Saturday, April 27, 2019

Boa Constrictor, Jibóia - My New Pet!

A Boa Constrictor, or Jibóia - My Cute, Loving Pet!

Jibóia, my new pet!

A loving and innocent creature who never killed anybody before (as far as I know).

She was orphan, so I adopted her.

She was homeless, so I provided her with a shelter.

She was starving, so I now feed her with tasty animals.

She was alone and lonely, so now I provide company for her.

She was a bit dirty so now I provided her with a nice pond for her to take a bath and swim a little.

She does Not bark! Jibóía just makes a nice, soothing and hair raising noise that scares all animals around, two and four legged alike.

Listen to my Jibóia sound:

Click the Arrow on the lower left corner to listen to how a real Boa Constrictor sounds!

She loves to greet visitors by giving a loving wet kiss when they come though the gate (or anywhere else btw). She only wants to make friends with them!

She is pretty safe! You may pet her anytime, please!

She is Not venomous, so you can be sure she won't cause you any harm.

She doesn't bite and run away, unlike other pets. She only gives you a hug, a pretty strong hug that you will never forget (or remember either...).

She doesn't spread diseases among humans as all occasional parasites, bacterias, fungus and such are naturally controlled in a wild, native setting where she lives.

She does Not poop around the property, our area is always clean and tidy.

She does Not need a leash, because she is such a nice lady (and I have no idea how I'd put a leash for our walks together downtown...).

She lives outside so she will never destroy our furniture or make our cabin smell like a sewage pit.

Ah, and she LOOOVES dogs, specially super brave doggies that want to greet her!
Always welcome!

A perfect pet!

This is Not a joke (at least the part that now she is my pet in the cottage)

I have a cottage somewhere and this little lady (~3 meter/ ~10 feet long snake). We simply call her as Boa!

If you are wondering why I'm calling a Boa Constrictor as she, here animals are called this way:
  • Snakes are... Female
  • Cats are... Male
  • Dogs are... Gay! (that's from me)

PS: Before you call me a liar too soon, pics here are all stock photos, I haven't had a chance to take a nice pic from her yet (and probably never will as I am not crazy enough to get too close to her. She's an animal, I am a Human.).

See you soon near us, you dog lovers! 

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