Thursday, January 17, 2019

Why Is That So Hard to Ban dogs? The List

Reasons Why Banning dogs Is So Damn Difficult

Have you already noticed that several people genuinely try, as hard as they can, but somehow they can not get successful in their quest to have dogs banned? Or have basic laws and regulations enacted? Or having a minimum of good sense in the heads of the general population?

Yes, some of us have.

Think of it.

The main reason it is so hard to make any headway into banning any dog in this country - and most of the world - is because they are elevated in stature (in ascending order) to companions, best friends, children, and even Gods. Yes, Gods.

Think about the movies made in the US. Arnold or Bruce can kill dozens of people in the movies, but even an attacking dog has to be shown to be "okay" or you lose your audience. (Example: "True Lies", where Arnie bops the heads of two dobermans together, and they have to show them running off unharmed.).

In the movie "Dante's Peak" Children risk their lives to save the family dog, then watch Grandma die a horrible death in some lava. But they don't mourn her, the dog is ok.

In the movie, "The War of the Roses" The climax of the movie is when Michael Douglas believes Kathleen Turner has cooked his dog "Benji" and served it to him for dinner. The whole dark ending hinges on this moment, but of course, they show Benji hiding under a desk unharmed.

In the movie, "A Fish Called Wanda", Michael Palin plays a hit man who is supposed to kill an eyewitness, but accidentally offs her poodles instead, which upsets him to great comedic effect. This was a BRITISH movie, and I talked to some people who would not see it because a poor doggie gets killed.

This mentality of elevating canines over people is why some people (a lot) want to "rescue" "defenseless" pooches instead of putting human children first.

And it gets worse every decade.

I remember vividly going to the beach 30 years ago and though everyone was smoking cigarettes, there were very few dogs. People left them home.

Now there are few cigarettes and everyone brings their dogs to the beach because they are "sad" if they can't come.

So, let's list some of the reasons why. For that I'm going to separate them in three problem parts: The Business; The Public Servants; and the most important, The People.


Problem 1 - The Business

You can also metaphorically call them the mental atmosphere, the psychological environment:
  • Dogs are viewed like Gods as well as adored and treated as Gods
  • Huge amounts of money involved
  • Massive advertising:
        Direct advertising
        Related/indirect advertising   
        Subliminal advertising
  • Media - TV, TV series, TV documentaries, magazines, reporters...
  • Hollywood movies
  • Public servants unwilling to act
  • The dog business have already got people too alienated from any reality
  • The dog lobby have already got people too indoctrinated to do anything they want
  • Strong participation by the dog lobby dog, specially behind closed doors.
  • The indifference by the part of governmental institutions that are not investigating, collecting data and publishing current and factual information on dogs: deaths, maulings, maimings, feces, contaminations, diseases
  • Censorship by the part of the giant Internet companies that routinely prohibit or delete or hide any or most info regarding bad behaviour of dogs and of the dog business.
  • The unregulated pet dog business: any shop can open asap without any legal and specific requirements or licensing. They even "donate" dogs.
  • Targeting kids since birth. Many kids are indoctrinated since they are born to think that having a dog at home is normal.
  • The media that is too biased towards dogs at the same time that it ridicules Non-dog people as outcasts and the problem as being unimportant or even insignificant. Even worse, they promote Dog Haters as being insane criminals, completely turning the truth up side down.
  • The almost complete indifference by the medical and mental professional associations
  • The immoral and irresponsible participation by researchers and other professionals that produce inaccurate, biased or even plain false research papers.

Problem 2 - The Public Servants

Who are those Public servants:
  • Health and Safety public dept personnel (feces, noise, odours, diseases)
  • Child Protective Services (CPS) personnel
  • Animal control personnel
  • Public education teachers
  • Police Officers
  • Police Chiefs
  • City representatives
  • Mayors
  • Judges

How they behave:

Well, they simply don't do their own job for what they were handsomely paid for. Shameful and criminal.

Problem 3 - The People

The personal human factor:
  • Dog Lovers
  • Non-dog People
  • Dog Haters

How they behave:
  • The strong, morbid indifference, ineptitude and unwillingness by the part of Non-dog people. They:
    - Don't go to public meetings against dogs
    - Don't contact their political representatives
    - Don't write back to newspapers/magazines to expose their lies about dogs
    - Don't send professional and independent articles/studies to be published
    - Don't contact reporters on TV
    - Don't contact radio show hosts
  • Dog lovers are already too alienated from reality; they can not realize what is real or not
  • Dog lovers are already too indoctrinated; they do whatever the dog lobby wants them to do
  • Dog lovers have strong determination to fight against any regulations, specially bans
  • Dog Haters can not get together and form cohesive groups to fight together
  • Dog Haters complain a lot, but do almost nothing at all.
  • Dog Haters always expect that somebody "else" would do something, but not them, ever.
  • Dog lovers are mostly mentally ill, incapable of rational thinking, eg losing their dog.
  • Dog lovers are mostly the criminal/bully type and so they try to intimidate any and all initiative that fiercely prevent anything prohibiting or negatively concerning dogs
  • Dog lovers are much more vocal and involved than non-dog people so they seem to be the majority, what affects public servants decisions.
  • Dog lovers all pretend to be altruistic and poor victims, what affects public servants perceptions and decisions as well as the way the media portray them, getting more future dog lovers
  • Dog lovers promote dogs in any and all environment imaginable, from airports to cemeteries, from hospitals to restaurants, from schools to churches, and so on. Even during natural disasters, where they know the media will be there, dog lovers have to show dogs as victims and also as heroes.
  • Dog Moles are those dog lovers who infiltrate genuine discussions or groups that want to get things done against the dog insanity but who completely destroy those initiatives by demotivating members, creating unnecessary noise, bringing false info, generating discord, and going to dog-loving groups to report what they are doing. They are worse than Trolls as these are clearly identifiable but the Moles act as if they were real dog haters for the most part. One example are Pitbull haters but who love any other dogs and constantly join anti-dog discussions.

The Worst Problem of All

In brief, we can get all that into these simple points:
  • Too much money involved
  • Too many unintelligent people involved
  • Too many criminal people involved
  • Too many lazy people involved
So,the root of the problem is not just dogs, but the PEOPLE!

Final message:

"Either Dog Haters get their acts together or forget it!
Keep enjoying the dog insanity then!"

I'm sure I forgot a few too many things. Let me know.

Related Articles:
Let's All Get Together, Unite Our Thoughts and Efforts, and Fight this dog Insanity The article below is my reply to the post

The Sluggish and Coward People Who Do Not Like dogs, Complain a Lot, But Do Nothing We all know them. Oh, we do. Part 1 Those laz... 
From Insanity to Greed. How do you call a person who loves dogs, and its "benefits"? Dog Owners, Dog Lovers, Dog Nuts, Dog Nannies, Dogtards, Dog Nut...

My personal files
Should dogs be banned from parks?

10 Strange Dog Laws You Didn't Know Existed and Are Hard to Believe
Chinese City Bans Daytime Dog Walking in a Crackdown on Canines

No dogs, please! , Please, no dogs allowed , No means no, no dogs please!no dogs please , no dogs on the beachNo dogs allowed on restaurantsno dogs on hospitals pleaseno dogs on airplanesno dogs allowed on parksno dogs, really, pleaseno dogs except guide dogs pleaseno dogs signsno dogs in schools pleaseno dogs near babies pleaseno dogs please signsplease no dogsplease no dogs allowedI hate dogsno dogs in cafes pleasei hate dogs so muchI hate dogs barkingno dog lovers pleaseno dog owners pleasei despise dogsi despise dog ownersi hate dogs at workno dog bites pleaseno dog maimings pleaseno dog maulings pleaseno dogs killing babies pleaseno dogs murdering kids pleaseno dogs mutilating elderly pleaseI hate dogs in storesno dogs pleaseI hate dogs with a passion i hate dogs youtubestarting to hate dogspersons who hates dogs no dogs on retirement homes pleasei hate dogs channelwe hate dogsno dogs pleaseI absolutely hate dogswords from someone who hates dogsNo Dogs Allowed at the Sanctuaryplease leave your dog at homedog haters quotesi hate begging dogsNo dogs on no-dogs areas pleaseNo prostitutes, beggars, or dogs please!No dogs at all, please! 

No dogs, please!

Saturday, January 12, 2019


Dog Owners Are Having SEX With Their Dogs! 

From the "I Hate Dogs" YouTube Channel

Great videos there.

Dog lovers engaging in Bestiality with their canines:


I'm warning everybody up front this
might be one of the most disturbing
videos you ever seen on YouTube I told
y'all about the sick demented twisted
disgusting dog owners well it might be
worse than I thought
there is a forum on internet called
beast form it is where people who engage
in bestiality come together and talk
about their experiences having sex with
animals and I just want everybody to
know that there are over 1.5 million
registered members on that website now
let me put that in perspective for some
people who might not understand just how
significant that number is how great
that number is go to Donald Trump's
website can we all agree that Donald
Trump is popular can we all agree that
we come across Donald Trump supporters
on a daily basis yet Donald Trump only
has one hundred and fifty-one thousand
registered members on his website think
about that marinate on that for a minute
stormfront dot org this is a popular
website back when Obama was elected they
got so much traffic that they had to
shut down it just killed their bandwidth
and on stormfront
dot org they only have 300 and
21000 members right this might be the
most shocking of all the number one
selling car in the world
in 2015 was the toyota corolla we talkin
worldwide not just the united states and
in that year they sold 1.3 million
Toyota's toyota corollas now how often
do you see a toyota corolla when you're
just out and about you see several of
them so you have to understand how
popular it is that these sick dog lovers
have sexual intercourse with their dogs
you wonder why there's so many single
women who crazy about their dogs right
you can't even be in a relationship with
them if you're not a dog lover think
about that they're single probably been
single for a long time but they are
crazy in love with their dog they sleep
with their dog they kiss their dog they
let their dog lick them in the mouth
they kissed their dog think about that
those are intimate actions you don't
think you're running across women on a
daily basis who having sex with animals
man - but I'm quite sure there's more
popular with the women I could be wrong
it don't matter all these dog lovers are
sick they're sick are you really trying
to tell me that all the dog lovers you
come across it has to dawn on you that a
significant number of them engage in
bestiality just like you see a great
number of Toyota Corollas on a daily
basis you see pee
who engage in sexual intercourse with
dogs on a daily basis this is why I tell
men do not date women who are single and
who are in love with their fucking dog
because it is a good chance that her
single ass is getting boned by that dog
and when you see these women taking
photos with dogs
think about that them in a selfie with
their dog I see it on social media
websites all the time right go to dating
websites go to plenty of fish comm and
look at all the animal lovers the female
animal lovers on that website keep in
mind these women are single and they are
head-over-heels in love with their dog
it is because they are having sex with
their dog
you not understand dogs frequently carry
parasites in those parasites get
transmitted to their owners especially
when you allow your fucking dog to lick
you in the face and the lick all over
your body sharing close proximity with
the fucking thing you can catch those
parasites I'm talking intestinal worms
this shit is disgusting look at that
shit do you want that many of you it is
reported there's some eighty percent of
Americans have intestinal worms and you
cannot tell me that many of them have
those worms as a result of having sex
with their disgusting dog I told you
these dog owners are disgusting
they not only tolerate that this is a
stinking ass animal I don't care how
much you wash your dog is
they'll gonna have that stinkin ass
mildew dog smell right it is is slobbers
its breath stinks and these people
actually have sex with these animals I
told you these animal lovers are sick
animal lovers are disgusting and you
should have if you a person of decency
if you have any outs of civilization in
your body you would avoid animal lovers
at all cost.

Watch more great videos at the "I Hate Dogs" YouTube Channel

Great videos there


No dogs, please! , Please, no dogs allowed , No means no, no dogs please!no dogs please , no dogs on the beachNo dogs allowed on restaurantsno dogs on hospitals pleaseno dogs on airplanesno dogs allowed on parksno dogs, really, pleaseno dogs except guide dogs pleaseno dogs signsno dogs in schools pleaseno dogs near babies pleaseno dogs please signsplease no dogsplease no dogs allowedI hate dogsno dogs in cafes pleasei hate dogs so muchI hate dogs barkingno dog lovers pleaseno dog owners pleasei despise dogsi despise dog ownersi hate dogs at workno dog bites pleaseno dog maimings pleaseno dog maulings pleaseno dogs killing babies pleaseno dogs murdering kids pleaseno dogs mutilating elderly pleaseI hate dogs in storesno dogs pleaseI hate dogs with a passion i hate dogs youtubestarting to hate dogspersons who hates dogs no dogs on retirement homes pleasei hate dogs channelwe hate dogsno dogs pleaseI absolutely hate dogswords from someone who hates dogsNo Dogs Allowed at the Sanctuaryplease leave your dog at homedog haters quotesi hate begging dogsNo dogs on no-dogs areas pleaseNo prostitutes, beggars, or dogs please!No dogs at all, please! 

No dogs, please!


How to Stop Hearing dogs Barking

Sealing Yours Ears for Protection Against Noise Pollution of Barking

No More Annoying Barking Noise Menacing Your Ears to the Limit!

A friend of mine came to visit me from another country last week. She, knowing my fight against obnoxiously annoying barking dogs, brought me a little gift. A highly welcoming present!

What was it?
Silicone balls.

Yes, Silicone balls.

Silicone balls to be molded into an in-ear, as a sound blocking plug.
I had no idea they existed. But, what a blessing! Silent nights indeed!

Been myself using them every night for a week now and getting no irritation in my ears at all, unlike the in-ear soft foam plugs from 3M that I could not use for more than two nights in a row, now I can sleep much, way much better.

Mine came in a packet of four units, from where you take one for each ear. Slowly and carefully put the ball in my ear, pressing lightly but firmly. Fold in the excess so that it creates a good fit, blocking out many undesirable sounds, or at least reducing them to a very low level. Just take care not to press too much to let it go too deep into the ear canal.


No need for a doctor to do it for you.

You don’t have to prepare chemicals, get your hands dirty, spend a lot of time, no, nothing like that. Just take it out of the packet, put in your ear, press it, enjoy the silence!

Go to bed, have a nice night of sleep and when you wake up next day just take it out by pulling it from your ears and save it for the night. Simple like that.

Sure, you may as well use them all day if you stay at home. You will start feeling your thoughts!
The gel-like, Hypo Allergenic and Non-toxic, can be used for an indefinite amount of times, says the package. Only when starting to lose their physical properties like color and ability to fit and hold well into your ears, than you should change them.

The silicone balls I got turn to very similarly what you see in the pic above, although mine is translucent, no color or closer to white, just like the one below. Ah, and no earrings either, please.

These are almost exactly like mine.
Sure, it is not ‘us’, the affected victims, who have to change our behavior or our lives or just buy new stuff to protect us against the by-products of criminals, in such case, barking noise. However, in some situations we can not help, specially when ‘help’ takes a long time to come.

Silicone Balls Block 100% of All Kinds of Noise, Right?

Be aware that it will NOT block 100% of the noises, much less barking, which is by the way a combination of numerous frequencies, named toxic noises. The closer the noise is, the more you will hear it as well (duhhh). If a mutt is barking just beside your home, like one is right now, it will not have its annoyance completed eliminated just reduced, as the impact will be less damaging. Anyway

The benefit is that you can have a much more peaceful day life and night sleep, for several and several days and nights in a row. That friend is using hers for months already, after being tipped by another friend who is a pharmacist and informed her of this invention, let’s call it this way.

Those in-ear-anti-barking plug protectors:
- Do not block alarm clock sounds, they are too close. I tested.
- Do not block fire/security alarms, they are too loud. I tested.
- Do not block cars horns/ambulance/police/firefighters sirens when you are driving, they are too loud. You should Not use them when driving anyway, ever. It’s illegal in many places as well. I didn’t even have to test.

- You now can read a book.
- You now may enjoy your backyard without those overly loud barking noise.
- You now will feel like the barking dogs accros the street are actually in another neighborhood.
- You now can concentrate better while you work on the final details on that lawsuit against the barking dog neighbour.

The point is: They help us while we are working on a definitive solution on the part of the dog lover. Simply because a crime is already being committed.

So, does it mean I’m quitting my fight against yelling canine beasts? Not at all.

It Should Not Be Us the Victims Who Should Change Our Daily Lifes

That's absolutely correct.

The problem remains that this form of protecting ourselves should not be necessary. Unfortunately, some times we have to do what we can, not what we want (something that ODORs fail miserably in understanding). Me too wished to live in an improved world right now but doggists do not allow me to. At least not for now when I’m/We’re working on that.

That statement also does Not exempt dog owners to respect others, be civil, obey the laws. Much less that we will have to accept their famous excuse: “You should use ear-plugs!”.

And we should vigorously rebuff when the pro-barkers try to make the case that because earplugs exist, they don’t need to be sensitive to our need for peace and quiet. Because they still DO.

Again, In-ear-anti-barking-protection earplugs are just for our momentarily relief, as well as just one tool in my arsenal. They help me think even better.

You lose, ODORs (Obnoxious Dog Owners.)

Where Can I Buy Them?

I couldn’t find the exact model in the USA but you can find a more or less similar here, where you can make a ‘permanent mold’, of course discarding the phone part.

Also, there are some from Insta-Mold, like Insta Putty Silicone Earplugs, but I’m not knowledgeable of them or their products. If interested, for any product you choose, you may first contact your pharmacist or an audiologist.

I was gifted with two packets, eight units, so I have ‘protection’ for some good time at least. Anyway I am going to find some alternatives.

Almost forgot: the price.
Each package, which includes four silicone balls, costs around US$8.
Yes, eight dollars!
Always remember: We must continue to fight the noise pollution of barking!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Anubis – The Egyptian Dog God of the Dead

Anubis, God of the Underworld.

Anubis was an extremely ancient deity whose name appears in the oldest mastabas (meaning “house for eternity” or “eternal house” in Ancient Egyptian) of the Old Kingdom and the Pyramid Texts as a guardian and protector of the dead. We are talking Egyptian Mithology here, one more culture where dogs are related to evil creatures.

It was originally a god of the underworld, but became associated specifically with the embalming process and funeral rites. His name is from the same root as the word for a royal child, “inpu”. However, it is also closely related to the word “inp” which means “to decay”, and one versions of his name (Inp or Anp) more closely resembles that word. As a result it is possible that his name changed slightly once he was adopted as the son of the King, Osiris. He was known as “Imy-ut” (“He Who is In the Place of Embalming”), “nub-tA-djser” (“lord of the scared land”).

Anubis – The Story of His Birth

The Egyptian mythology states that Anubis was born after Nephthys made Osiris drunk. Without his consent, Nephthys made him drawn into her arms. Then he gave birth to Anubis.

Anubis – The Family

Anubis is believed to be the son of Osiris and Nephthys. His sibling was Horus. The goddess of purification, Kebechet was his daughter.

Anubis, Guide of the Dead

Anubis was initially related to the Ogdoad of Hermopolis, as the god of the underworld. In the Pyramid Texts of Unas, Anubis is associated with the Eye of Horus who acted as a guide to the dead and helped them find Osiris. In other myths Anubis and Wepwawet (Upuaut) led the deceased to the halls of Ma’at where they would be judged. Anubis watched over the whole process and ensured that the weighing of the heart was conducted correctly. He then led the innocent on to a heavenly existence and abandoned the guilty to Ammit.

The ancient Egyptians believed that the preservation of the body and the use of sweet-smelling herbs and plants would help the deceased because Anubis would sniff the mummy and only let the pure move on to paradise. According to early myths, Anubis took on and defeated the nine bows (the collective name for the traditional enemies of Egypt) gaining a further epithet “Jackal ruler of the bows”.

The growing power of the Ennead of Heliopolis resulted in the merging of the two religious systems. However, Osiris was the King of the Underworld in the Ennead and he was more popular (and powerful) than Anubis. So Anubis was relegated to a god of mummification. To save face it was stated that Anubis had voluntarily given up his position when Osiris died as a mark of respect. Some myths even stated that Anubis was the son of Osiris and Nephthys (who was herself associated with the funeral rites). Anubis was still closely involved in the weighing of the heart, but was more a guardian than a ruler.

Anubis – Patron of Lost Souls

He became the patron of lost souls, including orphans, and the patron of the funeral rites. In this respect he overlapped with (and eventually absorbed) the Jackal God Wepwawet of Upper Egypt.

During the Ptolemaic Period Anubis became associated with the Greek god Hermes as the composite god Hermanubis. Hermes was messenger of the gods, while Anubis was principally guide of the dead. Hermanubis was some times given attributes of Harpokrates. He was worshipped in Rome until the second century and was popular with Rennaisance alchemists and philosophers.

Priests wore Anubis masks during mummification. However, it is not clear whether the Anubis mask was a later development influenced by the Osirian myth or whether this practice was commonplace in the earlier periods too. Anubis was also closely associated with the imiut fetish used during the embalming ritual. Anubis was credited with a high level of anatomical knowledge as a result of embalming, and so he was the patron of anaesthesiology and his priests were apparently skilled herbal healers.

Tombs in the Valley of the Kings were often sealed with an image of Anubis subduing the “nine bows” (enemies of Egypt) as “Jackal Ruler of the Bows” and it was thought that the god would protect the burial physically and spiritually. One of his epithets, “tpy-djuf” (“he who is on his mountain”) refers to him guarding the necropolis and keeping watch from the hill above the Theban necropolis. He was also given the epithet “khentyamentiu” (“foremost of the westerners” i.e. the dead) because he guarded the entrance to the Underworld.

He was originally thought to be the son of Ra and Hesat, Ra’s wife (who was identified with Hathor), but later myths held that he was the child of Osiris and Nephthys, or Set and Nephthys. He was sometimes described as the son of Bast because of her link to the perfumed oils used in embalming. His wife, Anput (his female aspect) was only really referred to in association with the seventeenth nome of Upper Egypt. It is thought that they were the parents of Kebechet, the goddess of the purification.

Dogs and jackals often patrolled the edges of the desert, near the cemeteries where the dead were buried, and it is thought that the first tombs were constructed to protect the dead from them. Anubis was usually thought of as a jackal (sAb), but may equally have been a wild dog (iwiw) He was usually depicted as a man with the head of a jackal and alert ears, often wearing a red ribbon, and wielding a flail. He was sometimes depicted as a jackal (such as in the beautiful examples from the tomb of Tutankhamun) but only rarely appears as a man (one example is in the cenotaph temple of Rameses II at Abydos).

His fur was generally black (not the brown associated with real jackals) because black was associated with fertility, and was closely linked to rebirth in the afterlife. In the catacombs of Alexandria he was depicted wearing Roman dress and the sun disk flanked by two cobras.

Anubis was worshipped throughout Egypt, but the center of his cult was in Hardai (Cynopolis) in the the seventeenth nome of Upper Egypt. To the east of Saqqara there was a place known as Anubeion, where a shrine and a cemetery of mummified dogs and jackals was discovered. He was also worshipped at cult centers in Abt (the eighth nome of Upper Egypt) and Saut (Asyut, in the thirteenth nome of Upper Egypt).


Monday, January 7, 2019

How to Frighten dogs Away From YOUR Property

Learn how to keep those giant shitty barking rats far from your family home. And from farther away, too!

First of all let me say that NO solution or tactic shown here is 100% perfect against 100% of dogs during 100% of the time for 100% of the people negatively affected by dogs.

Since dogs are a biological entity, each one is different from another. Different breeds, ages, size, training, conditioning, health, hearing, vision, feeding, medication, and perhaps some more. Each of those conditions may make a dog react in a quite different manner. Or not react.

Secondly, there are other conditioning like weather (hot, cold, sunny, cloudy, rainy, dry) or your environment, whch may change along the coming days, weeks or months.

Finally, taking the considerations above, they DO work, yes!

Some seems silly, some are cheap, some are more sophisticated, others even very expensive. You just have to find what is the best for your own circunstances. Point is, they work!

So, start shooing mutts away!

Water bottles

As silly and simple it may sound, it's quite used in the countryland of Mexico where there are numerous stray dogs. Simply fill a translucid (no colour) pet bottle with water and close it. Any size is ok but 2 litter bottles seem better because of their larger size. The more 'wrinkles' a bottle has, the better.

Just place one bottle every 3 to 5 meters (10 to 15 feet) where you want dogs not to come from, like at the edges of your lawn. No need to place bottles in your whole yard. Just remember to remove the label. Keep the cap.

Why they work? Probably (and I say probably because there is no known scientific explanation, just observation by older people) because in the interior of Mexico there are lots and lots of sunshine (like in southern US, Australia, Brazil, Caribean, Africa...) that reflect those sun rays in different directions while the dog walks in front of them making those mutts even more confused and sending them away to destroy other properties, not yours. And reducing the chances of you or your kids being bitten as well.

It worked for dogs in the last decades but as dogs are being manipulated daily this may not work so well today. If you are older you remember that when a dog took a dump it would cover the turds by throwing dirt with its rear paws. They don't do that anymore, most don't.

Another benefit: They repel mosquitos as well! Many houses in Mexico hang those water bottels in their doors and windows to avoid mosquitos. For a reason.

Sorry but this option will not work well in cloudy places or cities like Seattle or London (UK), but very well in Houston, San Diego, Phoenix, Miami, Cape Town (South Africa), Sydney (Australia)... Yes, the whole world is plagued by dogs already, not just the US.

The miracle liquid! Vinegar has a strong scent that dogs simply can not tolerate, so make the best use of them (the vinegar, not the dog). And it's quite cheap, too!

Just get the cheapest vinegar you can find, white or red doesn't matter, dilute one part vinegar to one part water in your spray bottle and start spraying. You may add a few drops of liquid soap or detergent for every litter of the solution so it will make the scent of the vinegar to last longer. This must be used only in concreted spaces like door steps, sidewalks, walkways, garages, etc. Even the street in front ofyour house could be sprayed as well (and why not your neighbours sidewalks?). Do not apply on your lawn or flower beds as it is too strong for some plants. If you can avoid, please do not apply directly ON the dog itself :)

In the first days, 2 to 5 days, you must reapply the vinegar solution so that even the most stubborn mutts will learn that now that place is "contaminated" and will never come back, perhaps for months! I know, I did it!

Also, during the first days or weeks, reapply after more heavier rain as it will wash most of the scent away.

You will watch in admiration when a dog comes in your sidewalk then suddenly goes to the other side of the street. Amazing! Even dogs that are on-leash are affected! Great!

Ah, also spray the base of any posts, poles, hydrants, trees and other structures wherever you see dogs "congregating". And do not be limited to your property only. As vinegar is cheap and easy to apply you could go disinfecting your street as weell, it is a public space, right? Maybe turn all sidewals in your whole street now dog-free!

Finally, do not worry about the scent in case you think it will bother you or your kids. The smell disapear for us humans in a matter of hours, one day max.That's why I prefer it diluted as well.

I already said 'finally' but let me add just another point: please do not start spraying vinegar over the fence of your barking dog neighbor expecting to kick out the yelling beast to the other side of their property. After a few hours the owner will *not* know that a "strange odour" appeared along the fence or in his side walkway or his garage entryway. I ask you not to do this, but I can not control everybody, right? :)

Cayenne Pepper
Another scent that mutts hate to death!

Just buy the cheapest powdered Cayenne pepper you can find, preferably in larger packages of 1 or 2 pounds so you could use lots of them.

No special treatment here, just get the pepper and powder the areas where you want to avoid dogs, including on your lawn and lower beds. No need to powder all the lawn, just the areas where dogs come in.

Cayenne pepper will last for long but you may re-apply after rain or strong winds.

Just be careful not to inhale it as it's quite strong. Be careful with the wind when applying too and wash your hands as soon as you finish the application. Better to use gloves if you may think suitable.

Enjoy the peace!

Automatic Water Sprinkler

Motion Activated Solar Sprinkler Scarecrow Automatic Water Animal Repeller 

It is an electronic device designed to protect your property in a safe and humane way , and you will not need to worry about seeing your lawn and garden destroyed daily by unwanted visitors. Yes, those pestering dogs! This item employ the high technology- motion-activated. When the built-in sensor detects movement within a range of 30 feet it activates a stream of water that startles and sprays the unexpected visitor into leaving.

This repeller can help you a lot to safeguard your beautiful garden. There are many sellers on the internet or perhaps your local garden store have them (And even if they don't have it at the time, they can order them for you and you won't have to pay shipping, all while supporting your local community).

They cost ~US$60 each and you may need more than one if you have a large garden. Or simply install a single one close to where dogs come from more often.

Alternatively you can build your own if you don't live in the US or if you are the DIY kind of person.

PROS - They work beautifully! And dogs hate it!
CONS - Vandals and thieves (dog lovers?) for obvious reasons. (That's why we need cameras together with nice security systems, in every occasion we can afford. Subject for a new article).

Plants that repel DOGS - Plectranthus caninus

The name says it all. If you are the gardening type, this is perfect for your yard.

Plectranthus caninus is an herb in the mint family Lamiaceae, native to east Africa and southern Asia.

Under the name "Coleus canina", is sold and marketed as a natural repellent to cats and dogs (labeled as "Scaredy Cat Plant" and "Piss-off plant"), though no research currently exists that supports that usage.

These plants root easily from cuttings or from just touching the ground. They like full sun.

Both the leaves and flowers of the plant are sticky to the touch, and have a mild odour not unlike that of marijuana.

I haven't tried this one but if you can, please let us know.

Warning - Pit Bulls

Please be aware that this may not work well against pitbulls. Those animals are less sensitive to strong smells as other dogs are. Pits are also more tolerant to pain. So, if your area is plagued by pitbulls, use vinegar withot diluting in water. This will increase the chances to repel those beasts but even though not infallible. Be always alert.


Myself, hands-on experience.

Last words

Please do not come to me saying that these ideas are cruel or inhumane or whatever. It's quite safe for all kids and the elderly as well as normal animals, like birds and cats.

Cruel and inhumane is letting dirty beasts to contaminate and terrorize our communities with noise, diseases and malodour as well as all kinds of anti-social behaviour. Sane and respectful humans don't do that.

Even if the ideas above were cruel and inhumane, what they are not, you dog lovers and your mutts would deserve that. The damage you are causing is simply immeasurable and deserve a rebuff. This a start. Just a start.

So that's it, for now.

If you have constructive comments or real life experiences please feel free to share with us. You are highly welcome!

If you come here to complain, dog lovers, your dirty shares will be immediately deleted.

Have a safe and silent NO-DOGS environment!

This is Version 1.0 New versions with more ideas will come in the future. Stay tunned!

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Dogs, Fans of Shit

Dogs, Fans of Shit

Noum 1 - ventilator, blower, aerator, ventpipe
Noum 2 - admirer, adorer, enthusiast, devotee, obedientiary

One of the things I consider the most unhygienic is when dog lovers hold mutts in their lap.

How disgusting!

Letting that giant barking rat to rubb on them, allowing the mongrel's arse and tail to transmit an immeasurable amount of dog feces containing parasites, verms, worms, larvae, ticks, fleas and what not.

Again, how disgusting!

Hugging and carrying a dog, as ridiculous and dangerous it already is, come as a simple form of direct way to transmit diseases, from the dog's arse to the lover. Unfortunately, there is more.

There is even another way for the dog itself to spread more of its diseases: the tail.

I was surprised as I have never seen anybody saying or writing anything about it, even though it's right out there for everybody to see, want it or not. It also seems to be a new trend that most ads on tv show a dog from behind. I really don't undersdtand how they think anyone would like to see it, and buy what they were selling. I know I'll never buy from a company that shows a dogs butt on tv. Ever.

Everytime a dog is wagging its tail, and that is an automatic characteristic that they don't even realise, they are once again spreading their butt diseases everywhere they go and whoever are near them, at that time or hours later. A hanging tail throwing feces at a distance, no need for the mutt to be lunging on you. In other words, a fan of shit!

Dogs are Fans of Shit!

As you recall from the beggining of this article, the word Fan has a double meaning, the first was Fan as Ventilator and the second was Fan as Admirer. I'm sure you already know where I'getting to.

Dogs are fans of shit but are fans of their lovers as well because those sub-humans provide them with food, lots of food, for life. That is the first and only reason, any normal person knows that.

Only shitty people would spend their time and waste their money on such a dirty creature that provides no measurable benefit at all, just diseases and a plethora of other problems for human beings, and the environment.

Worthless people, insanitary dog people, shitty mutt people.

Than, dogs again are fans of shit!

Dogs are Fans of Shit!

All that get even worse when we realise that those dog lovers are also Fans of those Fans of Shit!

Dog lovers, the Fans of Shit!

Dog lovers, the Fans of Shit Makers!


Thursday, January 3, 2019

The utmost INSANITY of dog lunatics, in Brazil

"We are dangerously demented! And we prove it!"

That is a police car, set on fire by a mob of deranged dog lovers

A mob of gangsters brake into a Brazilian research institute, steal dozens of dogs, clash with the brazilian SWAT police.

This happened on October, 2013

In Brazil, near their largest city São Paulo, a mob of gangsters broke into a legally established research institute, and stole 178 dogs. Those vandals called themselves ‘animal rights’ activists’ against the use of animals (meaning dogs) on scientific research.
Those criminals destroyed numerous areas in the company building, also stealing several specialized equipment, notebooks and desktop computers. Not to mention ongoing research documents with almost a decade of work that were destroyed before conclusion.
There were also about 50 rabbits (some say just 7) and some hamsters but there is no evidence of what the burglars did with them. Those criminals said the rabbits were ‘donated’ to other people, but didn’t say to whom, how or where. The hamsters? Oh, they ‘couldn’t save them’.

brazil-dog-riots1The (nut)case
There were two episodes, one on Thursday 17th, October, 2013, and another on Saturday 19th, both in São Roque, a small city near the state capital, São Paulo, the most populated in Brazil.
On Thursday

About 100 of the self called activists invaded the institute, in the early hours of the morning, breaking gates and locked doors, stealing the animals, and damaging lots of private property.
The police did absolutely nothing but watched the burglars. Nobody was arrested, not even inconvenienced. Criminals were free to perform all the vandalism they wanted. You can watch better on the videos.
On Saturday
The vandals, this time about 500, protested (many with masks, to avoid identification) outside the company, on the streets, blocking traffic. They even took with them kids and older people (who takes kids and elderly for illegal protests? Well, only abnormal people.)
Their intent was to have the institute shut down definitively, with no legal basis or right at all.
This time police was present and in good number. And did their job at last, as you can see on the second video.
Just 4 four ‘suspects’ were arrested but freed soon after. They will probably Not serve any time in jail.
Criminals completely destroyed, by setting fire, at least three 3 vehicles, from the police and a prominent TV station, Rede Globo, the largest in the country (which unbelievably also SUPPORTED the riots!, even indirectly by using his soap opera actors). The network never barely mentioned that one of the cars torched belonged to them. Of course not, the dog lobby is one of their biggest advertisers.
As the clash escalated, even the equivalent of the brazilian SWAT police (riot control police, in war-like gear) was called in.
The ‘protesters’ normally threw stones on the police, which returned the favor with tear gas, pepper spray and ‘noise bombs’. No rubber bullets seem to have been used but the ‘protesters’ claimed to be the ‘victims’ anyway.
As said above, just four 4 people were arrested.
The Government & Judicial System
The investigative police says that they will investigate who the criminals were and sue them. Quite unlikely. However, the crimes committed, as a minimum, were:
– Vandalism
– Criminal Trespassing
– Destruction of private property
– Destruction of public property (a police car)
– Public disturbance
– Aggravated Theft
– Illegally blocking traffic.
– Rioting against the police.
– Gathering for the purpose of committing a crime
– Possession of stolen property (the individuals who received the ‘donated’ dogs)
– Other crimes that a competent lawyer could add in (please let me know).

One politician, a state representative, even went to the local police station and took temporary possession of two dogs (stolen property, a crime) and the police chief AGREED! (another crime)! Unbelievable, but true.
That is a Police car, stranded

The Instituto Royal

The research institute, which performs research for large pharmaceutical and cosmetics companies is legally authorized by Brazilian authorities to perform its experiments, including against cancer, being even funded by the government.

The institute denied any mistreatment and said that all tests conducted on animals fall within the legal requirements of the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA). There is no evidence on the contrary but dog retards are always pressing baseless charges against the company, what this time prompted the riots.
Donations now happening on Facebook

The lunatics are now ‘donating’, on Facebook, the stolen animals they now can not or want not to take care anymore. That is again a crime of taking possession of a stolen property. I won’t hold my breath until someone goes to jail.

Also, two dogs were found lost on the streets with nobody taking care or wanting to adopt them.

The widespread lunacy of mutt lovers

Taking a look at the comments on news sites regarding this lunacy, basically 100% of them are in favor of the criminals, with a huge number of name calling and the usual threats against both the journalist and that TV operator, Band TV, the second most watched in the country.
The pro-dog activists obviously played the victim, even mentioned their ‘right’ of ‘come and go’.
The best comment on TV
The news anchor for BandTv made a statement that was perfectly logical for normal people but obviously an utterly offense against dog lovers. No need to mention that he was called all names you could imagine, and not imagine as well. Many are calling for his resignation. (2019, he is still in his same job, actually promoted)
His words:
In Portuguese
“Esses dois cachorros que foram resgatados estavam vagando a esmo pelas ruas. Então eu pegunto: se é para abandonar na estrada, por que todo esse espetáculo? Esse ataque ao laboratório talvez tenha sido a iniciativa mais sem sentido da parte dos protetores dos animais. Primeiro, porque essas denúncias de maus tratos não se confirmaram e já haviam sido investigadas pelo Ministério Público. Segundo porque implicou na prática de vários crimes e você viu aí pessoas agindo como animais irracionais para defender os animais e, além disso …, ainda jogou fora todo esse trabalho de pesquisa científica.”
In English:
“These two dogs were recovered wandering aimlessly through the streets. So I ask, if it is to abandon on the road, why all this spectacle? This attack was perhaps the most meaningless initiative on the part of the protectors of animals. First, because these allegations of mistreatment were not confirmed and had been investigated by the Public Prosecutor. Second, implied in the practice of various crimes and you saw people acting like irrational animals to defend the animals and, in addition … still destroyed all that scientific research work.”

What happened later?

What else to say?
Here are some links from the mainstream media, with videos and photos:

Videos, in Portuguese – BEST (images say it all)

News and Video, in Portuguese
News, in Portuguese
In English (automated translation from the one above)

News, in English (automated translation)
News, in English
News, in English

Is there any worse demonstration of the utmost INSANITY from dog lovers?

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