couldn’t do it. I offered to take him on several occasions but she declined because she felt guilty. Sammy eventually died on his own. I am so happy that I don’t have to see his filthy dumb ass when I go there now. He really changed how I feel about dogs permanently. I never thought I’d feel this way but I’m happy he’s dead.
Bryan April 12, 2015 at 11:07 pm
I normally love dogs of all breeds, until I got stuck with Rose. This dog is owned by my mother, whom I live with, but is not the only dog in the house. I get along with all of the others. Rose is a teacup yorkie piece of shit who not only growls at everything and has a yappy bark, but she is 6 years old and refuses to be potty trained. She has had the same training as my other dogs, yet is too dumb to learn anything. She wont eat unless my mom hand feeds her! Pathetic and disgusting. And she craps and pisses in the house whenever she pleases and my mom does not even punish her, yet encourages her. Rose always tries to attack my dog and ends up making my dog cry in pain. Oh and did I mention that she lays in her own piss?! And then has the nerve to jump on the furnature, which by the way, ALL the dogs are not allowed on. And everytime I catch her doing something stupid or against the rules, like piss on the carpet or jump on the couch, she runs away and hides behind my moms legs because she knows I wont scold her in front of mom. Sometimes I wish she would just run away or die off. I know it sounds mean, but I absolutely hate this dog!! It may just be the breed, but I find it stupid that people actually pay hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on this unintelligent breed of yorkie. Totally not worth the time or money.
Melissa April 13, 2015 at 7:42 am
It kills me that people get SO up in arms when dogs are abused, yet no one gives even an eighth of a shit when kids are abused. I read somewhere (so I’m not sure how credible it is, but still) that after Hurricane Katrina, more of the displaced animals received money than did the children. America is disgusting–we need to get our priorities straight. If I hear one more person say “OH I love my dog like a child” I will vomit. There is something WRONG with you if you love a damned DOG like your own CHILD. Get help.
Buhh April 14, 2015 at 10:07 pm
I hate my life. I met a wonderful guy and moved in with him and his three chihuahuas, completely naive to just how terrible and spiteful those little shits are. It’s a stupid chihuahua family because his ex was too much of an irresponsible child to get the whore parents fixed, so asshole baby makes three. They are all between 5-7 years old. Lucky me right?
They piss and shit all over the house DAILY. Oh, we let them out/walk them…they do their business but within an hour there’s a guaranteed turd and 3 pee spots on the floor as soon as our backs are turned or we’re in another room. We have to section them off in the living room because if they go upstairs they will take a sneaky shit in one of the bedrooms and/or eat cat feces.
Mama chihuahua is so dumb she’ll drink to the point of throwing up. Every day. I hope she gets esophageal cancer.
Did I mention the psychotic ‘baby’ chihuahua gets meaner than shit after 7pm? No joke, every night after 7 she turns hostile and will growl for no reason. I want to kick her clear across the room. The only reason I haven’t “mistakenly” left the door open is because boyfriend loves these idiot things so much.
Trice April 16, 2015 at 7:06 am
I have raised my pit since birth. She will be 2 in Sept. I also have had her mother since birth. Her mother is trained in all areas. The attempt to train her daughter is bs. She only does what her mother does. Eat pee poop. If her mother doesnt let me know she had to go to the bathroom then the daughter wont either. So she poops and pees on the floor. Did i mention she wont eat unless her mother does. Sometimes her mother will eat before her daughter so if the daughter doesnt physically see het eating she will not eat. Its pityful. The dog scratched the side of my sons face because he was petting her. My bf says hell find somewhere for her cause i cant take it anymore. A 2 yo dog should not be acting like this. I cant even leave her out while im at work because shell pee poop and tear up everything in my house.
dogsfromhell April 16, 2015 at 5:22 pm
My primary concern would be for my child. Get rid of it. Its two and that’s when they turn psycho. Do the right thing.
Jessica April 19, 2015 at 9:34 pm
I thought I was a total douche nozzle for hating my dog! My dog is the dumbest asshole so have ever encountered. I have a pit/houla/dane mix. My husband decided to get this dumbass for my son when our older son passed away. This creature smells like decomposed ass and rotten feet. He drools, puked after over drinking and will lick himself raw for hours! He is also the biggest wuss I have ever encountered. People think that all pits are aggressive. Some maybe, not this one. He got his ass handed to him by an ankle biting demon. He gets submissive pissing when my 2 year old tells him no! My biggest beef with him is he loves to shit on the kid’s toys and blankets. He will literally claw them out of their respective places and shit on them! I will take him outside and as soon as we come in, he is taking a monster dump on the carpet. He pisses everywhere, shits everywhere, pukes on everything, has anxiety issues, (I can’t leave the room let alone the house or everything I own will be destroyed) and he will not listen. He can dislocate shoulders when you leash him, he pulls and and snorts when he pulls which is like fingernails on a chalkboard. I swear this moron dog has adhd or something. When I take him out, a slight breeze will distract him and it will take 45 minutes to get back on track to piss. This as whole is also a humper. Oh does that piss me off! I want to get rid of it as I have many people asking about this dumbass. He is very unique looking I guess. But my cornhole of a husband said if I get rid of this douche dog, I have to get rid of my cat. My cat is badass. Why should I get rid of him? So I have to keep this horrible creature for the foreseeable future. My ass of a spouse wants to get a small breed dog to add to my misery as well. I hate small breed dogs. I hate them as much as Nazis and child molesters. I love the bully breed as I have had them in the past and trust them. Small dogs are pure evil and should not exist. He gets one and him and both dogs will be drop kicked to the curb. Down with dogs!!!!!
Teresa Kirby April 21, 2015 at 1:39 pm
I hate my dog. I bought him 9 years ago because my child asked for a dog for Christmas. Worst mistake ever. He won’t walk with me because he’s loves to sniff things, and if he finds something that smells horrible he rolls in it. He has to be bathed once a week, should be brushed daily, and he fights tooth and nail if I try either, not aggressively, but constantly moving as far away as possible so I’m forced to wrestle. Not fun no bonding there. He steals food. Once I came in from the grocery with a frozen pizza, and I had to pee bad so I put the groceries down and ran. He ate the pizza frozen. It was gone before I returned. Once he ate all the children’s stocking candies and I didn’t figure that out until Christmas eve (it almost killed him. Lots of chocolate)
The worst thing about him isn’t even his fault. I live in the country and my neighbors are animal hoarders. Uncountable numbers of cats, dogs horses pigs geese, and fleas. I battle with fleas constantly. I read that you call dogs fur slaves? I feel like this dog’s slave. In the summer two battle-type baths a week. Demands to go out at three in the morning, turning his nose up at his own food, stealing ours. He’s very demanding and not very affectionate. I can’t be spontaneous while he’s here. Have to hire a dog sitter. He doesn’t do well with other dogs, and he barks, growls and snaps at some men, children, people of color and midgets. I’m counting down the years until he passes, and I’ll never own another dog again.
dogsfromhell April 21, 2015 at 3:17 pm
So sorry you are suffering because of a dog. There should be solutions but unfortunately the pet product industry has the public convinced they will be happier with a dog. You have to buy the dog and all the products that go with it for the next 10-15 years of course. Mission accomplished. Welcome to the site.
dogs suck April 23, 2015 at 3:02 pm
first of all she’s right you cannot keep your house clean with an animal in. if you think your house is clean your probably overlooking the smelly little creature(s) infesting your home because you think it can do no wrong not realizing thats its filthy asshole that just took a crap is rubbing all over your belongings your furniture your clothes your own self it’s just a fact of nature they don’t wear underwear they don’t wipe their ass and they shed its the truth.
fed up with stupid owners April 24, 2015 at 9:18 am
Fed up with idiot dog owners and their stupid dogs
dogsfromhell April 24, 2015 at 10:49 am
Dog owners really are idiots!
annie April 26, 2015 at 2:02 pm
my earliest memory of A dog is my dads quarter Wolf Shepherd Dog nipping me and my dad did beat the crap out of that dog because of it and he never nipped me again. and none of the animals were house dogs and never stepped foot inside the house they were more guard dogs once we moved to the country. so I got to see them or how they are naturally which is very vicious not to us but to other people and animals they were kept up not free but still managed to attack and kill other animals including my silky chicken a kitten who wandered too close and when that happened though people think cats are selfish and lazy this kittens mom along with her two sisters so the kittens aunts all attacked back to try and save the kitten the dog did back down but it still died and finally it got the little toy poodle we had twice and the second time we had to put her down. that’s just off the top of my head but I’m glad they weren’t pets because I got to see them in there true light. continuing on all my friends who had these so-called domesticated house dogs are just as much of a freak if not worse. One friends family dog would chew my shoe under the table while on my foot and the owners just laughed thought it was so adorable and would then go on about how fleabag would watch other dogs on TV like it was the smartest thing in the world. Then another boyfriends dad had this mutt a huge dog that was half grown and one day I was sitting outside by the pond minding my own business when he runs up to me out of nowhere and actually ripped the shirt off of my back I think I froze not knowing if it was trying to attack me it ended up just taking off with my shirt and coming back to chew on my feet as though I was some huge chew toy for it. and then my friends growing up who had animals in their house when I would spend the night I would go home and not have slept well the night before my nose would be stuffed and I finally realized it was from the zoo in the house and I wouldn’t be able to breathe properly until I took those clothes off and took a shower. even at this point I didn’t quite realize my disgust for dogs and then there was my other boyfriends familys Saint Bernard who if they weren’t out in front of the house that loose dog would stalk me every time I came over and honestly the day they had to put him down because of arthritis or whatever those dogs get was a joyous day for me not that I wanted the dog dead but just the relief from not having to be scared he was going to attack me. and of course all the dogs that randomly show up at your house never knowing if they’re friendly or not and once you have children it’s even worse because you can’t teach a toddler not to go up to something until they’re old enough to learn so all the people who say oh it’s the kids fault no its not the kids fault ever. once I did have my first child he was actually about 3 or 4 so we never put him in the stroller anymore but this day he happened to want to go in the stroller on our walk which turned out to be a saving grace because as we were walking there’s this pitbull and the owners are about 20 feet away from it and this dog is stalking us getting ready to lunge and my dad was with us but a bit behind and the people of course did not call the dog off and acted like it wasn’t their dog, if my son had not been in that stroller he would have been jumping around and probably just so much to make it lunge. Well my dad finally caught up and threw some rocks at it so we made it by but the fear is still with me whenever we go for a walk.
annie April 26, 2015 at 2:40 pm
I really dont want to hate dogs but after all my bad experiences with them i cant help but not want to be around them ever. Even my husbands grandpa had this ugly small dog who hated kids because supposedly she’s been traumatized by one child being mean to her so that gave her an excuse to bite the ankles and bark and be mean to any other kid she came in contact with. so you think he would keep her away from the kids in the family but no he would yell at the kids to leave the dog alone when the dog was following the kids around even when we went to dinner my son is now 10 and still traumatized from the pitbull incident had to keep his feet up off the floor because that dog would growl and hold him prisoner in his chair he couldn’t even eat and you’d think grandpa would put the dog outside but no that was his baby. You could just tell he projected himself and his late wife into the dog and when she died (the dog) he was depressed for a good month and cried for the dog when he couldnt for his wife. So obviously he had been hanging onto those emotions through the dog until she was gone too which i dont know if that was a good thing to be so mixed up about everything because how do you get closure if you can’t even distinguish between your wife and your dog? I love my husband’s grandfather but I could just see that there is something not right there. And it goes to show that no matter how much you make it a part of your family you’re still only using it for your own personal needs so I would take a dog for a physical purpose without any attachments before I would a pet any day at least you’re not confusing yourself with delusions of love and loyalty and so forth.
Kevin April 26, 2015 at 10:07 pm
I get the feeling that people think I’m a huge asshole, because when I meet their dog for the first time (usually in their home) and their dog comes up to me and sniffs/licks around or worse yet decides to jump up at my nuts. When this happens, I instinctively tell the dog abruptly to go away and bother someone else instead of kneeling down to pet it or just letting it sniff/lick me. I don’t really want to offend my friends/acquaintances because I usually am a guest in their home at the time and I’m sure in most cases the dog isn’t a vicious beast. Make no mistake…I DO NOT LIKE DOGS at all, but I don’t hate them to the point of wanting to have them all eradicated. I just want them to leave me alone. For those of you with the same problem; I have found that most dogs will get that hint rather quickly. First thing I do is retract my leg away from the dog and tell it directly to “go away”. If the dog jumps us at me I put my knee directly in it’s chest as a defensive maneuver and I sternly say “NO” or “DON’T JUMP”. And I proceed to try to ignore the dog if it moves to simply sniffing my shoes. As I stated before, most of the time the dog gets the hint that I want nothing to do with him. If the dog returns to bother me I will tell their owner that “I don’t like dogs bothering me” and usually they will at least order the dog to “go lay down” somewhere or if they’re truly considerate of their guests they’ll put the dog away in another room or outside, or in a kennel. I realize that I risk coming off as selfish and offensive when I treat their dog that way but I can confidently say that I don’t care because I will never want to bond with their dog because, I don’t like dogs. And I would rather let them know right up front how I feel about their dog so as to not piss them off later.
AnkleBiter April 28, 2015 at 7:25 am
Kevin, there is nothing wrong with your response to dogs in those situations. I’ve had people enter my home and say “eww I hate cats” which is far more offensive, and the cats never approached the person, maybe just walked by or were snoozing on the sofa. If you get a negative reaction from the owner, it’s only their infantile response to someone not worshiping at the alter of canine the way they do. Dog worshipers are very child-like.
Miriam April 28, 2015 at 11:54 am
Ohmygosh I am so glad that I found this website. Reading everyone’s comments has: A) Made me want to shake hands with all of you and, B) Made me feel much less alone in my current situation.
First, let me say that anxiety, depression and OCD have been lifelong issue. (“Dogs are relaxing!” they said…”They bring down your stress level!” they said…) Next, let me say that I have 4 kids, 1 of whom is physically disabled. Finally, let me say that I used to have dogs when I was a kid, but I never considered myself a dog person.
Rewind to a month ago. For some crazy-ass, inexplicable reason (I apparently wanted to undermine any sense of joy I take in life), LOST MY DAMN MIND and consented to get an older puppy. “6 months old, crate-trained and housebroken”…sounds good, right? Right? NO. No, it’s not good. I guess, technically, he’s a good dog as far as dogs go, unfortunately, in one month’s time I’ve discovered that I’m not only NOT a dog person, but that I have a deep-seeded loathing of the entire canine species. Why? The real question is why not?
1. They smell horrible. I mean horrible in every way, from their skin, to their breath to their freaking butts.
2.They have continence issues, like peeing in the house even when you JUST let them out, or holding their pee until they get to the one carpeted area in your home, or being so overexcited that they piss in your lap.
3. They’re filthy. They eat and drink like pigs, shed hair all over the damn place (on the stove? really?), leave smears of snot and spit all over the floor, and track mud and dirt into your house like a filth-making perpetual motion machine.
4. They’re destructive. They scratch your wood floors to worthlessness, chew random objects, eat non-edible household items, and then vomit on your carpet because they ate something that wasn’t food.
5. They’re expensive. Vets, shots, medicine, food that is better quality than yours, new toys (to keep them from eating your belongings), carpets to cover your scratched wood floor, a new vacuum for their insane shedding, and finally replacing all the shit they ate or broke (expensive jeans, a wood stool, carpet…wtf?)
6. Shit. Why can’t they crap once a day? Nooo. No, they need to crap constantly. I have no idea where all the crap even comes from. I think that they convert energy into crap. And then they leave it your yard in the form of “stealth” crap piles that you need to hunt for like the most demeaning scavenger hunt EVER.
I’d like to file a lawsuit against myself for my own crappy decision. The dog is still here…but that could change at any point in time.
dogsfromhell April 28, 2015 at 2:45 pm
Thanks for validating everything we have said all along. And you have my sincere sympathies for having to live with the beast you purchased by mistake. I’m so sorry. Too bad there is no money back guarantee. I say get rid of it and make your life happy again. Welcome to the site!
dogsfromhell April 28, 2015 at 2:48 pm
Check out the section on Top 10 Reasons. That’s where most everyone hangs out. You’ll be sure to get some feed back . Join us!
nerissa May 1, 2015 at 1:59 pm
My boyfriend got this German shepherd about a year ago from a breeder. The dog’s full breed with papers and cost us (Yes, US even though I didn’t want the damn thing) 500 bucks upfront, plus another 70 for the most pricey dog food in the damn world each month.
He went on and on about how the dog was going to be so smart, so easy to train, such a good and loyal guard dog, all this crap. We get the dog home, first week she destoried everything in sight. Chewed up three pairs of shoes, the carpet, odds and ends around the house, etc. He told me she was still a puppet and gonna grow out of it. I was like, okay, she is only a few months old. She should grow out of it as she gets older and he starts training her.
He said he was gonna start training her at six months, but he never did. The dog continued to destroy clothing, shoes, personal items, pretty much anything she could get a hold of. Including priceless things my late father gave me that I could never get back. Again, I told him to get her trained. I had two dogs growing up and they were completely trained and well behaved by the time they were six months. But he didn’t listen. Instead he defended her, saying she was somehow a “Good dog???” and that she was his baby and all this crap. He completely neglected me and all he did was play with the dog, cuddle with the dog, and all this crap. Gave her so much damn attention that whenever he left the house she would bark nonstop until he came back. He just shrugged it all off, saying that when she was a year old she would be magically a great dog somehow.
A year came and she still destroyed the house, barked day and night at nothing, jumped all over people, bit and nipped at people, ran wild around the apartment, she knocked me down concrete steps three times – once while I was only a few months pregnant. She jumps all over people so much no body (besides him) even wants to be around her. I got so fed up so many times I told him to get rid of her, especially while I was pregnant because she kept knocking me down and I was already high risk, she made me go into premature labor at five months once and I had to get the labor stopped because my daughter would have died. He actually stayed home with the dog instead of going to the hospital with me. I kept telling him to either get rid of the damn dog or train her, but he keeps saying “She isn’t going anywhere, she’s family, she’s like my baby, blah blah blah.”
My daughter was due in a month and the dog was still as bad as ever. With the fatal attacks of infants caused my dogs and just the disobedent nature of her, I demanded he trained her. He STILL didn’t listen, going on about how german sheperds are somehow ADHD until they’re a year and a half and that once she’s that old she’ll be better like we’re gonna wake up the damn thing is gonna be perfect or some shit.
Sabrina (Our daughter) as born and things have been hellish since then. People who say crap about how dogs are easier than babies or just like babies, are lying because Sabrina is the sweetest and well behaved baby and so easy to take care of, but the dog constantly barks and bothers her and wakes her up while she’s napping. also the damn dog has rammed into her several times, and dropped rubber balls on her head. Even scatched her face with her claws once and almost took out the baby’s eye. The dog also takes her things, like her clothes, or bikie and even her dirty diapers. I told my bf to get the dog trained, he refuses to. and he also refuses to give away the dog even though she causes so much trouble for us and our baby. Why does he even want the stupid thing? if it were up to me that dog would be outta here months ago. I have made it clear that if she ever claws or bites sabrina again, I will murder that dog (even though he threatened to kill me if I did so), I don’t give a damn. I’mma mama bear, if somebody hurts my baby, human or dog, they’re gonna die. But he still puts the dog in front of the baby, and even has the nerve to say this demon dog from hell is just like our baby, he doesn’t understand the dog is A DOG! NOT A CHILD! OUR CHILD IS A HUMAN! NOT A DOG!!
Did I mention how much money he spends on this dog? Both his money and MINE (since he controls my income and does whatever he wants with my money). Lets see here:
Dumbass retarded dog – $500
Food and water bowl – $30
Crate – $70
dog food: $70 a month, $840 a year
Dog treats andbones – $50 a month, $600 a year
Vet bills: approx $1000 so far
Damages caused by dog: over $1,500
Dog toys: approx $200 so far
Total in one year: $4,840…
i hate that dog. such a waste of money
Face Palm May 1, 2015 at 8:31 pm
nerissa, I’m sorry your boyfriend puts you through hell over a stupid dog. My husband and I got a German Shepherd too about four years ago as a puppy. Ours was easy to train because I put down strict rules in training this dog. My husband tried pulling that crap when the dog was a puppy. The dog was the most stubborn freaking beast for bout 4 months of his existence and the husband was all aw he is just a pup he will learn was really passive when the dog would misbehave. Finally after the jumping and play biting I had it! I said, look you talked me into this damn dog either we lay down the law and start enforcing rules and be consistent in his training or he goes and if you protest you both can go. I will not have that dog antagonizing our son, destroying our house or property. We bought a shock collar, stayed consistent with training, and were very strict about enforcing bad behavior. After a couple weeks with the collar and training he was the most obedient puppy and four years later we still have the dog and I don’t really care for dogs. Surprisingly I actually care a lot about the dog and he is a really well mannered dog. But he is still just the dog and knows his place. He isn’t allowed on furniture of any kind, he has his own space in the house and stays in that space when inside and doesn’t harass guests or doesn’t cross the line. Your boyfriend needs to put you and the child first and if he can’t do that then that dog needs to go, if he don’t like they both can go IMO.
A May 2, 2015 at 5:18 pm
We rescued a puppy that was a mutt from a homeless man while already having a husky. when we brought him home he was energetic and playful and literally a day later we found out he has parvo. We spent 2,000 dollars to save his life just to realize that he gave our other dog parvo, too. More money down the toilet. Long story short this dog that we saved is the epitome of a piece of shit. He tore up EVERYTHING in our house. He would scratch the tables legs and leave deep claw marks in it, he would chew up everything in site. For gods sake he somehow managed to chew a damn hole in the wall one night while we were sleeping. Not to mention he pissed and shit everywhere. Most dogs Are known to shit in a corner and NOT step in their Damn poop but this one would step all in his poop and pee and drag it across the house. He was so filthy I had to give him a bath so often. We would leave him outside for not even twenty minutes and so far he has ruined my plants, dug holes all over the yard, our grill cover, our hose, our table, our umbrella we put over the table, and literally everything we had in our backyard went to complete shit because of this dog. Not to mention he would never shut the f up.. Constantly f###ing barking for no reason. So all of this got our other dog who we thought we had trained riled up and he Began acting up too. Now they BOTH started ruining the house, disregarding everything we tell them and messing up the backyard too. We moved to a new house and not even one month in there is hundreds of dollars worth of damage already. The little mutt barks continuously and we couldn’t have that in this neighborhood so we got him a muzzle. He somehow finds a way to get it off and barks anyway and has already messed up the gazebo we had in the backyard and the “grass carpet” or whatever it’s called in the backyard too. Oh and did I mention this dog is a f###ing asshole? He killed a baby turtle that really pissed me off because if anything I would of rather had a pet turtle. Oh and did I mention he growls and BITES?!?!? I’ve had enough of him and my husband has tried to find him a home, no one is interested and none of the no kill shelters in the area are willing to take him in due to high amount of animals they already have. I’m 9 months pregnant and don’t want to bring my child home to two of the dumbest idiotic dogs ever. They have made me hate dogs and never want to see one ever again.
abbey May 5, 2015 at 12:23 pm
I would just like to say i do exactly the same. I hate my rat leech of a dog that clings on to life just to piss me off. Was just hoping if you was killing your problem if you could do mine to :)
Denise M May 6, 2015 at 5:47 am
I bought a yellow lab almost 2 years ago. I hate this dog. I had lost a son and thought it might fill a void in my life and help myself and my other sons heal. This dog is nothing but aggravating to me. Nothing will bring back my son, especially this disgusting dog. Unfortunately, as much as I hate this dog, my husband loves it. My husband will not discipline the dog nor has the dog had much training. I tried but its been nothing but a constant battle to train this dog and have my husband not follow through. The dog sheds something horribly and stinks. I’m am revolted by its constant licking and sucking of itself and I resent the way that this dog has seemed to create a wedge between my husband and I over the fact that I hate it and he loves it. I would give this dog a way in a heartbeat if I didn’t think that it would further create problems between my husband and I. This dog has given me nothing and I have nothing to give it. The only person that this dog likes is my husband and I feel like I have a interloper in my home. I want this stupid animal gone. I am so tired of hearing about people and their love for their dogs. I could never love a dog more than I could love a human and do not equate them to be equal. I thoroughly enjoyed raising my sons and have not found any enjoyment in raising this dog. I do not believe in being cruel to animals and understand that they are fully dependent upon their owners. I just do not have it in me to be anything to this dog. If I would of known what a doggy lover my husband was when we were dating, I would of never gotten this dog.
Jessica May 9, 2015 at 5:03 pm
If I could get rid of that soul sucking sack of shit, I would in a heartbeat. My life would be so much better if I could unload that thing onto some poor schmuck who likes flea carrying shit machines. Unfortunately for me, I was out voted. My husband and kids insist we keep the thing. I still have to clean up the monster piles of shit and the accompanying lakes of piss all over my house that the useless shit sack leaves me. I have to feed, water and walk it because the only adult that wants it will not do anything for it.
Jack B. May 10, 2015 at 8:49 am
I live with 3 of them. They are my wife’s dogs. I sleep in the day and work at night. The Sheltie won’t shut up if people walk outside or someone knocks when they visit. The white shepard mix one won’t stop digging in trash and tears up whatever toy she gets. She has nearly destroyed the back door form clawing it when she wants in.She tries to climb on me when I sit and licks my hand when I’m standing idle. 3rd one is the oldest and he’s 12. He can barley move and whines every waking day. He needs to be put down but the wife won’t let me do it. And I swear first chance I get I will…
Dogssuck May 11, 2015 at 9:19 am
Back in 2010, I had just gotten married. My ex was making threats to me and my new husband as well as calling my elderly mother in law up freaking out. No, he did not know her, he looked up my husbands name and paid the money to get our numbers and our family’s info. Now, because of this known nutt case having our info, we got a dog, a beagal. We stuiply went on craigslist, hopeing to get a good dog. My husband had told me if it does NOT work out, we can take her back or to an animal shelter. I just wanting something to bark and not bite, was just worried that if we didn’t have a dog we would be messed with, had us pick the only dog up that the people contacted me back about. The man was weird, his kids looked dirty, and when his girlfriend brought the dog out, the dog looked gross. After handing me the leash, he told me he kept putting her in a pound but he took her back out of guilt. Dispite my better instints, and a thought of handing them the leash and running away, I felt bad, being one to care too much at the time. We went home, the dog behaved ok for a few weeks, only barking when someone came up to the house. I had to wash her alot to get the stink off several times. After getting used to the house, she started this alful LOUD screech howl. She pissed and chewed threw every rug we had, ruiened the upstairs carpet, pooped everywhere not stop and oh ya howled threw the night. This all got worse after my ungrateful father got severly hurt being an idiot and we had my mother in law watch her for a week while we stayed down with my father to take care of everything. When we came back home, my mother in law had let that dog poop everywhere. After that time, the dog got even worse then before. I told my husband I wanted to get rid of the dog, but he refused to do that, or even start crateing her at that point. After she fell down the stairs while pooping a few times, he agreed to crate her. As the months turned into a year, she howled more and more and more. She started whineing and wanting to go out every two hours or peeing in the cage. My husband agreed she needs to go. We got things set up, but he stupidly told his mom who freaked out till he agreed to keep her. She was 7 when we got her. She is now 12, and let me tell ya, this dog has killed my spirt and is a big factor in both our sleeping issues. Its easy for others to pity the dog, but let me say, some people are not cut out to take care of a liveing nightmare. I feel bad hopeing she passes away soon, but If you are considering leaveing the love of your life because he refuses to get rid of a dog because of how bad it is, it seems to be the only hope our future has.
Trish May 12, 2015 at 6:42 pm
I too have began to despise my mutt. It started out as a cute lil puppy the kids wanted…which of course led to being MY dog simply because i’m the only one caring for him. The kids completely ignore him, & he is constantly getting pushed away by my husband. So as most of you, I am the one (that didn’t want the dog) stuck. More often than not, I wake up to a destroyed kennel littered with feces. He is 8 months old & house trained for the most part. But he is constantly out eating grass then coming inside to puke/**** all over my floor. I have quit attempting to get anything nice for my home, whats the point if either the dog destroys it or it smells just like a dog. I do not let him on my furniture, yet everything smells like dog. From the moment I walk in my door, thats all I smell…no matter what I do to rid my home of this gosh awful funk. I want him gone, & sadly the kids are the only reason I haven’t banished him from my home. Even though they have nothing to do with him, it would be the worlds end if they came home & he wasn’t here. I want to slap this lil mutt everytime I take him outside, he snatches me around on the lead & I cannot stand it. I have even spent money on harnesses that swear they prevent the snatching. Oh how nice it’d be if these mongrels would realize it is US who are keeping them alive. Without US feeding/bathing/taking out these lil ****s, they’d be in the shelters. I cannot stand when he just sits there whining & staring at me, I just want him to leave me alone. It’s like a having a permanent shadow that trips you every time you have full load of clothes in tow coming down the hallway. It crosses my mind far too much to just take him down the road & be done with it. I will NOT have another needy pet anytime soon. It is hard enough having 2 kids, working, & being a wife without having to cater to some ungrateful mutt.
Annoyed May 12, 2015 at 6:54 pm
So we have this pitt puppy…I am almost ready to dump off anywhere other than my home. It is a male, about 7-8 months old or so. I have kids & the dog is often in the playroom with the kids. Over the past couple of months his ‘lipstick’, if you will, is CONSTANTLY out. I have a 8 year old daughter & she noticed….wtf am I supposed to say lol?!? Why is the dog doing this? I have had plenty of dogs in my life & never have I seen this issue. It happens so often that when I see it, it instantly pisses me off. Then he wants to run over to you & jump all up on you, or hop in your lap, anything for constant attention. When my children aren’t here I have to be sure to close their bedroom doors because the dog will chew up any & everything he finds, regardless of the endless toys we’ve bought him. He eats like a horse, & it’s becoming quite costly. Yes, i’m aware any animal is costly…but being we only have 1 pet is it really necessary to scarf the food down so fast you’re choking!? Then lap up the entire water bowl & drip it all through the house & I step in it EVERYTIME. From the moment we walk in the door he is crying & all over you for attention, it’s like leave me the **** alone I just walked in & no I don’t even have a sliver of excitement to see him as he does us. Not to mention that dreaded dog smell you cannot get rid of no matter how long/hard you try. I fear he’s overstayed his welcome & i’m almost to the point that Idc whose feelings get hurt by his absence once I kick him out. Ya know all those animal abuse commercials where they try to get your money, I no longer feel sorry for any of those dumb caged animals. All I can think of when I watch them is: you shouldn’t of pissed all over the house & you wouldn’t be in that cage stupid!
dogsfromhell May 13, 2015 at 2:40 pm
I am so sorry you are stuck living with the dreaded creature. I hope it does not harm your children. My vote is for kicking it to the curb before it becomes aggressive. Best Wishes to you.
Smelly Helly May 19, 2015 at 7:22 pm
I love a lot of dogs, but my own dog, a Yorkie, does my effing head in. Yap yap yap f*cking yap. I am sick of her. She’s nasty to cats as well chases them and tries to bite them. She’s my hubby’s dog, she loves him but hates me and our daughter. I hate YORKIES! I will never buy another damn yorkie as long as I live. Plus she sh*ts in the house no matter how much we trained her not to. She’s weed in my bed once as well I had to get rid of the bed. She’s caused us sooo much grief and hassle but I can’t get rid of her as she’s so bad, no one would have her & she’d get put to sleep & I would feel awful. She’s an A hole, but I’m totally against killing an animal- any animal, when its healthy. I’m not cruel to my dog, never hit or smacked her I just give up on her & let hubby take care of her. She’s a real headache.
Kristied May 20, 2015 at 8:47 am
Oh my dog-loathing buddies, I almost got rid of the retarded POS that makes my life a living Hell. The super pussy, submissive (think pissing all over herself if u look at her funny) is in heat because her idiot owner won’t get her spayed. She spend a week licking her ass so much and so vigorously the skin has just cracked open. I let her out to go pee the other day and she took off due to being n heat. IF ONLY, IF ONLY I’d had the forethought to remove the tag on her collar with our phone # she would b long gone now. DAMN DAMN DAMN. Some dog-loving idiot found her and returned her. After I brought the POS in the house the first thing I did was go get the pliers and remove the tag. Will not make the same mistake twice. The next time the friggin idiot gets loose there will b NO way to find her home. I hope she gets painfully euthanized. So she’s back, pissing and bleeding all over everyhing, which I just discovered could go on for 18-24 DAYS. I can’t get her equally moronic owner to buy diapers or even puppy pads so there’s just piss and blood upstairs and down . Hell will freeze solid before I will clean dog ass-blood. NO FRICKIN WAY. I’ll just keep my shoes on and stay the hell away from home as much as possible
Face Palm May 21, 2015 at 8:27 pm
Oh so close, Kritied. Sorry the little beast was returned. Sorry you have to live with that. If the thing is micro chipped be sure to call the chip manufacturer and your vet and change the information like the name and phone number. Best of luck.
annie May 21, 2015 at 11:27 pm
Yeah I too made the mistake of getting a puppy for my family at the time almost a year ago I thought it may help keep my toddler twin boys occupied and sorta look out for them. Also now I am convinced it was pregnancy hormones before I knew I was pregnant thats the only thing I can think of given all of my awful experiences with dogs throughout my life. This dog however has nothing endearing whatsoever. I wont go into too much detail about the obvious *stinky, dirty, obnoxious etc.* but she was constantly knocking the boys down in her fervor to run, continually trying to snatch their food even though I never give her people food the stupid dog wont hardly eat her food as it is so she starves until she cant take it and eventually will eat the dog food, tears everything up outside (she was only in the house the first day I brought her home until I witnessed her pissing on the carpet and she hasnt set one filthy paw inside since) we cant leave a sock or shoe on the garage floor because she thinks its hers to destroy which isnt always easy with the kids always forgetting to put their shoes up. And the list goes on. Recently I was actually trying to be nice to her and threw the ball for her and she was finally getting it! She wouldnt bring it back to me but she would drop it a few feet away which was progress since she usually thinks its keep away. I guess she finally realized I wasnt going to chase her and try to pry the ball out of her mouth, anyway about the 3rd time I was picking the ball up I see a nasty green cat turd that was previously buried swinging out of her filthy mouth. I almost puked then and there I knew they were shit eaters but to actually experience it 1st hand Ive never been so disgusted in my life. I never want to touch anything that has come in contact with her again. I scrubbed my hands to the elbow and still felt contaminated knowing that this wasnt her first cat shit rodeo. I want to get rid of her but havent gotten the nerve yet, but its getting close the shit in her mouth just about put me over the edge of my tolerance
linda May 22, 2015 at 3:39 am
I hate dogs too!! My daughter has one her dad got it for her. I have not eaten since it’s been here. I’ve lost 9 pounds. I was already underweight due to stress from other things. Her dad and i constantly argue because of it. I’m miserable. I feel like I’m doomed until one of us leaves. Me or the dog!! I am so weak but it seems like hairs are in our food. And on everything in the house. I basically live in my bedroom ( the only place the dog isn’t allowed).
nomorefur May 22, 2015 at 10:37 am
The point is dogs are more neurotic and needy Than the most challenging of children I tried training exercising and caring for my dogs but whatever I do and whatever I try they still end up causing havoc dogs really are for lonely obsessive people that need to care for something I really despise my dogs worst decision I’ve made
dogs belong outside May 23, 2015 at 7:09 am
Dogs suck. The best ones are the ones with a job. I have a dog that is very well trained and I still hate it. People need to realize that some are not meant to have a wild beast in their house. I can’t even stand seeing the dog lying on my living room floor. Mind you it does not bark,chew etc. If you need a dog to be happy there is something wrong with you period…
lucy May 25, 2015 at 8:55 pm
I agree. All of the people on here sound miserable and hateful, might I even add dangerous…anyone who has such hateful feelings toward an innocent creature should be put down. These people are not safe. They need to be exterminated.
Adder May 25, 2015 at 10:08 pm
@Lucy, Animals are neither innocent nor evil. They’re just animals. That being said, there’s a reason we hate them. Nobody on this site just woke up and said “oh man, I think I’m going to start hating dogs”. They are a nuisance and they’re unavoidable. No other pet is allowed to behave as dogs behave. Even if you don’t own a dog you’ll still be forced to deal with one (crapping on your lawn,tearing through your trash,barking all through the day and night). And people are expected just roll over and allow it to happen. And that’s not even getting into the dangerous dogs. If you can look at a dog that tore a child’s face off and deem it innocent then you have more problems than anyone here. I get that you don’t see it like we do. But the active members always say they don’t condone violence against a dog unless necessary. If you want to address the problem of violent individuals, I’d suggest you start by taking a look at yourself. You did just suggest that we should all be killed for not liking dogs. That’s a bit more extreme than anything we say about your precious pooches.
dogsfromhell May 27, 2015 at 6:36 am
@Lucy and all other other dog cultists. The section I Hate My Dog is reserved as a safe haven for people forced to live with dogs through no fault of their own or deceived into buying a dog as a means of happiness. We will not tolerate negative comments against them in this section. Non consenting dog owners have already been victimized. Consider this section a small step towards their recovery that we are glad to provide.
If dog cultists want to trash on pro active participates on our site, take it to the general comments section. We can easily dispel any of the myths you have about dogs.
Clair May 30, 2015 at 11:29 am
I adopted my lab mix dog but I didn’t choose him, my ex did. Anyhow, boy do I regret it, although I have now had him for 5 years. I don’t love my dog because he is a traitor. He loves everyone including scary men on dark streets and he will wine non stop to get anyone’s attention. Almost like he hates me and would love it if someone else took him away. Also, he has ditched me plenty of times and it’s extremely embarrassing. He will run away from me any chance he gets including jumping out of the jeep window and running down the street. I’m pretty sure next time he does it, I’m going to let him, maybe I should take off his collar first so he doesn’t get brought back, ever. Also he pees and craps in my house when he feels like, eats anything he can reach, even a whole pizza and not leave any for me. Basically he’s an all around selfish, winey, a-hole.
citygirl May 31, 2015 at 3:57 am
Thank you so much for monitoring this site and correcting dog worshippers who post their vicious comments. I thought I was alone thinking it is wrong to place a dog at the same level or above that of a human being. Reading and posting on this site has indeed helped me try and cope with the overwhelming number of dogs and their owners polluting our neighbourhood. I have been vilified for speaking up against dogs being in malls, coffee shops and even grocery stores. I even had to ask that a dog in a stroller not to be near me in a chemotherapy suite while I receive my cancer treatment! Nothing can convince me that a dog in a stroller is a service animal and has more rights than me. This site has given me the stength to continue to speak out. Thanks again.
sosickofdogs June 1, 2015 at 2:50 pm
I’m sick of every damn place I move to, someone has a yappy, stupid annoying piece of sht dog that prevents me from getting any sleep or work done. The previous people who lived above me had a stupid big dog that whined for literally 12 hours, I kid you not, any time the owners left. Now the girl above me has a stupid small toy breed, my cat has a potentially fatal medical condition that one of his triggers is stress. Well, what do you think this stupid f dog is doing to my poor Sheldon boy? This dog even barks if I close my dresser drawer, or turn on the water in the bathroom, open or close my apartment door, start the washing machine, open the exit door to leave, or gods forbid I sneeze loud enough! I’m so sick of there being damn dogs everywhere I live! arg!
raven June 2, 2015 at 7:41 am
I hate dogs and want to beat them so bad. I’m 13 and have had dogs my hole life, not because I wanted to. My mom will just replace them one after one. When the dogs harass me and I yell and kick at them my mom gets all frustrated and starts loving on the 5 dogs. One of my moms favorite dogs just died and she got the same breed as a puppy! It wins and cries every morning and barks and my mom just ignores it. I have to take care of them and they are just so annoying. I don’t see what she sees in those blocks of fur! I tell her a hate them but she just says deal with it or get all sad and looks at one of the dogs and says you want me to put him to sleep? That when I know I cant do anything but deal with these things. Moms new puppy chews everything including twilit paper that he grabs on the counter. The puppy chanced one of the cats outdoor when my dad left it open and now we cant find her! I just want kill them all!!!!!!
Ryan June 4, 2015 at 3:58 am
I hate my stupid dog. I hate her so much it made me hate all dogs. Even thinking about her makes me want to scream. I got this dog a little under a year ago because my boyfriend is a huge dog lover (of course) and couldn’t bear to hear that someone he knew didn’t want her anymore. So of course he guilt tripped me into saying yes. She’s a boxer rottweiler mix and we got her when she was two months old. An ugly lanky little thing. First off, let me just say that I grew up in strict no-animal houses. Caged animals is one thing, but never any big pets. I’ve never liked being around dogs or cats. Hair everywhere makes me feel filthy and I can’t stand animal smell. So we get this dog, and she pees everywhere. I stand up, she pees. I move near her, she pees. I’m a clean freak. I wanted to murder her. Finally her dumbass got somewhat potty trained. She’s about a year old now. She’s a pretty good dog. Everyone loves her. Super friendly. Doesn’t bark. Blah blah. I’m the one with the problem. I can’t stand this bitch. She is the most needy brat I’ve ever met. She won’t leave me alone. If I go anywhere in the house, she follows me. She sits on my feet and bugs me to pet her. If I stop she’ll sit and stare at me. She has the dumbest look on her face 24/7. She has these huge ugly bug eyes that make her look constantly guilty and depressed and she always licks her lips. If you look at her, she’ll lick her lips. If you move, she’ll lick her lips. It’s this ugly slurping sound. So she stares and licks her lips and it makes me want to punt her because she never stops. If you get even a little bit mad at her, she pees all over the bloody floor. Multiple times. Any time you get close to her. So I can’t even punish the f****** rat without her pissing everywhere. If we leave the house, she chews up my shit. ONLY my shit. If my stuff isn’t there, she’ll destroy the trash and whatever is on the floor. My boyfriend thinks I overreact but it’s not like it’s his shit that gets destroyed. And she stares. All she does is stare. She’ll sit in her bed and stare and me. No matter what I’m doing but especially if I’m eating. She’ll glare and won’t stop. If I even get stern with her she’ll rearrange herself on her bed and slurp her damn tongue 20 times. I seriously don’t ever feel bad for hitting this dog. I even want to hit her. Im a full time student so I’m with her at home all day every day. My boyfriend treats me like crap but worships this little bitch. He gets SO mad at me if I say anything about his precious rat. So basically I’m stuck taking care of some pathetic little mut because the world would end if I ever voiced my feelings on her.
AnkleBiter June 4, 2015 at 9:45 am
Ryan, it sounds like your solution is simple. Leave the boyfriend and the mutt. You’ll be better off. Next relationship, pets should be discussed early on.
Jenna June 5, 2015 at 1:17 pm
I have my graduation coming up in two weeks. I bought these $100 high heels that I was so excited to wear, I literally had to save up for a month for these shoes. There was no room on the shoe rack in the hallway to put my heels, so I placed them beside the shoe rack on the ground. My family went out for lunch today and when I came back, I saw only one shoe near the shoe rack. I immediately knew what happened and ran to my dog’s favorite hiding place, which was underneath the dining table. To my delight, I found my other shoe shredded to pieces, with the jewels all crushed and bitten off. The fact that my shoe had turned from a silver colour to a muddy brown one thanks to my dog’s slobbering made it unsalvageable. My mom immediately took my dog side, saying it was all my fault for not putting it on the crowded shoe rack. Now I have to dip into my nonexistent savings to buy replacement shoes (which I am pretty sure the store is no longer selling) or go barefoot. Thanks dog. I can always count your **** face ways to mess up my life. Why don’t I shave off all your fur so I can wear a nice black and white fur coat to my graduation.
mika June 7, 2015 at 3:40 pm
I hate my husky. My boyfriend talked me into getting a dog even though I am not a dog fan.
-my dog bites my children often
-he sheds
-he jumps and bites foot out of mine/my kids hands
-he eats toilet paper, food off the counter etc. He eats everything
-he runs away if not tied down
-he digs massive holes in my yard
-his pee has destroyed the grass in my yard
-i hate cleaning up his gross poop
-he barks all the time when he is outside
-he whines inside
-he bangs his bone on the floor and it’s too loud too tolerate
-he jumps on me.
-he lays on my bed and doesn’t give me space
-i’m constantly feeding him.
-he costs too much money
-he smells bad
-my bedroom smells
-i can’t get his hairs out of my car
-I am constantly closing doors so he doesn’t go into rooms and chew things apart and destroy them
-I can’t go out after work because he needs attention and time to be out of his crate
-i have to pay for a kennel if I go out of town
-he pulls when I try to walk him. he is stronger than me. he chews apart any harness I have bought to try to correct it
-I have a baby coming and I’m pretty sure he will eat my baby
-he keeps jumping up on the couch
-his nails are long and impossible to cut
-he used to poop and pee all over my house for over 6 months
-i can’t have sex without him trying to get in there
-he’s only 1 which means unless he runs off and a car hits him i have to wait forever for him to die
Nat June 7, 2015 at 6:27 pm
I got a shepherd pup several years ago. She is the most stubborn dog I’ve ever had. She was a horrible puppy, but we managed it well. She wouldn’t stop biting for months when she was a pup. It’s like she has no concept of discipline. I have had dogs before. She is the absolute worst. She is the reason I will only temporary foster if I start missing having a dog after she is long gone. Neither food or praise work 100% of the time or even 50%. She would piss and poo her kennel as a pup. She thankfully grew out of that. All of the positive training in the world would not stop her going pee in the house. Once I finally grabbed her neck and stuck her face in her pee, she never fid it again without good reason.
I have finally realized that I live my life around the dog. The house is set up to control the dog. We had to build elaborate gate extenders to keep her in the fence, complete with coyote rollers. It took many tries to find what worked. When we moved, we attached an electric fence to the chain link. I had to turn it up to 10 to keep her in and sometimes she would still take the shocks to get after a possum. One time she climbed my 2 yr old car to get at a squirrel. Scratches ALL OVER the side and hood. She won’t stay out of the trash, so I put it up off the floor. She chews toys, so the kid’s door stays closed. She chews books, so my bookshelves are covered. She has mounds of chew toys/stuffed animals. She won’t stop sticking her face on the counter to sniff my food no matter how many times I spray her in the face with water. She has horrible separation anxiety, so she stays in a kennel all day while I’m at work. At least I do sit her in front of the tv, turned to APL. Without that kennel, I shudder to think what she’d do. She tried jumping out the 2nd story window after a squirrel on the wire. Her prey drive is stronger than her love for cheese. I stopped the incessant whining. I bought a vibrating remote collar. Best invention ever!
I can only air condition one room at a time, so I put up sheets. She is constantly in and out and in and out of the room and sometimes just standing there with the sheet on her back letting the hot air in. So now I have a gate to keep her out or in. She has just started sneaking onto MY BED. She has NEVER been allowed on it and she is three years old. She has a large bed in the living room and an extra large bed BY MY BED! She knows she isn’t allowed up there because as soon as she hears me coming, she starts slinking off. I now have to keep my door closed as well. When she was 2 yrs old, she was sneaking on my brand new couches. I saw hair up there once and didn’t catch on, but one night I woke up to use the toilet and caught her up there. I got serious. I bought large planks and hammered nails into them. I placed them on the couch at night. One morning I caught her sleeping between the nailed board and the wall. I had to make another one to cover the entire couch.
Oh and she has IBS. I buy expensive dog food to help her problem, but she gets bouts of diarrhea every month or so. I come home to a shit smelling home and have to wash out an extra large kennel and ban her to the kitchen for a week. She pulls on walks. The only thing that barely works is one of those prong collars. She still tries to pull. Walks are a lot more enjoyable, but I spend most of the walk stepping on her foot. She walks like she’s drunk. You would think she’d grow tired of getting stepped on, but she doesn’t. Let’s talk shedding. My home is covered in it at all times, but from spring to fall, it falls out in chunks and all of the brushing in the world doesn’t help. Every meal
I make, you will find at least one hair in it.
My ex wants her and that’s great, but he lives with his mother and his dog loving mother hates my dog’s guts. And she has a dog that frequently jumps through glass windows off the roof of the porch.
I just accidentally left my bedroom door open and caught her in MY BED again. Any love and care I had for the dog is gone. I hate her guts.
She is protective of our kid. Whoop dee do. She is so protective that she gets that way when I am playing with him. It’s not sweet anymore. And her shepherding instincts. Omg. Were they trained to constantly trip the sheep? Because that is what she does to me. She is clumsy as all hell.
She won’t listen to me. I walk around carrying a spray bottle to keep her in line. It works great, but I have to always have it. Recently she won’t even kennel when presented a treat. I have to drag her 85 lb ass in there. My god I have had her 3 years, since she was a pup. Why is she fighting me for dominance if she always loses? I just don’t get it!
I hope my ex finds himself a place to live before I put her ass up on craigslist. I can not contiue to live this way.
doctor strangepork June 8, 2015 at 6:00 pm
If expressing a negative feeling means we are dangerous and should be “put down” I think that puts you at the top of list, Lucy.
doctor strangepork June 8, 2015 at 6:01 pm
We’re idiots for getting the dogs in the first place!
Christine June 9, 2015 at 6:46 am
I moved in with my boyfriend (now husband) and his dumb, disgusting, slob of a dog (who he still shares with his ex-gf, a whole nother ridiculous story) about a year ago. We have since had a baby and not only does the greedy, selfish dog compete with my baby and get jealous, but my husband completely encourages it. He makes sure that when he gets home, he gives our HUMAN CHILD equal amounts of attention as a DOG. It makes me wanna puke in my mouth. And then, on ‘family day’ on the weekend, he makes us go somewhere where the dog can go. At which point it becomes the dog show, because all we do is have to yell at him to behave (he is completely untrained). My husband, while riding in the car or sitting next to him, has to have his hand on the dog, and he’s always stroking him and kissing him and says goodnight to him every night, covering him with a blanket. I can honestly say that dog lovers are sociopaths. Like, if you love a dog as much or more than humans, you have emotional problems. Yes, dogs don’t nag (oh wait, yes they do) or tell you to do the dishes, but don’t confuse your inability to function in human society as loving dogs because they’re ‘better than most people’. Dogs are dogs and I hate them. In a few months he is going to live with the husband’s ex gf forever and I am literally counting down the days till I never see him begging, eating his own shit, leaking out of every orifice, or following my husband around every inch with his annoying tapping nails. Dogs are the WORST.
Nana June 9, 2015 at 10:17 pm
For the first time in my life, I really don’t like dogs. I am so done I could scream. Both were rescue dogs the kid found – and dumped on us. Neither are any more or less bad than what I’ve read here, but I have HAD it with freakin’ dogs – don’t want to train ’em, walk ’em, bathe ’em, clean up shit and piss after them, have my house destroyed by them, be woke up by them; don’t want them licking me, nosing me, jumpin on me, tripping me; don’t want them trying to dominate me (I am HEAD BITCH here, thank you very much) and I sure as hell don’t want to spend the rest of my life constantly vacuming up their friggin’ hair, trying to keep the shed off of my clothes and bedclothes; barking/lunging/growling at all the children, cats, elderly, delivery and any other human beings — and I have no problem whatsoever having one put down because I’d rather do that than take the chance that someone would seriously abuse the dog (also a real possibility) or turn one into bait and the other into a ‘fight’ dog – my mistake to have taken them in the first place, and I don’t expect someone else to clean up my ‘mess’… but I have a real problem giving up on a 25 year marriage over a freakin’ damned dog – but G*WD do I want to leave. I hate getting up in the morning and having to fight the damned dog for 5 minutes of coffee-peace.. and everyone I know has slobbering, obnoxious, undisciplined spoiled brat dogs – and I’m DONE with ’em. Could n’t care less if I NEVER have to deal with a bloody dog again – it can’t come soon enough. My fear is that the bloody dog will live longer than I will – and since my DH is attached, that ‘other abode’ may come sooner than later… shame, really. Blow a 25 year marriage over a dominant, aggressive, obnoxious, asshole of a dog… oh well.

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