Friday, December 27, 2019

Dog Pollution - Contaminating the Environment

Dogs Polluting and Destroying

The "Why I Hate Dogs" Series


Why is dog waste bad for the environment?

By paul on 20 August 2011
(This post was extracted from the site, that does not exist anymore, with the sole aim to keep it alive for all the normal people out there as the great info on that site is always relevant and timeless. Any concern, just drop a line.)

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{ 29 comments… read them below or add one } April 24, 2016 at 8:51 pm
Did that deal with the impact dog crap has on wildlife ?
As mutt owners take their crap machines with them everywhere it’s hard to not come in contact with feces left behind somewhere. Most of it is probably not readily apparent. After all sane adults are not going to see the actual dog log and handle it.
I would truly be grateful if stores would designate carts that were dog only. Speaking strictly on safety most shopping carts are not particularly safe even for small children when you use the seat and buckle them in.
I'mtoolazytothinkofaname April 25, 2016 at 9:08 am
How about the owners should be legally required to read this, and if they don’t comply, they lose their dogs, and if it gets bad enough, they forfeit ownership of their animal.
dogsfromhell April 25, 2016 at 1:18 pm
It does not. I know its small, which isn’t the best, but if someone double clicks on it, it will enlarge. Its amazing to me that people are always promoting good environmental stewardship ( which most of us advocate as well) yet are in denial about the impact of dog feces as a significant issue. Its about time someone started to pay attention.
dogsfromhell April 25, 2016 at 1:26 pm
Dog owners should have to pay a municipal water surcharge for owning a dog that contributes to water contamination provided to the general public. This is what insurance companies have been doing. First we need to publish the research then hold nutters accountable. Whether it goes down the toilet (our municipal water ) or in the trash (by the shit-baggers) or gets washed away as pollution (the assholes who just walk away), we are all going to pay for access to clean water one way or the other. They should just pay their fair share up front. April 25, 2016 at 5:22 pm
Dog and cat licenses should reflect an environmental impact fee. I believe a few years ago one state had started to access an impact fee on owners of recreational horses. I don’t know if it stuck.
It’s called reality.
dogsfromhell April 25, 2016 at 6:34 pm
pony…i remember when I was young my mother would drive to a farm and buy horse manure to fertilize our suburban vegetable garden. I used to do the same with our bunny droppings. I always had a vibrant garden. Dog shit is good for nothing but disease and foul water. April 26, 2016 at 7:20 pm
Very true once. Most horses are now on a variety of supplements, wormers and other medications. While this helps them live longer useful lives it does become an issue at some point.
Another issue is the ration of livestock to land and their proximity to ground water like streams or ponds that have outlets into other water sources. Failure to maintain pasture or overgrazing gives rise to either barren land producing excessive dust and dirt or the rise of weeks, many non native or noxious into former grassland.
The human population along with dogs and cats it’s really cumulative.
All that said dog owners think nothing of leaving their animals crap lay everywhere. If there was a pile of human crap left for them to step in they would be having fits.
AnkleBiter May 2, 2016 at 10:03 am
The best thing dog owners can do is put down their dogs. Dog extinction is best for the environment.
Anon May 4, 2016 at 7:02 am
The moral?
Save the environment and say no to dogs. (Say yes to cats though. Not only are they cuter than dogs but they help keep your home free of mice and vermin.
NiggiSatan May 4, 2016 at 4:14 pm
I may not be as hateful towards dogs as others on this site, but I can agree they do add stress to your life. I think both cats and dogs are both contributors to pollution and affect wild life. Cats are not innocent either. I much prefer horses over cats and dogs, because I find them beautiful, majestic and more intelligent animals. Horses as domesticates animals as well make more sense since they were transportation years ago. They are intimidating because of their size, but I love them. I can understand the passion for horses considering they have shared centuries of a bond, both work animals and a fellow friend. Also, horses are on farms and not everywhere like dogs and cats. So if you happen to be afraid of them, they are avoidable and don’t bark at you, hurt your ears with loud barking. Horses are way more badass than cats and dogs combined.
NiggiSatan May 4, 2016 at 4:16 pm
I agree. Horses are way more important than cat and dog pets. At least their poop doesn’t kill us, lol. May 5, 2016 at 5:29 am
It’s not about which animal is better. This is owner responsibility or the total lack of it.
I do have to say it was beyond annoying and amusing at the same time when my neighbors complained that my horses were the source of flies when they had a pack of dogs in their yard which was covered in mounds and mounds of dog crap.
BigDogHater May 24, 2016 at 6:08 pm
I don’t even think I can walk downtown in this city and not see a pile of dog crap.
IMO, people who don’t clean up after their dogs should have their dogs taken away and then euthanized. That would give them the message. May 24, 2016 at 9:55 pm
Big Dog Hater. There are two kinds of crap machine owners. The ones who are so self entitled they don’t even blink in shame at leaving their dogs feces where people are walking. And then there are those that skulk about trying to get the crap machine to do it behind trees , dumpsters or any place they think is out of sight.
BTW you can teach any dog not to use your car tires as a pissing post. Just keep a shaker of black pepper in the car.
I started this after watching a moron in Albuquerque letting their dog out of the RV and then walking the filthy thing over to a parked car and letting it hike it’s leg. They always sniff first.
Ihatedogsj August 28, 2016 at 7:49 pm
Yes, this would be a great option, put down all dogs. Why should we trolerate the noise, odor and pollution.
dogsfromhell August 29, 2016 at 5:52 pm
Neuter/spay would be an excellent option to just phase them out. Why do we need them? If you don’t breed ’em, you don’t have to kill ’em. Problem solved. August 29, 2016 at 8:13 pm
DFH. A large part of the problem is the lack of S/N of dogs. The continuing overpopulation in relation to available good homes where the animals are not allowed to be a public menace means that most dogs are either in a substandard living situation with negligent owners or owners have too many to care for, control and train.
Make S/N free and then charge anyone found with an intact dog 1000 dollars per year to keep it that way.
Real breeders can absorb the cost and the backyard dummies that just let their intact animals run and breed at will can pay the price for being negligent and continuing to add not just the unwanted pet population but breeding sub par animals that are un-trainable and worthless. August 30, 2016 at 9:48 am
In other words if there wasn’t such an overpopulation of unwanted dogs being foisted and the insane propaganda of rescue dogs the problem would not be as massive and invasive as it is now.
dogsfromhell August 30, 2016 at 6:36 pm
In other news…the asshole across the street got a pit that he allows to run around off leash.. his kid showed up at our local pool with stitches under his eye and a black and blue face. He stated the dog bit him in the face. Appalling that an idiot who doesn’t work, lives on public assistance AND has had past intervention from children s services is allowed to have a dog.
Zhoma October 11, 2016 at 7:13 pm
Disgusting. I cant believe dog owners just let their mutt defecate everywhere and they dont even bother picking it up. Plus the smell is horrible.
Beth November 26, 2016 at 8:02 pm
So happy to find this link! I am getting more bold now abt my anti-dog opinions. I used to feel like the only one. They are filthy. In the UK, sharia law would take them off the streets, to begin, that is! Recently read that
Mosloms are demanding this.
Aurel Versus Dogs November 30, 2016 at 11:43 am
Beth, if the Sharia law was going to be applied, I’D BE JUST SUCH A HAPPY MESS WOAH! Paradise would be achieved in my home country if that happened! But I shouldn’t get my hopes too high, or should I?
Beth November 30, 2016 at 11:59 am
Well, everything has its tipping point. Dogs have zero in common with humans.
Wibble January 17, 2017 at 2:01 pm
I don’t like dogs.
In fact, I want to go out in the county and not have to deal with people walking them.
Can anyone tell me about places in the UK where dogs are expressly forbidden? Searching on the internet just brings up dog friendly things when in fact I want the opposite :-[
Thank you.
Beth January 24, 2017 at 2:41 pm
Muslim neighborhoods, Wibble. Thank you
DogsNeedToGoAWAY February 9, 2017 at 11:33 am
Ankle Biter!!!!! I thought i was the only person who felt this way..Thank you!!!!!!
human May 11, 2017 at 12:18 pm
If dogs are family then why don’t dogsters allow dogs to defecate and urinate at home?????
human May 11, 2017 at 12:19 pm
Dogsters, defecate and urinate your darlings at home!!!
dogsfromhell May 12, 2017 at 4:47 pm
If dogs are family then why don’t dogsters allow dogs to defecate and urinate at home?????
They do but its your home not their home

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