Saturday, January 12, 2019


Dog Owners Are Having SEX With Their Dogs! 

From the "I Hate Dogs" YouTube Channel

Great videos there.

Dog lovers engaging in Bestiality with their canines:


I'm warning everybody up front this
might be one of the most disturbing
videos you ever seen on YouTube I told
y'all about the sick demented twisted
disgusting dog owners well it might be
worse than I thought
there is a forum on internet called
beast form it is where people who engage
in bestiality come together and talk
about their experiences having sex with
animals and I just want everybody to
know that there are over 1.5 million
registered members on that website now
let me put that in perspective for some
people who might not understand just how
significant that number is how great
that number is go to Donald Trump's
website can we all agree that Donald
Trump is popular can we all agree that
we come across Donald Trump supporters
on a daily basis yet Donald Trump only
has one hundred and fifty-one thousand
registered members on his website think
about that marinate on that for a minute
stormfront dot org this is a popular
website back when Obama was elected they
got so much traffic that they had to
shut down it just killed their bandwidth
and on stormfront
dot org they only have 300 and
21000 members right this might be the
most shocking of all the number one
selling car in the world
in 2015 was the toyota corolla we talkin
worldwide not just the united states and
in that year they sold 1.3 million
Toyota's toyota corollas now how often
do you see a toyota corolla when you're
just out and about you see several of
them so you have to understand how
popular it is that these sick dog lovers
have sexual intercourse with their dogs
you wonder why there's so many single
women who crazy about their dogs right
you can't even be in a relationship with
them if you're not a dog lover think
about that they're single probably been
single for a long time but they are
crazy in love with their dog they sleep
with their dog they kiss their dog they
let their dog lick them in the mouth
they kissed their dog think about that
those are intimate actions you don't
think you're running across women on a
daily basis who having sex with animals
man - but I'm quite sure there's more
popular with the women I could be wrong
it don't matter all these dog lovers are
sick they're sick are you really trying
to tell me that all the dog lovers you
come across it has to dawn on you that a
significant number of them engage in
bestiality just like you see a great
number of Toyota Corollas on a daily
basis you see pee
who engage in sexual intercourse with
dogs on a daily basis this is why I tell
men do not date women who are single and
who are in love with their fucking dog
because it is a good chance that her
single ass is getting boned by that dog
and when you see these women taking
photos with dogs
think about that them in a selfie with
their dog I see it on social media
websites all the time right go to dating
websites go to plenty of fish comm and
look at all the animal lovers the female
animal lovers on that website keep in
mind these women are single and they are
head-over-heels in love with their dog
it is because they are having sex with
their dog
you not understand dogs frequently carry
parasites in those parasites get
transmitted to their owners especially
when you allow your fucking dog to lick
you in the face and the lick all over
your body sharing close proximity with
the fucking thing you can catch those
parasites I'm talking intestinal worms
this shit is disgusting look at that
shit do you want that many of you it is
reported there's some eighty percent of
Americans have intestinal worms and you
cannot tell me that many of them have
those worms as a result of having sex
with their disgusting dog I told you
these dog owners are disgusting
they not only tolerate that this is a
stinking ass animal I don't care how
much you wash your dog is
they'll gonna have that stinkin ass
mildew dog smell right it is is slobbers
its breath stinks and these people
actually have sex with these animals I
told you these animal lovers are sick
animal lovers are disgusting and you
should have if you a person of decency
if you have any outs of civilization in
your body you would avoid animal lovers
at all cost.

Watch more great videos at the "I Hate Dogs" YouTube Channel

Great videos there


No dogs, please! , Please, no dogs allowed , No means no, no dogs please!no dogs please , no dogs on the beachNo dogs allowed on restaurantsno dogs on hospitals pleaseno dogs on airplanesno dogs allowed on parksno dogs, really, pleaseno dogs except guide dogs pleaseno dogs signsno dogs in schools pleaseno dogs near babies pleaseno dogs please signsplease no dogsplease no dogs allowedI hate dogsno dogs in cafes pleasei hate dogs so muchI hate dogs barkingno dog lovers pleaseno dog owners pleasei despise dogsi despise dog ownersi hate dogs at workno dog bites pleaseno dog maimings pleaseno dog maulings pleaseno dogs killing babies pleaseno dogs murdering kids pleaseno dogs mutilating elderly pleaseI hate dogs in storesno dogs pleaseI hate dogs with a passion i hate dogs youtubestarting to hate dogspersons who hates dogs no dogs on retirement homes pleasei hate dogs channelwe hate dogsno dogs pleaseI absolutely hate dogswords from someone who hates dogsNo Dogs Allowed at the Sanctuaryplease leave your dog at homedog haters quotesi hate begging dogsNo dogs on no-dogs areas pleaseNo prostitutes, beggars, or dogs please!No dogs at all, please! 

No dogs, please!


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