Monday, January 7, 2019

How to Frighten dogs Away From YOUR Property

Learn how to keep those giant shitty barking rats far from your family home. And from farther away, too!

First of all let me say that NO solution or tactic shown here is 100% perfect against 100% of dogs during 100% of the time for 100% of the people negatively affected by dogs.

Since dogs are a biological entity, each one is different from another. Different breeds, ages, size, training, conditioning, health, hearing, vision, feeding, medication, and perhaps some more. Each of those conditions may make a dog react in a quite different manner. Or not react.

Secondly, there are other conditioning like weather (hot, cold, sunny, cloudy, rainy, dry) or your environment, whch may change along the coming days, weeks or months.

Finally, taking the considerations above, they DO work, yes!

Some seems silly, some are cheap, some are more sophisticated, others even very expensive. You just have to find what is the best for your own circunstances. Point is, they work!

So, start shooing mutts away!

Water bottles

As silly and simple it may sound, it's quite used in the countryland of Mexico where there are numerous stray dogs. Simply fill a translucid (no colour) pet bottle with water and close it. Any size is ok but 2 litter bottles seem better because of their larger size. The more 'wrinkles' a bottle has, the better.

Just place one bottle every 3 to 5 meters (10 to 15 feet) where you want dogs not to come from, like at the edges of your lawn. No need to place bottles in your whole yard. Just remember to remove the label. Keep the cap.

Why they work? Probably (and I say probably because there is no known scientific explanation, just observation by older people) because in the interior of Mexico there are lots and lots of sunshine (like in southern US, Australia, Brazil, Caribean, Africa...) that reflect those sun rays in different directions while the dog walks in front of them making those mutts even more confused and sending them away to destroy other properties, not yours. And reducing the chances of you or your kids being bitten as well.

It worked for dogs in the last decades but as dogs are being manipulated daily this may not work so well today. If you are older you remember that when a dog took a dump it would cover the turds by throwing dirt with its rear paws. They don't do that anymore, most don't.

Another benefit: They repel mosquitos as well! Many houses in Mexico hang those water bottels in their doors and windows to avoid mosquitos. For a reason.

Sorry but this option will not work well in cloudy places or cities like Seattle or London (UK), but very well in Houston, San Diego, Phoenix, Miami, Cape Town (South Africa), Sydney (Australia)... Yes, the whole world is plagued by dogs already, not just the US.

The miracle liquid! Vinegar has a strong scent that dogs simply can not tolerate, so make the best use of them (the vinegar, not the dog). And it's quite cheap, too!

Just get the cheapest vinegar you can find, white or red doesn't matter, dilute one part vinegar to one part water in your spray bottle and start spraying. You may add a few drops of liquid soap or detergent for every litter of the solution so it will make the scent of the vinegar to last longer. This must be used only in concreted spaces like door steps, sidewalks, walkways, garages, etc. Even the street in front ofyour house could be sprayed as well (and why not your neighbours sidewalks?). Do not apply on your lawn or flower beds as it is too strong for some plants. If you can avoid, please do not apply directly ON the dog itself :)

In the first days, 2 to 5 days, you must reapply the vinegar solution so that even the most stubborn mutts will learn that now that place is "contaminated" and will never come back, perhaps for months! I know, I did it!

Also, during the first days or weeks, reapply after more heavier rain as it will wash most of the scent away.

You will watch in admiration when a dog comes in your sidewalk then suddenly goes to the other side of the street. Amazing! Even dogs that are on-leash are affected! Great!

Ah, also spray the base of any posts, poles, hydrants, trees and other structures wherever you see dogs "congregating". And do not be limited to your property only. As vinegar is cheap and easy to apply you could go disinfecting your street as weell, it is a public space, right? Maybe turn all sidewals in your whole street now dog-free!

Finally, do not worry about the scent in case you think it will bother you or your kids. The smell disapear for us humans in a matter of hours, one day max.That's why I prefer it diluted as well.

I already said 'finally' but let me add just another point: please do not start spraying vinegar over the fence of your barking dog neighbor expecting to kick out the yelling beast to the other side of their property. After a few hours the owner will *not* know that a "strange odour" appeared along the fence or in his side walkway or his garage entryway. I ask you not to do this, but I can not control everybody, right? :)

Cayenne Pepper
Another scent that mutts hate to death!

Just buy the cheapest powdered Cayenne pepper you can find, preferably in larger packages of 1 or 2 pounds so you could use lots of them.

No special treatment here, just get the pepper and powder the areas where you want to avoid dogs, including on your lawn and lower beds. No need to powder all the lawn, just the areas where dogs come in.

Cayenne pepper will last for long but you may re-apply after rain or strong winds.

Just be careful not to inhale it as it's quite strong. Be careful with the wind when applying too and wash your hands as soon as you finish the application. Better to use gloves if you may think suitable.

Enjoy the peace!

Automatic Water Sprinkler

Motion Activated Solar Sprinkler Scarecrow Automatic Water Animal Repeller 

It is an electronic device designed to protect your property in a safe and humane way , and you will not need to worry about seeing your lawn and garden destroyed daily by unwanted visitors. Yes, those pestering dogs! This item employ the high technology- motion-activated. When the built-in sensor detects movement within a range of 30 feet it activates a stream of water that startles and sprays the unexpected visitor into leaving.

This repeller can help you a lot to safeguard your beautiful garden. There are many sellers on the internet or perhaps your local garden store have them (And even if they don't have it at the time, they can order them for you and you won't have to pay shipping, all while supporting your local community).

They cost ~US$60 each and you may need more than one if you have a large garden. Or simply install a single one close to where dogs come from more often.

Alternatively you can build your own if you don't live in the US or if you are the DIY kind of person.

PROS - They work beautifully! And dogs hate it!
CONS - Vandals and thieves (dog lovers?) for obvious reasons. (That's why we need cameras together with nice security systems, in every occasion we can afford. Subject for a new article).

Plants that repel DOGS - Plectranthus caninus

The name says it all. If you are the gardening type, this is perfect for your yard.

Plectranthus caninus is an herb in the mint family Lamiaceae, native to east Africa and southern Asia.

Under the name "Coleus canina", is sold and marketed as a natural repellent to cats and dogs (labeled as "Scaredy Cat Plant" and "Piss-off plant"), though no research currently exists that supports that usage.

These plants root easily from cuttings or from just touching the ground. They like full sun.

Both the leaves and flowers of the plant are sticky to the touch, and have a mild odour not unlike that of marijuana.

I haven't tried this one but if you can, please let us know.

Warning - Pit Bulls

Please be aware that this may not work well against pitbulls. Those animals are less sensitive to strong smells as other dogs are. Pits are also more tolerant to pain. So, if your area is plagued by pitbulls, use vinegar withot diluting in water. This will increase the chances to repel those beasts but even though not infallible. Be always alert.


Myself, hands-on experience.

Last words

Please do not come to me saying that these ideas are cruel or inhumane or whatever. It's quite safe for all kids and the elderly as well as normal animals, like birds and cats.

Cruel and inhumane is letting dirty beasts to contaminate and terrorize our communities with noise, diseases and malodour as well as all kinds of anti-social behaviour. Sane and respectful humans don't do that.

Even if the ideas above were cruel and inhumane, what they are not, you dog lovers and your mutts would deserve that. The damage you are causing is simply immeasurable and deserve a rebuff. This a start. Just a start.

So that's it, for now.

If you have constructive comments or real life experiences please feel free to share with us. You are highly welcome!

If you come here to complain, dog lovers, your dirty shares will be immediately deleted.

Have a safe and silent NO-DOGS environment!

This is Version 1.0 New versions with more ideas will come in the future. Stay tunned!

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