The "Why I Hate Dogs" Series
What Sounds Do Dogs Hate the Most?
Dogs annoy us, so why not annoy them?
What noises do dog really hate?
What drive them crazy?
How to annoy dogs as much as they annoy us?
Here you can find the answers.

What noises do dog really hate?
What drive them crazy?
How to annoy dogs as much as they annoy us?
Here you can find the answers.
On This Page:
- 8 Sounds Dogs Hate
- 8 Apps That Play Sounds That Dogs Hate
- 3 More Tips To Annoy Dogs
- Video With 4 Sounds That Dogs Hate

8 Sounds Dogs Hate
- High Frequency Tones
- High-pitched tones and whistles to distract dogs
- Thunder
- Dogs are commonly freaked out by rumbling thunder and thunder claps
- Crank up the volume and scare the heck out of an unsuspecting slobber-bag!
- Wild Animal Howls and Growls
- Wolf howls and growls, even Werewolf attack noises
- Roars of bears, mountain lions, and other wildlife – The threating vocalizations of large predatory animals will frighten dogs into silence
- King of the jungle Fido is not.
- Use to startle dogs (as well as their owners). Play after dark along a quiet neighborhood street!
- Other Dogs Barking & Snarling
- Intimidate dogs with recordings of their own menacing foes. Vicious guard dog barks and throaty growls ought to alarm coddled frou frou dogs.
- Loud Domestic/Home Noises
- Doorbell chimes, ringing phone, squeak toy, etc
- Stimulus overload. Make fools out of stimulus response-addicted neurotic mutts!
- Emergency Vehicle Sirens
- Police / Ambulance / Fire Engine sirens
- Contrary to popular belief, vehicle sirens don’t hurt dog’s ears, but rather tricks dogs into joining in on a howling jag. Another “fool the dog” sound.
- Air Horn Blasts
- Overwhelm a yapping dog with a noise that is louder than its bark!
- Industrial Machine Screeches
- Noisy industrial machinery, squealing brakes, screeching metal on metal
- All these make us cringe when they’re loud and dogs hate them too

8 Apps That Play Sounds That Dogs Hate
If you have an Apple or Android mobile device, numerous apps are available that can play sound files. Many of them are free. These will help you find sounds that dogs hate.- Air horn – Apple / Android
- Blast a yapping dog with a noise that is louder than its bark! Don’t carry an air horn with you everywhere you go? Don’t worry now you can get an app for that!
- Door Bell Sounds – Apple / Android
- You know how much that dog loves the mailman? Now imagine its not the mailman and its all a terrible trick? Like the sound of that? This is the app for you!
- Police sirens – Apple / Android
- Contrary to popular belief, vehicle sirens don’t hurt dog’s ears, but rather tricks dogs into joining in on a howling jag. Another sound to fool the dog.
- Dog Whistle – Apple / Android
- These apps make a high pitched sound that only that frustrating dog can hear! Use these apps to confuse the dog and its owner!
- Wildlife Sounds – Apple / Android
- The threatening sounds of predatory animals will frighten dogs into silence. King of the jungle Fido is not.
- Horror Movie Sounds – Apple / Android
- Sounds designed to send a shiver down your spine are likely to do the same for that annoying K9!
- Cat Sounds – Apple / Android
- These apps are bound to confuse, intimidate or frustrate that pestering flea bag!
- Dog Sounds – Apple / Android
- Dogs either love or loathe other dogs either way these apps have a great range of dog sounds.

3 More Tips To Annoy Dogs
- Make dogs look bad by playing barking noises in the hallway of a pet-friendly hotel or apartment at ungodly hours.
- Use a portable speaker to amplify the sounds. Bluetooth ones are more expensive but they also allow you to hide the speaker away from yourself, creating more confusion!
- I’ve found that the air horn app works well especially with a loudspeaker but nothing beats a fully blown air horn!

Video With 4 Sounds That Dogs Hate
What Do You Think?
What are you favorite ways to annoy dogs and their owners? Please share them in the comments below!(This post was extracted from the site, that does not exist anymore, with the sole aim to keep it alive for all the normal people out there as the great info on that site is always relevant and timeless. Any concern, just drop a line.)
Leave Your Own Comments at the End of Comments
“who’s a good boy? Who’s a gooood boyyyy?”.
when a coyote wandered into the yard, apparently attracted to the howls and stuff. I was happy about this, because maybe the coyote
will wander over to the neighbor’s yard and snatch their dogs. There’s been several dog-grabs in this area by coyotes lately, including
a chihuahua that was snatched right out of a popular dog park.
end up in slaughterhouses. In all these cases, something practical is usually done with the carcasses. They are often used as food, leather, fur trim, byproducts,… while every effort is made
to find homes for dogs; heaven forbid something practical is done with the carcasses of the dwindling amount of shelter dogs that are killed.
There is a bear horn or some sort of loud horn in what looks like a spray can. Defending yourself against a pit bull could be fatal. That’s why the breed should be eliminated. Someone should offer self defense classes to protect yourself against dog attack.
I’ve tried playing sound effects of dogs barking, but he gets used to them. The silent dog whistle one just makes him keep the distance but YOU can still hear HIM from across the house. There’s not too much she can say about it, either, since she likes to play Ms. Laidback about things that disrupt. She knows why I’m playing it and thinks there’s nothing we can do about it, so – religious faker that she is – she just enjoys all of the discomfort that she causes.
Unlike her, I don’t want to annoy others in the house too much but they understand what I’m doing, as long as it’s within reason. Volume isn’t the goal, here. Quality is. We need some type of sound effect to induce him to go off every time it’s played until even she’s had enough and takes those perches away. Everyone would be thankful.
Also a lot of people fearing crime buy these stinking animals as a security device and “care” less about the dogs then they do the humans they bother, which they don’t give a damn about either.
Then you have the malicious sociopaths that nobody wants to talk to because they’re idiots, so they get a dog(s) to keep them company and feel special. Then when people complain about their barking dogs they get the perverse pleasure knowing their dog(s) is torturing people.
What is perhaps worse then all of these are the fat heads who chime in with “It’s noot theee doooogs faauuuulllt” with their whining panty waist tone!
This dog culture is just another sign of a very unhealthy society. The disrespect dog owners show to others should be dealt with as a crime with heavy fines, jail time and animal confiscation. I hate to say that but when a nation reaches the point where people can’t even have some peace and quiet where they live, people with animals are leaving very few other choices. I wasn’t aware of it until I heard it on a podcast, but apparently a lot of people are poisoning dogs these days.
Before there were so many dogs everywhere I may have thought ‘That is terrible”, now I think ‘Boyaaa’ – one less barking dog!!’ Not that I advocate people who are endlessly tortured by a neighbor and their dogs take such common sense action, but I would like to find a device that I could hook up which would burn the ears out of a barking dog and drive it so insane that it attacks its owner. This creates two desirable results – the owner goes to the hospital and incurs an expensive medical bill (and hopefully is maimed for life!) and the dog is put down “humanely”..And speaking of Humane – thousands of dogs are put down every day, so regardless of whether it’s the dogs fault or not, this sick society is producing a glut of dogs and the A-holes who have to have them..Sick society, sick people. Perhaps our national anthem should be changed to a soundtrack of a bunch of barking dogs…