Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The Responsible Dog Owner Traits (...almost)

The 10 Commandments of the Quasi-Responsible Dog Owner

Are you a Responsible Dog Owner? Maybe?

What is Responsibility?

Webster Dictionary defines Responsibility as:

The quality or state of being responsible; as moral, legal, or mental accountability. 

Responsibility relating to pet ownership covers a wide range of topics and areas. Just like any hobby.

A person has a responsibility to him/herself to make an informed decision about adding a pet to the household. Different animals have different needs and behaviours, as well as maintenance requirements. That person is the sole one to find the right match if they take the decision to own an animal in their lives.

"As a responsible dog owner, I am more than willing to comply with regulations.
Even the ones that are not written."

Can you truly say the above about yourself, without lying?
Hum..., not so much? Maybe?

Well, so how about being *almost* responsible? Or *less* Irresponsible? Would also that be too much to ask? Let’s see:

The “dog” Word in Different Languages – Dog God Not!

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